The Colorado shooting poses a question.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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I can't wait to get my ccw. Will be buying this: ImageUploadedByTapatalk1342895254.487459.jpg


Average Member
Nov 28, 2011
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After 20+ years of doing this for a living here's one thing I know for sure. You should always carry at least one additional mag for your pistol. The largest majority of semiautomatic pistol malfunctions are caused by the feeding device (magazine.) The rest are caused by improper cleaning, maintenance, and lubrication. So clean off the belly button lint once a week or so, squirt a little frog lube on the rails, carry an extra magazine and for god's sake, practice your malfunction clearances!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
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I told my wife this morning, and she knows this to be fact, that there would be only two outcomes if I had been in the theater. I would have killed the guy with his own weapon, or using parts of him I tore off (overwhelmingly likely) or I would have died trying.

And that is a fact. I am not wired to hide. The guy was wearing a gas mask, in a dark theater, and a helmet. If I can't get the drop on a threat like that... take away my bird.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Just carry an extra mag Froggy,

Chris C, our in house team 6 member, recommends this, and he was in Norriega's office....just sayin'....:thumbsup:D


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
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Just carry an extra mag Froggy,

Chris C, our in house team 6 member, recommends this, and he was in Norriega's office....just sayin'....:thumbsup:D

I don't carry a gun brother... I don't even like carrying a cell phone. I hate carrying a wallet.

My philosophy with regard to CC is that if I really feel threatened enough to pull a gun, and I'm not already dead... I'll just use the assailants.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Improvise is key to survival, ....kind of like my buddy Chris is the best bomb tech I've ever seen, he did 90% of bomb stuff in the teams, just not officially...too funny, he should have had the EOD crab ceritfication then/LOL


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
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Improvise is key to survival, ....kind of like my buddy Chris is the best bomb tech I've ever seen, he did 90% of bomb stuff in the teams, just not officially...too funny, he should have had the EOD crab ceritfication then/LOL

That... Is hairball...


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
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You guys need to take some marksmanship courses.

One normal mag in the piece.

Learn to shoot guys... Unless there is more than 12 guys attacking... you should be fine.


Agreed, one mag in the gun should be sufficient.


semi flaccid member
Jan 9, 2008
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read the first 2 pages and skipped to the end. One 15 round clip of 40's. I agree with some of the others, if you can't get it done with that, why rearm the bad guy (s). Either unass the area if the odds are wrong, or go down tryin.


lets have a beer
Oct 4, 2007
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Wouldn't it be great if this great state of California would lighten up on the gun laws and CC permits?

I mean, if qualified citizens that know how to carry and shoot responsibly could actually carry?

Then, it might not be as much of an issue of how many rounds you carry. If five guys in a McDonalds had just ten rounds each, that's 50 rounds that the bad guy can potentially absorb.


Old Guy
Dec 20, 2007
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While we all know there are professional bad asses out there who don't need to bring their own gun to the party, we mere mortals should be prepared to deal with threats at our individual level of capability. I always have one in the pipe and a full mag, often have a second cause sometimes I shoot outside the X ring under stress.

How many of us would like to go back when we were younger to take the path that tells us what we are really capable of?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2011
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How many of us would like to go back when we were younger to take the path that tells us what we are really capable of?

I am still young enough, and contemplate that decision every day.

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screaming pete

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Haha, sure thing... i'll be sure to deliver yours with a side of shut the f*ck up and a spoonful of Bobo rocks

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2


insert pic of UB here busting a 60 round mag off my ar:thumbsup
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Old Guy
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
I am still young enough, and contemplate that decision every day.

Get off your proverbial ass and challenge yourself!

You have no excuse for not knowing what may be out there to test yourself - especially with all the talent on these boards.

"Of all sad words of thought or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been!"

Carpe Diem


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2011
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Get off your proverbial ass and challenge yourself!

You have no excuse for not knowing what may be out there to test yourself - especially with all the talent on these boards.

"Of all sad words of thought or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been!"

Carpe Diem

I am talking about the decision of the military...... Already in the process to become a LEO. Just not wild about uncle sam "owning me" for at least five years. lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
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How many of us would like to go back when we were younger to take the path that tells us what we are really capable of?

If I thought that way I would have never joined Boy Scouts... or the wrestling team... or entered an endurance race...

