Sugar is my biggest problem and mostly soda. It’s embarrassing I relate it to people that smoke. I know nothing good comes from it but I just do it anyways. I gotta be more mentally toughNew Years resolutions are a complete joke and waste of time. NO ONE will ever improve their fitness until they sit down, write out a list of goals and stop making excuses. Eliminate sugar, drink and shit ton of water and good, clean foods. Get rid of processed shit...that's what makes you fat and lazy and feel like shit. You need to make physical activity part of your day, just like brushing your teeth. Everyone that says they don't have time, isn't serious about getting fit. Do you think Dana White has spare time in his day? If he can find extra time in his day, there is NO reason that everyone that wants to get in shape can't. It's called lazy and not really caring about your health. Good luck finding your health this year but I think this thread will read tge same this year as it does every year. 1 or 2 people will make the changes necessary and the rest will be pages of excuses.