The big D!


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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Not Dylan he is little D....Big D is Divorce... Seems like such a ugly word to me. Certainly not a word I would ever want to say to anyone let alone have someone say to me. Yet here I was coming off a trip to Glamis with my wife and two great friends standing in the house we had purchased together two years earlier listening to my mate of 14 years say those four words you never want to hear " I Want A Divorce"

Times had been rough over the last couple of years and both of us were not happy. But I always thought that was the time you found out how strong your love and marriage really were. And after on the other side of those hard times was when your love and marriage grew. But this was to not be one of those times. This was the end!!

She expressed no desire to reconcile or go to counseling. All she wanted was to go on a nice girls trip skiing and we would talk more when she got back. I agreed to this and even helped get her skis and gear down and pack. I planned on going to our mutual friends birthday party in PB. A party that strangely the girl that would end up becoming the Mother of my son was at. But we never even talked that night nor really knew each other. Just two strangers at the same Birthday party. I went with a good friend and we had a great time. I arrived home at around 3am and passed out immediately. What felt like mere minutes of my head hitting the pillow I would hear the door bell ring and stumble downstairs to something I never imagined to see...

On the other side of the door was this attractive woman who was clearly upset and had been crying and asked "Are you Garey?" I answered "Yes" and she said" well your whore of a wife and my fiance are having an affair and they are in Palm Springs together right now" I was hung over and trying to grasp the words that were coming out of this girls mouth... My mind was spinning and I couldn't get myself to believe her. I politely asked "who is your fiance" and she answered "You know him it's Doug and he works with your wife" She then threw their engagement rings at me and said " here I don't need these anymore" and then handed me all of these photo's of my wife's car and Doug's car parked at a park and ride off Gopher Canyon road. She went on to tell me that they were to be married today, that they had a baby together that was waiting in the car. That she had hired a Private Investigator to follow Doug and that over the last few months this is what he had found. I stood there in disbelief not saying a word just listening to all the lies she was telling. When she was done she gave me her number and walked away. As she got to her car she turned and yelled one last thing...She said "Oh by the way don't sleep with her because Doug gave me the gift that keeps on giving...Herpes" And then got in her car and drove off!

I shut the door and just stood there for several minutes trying to take in all that this clearly "crazy woman" had just said to me. Then I did the next thing I could think of... I called my wife! No answer! So I waited about 30 Minutes and then tried again, and again, and again but to no avail. As I was sitting on the floor in our living room something hit me. I had remembered a couple weeks before as I was running late to work one morning I had answered the phone and there was no one there. Your very typical crank call or wrong number call where you pick up say "hello" and nothing.... For some reason I don't know why (I believe these are the little things God does in your life) I *69 that call and wrote the # down and shoved it in my desk drawer. To this day I think how random how weird. Why that call that day?? So as i sit on my floor it comes to me...

I get up go to my desk and find the # and I dial it.... Ring, ring, ring...... Voice mail....Hi this is Doug I can't come to my phone right now.....So I leave this message "Hi Doug can you please roll over and tell my whore of a wife she has 2 hours to get home from Palm Springs and get her shit or it will be on the porch on fire" She literally calls back within 2 minutes...On his phone none the less...And all she says is "How did you find out" Really? Really that's what your worried about? I just shook my head in disbelief and said 2 hours and hung up! The next 2.5 hours were the longest of my life!! She then had the nerve to show up at the door in his truck with a uniformed police officer who asked me to please step outside while she gathered her things.Outside the cop could see the fumes coming off me because he literally said "Sir please know I have no part in any of this I am only here to help her gather her things" and then he proceeded to take two steps back and place his hand on his gun. She came out of the house and threw her clothes and stuff in the bed of Doug's truck and then drove off.

For quite a few months they lived together in a hotel in Escondido since nether me or the fiance would let them back into their homes. After a couple of months I ended up going to Arizona with the same two mutual friends that were in Glamis with the wife and me. And on the way they both agreed I had to start getting out and dating and that they had the perfect girl for me. Which turned out to be Baby Mama. We went out and hit it off instantly and would start to date 3 months after I separated from my wife. I would take a trip to New Orleans with a friend and I would receive a call from the ex that her and Doug had broke up and she needed a place to stay. I told her a good friend was also getting a divorce and was staying at the house but that she could have the spare room and when I got home we would figure it all out.