I find out what I am capable of immediately after doing it. And 99/100 it was WAY more than I thought possible.

To quote Sun Tzu... "Opportunities multiply as they are seized."

or even more appropriately...

"The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy."

And my favorite Sun Tzu quote of all time... "Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?" -Sun Tzu

I (of course) see your point... but I find that most peoples money and effort spent on finding the perfect concealed carry weapon and figuring out which plate carrier to buy for their new tacti-cool AR would be best spent on some close quarter battle classes on disarming a weapon and take-down offenses.

As I see it... every weaponized aggressor buys, maintains, carries and conceals my weapons for me. Most have no idea how to keep them when faced with an adversary who knows how to take them.

Before buying a gun... I suggest learning how to take one. And in doing so learn how to keep it.

Probably some of the best advice I could give to someone looking to conceal a gun.


Sep 13, 2007
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If I thought that way I would have never joined Boy Scouts... or the wrestling team... or entered an endurance race...

I find out what I am capable of immediately after doing it. And 99/100 it was WAY more than I thought possible.

To quote Sun Tzu... "Opportunities multiply as they are seized."

or even more appropriately...

"The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy."

And my favorite Sun Tzu quote of all time... "Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?" -Sun Tzu

I (of course) see your point... but I find that most peoples money and effort spent on finding the perfect concealed carry weapon and figuring out which plate carrier to buy for their new tacti-cool AR would be best spent on some close quarter battle classes on disarming a weapon and take-down offenses.

As I see it... every weaponized aggressor buys, maintains, carries and conceals my weapons for me. Most have no idea how to keep them when faced with an adversary who knows how to take them.

Before buying a gun... I suggest learning how to take one. And in doing so learn how to keep it.

Probably some of the best advice I could give to someone looking to conceal a gun.

To Quote Emil Faber..........Knowledge is good....:thumbsup


Old Guy
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
If I thought that way I would have never joined Boy Scouts... or the wrestling team... or entered an endurance race...

I find out what I am capable of immediately after doing it. And 99/100 it was WAY more than I thought possible.

To quote Sun Tzu... "Opportunities multiply as they are seized."

And my favorite Sun Tzu quote of all time... "Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?" -Sun Tzu

We are talking about the same thing here I think - about seizing the opportunity to excel.

I (of course) see your point... but I find that most peoples money and effort spent on finding the perfect concealed carry weapon and figuring out which plate carrier to buy for their new tacti-cool AR would be best spent on some close quarter battle classes on disarming a weapon and take-down offenses.

As I see it... every weaponized aggressor buys, maintains, carries and conceals my weapons for me. Most have no idea how to keep them when faced with an adversary who knows how to take them.

Before buying a gun... I suggest learning how to take one. And in doing so learn how to keep it.

Probably some of the best advice I could give to someone looking to conceal a gun.

Excellent advice...we need to go shooting some time....


35' Nordic Flame
Jan 1, 2008
Reaction score
I do carry all of the time, but usually no extra mag. My handgun is for shooting my way back to my rifle. The "Truck Gun" is a handy little Bulgarian AK-74 loaded with 30+1 Rounds of 5.45x39 along with 10 more 30 round mags ready to rock and roll.

Welcome to "FREE AMERICA"... I love you ARIZONA!


El Presidente for Life
Dec 20, 2007
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I don't carry, don't feel the need, don't even know how to shoot. I have no problem with you guys that do carry though. Just curious, what do you think the odds are that you will need a weapon? Let me break that in 2, what are the odds that you will display a weapon to deter somebody, and what odds that you will fire it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Wes, to be candid I had some of the same thoughts.
Those of us that have had the training, have been in the shit are probably going to all react the same or very similar ways.
Lowriver, SydneyRay, etc...
The instant that emergency exit door opened and a guy dressed out like the shooter appeared we are going to be moving our family to cover, and ourselves into position.
We are just programmed that way. Threat analysis gets into your programming and you don't shut it off. You live with it. It's been almost 6 years since I pulled the pin and I still do it, all day every day, day in day out.
An old retired fart like me would have no problem engaging this guy.
I personally have no qualms whatsoever with a head shot in that environment. That hat of his was not going to stop a round from entering his eyeball, or eardrum, or nose.
So the point made about having the training and the mindset to read the threat and adapt to it quickly is critical.
Another thing...Wes would have been his worst conceivable nightmare. All those toys, all that prep only to have your head removed from its socket and shoved up yer ass before you could say, "go" would ruin any assassins day.
You can function in an environment with irritant gas floating around, if you have been trained to.
You are gonna revert to training, every single time it goes to shit. Programming.
It stays with you.
Not because you are a hero, but because it is what you do.
Me, I am gonna take that bastard on.

