That time you should have died…. MDP


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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Ok so since this is now morbid Dave’s place…
That time you
Should have died…
Would have died….
Could have died…

Me, spent a lot of time in the hospital. 5 times without an immune system. Body does some bizarre stuff when it’s being taken over. Even more bizarre when it starts healing itself.
Would have and could have?
Well there’s that time….


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I made it through two brown recluse bites. For 6-9 months all I wanted to do is die. So there is that LOL.

Some of this shit posted on the lounge needs to go in a sub section called the morgue.
I took a light hit from one, can't imagine a full bite.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Been lucky, most of my "close calls" were from being stupid and having too much fun.
Wrecking my truck, laying in a ditch with a broken everything and flatlining on the operating table a few days later...don't know if that's a "close call", or hanging up when Death made a collect call.


Thanks for everything Dad
May 8, 2009
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Stupid is as stupid does……so I was doing a kitchen remodel for a client and had installed this great big wood/cabinet style hood over the island cooktop. Well the SS insert would not quite fit so I draped the complete hood in plastic over the island to the floor to keep from spreading sawdust throughout the house. I then climbed up inside this “bubble” and set about using my 4” grinder to clearance the inside so the exhaust insert would slide in. Well I’m sitting on the gas cooktop with my head up inside the hood and my grinder letting it eat and poof 🔥😳.
Apparently I was sitting on one of the burner knobs and it was clicking away while trying to lite and when the sawdust atmosphere was ideal it ignited, talk about a flash, holy cow.
Luckily my friend Eric (Dave’s fabricator) had stopped by my Jobsite for a visit and was standing there when I tried to incinerate myself. He instantly dove and tackled me off the island, plastic and all. The flash burnt my eyebrows and all the hair on my arms And even melted some of the plastic.
Not today Reaper, not today!! 🤣


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Several years ago after a bit of "rage" (Me and a customer went a couple rounds) I got in the shower after work and suddenly felt like I was "stabbed" in the back the pain staggered me and at around 3 am We went to Twin Cities Hospital (local) , some extensive testing and then a Life Flight to Palo Alto (Standford) , within hours I was in the OR my "unchecked /uncontrolled" BP was off the charts and that pushed an inner layer of my descending aorta and caused it to fold like a "tread separation" blocking blood flow to liver , kidneys etc The Doctors at Standford were amazing and saved my life


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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2010
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10' day at Hollister Ranch surfing with my friend Glenn Kennedy. Rogue wave caught me inside and I went into the washing machine. Was about 200' off shore. Hit the bottom, pushed up from the bottom and was about 2' from the surface when a calm feeling filled my body. I was going to heaven. Popped to the surface and said a prayer of thanks.


Sep 20, 2007
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When an idiot stopped in my exit lane to gawk at an accident on the other side of freeway. No shit, full stop in the lane. I about went through the back window of his VW bus with my motorcycle. Swerved just enough at 50mph and only cut my pinky toe on the bumper & shoulder whacked the corner of the van.
That was the day I stopped riding 2 wheels on the highways. Nothing more than putt-puttin on small streets since.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Stupid is as stupid does……so I was doing a kitchen remodel for a client and had installed this great big wood/cabinet style hood over the island cooktop. Well the SS insert would not quite fit so I draped the complete hood in plastic over the island to the floor to keep from spreading sawdust throughout the house. I then climbed up inside this “bubble” and set about using my 4” grinder to clearance the inside so the exhaust insert would slide in. Well I’m sitting on the gas cooktop with my head up inside the hood and my grinder letting it eat and poof 🔥😳.
Apparently I was sitting on one of the burner knobs and it was clicking away while trying to lite and when the sawdust atmosphere was ideal it ignited, talk about a flash, holy cow.
Luckily my friend Eric (Dave’s fabricator) had stopped by my Jobsite for a visit and was standing there when I tried to incinerate myself. He instantly dove and tackled me off the island, plastic and all. The flash burnt my eyebrows and all the hair on my arms And even melted some of the plastic.
Not today Reaper, not today!! 🤣
Had a fire going in the pit out back while I was sanding my new bar top with an orbital sander. Sander has the little dust bag on the back so I unscrewed it and walked over and dumped it on the fire, never do that again, went up like gasoline.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Several times. Had a guy jam a 357 in my side and tried pulling the trigger. I grabbed it and the hammer went in between my thumb and finger. He was a MMA fighter and about 10 years older than me. He tossed me all around but I never let go and the trigger was lodged in me. That was in high school. Still got the scar.

