The zombie apocalypse is coming.

Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Holes in your idea or not, at least you and a few others are talking about the root of the problem. I've been privy to some of the challenges of mental health. It really seems to be a topic everyone admits exists, but no one speaks of. Many of these things I think could be helped long before LE is needed, and long before the burden is placed on business owners and citizens in general.

The problem is, people like me aren't smart enough to solve the problem. The people that may be smart enough don't have control of the situation. Those that do, profit from the situation.
I disagree, I think people like you are exactly smart enough to solve the problems of our nation as Statesmen. We need more Statesmen and less politicians. The system was not intended to be a career, it was intended to be public service. If our neighbors where making these decisions we would be better off. Good healthy debate and respectful collaboration is how we fix things. Name calling is Bullshit we all seem to somehow now accept as a meal.