The Future of Desert Storm


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Love the idea of different classes for the poker run! Great way to draw in more people.


now its recording
Sep 24, 2007
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I think The size of the "lake" and the bigger, faster boats has a lot to do with the issues. Personally i have no interest in them but for most other people, while nice to look at and cool to watch run fast, i think it would be a good thing if those big boats went away from the poker run and some more average boaters got involved. Or maybe give everyone participating in the event a gps and put a speed limit out there and disqualify anyone that goes over it.

I've participated in the poker run once. Everything from the dinners to the poker run to the awards banquet. I gotta say the poker run was the 2nd worst boating experience in my life (the first being almost getting killed in long beach). The disorganization was baffling.

I have complete respect for the efforts involved to keep this thing going every year. It just seems that these threads pop up after the event and ya gotta think how many more is it gonna be before everyone just says "fuck this".

I have no idea why the big boys would even waste their time boating on Havasu. If it was me i'd be running out off Florida somewhere where the boating is endless. But i guess it isn't as big of a hey look at me scale down there.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2007
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There's a lot to be said in this thread...........

I've heard a lot discouraging comments today from clients.

I've done card stops, volunteered as a safety boat, and or helped Karl at the street fair set up. Been going for years, long before I was in the industry. It can be a ton of fun, or a ton of work. Regardless of Jim's purpose for the event he works his ass off to make it happen every year. The coast guard and other governing agencies can take approvals right up to the last minute every year.

I'll leave my feed back out of it as I have a different view coming from a business interest in the event.

comfortably numb

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2008
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Great afternoon my ass, was out at the skate park till after noon and the lake looked like crap. Unless you had a sail boat or sub


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2014
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We have sponsored this poker run for quite a few years and really enjoy it. We are happy it is an event that brings so many amazing boats together! We will continue to support it as it also is for a good cause ! I can't imagine how much work it would take to organize this event! It is always a bummer when the shootout is tentatively rescheduled for sunday but it made last years shootout on sunday one of the best! Unfortunatly this Sunday was not so good till later in the afternoon! We just want to thank all the organizers and so many VOLUNTEERS and other sponsors that make this event possible and we will continue to support and enjoy it! If this event didn't exist we would also have to go WAY further to see this kind of hardware as well!!!:thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
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I think it all boils down to every one now can voice their opinion on forums, facebook, what ever.....The old days without all this technology, opinions
really didnt matter. You either liked the event and came back the next year or not. As in life, 50% of people will like you and 50% will not like you no matter what you do, same thing applies here. The wind was bad Sat all the way into sunday ,a decision had to be made about the shootout and that was the only one possible.
How would set up in the wind for that, A big mistake or tragedy would end the event. Most people complaining have never driven a high performance boat in the wind
with those conditions. Also no one is paying to see the shootout or the poker run its free entertainment alot of people worked hard to put it out there for everone to
enjoy. How can anyone complain about something that is free ? I thought it was all in all a GREAT EVENT !


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
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It is a great event for Havasu and all the boaters who attend. You can feel the energy in town all week with all the activities and cool boats being pulled around town.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2011
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If anyone wants to know where my sponsor money goes, it goes to getting RDP'ers drinks at the after party :drink:thumbsup

As mine went to helping with refreshments for the street party, frankly the afterparty is just too late for us these days.

I have tried for years to help with events Dave is doing and have sponsored numerous events even when I couldn't make it. Frankly when I started sponsoring RDP it made no sense except I liked Daves stories and wanted to support his effort. Over the years we have done some business sure, but I do it because I love this site and have met some great friends over the years including Dave and Bildo.

I know my comments came off wrong and for that I apologize, but if those involved with DS would listen closely they are meant as nothing more than encouragement to do better in the future. I merely said do not stick your head in the sand, there is very valuble info being presented, i know i heard it from others involved. Can I volunteer to help, lol, F...No I don't have the time in the day to run my business as is, but I am one of those who sends in checks to these events without so much as a notice, I do it because I love the lake and the lifestyle. Am I rocking a 500k DCB, hell no I am in the 15 year old Bullet with aftermarket power that Dave says is all f...ed up. But I am one of a few of us from RDP that ran the Poker run for the last three years straight. I enjoy running the boats even when we aren't even noticed as being there. I will say watching the big boys fly by you up river as you are headed down is awesome.