Another time in a high school brawl I got stabbed in the back. But it didn't hit anything important. Guy that got me. Also got my Brother and Friend. Leaving the party he was walking down the street with his buddies and we were bleeding all over. Friend loops around and ran him over. Not sure if there was more blood on the hood or inside the vehicle. Of course we couldn't go to the hospital after that and had to play DR on each other to get patched up.

That 1 time I missed a turn in the RZR going full speed. And went 150' off a cliff. Probably the worst. Was in pain for 6 months. But hobbled away.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2010
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Got tangled with a 66kv transmission line and spent a month at the Grossman burn ward.
Flash burns to face and neck, hard hat liner melted to my hair,
Torched the FR shirt I was wearing, scorched the cotton long sleeved under shirt.


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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Had a fire going in the pit out back while I was sanding my new bar top with an orbital sander. Sander has the little dust bag on the back so I unscrewed it and walked over and dumped it on the fire, never do that again, went up like gasoline.
Had an argument with my brother camping that dust was a listed explosive. Next time I brought a small bag of very fine sanding dust from sanding floors with urethane. Said stand back and threw it on the fire. Flaming mushroom cloud. Man was he pissed cause he didn’t back out much.🤣


Thanks for everything Dad
May 8, 2009
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Had a fire going in the pit out back while I was sanding my new bar top with an orbital sander. Sander has the little dust bag on the back so I unscrewed it and walked over and dumped it on the fire, never do that again, went up like gasoline.
Yep, fine sawdust and static electricity/flame source is no joke!
The gas was not hooked up to the stove yet in my case, it was like a restaurant style and when you turned one burner on all 6 would arc.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Had an argument with my brother camping that dust was a listed explosive. Next time I brought a small bag of very fine sanding dust from sanding floors with urethane. Said stand back and threw it on the fire. Flaming mushroom cloud. Man was he pissed cause he didn’t back out much.🤣
He knows now. ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2010
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Racing BMX I was 12, local new track and after the second turn I got bumped off the top of the table top and crashed. The visor of my helmet hit a piece of rebar sticking out of the dirt on that side of the jump, broke my visor off, could have easily went through my eye/head if it was 2 inches lower.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Had an argument with my brother camping that dust was a listed explosive. Next time I brought a small bag of very fine sanding dust from sanding floors with urethane. Said stand back and threw it on the fire. Flaming mushroom cloud. Man was he pissed cause he didn’t back out much.🤣
In high school, learned you could tear diagonal corners off a Sweet&Low pink pack, blow through it over those lit candles at restaurants.

May have been kicked out of an Italian place or two...


I just work here
Aug 13, 2016
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Too many to count riding a motorcycle for a living, and playing on the freeway like mama told me to.

But I had a 63 Chevy II in high school that tried to run me over when I took the driveshaft out thinking it would stay put. Oopsie.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I’m a stubborn one to go to hospital.

Was working in havasu in jun 2021. A hot day early start. Drank a lot of water to stay ahead but didn’t eat food tried to hurry and finish job and about 4 hrs into it I was feeling good headache. Still drinking water about 2i was finished up. Started at 7 am

Skipped next job told guy not feeling well took a break got food went to brothers place. By 3:15 was hallucinating called him he sent help. One on group was a nurse she runs basic drills thought might be having a stroke as signs were showing.

3:30 ambulance is there I woke up in icu about 11:30 out of it. Knew I was in a hospital my speech slurred felt weak. By 7:30 am I’m feeling good again doctor explained what happened and was happy to see me recovered. Said basically drank too much water in short time washed my electrolytes down sodium level was at 116 and my kidneys were near shutting down.

Scary time as I didn’t know what was happening. Went in thurs left sat afternoon to go home. Well I actually went to the last job i skipped. 🙈. But worked slow it was simple.

Learned after that eat some damn food and will add some liquid iv to my water here and there. 26 years working in all weather neve had this as I always ate a quick lunch here and there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2010
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Got tangled with a 66kv transmission line and spent a month at the Grossman burn ward.
Flash burns to face and neck, hard hat liner melted to my hair,
Torched the FR shirt I was wearing, scorched the cotton long sleeved under shirt.
I should say every thing was Thermal burns, No electrical contact.

Pouring ass rain, and from what I was told it was a pretty impressive ball of fire, Completely engulfed the bucket I was in.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
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Some coworkers and I were drinking after shift at a L.A. fwy underpass. Bout midnite. Ya, Stupid things you do when you're young and new

Saw 2 vehicles pull in about 50 yards from us. Was able to see the silhouettes of 5 guys spread out approaching us.

We, being puppies full of P&V... and a few beers, decided to approach them. We converged on them 2:1.

