The Dungeon - and civility..


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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This is now the fourth time I have had to bring this up in the last 12 months with regard to members behavior in here..

Ironically the first three times people said "Dave please don't get rid of the P&G that's there goal!"

I never really responded to that, because honestly I didn't feel it was worth responding too. So I'll explain this real quick.

1. I won't and don't need to get rid of P&G
2. It's silly to think that I'd change the dynamic of a website over a couple of members behavior.

The simple answer to the statement is we simply modify the members abilities to either post, or post in this section.

If you guys want to talk politics great.. You can argue points, and hell even call each other names "jokingly" to some point. (I decide where that point is in case you are wondering)

If you are saying "I want to knock this cunts teeth out" If you are saying "Do you hold the boy scouts mouths shut, or hold them open?" If you are implying that other members are sexual predators.. If you are threatening other members? If you are being anything more than joking and "civil" then you are going to find your ability to post in this section, and most likely on this website being changed drastically rather quickly..

Tone it down guys.. Every month or so I come down here and read this shit and think to myself.. Are you kidding me?

Besides Trumpsters!! We are winning! Who cares what the left says? We just landed a Supreme Court justice! be happy and stop rolling around in pig shit.


SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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This is now the fourth time I have had to bring this up in the last 12 months with regard to members behavior in here..

Ironically the first three times people said "Dave please don't get rid of the P&G that's there goal!"

I never really responded to that, because honestly I didn't feel it was worth responding too. So I'll explain this real quick.

1. I won't and don't need to get rid of P&G
2. It's silly to think that I'd change the dynamic of a website over a couple of members behavior.

The simple answer to the statement is we simply modify the members abilities to either post, or post in this section.

If you guys want to talk politics great.. You can argue points, and hell even call each other names "jokingly" to some point. (I decide where that point is in case you are wondering)

If you are saying "I want to knock this cunts teeth out" If you are saying "Do you hold the boy scouts mouths shut, or hold them open?" If you are implying that other members are sexual predators.. If you are threatening other members? If you are being anything more than joking and "civil" then you are going to find your ability to post in this section, and most likely on this website being changed drastically rather quickly..

Tone it down guys.. Every month or so I come down here and read this shit and think to myself.. Are you kidding me?

Besides Trumpsters!! We are winning! Who cares what the left says? We just landed a Supreme Court justice! be happy and stop rolling around in pig shit.

The mouth comment was in direct reply to an idiot that claims Kavanaugh held a woman's mouth closed and tried to rape her, this after she was proven to have perjured herself multiple times and had zero corroborating evidence.

His post was far, far more vile than anything I've ever posted. Straight up ridicule of his idiocy and hypocrisy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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The mouth comment was in direct reply to an idiot that claims Kavanaugh held a woman's mouth closed and tried to rape her, this after she was proven to have perjured herself multiple times and had zero corroborating evidence.

His post was far, far more vile than anything I've ever posted. Straight up ridicule of his idiocy and hypocrisy.

My thoughts too.....RD tolerates the vile internet dirreah that the professor posts to go unchecked. Repeatedly posting of henous, factless, baseless wild left accusations, fake news and ad hominem triggered moments.

Yet you poetically point out the hipocrisy and now that’s an issue? :D Seems like tit for tat imho


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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The mouth comment was in direct reply to an idiot that claims Kavanaugh held a woman's mouth closed and tried to rape her, this after she was proven to have perjured herself multiple times and had zero corroborating evidence.

His post was far, far more vile than anything I've ever posted. Straight up ridicule of his idiocy and hypocrisy.

Let me explain this to you.

His post was about an alleged allegation all over the god damn headlines right now, and literally what half of these leftist loons believe.. (with no proof or corroboration)

Your post was about him.

Even though I agree politically I'm not going to bend the rules of etiquette or how I moderate my forum for you.



Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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My thoughts too.....RD tolerates the vile internet dirreah that the professor posts to go unchecked. Repeatedly posting of henous, factless, baseless wild left accusations, fake news and ad hominem triggered moments.

Yet you poetically point out the hipocrisy and now that’s an issue? :D Seems like tit for tat imho
We are in a civil war in this country, they need to be pushed back when ever they pull this shit, no different than a tweaker stealing liquor.
Tolerate it and it metastasizes. They already get away with burning and trashing cities at will, when RBG goes and we are fortunate enough to still have Trump in office there will be mass riots.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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There is no reason in my mind to justify the use of profanity and personal attacks. Especially when one has FACTS, LOGIC, Etc on their side. Let those on the wrong side of an issue stoop to that level.