But for those involved to act as if the event is perfect and nothing needs to be fixed is shortsighted. They are at a precipice, the street fair was NOT as well represented this year. RD knocked it out of the park, but there was a noticeable drop in participation from major players in the past, and that had nothing to do with the heat.

As Paul would say, just saying


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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I had a conflict this year and could not attend.

However I have done this event the last 4 or 5 years as a registered participant.

I can't possibly imagine it went so horrifically wrong this year based on what I had seen over the last 5 years.

Jim has modified a LOT of things as this event has evolved. And has been in my experience very willing to look at new options.

Sounds like a bunch of BS being thrown around to me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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sunday morning about 8 there was a personal shoot out. A turbine boat and few others made their own runs in front of the Islander. Some bets probably needed to be decided. ;)


Sep 25, 2007
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I have run in the last six or so Havasu Poker Runs MB, DS and DCB regattas over the past two seasons. For the most part pretty much the same format, exact same card stops with a little difference in boat counts, water conditions etc etc. Personally these things are what they are to me, I prefer running my boat on a Sunday with maybe one or two other boats. At these poker runs you are never going to please everyone, you are literally dealing with egos the size of Texas and then you have to take into account the wives / GFs ... :eek A tall task for anyone putting these events on - I applaud all involved. Thank you.

Could things be better organized and ran - sure. Could Tony @ DCB coach and haze owners in order to TRY and keep people in line. I guess but I do not like being nagged. :grumble:

I like to look at the positive side of things. RD had great events. The safety record of the event is intact. Money is being raised for charity. The general public was entertained.

Point to Point M31 is pending sale. Man it is tough being a DCB owner - we take a lot of flack. :D I am going to start to write my member boat review.

I hope everyone has a great and safe spring boating season and hope to see you on the water. :thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2013
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I'd hate to be in Jim Nichols shoes to be in a position to please everyone. Maybe there are areas that need some fine tuning but are there other shootouts out there that are run perfect to a tee??? If so maybe someone can share that information on what makes the perfect shootout pleasing to everyone making this (Desert Storm) the premier boating event second to none.

Predicting the weather, even the meteorologist can't seem to get that right half the time and there still employed.These events are planned way in advance so hitting the perfect weather weekend isn't as easy as it sounds. How many times did you see postings on the boards last summer it's pouring big time in Havasu, was it suppose to rain today??? It's windy today, I didn't see that in the forecast...

My Compliments to everyone involved in Desert Storm at any capacity!!! My .02 cents...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I understand what your saying, but remember the giraffe comment... HAHAHA I know people are upset about the Shoot-out being canceled, but Dave, you know better than anyone that the organization of the Poker Run and the politics, recognition, drivers meeting recognition, and all the bullshit in between was a complete cluster F. This is what Im hearing from all of those people, has nothing to do with the Shoot Out being canceled, has to do with a ton of other stuff that didnt go over well, this included the participants of the poker run and the sponsors of the poker run. Everyone complained about the traffic during the poker run, it wasnt safe in areas, drivers didnt adhere to the drivers meeting rules, sponsors didnt get recognized at the drivers meeting or awards banquet. These are just a few things that I personally was involved in and share the same opinion as others on.. There was some seriously fucked up shit that went down this weekend... These guys that do this every year and have to go through this and spend money, time, etc.. They are done, its come to a point when its not worth the hassle, its become a hassle. Then toss in all this other BS, politics, traffic, near misses, etc, and now they throw their hands up...