I was the only one with a flashlight. When we got within about 6 feet, we yelled "get on the ground" and I lit our guy up. There he was with a gun pointed right at my partner. we were all armed but could have gone way bad for my partner.

Fast acting we hooked them all up and called the local PD who took the homie too jail...

Didn't realize at the time, probably due to all the yelling, but homie pulled the trigger and the gun misfired.

He got convicted and dealt with appropriately while serving time.. Appropriately.... like no double up on meals....:)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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I think there was a close call thread not to long ago? I told this story there but will share it here. I almost got ran over by a motor grader (blade). My Swede, a 2-1/2 foot tall metal sight is what alerted me the tire was right there. The tire was starting to run it over, I was next. It made noise as the tire was hitting it. Caught my attention and I was outta there and grabbed the Swede. It shook me up pretty bad. The operator had no idea what happened and really no fault of his.
According to California logic that everything is bad for you and will give you cancer I should've died about a dozen times by now. 🤷‍♂️


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Full on head on, PCH Malibu in rain, combined speeds 100+, I was in the front passenger seat, vehicle coming at us hydroplaned, loss control and slammed directly into us, both vehicles totaled. Recall being thrown within a fraction of an inch of going through the windshield, seat belt across my chest restrained me but also fractured my sternum. Seemed the collision was in slow motion. Rear portion of our engine ended up in the front seat between me and the driver.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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To many close calls on motorcycle, I always said when it time it’s time. 😎
Crashed my Harley on the freeway and I was ejected over a car at about 65MPH. If I hit the car instead of going over I am probably not here right now. I grew up racing motocross and running the SoCal mountains on sportbikes but that was my worst crash. Tore the MCL in my left knee but walked away in pretty good shape.

The other near death experience was in a small town in west Texas in 1990. I was stationed at Ft. Hood and was moving my stuff from SD to Texas. My dad was helping me, and we stayed in this crappy motel for a night. He brought his 1911 that he always carried into the room from his car. Lights out and I am lying in bed, and I see a muzzle flash and a loud boom!

I turn on the lights and there is blood all over my dad's bed and he has the gun in his hand. I am checking him for gunshot wounds and discovered the slide bit his hand when it cycled. He was putting the gun on the nightstand and had an accidental discharge. I look around the room to see where the bullet went and there is a hole right above the bed I was lying in. Missed me by about one foot. Bandaged my dad's had up and waited for the cops to show up and they never did. That .45 round had my name on it but I guess it was not my time.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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Held up at a gas station in Diamond Bar. 20 min ordeal and nobody came in the station.
He shoved that revolver under my chin and at my throat a few times. Threatened to kill the younger kid working there with me.

Then he walked us around to the bathrooms and we jumped inside and locked that metal door and got down low against the wall.

Allot for an 18 year old to deal with. My Dad lived right up the street and was there before the cops.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Several times. Had a guy jam a 357 in my side and tried pulling the trigger. I grabbed it and the hammer went in between my thumb and finger. He was a MMA fighter and about 10 years older than me. He tossed me all around but I never let go and the trigger was lodged in me. That was in high school. Still got the scar.

Another time in a high school brawl I got stabbed in the back. But it didn't hit anything important. Guy that got me. Also got my Brother and Friend. Leaving the party he was walking down the street with his buddies and we were bleeding all over. Friend loops around and ran him over. Not sure if there was more blood on the hood or inside the vehicle. Of course we couldn't go to the hospital after that and had to play DR on each other to get patched up.

That 1 time I missed a turn in the RZR going full speed. And went 150' off a cliff. Probably the worst. Was in pain for 6 months. But hobbled away.
You have had some good ones.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2007
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I had a major brain injury in Jan and my wife had me flown to Vegas from havasu…. I do not remember a thing for 2 months but was not expected to live and even had a last rights from a minister. Well I did have everything wrong with me my wife said but somehow they flew me to San Diego and things started to look better for me! I was only there 2 weeks but all of a sudden I remember being in there and the doctors said my only wife and the minister were responsible!! I got out in the end of March and have been improving every day and finally made it back to a 100% in June!
A lot to tell about this story but this was just the bad and good!! I can do everything now I did before!

Echo Lodge

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2009
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I posted my story in a similar thread...