I think if RD read most of the posts down here, his head would spin off, with some of the posts
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Let me explain this to you.

His post was about an alleged allegation all over the god damn headlines right now, and literally what half of these leftist loons believe.. (with no proof or corroboration)

Your post was about him.

Even though I agree politically I'm not going to bend the rules of etiquette or how I moderate my forum for you.

His post was about an innocent man being trashed in front of his family, wife, daughters, one of them ten years old for God's sake.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
My thoughts too.....RD tolerates the vile internet dirreah that the professor posts to go unchecked. Repeatedly posting of henous, factless, baseless wild left accusations, fake news and ad hominem triggered moments.

Yet you poetically point out the hipocrisy and now that’s an issue? :D Seems like tit for tat imho

Let me help explain this.. I don't spend a lot of time down here. I generally spend days of politics bashing Jay Nichols over the heard with right wing things on Facebook... and it makes me happy. :)

So when I'm on RDP I try to spend my time uploading positive content. I try to write articles. I try to stay informed of what's going on. Ward off spammers.. and yes even moderate from time to time.

If you see me post in here, that means by some random means I either wandered in here for a minute. Or I moved a thread in here which it leaves me in here after that action.

(Still paying attention because this is the important part)

That said if I'm in here I'll click a random thread or whatever the hot topic is and read back... 10 - 15 - 25 responses? maybe? and what I see is what I see.

If you think this forum is being moderated you are sorely mistaken. IT ISN'T. By literally anyone.. The other mods are fed up with it, and want no part of it. Fun Times occasionally dips in, but doesn't have a handle on what's acceptable or not, because I let more go than most.

So again to everyone.. READ THE FIRST POST in this thread. I'm not moderating in this forum, but if I end up in here and you end up being the one caught with the hand in the cookie jar, it's gonna suck.. LOL

We are on the honor system, right up until the cop happens to be at the stop sign with ya..



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
His post was about an innocent man being trashed in front of his family, wife, daughters, one of them ten years old for God's sake.

You don't have to explain it to me.. I completely understand the lunacy of the left (as a whole and this subject). That said, his post again was about ?? And your post again was about?

Do you need me to explain it further?



Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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His and others here post constantly about fabricated child molestations, sexual molestations, rapes, gang rapes, Boofing (boofing for fucks sake), they don't post that crap and I'd never even think to.

My post was about his lying and hypocrisy.
He takes the shit he posts seriously, I've stated dozens of times my posts to the imbeciles here are childish drivel, spoken in their language of choice, in response to their idiocy.

How the fuck does anyone take those posts of mine seriously?o_O:D


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Let me help explain this.. I don't spend a lot of time down here. I generally spend days of politics bashing Jay Nichols over the heard with right wing things on Facebook... and it makes me happy. :)

So when I'm on RDP I try to spend my time uploading positive content. I try to write articles. I try to stay informed of what's going on. Ward off spammers.. and yes even moderate from time to time.

If you see me post in here, that means by some random means I either wandered in here for a minute. Or I moved a thread in here which it leaves me in here after that action.

(Still paying attention because this is the important part)

That said if I'm in here I'll click a random thread or whatever the hot topic is and read back... 10 - 15 - 25 responses? maybe? and what I see is what I see.

If you think this forum is being moderated you are sorely mistaken. IT ISN'T. By literally anyone.. The other mods are fed up with it, and want no part of it. Fun Times occasionally dips in, but doesn't have a handle on what's acceptable or not, because I let more go than most.

So again to everyone.. READ THE FIRST POST in this thread. I'm not moderating in this forum, but if I end up in here and you end up being the one caught with the hand in the cookie jar, it's gonna suck.. LOL

We are on the honor system, right up until the cop happens to be at the stop sign with ya..


RD, in the end youre the boss...and I get your point. However I fail to see how you find it acceptable for a guy to do nothing but post slanderous, unsubstantiated and flat out bullshit, all knowing why he is doing it. In the example of BK, there is aboslutely zero supporting evidence, and actually evidence showing this was a gigantic sham, and the professor continues to post up as if its fact. BK in his short career has provided more to this nation than the professor could in 5 life times. To me that behavior is far more horrid than 500’s tirades, which we all know are blown out of proportion intentionally.