Im not saying there wont be the next guy that steps up and keeps it going and takes their place, but until there is better organization, communication, driver accountability, people will continue to drop out. There were several things that did go off without a hitch, the Kruisin' for Kids was awesome, will will continue to do this every year we can. The Horizon Party was Awesome, the RDP Party was Awesome, the Poker Run... Sucked ass!! We wont do it again, as many others are claiming they wont either... Until there is better organization, control, etc, people will find other ways to spend their money.. Dont be surprised if you see a bunch of these guys opt for TickFlaw if the dates are close again next year...

thanks for the great "been there done that"....posts like this really voice well...and push changes to be made...all though it's not a race... it looks like a duck to me... I think that the race to the first card stop should have patrol boats, and people should be warned that a race is going on..not keep saying it's not a race when they are trying to get there first...going up river at 160 mph on a weekend is just waiting for bad to happen


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I have run in the last six or so Havasu Poker Runs MB, DS and DCB regattas over the past two seasons. For the most part pretty much the same format, exact same card stops with a little difference in boat counts, water conditions etc etc. Personally these things are what they are to me, I prefer running my boat on a Sunday with maybe one or two other boats. At these poker runs you are never going to please everyone, you are literally dealing with egos the size of Texas and then you have to take into account the wives / GFs ... :eek A tall task for anyone putting these events on - I applaud all involved. Thank you.

Could things be better organized and ran - sure. Could Tony @ DCB coach and haze owners in order to TRY and keep people in line. I guess but I do not like being nagged. :grumble:

I like to look at the positive side of things. RD had great events. The safety record of the event is intact. Money is being raised for charity. The general public was entertained.

Point to Point M31 is pending sale. Man it is tough being a DCB owner - we take a lot of flack. :D I am going to start to write my member boat review.

I hope everyone has a great and safe spring boating season and hope to see you on the water. :thumbsup

another great post,great to hear the views of a veteran


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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After thinking about safety I've come up with the best possible solution...

Do not allow any boats on the water that day that are not in the PR.

Set up bleachers south of town and have people drive down from Havasu to watch a full on speed pass of every registered boat all running in 1 group.

Ya that will be safe and fun...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Love the idea of different classes for the poker run! Great way to draw in more people.

I totally agree...sues boat like to run 40 mph, she would like a powder puff run where girls can run their boats...she won't drive her boat on busy weekend cause she got prop spayed going up the river by a fast ass boat passing too close...


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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After thinking about safety I've come up with the best possible solution...

Do not allow any boats on the water that day that are not in the PR.

Set up bleachers south of town and have people drive down from Havasu to watch a full on speed pass of every registered boat all running in 1 group.

Ya that will be safe and fun...
I hadn't heard of Desert Storm outside of the war before moving out here. My first time being at the lake the same time as the event was by pure accident. The assumption here that everyone knows or should know what's going on is a bit blind eyed.

New to boating

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
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It appears that many of the big players are no longer gonna be a part of it.

It looks like Low Altitude, Bananas, and many others are moving on...

If DCBs decided to go to Tickfaw, there would be nobody left to run desert storm.

Has Desert Storm already seen its best days?

A lot of the Guys/Gals that participate in unsanctioned speed events (many of whom are afraid of it or have never actually done anything memorable participating in them) have used the Melley / Tagge blow over accident as a glide path to declare "I'm not doing speed events anymore".

So a few boats now are using the weather and shootout cancellation to make the same declaration about the event. So what - no one will miss them, and they will be replaced by new participants.

And the DCB crowd absolutely shows up in force and its great for the Event - most of them boat primarily in Havasu anyway, I would highly doubt they would all abandon the event for an alternative thousands of miles away.

Tickfaw 200 Poker Run on the same weekend took its toll... maybe try to avoid conflicting dates for that event into the future

Shootout "on 24 hour notice" to navigate around weather - is a great idea and easily executable

Nichols & Co made the right call for 100% sure. Liability issues when you have a 20 MPH wind blowing and the potential for Lawyers saying "should have known better" if something had happened really forced his hand.

As for the town being flooded with larger boats, its a small lake to run a 40 foot boat - and if you have a fast larger boat you get from one end to the other in a few minutes, and down the river to Pirates in a few more. I don' think the event competes for the same participant base as LOTO or Tickfaw or Big Cat where you have very large bodies of water and you can run for an hour (or several hours) its an entirely different experience.

Desert Storm will be strong for a long time. It is a fun event and people seem to love it. And how many places on earth can you boat where you have multiple gas stations in close proximity to each other offering race gas at the pump - not many if any.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
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I have been a participant in previous years. This years street party was better than prior years. I can't speak for the event because I was a spectator but as a boat voyeur... WOW! What a great event! Even with the shootout cancelled... disclosure... We went upriver and hung out. It was a great weekend. The water was rough on Saturday but we bashed through it and still managed to have a great time. Isn't that the point in life? Sometimes you have to adapt to your environment.. Thank you to all the sponsors and supporters of this event! Until next year! I'll be back!