Baby Mama picked me up at the airport and drove me home as we pulled into the drive way she said that she had really missed me and didn't care that the ex wife was staying there that she wanted to stay the night... I agreed and we ended up having sex while the ex was directly across from us in the other room. To be honest I'm not sure if Baby Mama planned it or not but in six years of dating I don't think she was ever louder than that night!! She was so loud the ex wife ended up banging on the wall...One of my all time favorite moments in life lol

As it would turn out Doug and her never really broke up they had just got tired of hotel life and decided this was a good way to get back into their homes. When I discovered this I changed all the locks, stuck a broom handle in the sliding glass back door, and disabled the garage door. Basically kicking her out. She came home and we argued in the driveway. She was sitting in her car and I was standing next to the door when I noticed the garage opener on her dashboard. I reached through the window and snatched it...She immediately jumped out of the car and came at me...I didn't want to have a physical altercation with her so I chucked the remote on the roof...The next thing to happen is one of the funniest things ever...We both heard it tumbling down off the roof... Here we are two grown adults in our 30's jockey underneath the roof, hands extended waiting for this remote to fall... as it does wouldn't you believe it falls directly into her hands, she jumps in the car rolls the window up and flips me off! All I could do was laugh and watch her drive away. To this day I still laugh and think good for her!

After almost 10 years we have seen each other maybe once or twice in passing and text-ed maybe once. She went on to marry Doug and have a Son. They bought a house in Temecula and started a very successful business. (from what I've heard)

I ended up dating Baby Mama for six years also having a son. But in the end choosing to be single. To this day the Ex wife wants nothing to do with me...And I wish her nothing but the best. We had a total of 14 years together. We never had kids and within a year of separating had kids with other people so clearly we were not meant to be together. God sure does work in mysterious ways.

In the end I don't hate or have any ill will towards her or Doug. Things worked out how they were suppose to and the Divorce went smooth after that. I filed for divorce we split everything, selling the house and splitting the profit. She got the marriage she wanted and a son, I got a beautiful baby boy and the last 3 years of some absolutely crazy single guy stories. Stay tuned folks because soon the "Sex Chronicles" will be getting posted ;-) And yes the names will be changed to protect the not so innocent!!!

Peace and Much Love


Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
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I wonder if Doug is hung really well. :hmm


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I hate lying bitches.:thumbsdown

Tremor Therapy

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Damn, for a moment I thought I was re-living my life from 25 years ago! Whew, glad to come back to reality, you had me in a cold sweat there for a moment!

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Wait till the Ex tells Doug she wants to go on a Ski trip with her girlfriends... :D


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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Good read. Glad you are happy with the way things worked out for you!

I kept thinking it was a version of the one where the guy finds an oil leak in his car or motorcycle. :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2012
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I wonder if Doug is hung really well. :hmm

Funny story Tom... She called me when I was at Mardi Gras in New Orleans and let me know she now does anal but only because Doug was way smaller than me. She also said she wished she would have stuck it out with me but it was to late now. LIVE AND LEARN lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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And I thought this was going to be about Dallas...


Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
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I was dating this Mexican chick years ago. Turned out she was a virgin. I should have ran. Well after dating a couple months and her introducing me to her parents that didn't speak a lick of English she started to get a little serious. Well one morning after crashing at her place I woke up and found my wallet in her bathroom. With no money left in it. I grabbed it and out the door I went. Never called her again. Somehow she's got my new cell number and calls every once in a while. Always fun explaining that call to my wife. LOL

Sent from my iPad using Tap That Ass

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
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Funny story Tom... She called me when I was at Mardi Gras in New Orleans and let me know she now does anal but only because Doug was way smaller than me. She also said she wished she would have stuck it out with me but it was to late now. LIVE AND LEARN lol

On a more positive note, now you know she has anal herpes too.


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
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Cool story and thanks for sharing.:thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2012
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my wife takes me to meet dudes in Palm Springs? :D Weird, but whatever floats your boat& i love ANAL LOL

Nah that would be those ski weekend getaways with her g/fs in Vail B!g daddy ,your confused again that would be your wife your thinkin of :D

and i fixed it 4 ya :cool