My issue is you can’t turn a blind eye to disgusting behavior simply because it is not “directly” regarding a RDP member or family member....You know the game that the granpa and grads play.

peace out


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
RD, in the end youre the boss...and I get your point. However I fail to see how you find it acceptable for a guy to do nothing but post slanderous, unsubstantiated and flat out bullshit, all knowing why he is doing it. In the example of BK, there is aboslutely zero supporting evidence, and actually evidence showing this was a gigantic sham, and the professor continues to post up as if its fact. BK in his short career has provided more to this nation than the professor could in 5 life times. To me that behavior is far more horrid than 500’s tirades, which we all know are blown out of proportion intentionally.

My issue is you can’t turn a blind eye to disgusting behavior simply because it is not “directly” regarding a RDP member or family member....You know the game that the granpa and grads play.

peace out
Bravo, my friend, Bravo!!


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
RD, in the end youre the boss...and I get your point. However I fail to see how you find it acceptable for a guy to do nothing but post slanderous, unsubstantiated and flat out bullshit, all knowing why he is doing it. In the example of BK, there is aboslutely zero supporting evidence, and actually evidence showing this was a gigantic sham, and the professor continues to post up as if its fact. BK in his short career has provided more to this nation than the professor could in 5 life times. To me that behavior is far more horrid than 500’s tirades, which we all know are blown out of proportion intentionally.

My issue is you can’t turn a blind eye to disgusting behavior simply because it is not “directly” regarding a RDP member or family member....You know the game that the granpa and grads play.

peace out

I'm sorry.. Is Brett Kavanaugh on RDP? Do you think Brett gives a fuck about RDP? Is Brett all over the news right now?

The point you are missing is one is a subject of national news.. The other is a person on here.


I think it's absolute bullshit that the left would do what they did. I think it is mind numbing how they can presume guilt? How they all rally behind the survivor(s).. How they conveniently forgot the burden of proof? Due Process? How none of them would even remotely consider putting themselves in Brett's place for one second and ask themselves "What would happen if some chick I don't even know accused me of this 30+ years ago?" The whole thing is so stupid it's mind boggling.. and I can't believe they held up a nomination / confirmation for any of it.

That said.. What GMAC said was with regard to Brett K. What 500BBC said was with regard to GMAC.. (see the difference?) You can argue the points, you can disagree.. But one is talking about a subject of politics / news / person that is being confirmed.. The other is talking at a person on here (even if he is misguided in his views and politics). Which makes it personal.

You guys need to find a way to discuss this shit without being "personal" to each other. There in lies the difference.



Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Why is it necessary to become personal?? Especially if you are in the right? (pun intended)


Exactly. The correct message becomes diluted and somewhat lost with profanity and personal attacks. Conservatives win by letting the left spew their hate and evil. No reason to sink to their level

It's child play refuting the positions of leftist positions


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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It's child play refuting the positions of leftist positions

Then why cant you guys do it ? Why cant a single one of you come up with hard numbers to support any of your positions. EVERY single discussion that gets started down here ends up in the same place... 500BBC spewing whatever it is you want to call what it, and Regor posting an image of something unrelated to anything at all.

Hell child's play would be a welcome improvement out of the Trumpkins around here.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Then why cant you guys do it ? Why cant a single one of you come up with hard numbers to support any of your positions. EVERY single discussion that gets started down here ends up in the same place... 500BBC spewing whatever it is you want to call what it, and Regor posting an image of something unrelated to anything at all.

Hell child's play would be a welcome improvement out of the Trumpkins around here.



Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
Then why cant you guys do it ? Why cant a single one of you come up with hard numbers to support any of your positions. EVERY single discussion that gets started down here ends up in the same place... 500BBC spewing whatever it is you want to call what it, and Regor posting an image of something unrelated to anything at all.