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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I hadn't heard of Desert Storm outside of the war before moving out here. My first time being at the lake the same time as the event was by pure accident. The assumption here that everyone knows or should know what's going on is a bit blind eyed.

For what it's worth my comments have nothing to do with "everybody knows"

I have no doubt the their are LOTS of people in town that are surprised they stumbled into a huge event.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2008
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I don't frequent the forms much these days and reply of others letting me know what's going on. But I will take the time during my travels to read these since Karl let me know about them this morning. I appreciate and don't take personally each of your criticisms and ideas, I hope my efforts to put this event on after so many years is apprciated, but understand you each have a valid viewpoint and many have feelings that this is your event as much as mine.

I will need to have a one on one with Christopher Hills, I need to know exactly what I said during the drivers meeting that he is referring to. I'm not going to make excuses, we have done our best to make the event better for all involved. I was totally taken back by the number of spectators I had to navigate thru just to get the poker run started, it was really difficult to gather boats in assigned groups and execute our plan. We have some ideas to make that better. Our course control was fair. Again the number of boats not associated with the poker run made it difficult to contact each one and request they watch from the sidelines, I think most of our patrol boats worked hard at that. We always are asking for more patrol boats and rarely have the number we would like, please contact me if you would like to be assistance.
Other aspects of the event such the date is being looked a the 3rd week in April next to avoid Tickfaw and the Laughlin Bike Week. We did dodge a bullet this year with the date change as the normal week was complete blown out.

Please know, I and other members of the staff take vacation from our jobs to put on the event and like most of you, our time is limited. I will say since taking my new position last year, I have found less time to devote to planning DS, I am having to delegate more to other people and only hope we can make the improvements needed.

As I posted on Facebook this morning about the shootout -

I appreciate everyone's wish that the shootout would have run. At 5:00 am I was up and discussing the weather and chances it would get better with my advisors, Brett Seber, Jim Jr, Vern Gilbert, Tony Chiramonte, Todd Taylor and several more. If we ran, we had to be off the water no later than 1:00 pm as many staff and safety boats had to head home to their jobs.
As it was, the decision had to be made no later than 6:00 am to give the buoy teams time to get the course setup and usable by 9 am. If it had been Saturday, we would have delayed an hour or two to see if things improved, I did not have that option on Sunday. When the decision was made, all were in agreement except Win Farnsworth who's boat could probably run in about any weather. We also had to consider the safety of the buoy team and the operation boats who were having poor luck getting anchors to hold.

Bottom line, we went with the information we had at the time, the forecast as we new it and made a decision. This is the second time we've had to cancel in the nearly 10 year history of the shootout and I hated to do it.

I am back to my job at Honeywell and must devote all of my time to it this week including travel to customer sites in Washington, so this weekend I'll try and respond more.

Take care and have a great boating season and enjoy what we all love to do!



Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2014
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I hadn't heard of Desert Storm outside of the war before moving out here. My first time being at the lake the same time as the event was by pure accident. The assumption here that everyone knows or should know what's going on is a bit blind eyed.

Your right, a lot of people don't know what Desert Storm is. At both Windsor and Cattail launch ramps the rangers don't say," Be careful, it's Desert Storm." They had little signs about two foot square that announced the event. Hard to notice a sign when you're excited to go boating.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Why not hold the event the first weekend in June it's after memorial day and before fathers day. Hell why not fathers day weekend most auto racing sanctioning body's hold events that weekend and have huge turnouts, the weather will almost definitely be better. .02


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
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I have to agree with people being informed at the ramp. Seems like it would be a good idea. Along with a stamp for their foreheads that say KEEP RIGHT!!!


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Why not hold the event the first weekend in June it's after memorial day and before fathers day. Hell why not fathers day weekend most auto racing sanctioning body's hold events that weekend and have huge turnouts, the weather will almost definitely be better. .02

The further you get into summer the more boats are on the water and it's even harder to control the crowds.