Probably 20 years ago I was at Locals Sandbar across from Fox's. I was looking for a quick pull so I could do some foiling passes by Sundance and Fox's. My buddy agreed to drive my boat and we grabbed a random guy from the sandbar to be our observer. After a few passes I fell in front of Fox's. I tap out and buddy swings by to pick me up. I am about 10 feet off of Fox's dock and my 1990 Sport Nautique is facing up river for the pick up. I am about 5 feet from the swimstep and I grab onto the ski rope to be pulled in. My buddy (the driver) is out of the driver's seat, facing me, and pulling the rope in. The engine is running as the rope raps around the shifter. I pulled on the rope and the boat shifts in reverse. The swimstep is suddenly in my face as I grab onto it with both hands. The rudder hits my chest as I go under the swimstep and I can feel rush of the water passing me from the 4 blade prop. The random guy we picked up saw what was happening with the shifter and put it in neutral. I pop up from being under the boat and both my buddy and I are ghost white. To this day we both get the chills when we tell the story. Also always turn off boat when picking up skiers since my incident.

Jonas Grumby

The Skipper
May 4, 2010
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#1. 9 years old collecting on my paper route. Attacked/mauled by 2 Irish setters. Was chewed on for 10 minutes before the lady next door beat them off with a broom. Took 1800 stitches to close me up. All over my body except face. Almost bled to death. 2 more follow up operations to fix the muscle in my forearm to make it work again.
#2. 19 years old , 1st trip to glamis. Yamaha IT175, off a razorback 4th gear wo. 60 foot flight to the bottom of the witches tit.Landed on my head. Broken back, 2 toes, skull fractured from eye socket to ear hole. Paralyzed from T5 down, catheter the whole 9 yards. 6 weeks later things slowly turned back on. Wore back brace for 12 months.(oh the week before the glamis trip I broke a toe on the other foot on the same IT 175.
#3. 62 years old, last year. Heart attack at 6am. Drove myself to Havasu Regional. Angioplasty and I’m still here writing stupid shit on RDP.


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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#1. 9 years old collecting on my paper route. Attacked/mauled by 2 Irish setters. Was chewed on for 10 minutes before the lady next door beat them off with a broom. Took 1800 stitches to close me up. All over my body except face. Almost bled to death. 2 more follow up operations to fix the muscle in my forearm to make it work again.
#2. 19 years old , 1st trip to glamis. Yamaha IT175, off a razorback 4th gear wo. 60 foot flight to the bottom of the witches tit.Landed on my head. Broken back, 2 toes, skull fractured from eye socket to ear hole. Paralyzed from T5 down, catheter the whole 9 yards. 6 weeks later things slowly turned back on. Wore back brace for 12 months.(oh the week before the glamis trip I broke a toe on the other foot on the same IT 175.
#3. 62 years old, last year. Heart attack at 6am. Drove myself to Havasu Regional. Angioplasty and I’m still here writing stupid shit on RDP.
Damn… had a brother mauled by 2 shepherds.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2010
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Damn… had a brother mauled by 2 shepherds.

Shit that reminds me (block it out of my memory constantly). 7 years old in our back yard playing with a friend and the neighbors pit bull got into our back yard and attacked me. Tore open my back (17 stiches) and was 1/4" from puncturing my kidney, bit my legs but no punctures. My dad came running into the backyard and had to hit the dam thing with a huge rock to get it off. To this day I'm definitely cautious around Pitbull's.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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Shit that reminds me (block it out of my memory constantly). 7 years old in our back yard playing with a friend and the neighbors pit bull got into our back yard and attacked me. Tore open my back (17 stiches) and was 1/4" from puncturing my kidney, bit my legs but no punctures. My dad came running into the backyard and had to hit the dam thing with a huge rock to get it off. To this day I'm definitely cautious around Pitbull's.
Buddy works for animal control. Got a call for a pitbull related incident. At one point the pitbull got shot in the head with a .45. The bullet entered above the eyes, slide up the skull, and exited through the skin on the top of the skull.


Hallett 240
Sep 10, 2021
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Ok so since this is now morbid Dave’s place…
That time you
Should have died…
Would have died….
Could have died…

Me, spent a lot of time in the hospital. 5 times without an immune system. Body does some bizarre stuff when it’s being taken over. Even more bizarre when it starts healing itself.
Would have and could have?
Well there’s that time….
You misspelled “those times”

I literally have my orthopedic surgeon on speed dial. We are on a first name basis.

mash on it

Beyond Hell Crew
Jan 26, 2011
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Last Friday 8/9.
Mostly normal morning.
10:15 am, hmmm my chest feels tight.
Drove to Williams, about 20 minutes. Urgent Care.
B/P 219/101. EKG is freaking out.
Haul ass to KRMC, Kingman, ER.
Dr says I'm having an 'event'
Event my ass, it's a fukkin heart attack. Again. (#2)
Angioplasty on Saturday am.
4 stents.
6 way bypass is 80+% clogged.
2 more stents attempted on Monday. Unsuccessful.
Still recovering.
At least I'm above dirt. That I'm thankful for.