Hell child's play would be a welcome improvement out of the Trumpkins around here.
Hey, holier- than- thou. You think lefty numbers are right and we, what you call Trumpkins, think our numbers are right. So really it's a mute point. Now if you want examples of how each "side" displays themselves, look at Senator Collins speech vs what is going on in the halls of the Senate. You have to be real proud. Want another, how about Senator Grassly's demeanor vs Senator Booker. You have to be real proud of that one also. Want another, how about Senator Cornyn vs Senator Whitehouse. Seems to us "Trumkins" your fellas have a lot of growing up to do.
You can spit out all the fricking numbers you want but in the end YOU LOST and DJT is still your President and now he's going to have 2 on the Court and soon to have a third. Get the fuck over it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Hey, holier- than- thou. You think lefty numbers are right and we, what you call Trumpkins, think our numbers are right. So really it's a mute point. Now if you want examples of how each "side" displays themselves, look at Senator Collins speech vs what is going on in the halls of the Senate. You have to be real proud. Want another, how about Senator Grassly's demeanor vs Senator Booker. You have to be real proud of that one also. Want another, how about Senator Cornyn vs Senator Whitehouse. Seems to us "Trumkins" your fellas have a lot of growing up to do.
You can spit out all the fricking numbers you want but in the end YOU LOST and DJT is still your President and now he's going to have 2 on the Court and soon to have a third. Get the fuck over it.

What numbers do you think are right ? Go ahead and post something and lets do some digging... The complete and total lack of substance from you guys is telling. About as telling as your list of Senators and their conduct without including Mitch and Lindsey. Making a great point there, that point being you guys are so blinded by the con artist in the oval that you cant see shit so obvious that its way past funny. The last time I checked winning or losing an election did not change what laws had to followed. It doesn't change science, physics, math or anything else that you folks are immune too now. It sure as hell doesnt change the truth no matter how many alternative facts the oval might flush down the pipe. Trump is feeding you guys a giant shit sandwich and all you care about is the type of bread its on.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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I'm sorry.. Is Brett Kavanaugh on RDP? Do you think Brett gives a fuck about RDP? Is Brett all over the news right now?

The point you are missing is one is a subject of national news.. The other is a person on here.


I think it's absolute bullshit that the left would do what they did. I think it is mind numbing how they can presume guilt? How they all rally behind the survivor(s).. How they conveniently forgot the burden of proof? Due Process? How none of them would even remotely consider putting themselves in Brett's place for one second and ask themselves "What would happen if some chick I don't even know accused me of this 30+ years ago?" The whole thing is so stupid it's mind boggling.. and I can't believe they held up a nomination / confirmation for any of it.

That said.. What GMAC said was with regard to Brett K. What 500BBC said was with regard to GMAC.. (see the difference?) You can argue the points, you can disagree.. But one is talking about a subject of politics / news / person that is being confirmed.. The other is talking at a person on here (even if he is misguided in his views and politics). Which makes it personal.

You guys need to find a way to discuss this shit without being "personal" to each other. There in lies the difference.


I guess in my book talking shit, is talking shit whether its about granpappy, BK or 500....

As I said, you are the boss....and for the record, like anything in life one must accept the bad with the good. The dundeon has both.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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You mean making up stories accusing a member here of calling an employer of a left leaning member?

You're credibility here is beyond extremely suspect.

Why would anyone here engage you, if you resort to despicable tactics. Like the ones just used to try and ruin a very accomplished man?

That would be a complete waste of time and energy.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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You mean making up stories accusing a member here of calling an employer of a left leaning member?

You're credibility here is beyond extremely suspect.

Why would anyone here engage you, if you resort to despicable tactics. Like the ones just used to try and ruin a very accomplished man?

That would be a complete waste of time and energy.....



Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
What numbers do you think are right ? Go ahead and post something and lets do some digging... The complete and total lack of substance from you guys is telling. About as telling as your list of Senators and their conduct without including Mitch and Lindsey. Making a great point there, that point being you guys are so blinded by the con artist in the oval that you cant see shit so obvious that its way past funny. The last time I checked winning or losing an election did not change what laws had to followed. It doesn't change science, physics, math or anything else that you folks are immune too now. It sure as hell doesnt change the truth no matter how many alternative facts the oval might flush down the pipe. Trump is feeding you guys a giant shit sandwich and all you care about is the type of bread its on.
See what I mean, You have your lousy ass opinions and I have my great opinions, mute point. Your hero the halfrican, son of a whore and town drunk, fed you his shit for 8 years and you put it on your Hebrew rye and ate it up. Best I recall, DJT has done more in less than 2 years than your POS shit did in 8, so don't feed me your shit about how wonderful the Demoshit side would be.
I'll bet you just hate what your investments have done in the last 2 years because of Trump and don't give me that shit that the halfrican loosened the jar lid.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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A few threads that were clipped by moderators.