When this event started years back (originally called the heatwave) there was nobody on the lake this early in the year.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Why not hold the event the first weekend in June it's after memorial day and before fathers day. Hell why not fathers day weekend most auto racing sanctioning body's hold events that weekend and have huge turnouts, the weather will almost definitely be better. .02

Boating season in prime season in June. The event needs to be held before you have even more folks on the water. You think random boats are at risk now, do the event in prime season and it would be crazy.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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By the way this 24 hr notice shootout idea floating around I think would be difficult. It's already like herding cats.. putting them on a floating timeline? Then on top of that letting the spectators know? Then you have the permits, which I'm not even sure how you would pull that off? Etc.

One thing I was thinking about last night, was a possible make up date the following weekend. Sounds like it would be hard for the guys out of town, but honestly with Billy's huge storage complex out in Needles now he could easily store the boats for a week. Some of these guys are already flying private, but for those that aren't leave he tow rigs with the boats and shuttle them to Vegas to fly home and they can fly back the following weekend.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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im surprised this is a part time job for someone. Sounds like it needs to be full time by a larger promotion company. This event has outgrown hobby status.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
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I only went downtown the night of the street fair and to be honest I dont remember seeing a sign....there could have been 20 i have no idea......but why isnt there a Massive Sign Coming into town From the 40 and coming into town from parker that says Welcome to Desert Storm?

I wonder how many people have no freaking idea. I wonder how many people would immediately look into it. Why isnt there a huge sign over London Bridge? All part of educating and Advertising to the public that a big ass event of events is happening this week. Might scare the right people off the water and might get more people involved in all things desert storm?

Just a thought from a first timer


Retired Neighbor
Jan 3, 2008
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Has anybody considered an early fall event? Sept is great weather there and it starts to slow back down.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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By the way this 24 hr notice shootout idea floating around I think would be difficult. It's already like herding cats.. putting them on a floating timeline? Then on top of that letting the spectators know? Then you have the permits, which I'm not even sure how you would pull that off? Etc.

One thing I was thinking about last night, was a possible make up date the following weekend. Sounds like it would be hard for the guys out of town, but honestly with Billy's huge storage complex out in Needles now he could easily store the boats for a week. Some of these guys are already flying private, but for those that aren't leave he tow rigs with the boats and shuttle them to Vegas to fly home and they can fly back the following weekend.
Thats actually a bitchin idea


Inmate #47
Sep 20, 2007
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Still is and always will be my favorite weekend in Havasu. Great seeing old friends and starting off the summer. The RDP events and coverage are always insane. Having the "big" boats there is just the icing on the cake. My plan is to fly out from NC next year so I can do it all over again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Still is and always will be my favorite weekend in Havasu. Great seeing old friends and starting off the summer. The RDP events and coverage are always insane. Having the "big" boats there is just the icing on the cake. My plan is to fly out from NC next year so I can do it all over again.
+1, 👍😁🐮


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I will need to have a one on one with Christopher Hills, I need to know exactly what I said during the drivers meeting that he is referring to.

Jim, for us personally, it wasnt the drivers meeting.. It was the awards banquet.

Im sure you have gotten an plenty of calls and talked to plenty of people and seen plenty of FB posts about everything. I wont speak for everyone else, as im sure you already know their whats and whys.

For us personally, being the first DS poker run we attended, it was an utter nightmare. Instead of parading it all out, id be happy to share our experience with you and what we saw, encountered, and lived through...


LHC Architect
Dec 19, 2007
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I only went downtown the night of the street fair and to be honest I dont remember seeing a sign....there could have been 20 i have no idea......but why isnt there a Massive Sign Coming into town From the 40 and coming into town from parker that says Welcome to Desert Storm?

I wonder how many people have no freaking idea. I wonder how many people would immediately look into it. Why isnt there a huge sign over London Bridge? All part of educating and Advertising to the public that a big ass event of events is happening this week. Might scare the right people off the water and might get more people involved in all things desert storm?