On Edit...

I don't know what the odds are I will need it. I know the odds are if I need it and don't have it I am simply another victim.
I have never pulled it from concealment, either off-duty when active or since I retired.
If I pull it, I have every expectation it will be used.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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I don't carry, don't feel the need, don't even know how to shoot. I have no problem with you guys that do carry though. Just curious, what do you think the odds are that you will need a weapon? Let me break that in 2, what are the odds that you will display a weapon to deter somebody, and what odds that you will fire it?

i don't carry, but these points should answer your questions:

-better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
-better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
-you only draw a firearm if you intend to use it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I don't carry, don't feel the need, don't even know how to shoot. I have no problem with you guys that do carry though. Just curious, what do you think the odds are that you will need a weapon? Let me break that in 2, what are the odds that you will display a weapon to deter somebody, and what odds that you will fire it?
I hope I never have to display my weapon.

Do I think it will happen, probably not. If my life or my families life is In danger, you bet your ass I will use it. I'm no where near the league as fbt, Wes, river and even tackleberry. But the day I bought a side arm is the day I made the decision to protect my life at any means necessary.


35' Nordic Flame
Jan 1, 2008
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What are the odds that I'm going to be in a car crash today??? I still wear my seat belt "Just In Case". CCW is the exact same though process. It will only save you if you practice it every day, every time.

Deleted Account

I thought this was a well written piece...


We've been softball all star junkies for eleven weekends straight. My daughters team took third in State and third in Regionals. They had a blast!

I am now seriously out of practice. I have to work the next couple nights so I got to train with a LEO friend today. I'm out of shape.

Deleted Account

While we all know there are professional bad asses out there who don't need to bring their own gun to the party, we mere mortals should be prepared to deal with threats at our individual level of capability. I always have one in the pipe and a full mag, often have a second cause sometimes I shoot outside the X ring under stress.

How many of us would like to go back when we were younger to take the path that tells us what we are really capable of?

I can tell you personally you really seem to do okay...:D:thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2008
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You guys need to take some marksmanship courses.

One normal mag in the piece.

Learn to shoot guys... Unless there is more than 12 guys attacking... you should be fine.


NO SHIT, If you can hit what you need to hit with the first two, then you need to stay home. WTF, and I know there are the rare times you want to unload but it's better to be a" one hit wander", and when you goto court (and you will) it looks far better than swischeeezing some sumbitch. or having a stray hit the wrong person.:rolleyes:

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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At 61 I'm getting to the age where I'm not physically capable of defending myself against a younger more agile opponent, nor able to outrun an attacker. Thus I now must rely more on being armed when I'm out and about in an evergrowing dangerous environment.

Society is changing and not for the better as far as violent crime goes. If the gun control freaks actually believe taking weapons out of the hands of the general public, they are "dead" wrong. The bad guys will still have them and as we've witnessed, they are more apt to use them now then ever before.

My weapon has never come out and I'm hoping like hell it never has to, but if it does it will be used to protect me and those around me.


Huge Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Tom lost that gun last year in a fishing expedition up near Cold Lake. It fell out of the boat and was never seen again. At least thats how the story goes. :rolleyes:


Jun 28, 2010
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I have not followed this thread closely but I found it interesting the Governor of NM Susana Martinez(R) has a CCW and carries.:thumbsup:

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Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Just talked to my neighbors across the street. Their son was in the theater during the shooting. He called his parents to let them know he was alive before the news broke. Sad deal...


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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NO SHIT, If you can hit what you need to hit with the first two, then you need to stay home. WTF, and I know there are the rare times you want to unload but it's better to be a" one hit wander", and when you goto court (and you will) it looks far better than swischeeezing some sumbitch. or having a stray hit the wrong person.

While somewhat true, how many involved shootings have you been in?

People move, shoot at you, paper targets don't......:skull

Not many here that have had to go to level yellow to red and REACT to the threat and be successful....