In essence Squeezita lied saying Sweeper called an employer of a left leaning member here, reporting not so complimentary things.......

The whole thing was created out of thin air by squeeze in an as attempt to ruin a guy's reputation here.

Typical leftist behavior.....

Bottom line, why would anyone engage a dialogue, given the demonstrated behavior????


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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A few threads that were clipped by moderators.

In essence Squeezita lied saying Sweeper called an employer of a left leaning member here, reporting not so complimentary things.......

The whole thing was created out of thin air by squeeze in an as attempt to ruin a guy's reputation here.

Typical leftist behavior.....

Bottom line, why would anyone engage a dialogue, given the demonstrated behavior????

Ah yes I remember that grotesque display.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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See what I mean, You have your lousy ass opinions and I have my great opinions, mute point. Your hero the halfrican, son of a whore and town drunk, fed you his shit for 8 years and you put it on your Hebrew rye and ate it up. Best I recall, DJT has done more in less than 2 years than your POS shit did in 8, so don't feed me your shit about how wonderful the Demoshit side would be.
I'll bet you just hate what your investments have done in the last 2 years because of Trump and don't give me that shit that the halfrican loosened the jar lid.

This post makes my point... "Best I recall, DJT has done more in less than 2 years..." Back it up, put some substance to that statement. Show me the step change in any economic metric one would care about that has happened in the last two years... There is one MASSIVE step function and that is in the budget deficit, but you are not even going to look at that let alone post it here. One of these days one of you will actually try and put substance to your beliefs and it will be like taking the red vs blue pill. All other things aside thats the day the few minutes I spend firing back at you guys becomes worth it. Until then its reminding some to get back on their meds and continuing the study on how people that think 62 is a bigger number than 65 function in society.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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So does all this mean 500 is not in the running for dungeon moderator? Where’s squegee I need to borrow a protest sign!


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
So does all this mean 500 is not in the running for dungeon moderator? Where’s squegee I need to borrow a protest sign!
He's right above you,^^^^^, spewing his SHIT as always. That guy is so butt hurt that his scumbag party is going to hell in a hand basket he can't think straight. Seems as though everything to him is about numbers and not reality. He fucking lost and just can't accept that FACT and also can't accept the FACT that DJT is putting a HUGE hurt on him and his beloved party. Just can't stand that the cunt isn't in the big chair.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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He's right above you,^^^^^, spewing his SHIT as always. That guy is so butt hurt that his scumbag party is going to hell in a hand basket he can't think straight. Seems as though everything to him is about numbers and not reality. He fucking lost and just can't accept that FACT and also can't accept the FACT that DJT is putting a HUGE hurt on him and his beloved party. Just can't stand that the cunt isn't in the big chair.

I got news for you sparky. I was a card carrying Republican right up until Bush #2. Voted a mixed ticket after that up until this last round. I actually joined the Democratic party so i could vote in the '16 primary AGAINST HRC. I find it odd that you suggest making decisions based on numbers is somehow a bad thing... Truth of the matter is the R's under Rove looked at the numbers and started playing around with an initiative called the Red Map (look it up) The short form story is they used numbers to decide where dollars should be spent in order to gain an advantage come redistricting time. It worked astonishingly well, so well in fact that on average it takes an 11 percent spread in the popular vote to elect a D over an R... Now I have to give credit where credit is due to the guys that developed and executed that plan but what I wont do is let the math challenged among you cling to the belief that the R's are somehow better at running the country... Which of course loops us back to my "Show me the numbers request..." Trump is president because of 80,000 people in three states. He carried those votes because HRC and her team were flat out stupid when it came to working the EC map. Oh and there is that little thing about Russians/Social-Media /Wicki-Leaks etc that is yet to be sorted out but I have confidence that the there are some smart people working to get this worked out. The problem with being on the wrong side of history is you are usually dead on gone before its settled.