Just a thought from a first timer

absolutely by far the best idea I have read yet in this thread, the city puts up one of the flashing road signs just as you cross over the island, so there is no reason that can't be done on H-95, I will make that my personnel responsibility to see that it's done for next year.
Nice one DB thanks


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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This is just a small thing, but this is the first year I've seen so much boat traffic in the channel that you could barely tell there was a boat parade. I know you can't really close down the channel but in other years it seemed like people had enough respect to get out of the way.:thumbsdown

Tom Slick

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Jim, for us personally, it wasnt the drivers meeting.. It was the awards banquet.

Im sure you have gotten an plenty of calls and talked to plenty of people and seen plenty of FB posts about everything. I wont speak for everyone else, as im sure you already know their whats and whys.

For us personally, being the first DS poker run we attended, it was an utter nightmare. Instead of parading it all out, id be happy to share our experience with you and what we saw, encountered, and lived through...

To add to your idea about the signs coming into town, I've always thought it would be a good idea to have a sign posted at all launch ramps on the lake, as well as a flier handed to each boat coming into the launch ramp. The flier would be brief, but would explain what the event is about, times of activities and recommendations for the boater to be more aware of his/her surroundings at specific regions of the lake during specific times. The ranger or person at the entrance to the ramp facility could make mention to the boater as to what he can expect and to read the flier. Fliers are cheap and a little bit of knowledge to perhaps an unaware boater can certainly go a long ways. It will also help to promote the events as well. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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By the way this 24 hr notice shootout idea floating around I think would be difficult. It's already like herding cats.. putting them on a floating timeline? Then on top of that letting the spectators know? Then you have the permits, which I'm not even sure how you would pull that off? Etc.

With social media and text, I think it would be easier than you think. Just a suggestion to better the chances of beating Mother Nature. I don't think it would be that tough to make happen.

How many boats participate in the shootout anyways?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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To add to your idea about the signs coming into town, I've always thought it would be a good idea to have a sign posted at all launch ramps on the lake, as well as a flier handed to each boat coming into the launch ramp. The flier would be brief, but would explain what the event is about, times of activities and recommendations for the boater to be more aware of his/her surroundings at specific regions of the lake during specific times. The ranger or person at the entrance to the ramp facility could make mention to the boater as to what he can expect and to read the flier. Fliers are cheap and a little bit of knowledge to perhaps an unaware boater can certainly go a long ways. It will also help to promote the events as well. Just a thought.

While the sign idea is good, you have too many u attended launch ramps to hand out flyer and those flyer would end up in the lake. However, I do like the sign idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
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This is just a small thing, but this is the first year I've seen so much boat traffic in the channel that you could barely tell there was a boat parade. I know you can't really close down the channel but in other years it seemed like people had enough respect to get out of the way.:thumbsdown

with the lake so high much of the beach was gone to park on. it was a clusterfuck


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
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While the sign idea is good, you have too many u attended launch ramps to hand out flyer and those flyer would end up in the lake. However, I do like the sign idea.

windsor had rangers out there directing traffic all week on the ramp.....but nothing was said when you arrrive at windsor...as big as Desert Storm is for those in the know....there is so much more marketing that can be done and more money that can be raised.....but ive been a part of fundraising events....I read Jims post here. I totally get where he is coming from....its a lot of work when all you get at the end is a pat on the back or a bunch of shit...the reward comes in how much that number is on the check you hand over to the charity...Simple signage all over the city would work wonders and like Karl said the Havasu city street signs would be awesome....but out biggest landmark needs to have something on it declaring desert storm is here!


LHC Architect
Dec 19, 2007
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with the lake so high much of the beach was gone to park on. it was a clusterfuck

it's called the "Nichols Tide" and yes it's a real thing believe it or not , lake is always raised to full pool when Jim is in town

it's kinda like the wind and "Throttle" (Cameron) LOL :p

both were here last weekend, so High tide and big swells it was

LHC Kirby

LifeTime Member
Jan 12, 2008
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it's called the "Nichols Tide" and yes it's a real thing believe it or not , lake is always raised to full pool when Jim is in town

it's kinda like the wind and "Throttle" (Cameron) LOL :p

both were here last weekend, so High tide and big swells it was

So true


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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With social media and text, I think it would be easier than you think. Just a suggestion to better the chances of beating Mother Nature. I don't think it would be that tough to make happen.

How many boats participate in the shootout anyways?

It's not the contestants, it's the spectators.