But back to my favorite request, show me a positive economic indicator that has taken a drastically different trajectory under Trump than President Obama... Pick something and dig into it, hell we can look at positive economics of the sale of Glory Suits for all I care. Just come up with something that can be supported with facts.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
This post makes my point... "Best I recall, DJT has done more in less than 2 years..." Back it up, put some substance to that statement. Show me the step change in any economic metric one would care about that has happened in the last two years... There is one MASSIVE step function and that is in the budget deficit, but you are not even going to look at that let alone post it here. One of these days one of you will actually try and put substance to your beliefs and it will be like taking the red vs blue pill. All other things aside thats the day the few minutes I spend firing back at you guys becomes worth it. Until then its reminding some to get back on their meds and continuing the study on how people that think 62 is a bigger number than 65 function in society.

But hasn’t he done more in 2 years to steal rights from your daughter (and mine) than anyone in history?? That counts for something.


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
I got news for you sparky. I was a card carrying Republican right up until Bush #2. Voted a mixed ticket after that up until this last round. I actually joined the Democratic party so i could vote in the '16 primary AGAINST HRC. I find it odd that you suggest making decisions based on numbers is somehow a bad thing... Truth of the matter is the R's under Rove looked at the numbers and started playing around with an initiative called the Red Map (look it up) The short form story is they used numbers to decide where dollars should be spent in order to gain an advantage come redistricting time. It worked astonishingly well, so well in fact that on average it takes an 11 percent spread in the popular vote to elect a D over an R... Now I have to give credit where credit is due to the guys that developed and executed that plan but what I wont do is let the math challenged among you cling to the belief that the R's are somehow better at running the country... Which of course loops us back to my "Show me the numbers request..." Trump is president because of 80,000 people in three states. He carried those votes because HRC and her team were flat out stupid when it came to working the EC map. Oh and there is that little thing about Russians/Social-Media /Wicki-Leaks etc that is yet to be sorted out but I have confidence that the there are some smart people working to get this worked out. The problem with being on the wrong side of history is you are usually dead on gone before its settled.

But back to my favorite request, show me a positive economic indicator that has taken a drastically different trajectory under Trump than President Obama... Pick something and dig into it, hell we can look at positive economics of the sale of Glory Suits for all I care. Just come up with something that can be supported with facts.
Uh. The stock markets.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
I got news for you sparky. I was a card carrying Republican right up until Bush #2. Voted a mixed ticket after that up until this last round. I actually joined the Democratic party so i could vote in the '16 primary AGAINST HRC. I find it odd that you suggest making decisions based on numbers is somehow a bad thing... Truth of the matter is the R's under Rove looked at the numbers and started playing around with an initiative called the Red Map (look it up) The short form story is they used numbers to decide where dollars should be spent in order to gain an advantage come redistricting time. It worked astonishingly well, so well in fact that on average it takes an 11 percent spread in the popular vote to elect a D over an R... Now I have to give credit where credit is due to the guys that developed and executed that plan but what I wont do is let the math challenged among you cling to the belief that the R's are somehow better at running the country... Which of course loops us back to my "Show me the numbers request..." Trump is president because of 80,000 people in three states. He carried those votes because HRC and her team were flat out stupid when it came to working the EC map. Oh and there is that little thing about Russians/Social-Media /Wicki-Leaks etc that is yet to be sorted out but I have confidence that the there are some smart people working to get this worked out. The problem with being on the wrong side of history is you are usually dead on gone before its settled.

But back to my favorite request, show me a positive economic indicator that has taken a drastically different trajectory under Trump than President Obama... Pick something and dig into it, hell we can look at positive economics of the sale of Glory Suits for all I care. Just come up with something that can be supported with facts.
Don't call me sparky, that offends me.:D


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
I got news for you sparky. I was a card carrying Republican right up until Bush #2. Voted a mixed ticket after that up until this last round. I actually joined the Democratic party so i could vote in the '16 primary AGAINST HRC. I find it odd that you suggest making decisions based on numbers is somehow a bad thing... Truth of the matter is the R's under Rove looked at the numbers and started playing around with an initiative called the Red Map (look it up) The short form story is they used numbers to decide where dollars should be spent in order to gain an advantage come redistricting time. It worked astonishingly well, so well in fact that on average it takes an 11 percent spread in the popular vote to elect a D over an R... Now I have to give credit where credit is due to the guys that developed and executed that plan but what I wont do is let the math challenged among you cling to the belief that the R's are somehow better at running the country... Which of course loops us back to my "Show me the numbers request..." Trump is president because of 80,000 people in three states. He carried those votes because HRC and her team were flat out stupid when it came to working the EC map. Oh and there is that little thing about Russians/Social-Media /Wicki-Leaks etc that is yet to be sorted out but I have confidence that the there are some smart people working to get this worked out. The problem with being on the wrong side of history is you are usually dead on gone before its settled.

But back to my favorite request, show me a positive economic indicator that has taken a drastically different trajectory under Trump than President Obama... Pick something and dig into it, hell we can look at positive economics of the sale of Glory Suits for all I care. Just come up with something that can be supported with facts.

Hahaha the Halfrican starts in the hole, cuts rates to zero, pumps the printing presses and you compare him to Trump?

Whatever you say Mr. “Party Changer”

Like I said.........waste of time with your drivel.


Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry, no data available on "Glory Suits"
Nice graph. Shows where Obama went from a low in 09 and gradually kept an upward climb for 8 years.Trump inherited it and kept it going. Hope he keeps up what Obama started. My 401 appreciates it...lol

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Nice graph. Shows where Obama went from a low in 09 and gradually kept an upward climb for 8 years.Trump inherited it and kept it going. Hope he keeps up what Obama started. My 401 appreciates it...lol

Try and keep up Bobby....
... show me a positive economic indicator that has taken a drastically different trajectory under Trump than President Obama...

Do you know what the word "trajectory" means? Evidently NOT!
Do you see any dips and valleys since President Trump took office as well as the increased angle of the progression's trajectory (HINT: Strong increase in the angle of progression) By your own words....Obama gradually kept an upward climb

That was Squeezer's request, and it was delivered :rolleyes:...... Now go count your money again :D
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Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I got news for you sparky. I was a card carrying Republican right up until Bush #2. Voted a mixed ticket after that up until this last round. I actually joined the Democratic party so i could vote in the '16 primary AGAINST HRC. I find it odd that you suggest making decisions based on numbers is somehow a bad thing... Truth of the matter is the R's under Rove looked at the numbers and started playing around with an initiative called the Red Map (look it up) The short form story is they used numbers to decide where dollars should be spent in order to gain an advantage come redistricting time. It worked astonishingly well, so well in fact that on average it takes an 11 percent spread in the popular vote to elect a D over an R... Now I have to give credit where credit is due to the guys that developed and executed that plan but what I wont do is let the math challenged among you cling to the belief that the R's are somehow better at running the country... Which of course loops us back to my "Show me the numbers request..." Trump is president because of 80,000 people in three states. He carried those votes because HRC and her team were flat out stupid when it came to working the EC map. Oh and there is that little thing about Russians/Social-Media /Wicki-Leaks etc that is yet to be sorted out but I have confidence that the there are some smart people working to get this worked out. The problem with being on the wrong side of history is you are usually dead on gone before its settled.

But back to my favorite request, show me a positive economic indicator that has taken a drastically different trajectory under Trump than President Obama... Pick something and dig into it, hell we can look at positive economics of the sale of Glory Suits for all I care. Just come up with something that can be supported with facts.

I understand your need for some metric that in your mind quantifies Trump's level of approval by his supporters but here is what you fail to acknowledge.

A lot of people like myself felt like we were disenfranchised and run roughshod over during Obama's 2 terms;
Nancy Pelosi saying we had to pass the bill to find out what's in it.
Obama saying his Affordable Health Care would actually be affordable, that you could keep your doctor if you like your doctor.
The weaponization of the IRS, FBI, EPA and the NLRB.
The vilification of Law Enforcement and military.
Obama's world tour of bowing, ass kissing and the undermining of the US in general.
The lapdog mainstream media and social media's one-sided policies and liberal activism.

He may be a lot of things to many different people but to me, he is just a weapon of retribution to bash liberal heads in with.:)
The more damage, the more stuff that is rammed up liberal asses the better I feel.

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Try and keep up Bobby....

Do you know what the word "trajectory" means? Evidently NOT!
Do you see any dips and valleys since President Trump took office as well as the increased angle of the progression's trajectory (HINT: Strong increase in the angle of progression) By your own words....Obama gradually kept an upward climb

That was Squeezer's request, and it was delivered :rolleyes:...... Now go count your money again :D
Got it. Your comparing a 2 year graph to a 10 year graph..lol ;) :D