Thank you Government/ Obama


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2008
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So I went out and did the stupuid certification for the RRP laws after hearing how much fines were ($37,500 btw). Instructor told the class how all this came about. Basically when Barbra Bush lived in the white house they were in the process of remodeling and there small dog died of lead poisining. So Barbara pushed for policies dealing with lead. Bush Sr did not push it for he knew it would hurt the construction industry. Clinton didn't push for it either same reason and Bush W either same reasoning. Obama pushes for it and it passes. Turns out Illinois is the leader of lead posining cases.
The way I understand the rules now if you have no proof of a surface not contaning lead to treat it as if it does. Meaning if I want to drill a 1/4 inch hole into a wall, the room would need to be quarantined off, double visqueen covering to the entire room and strict cleaning instructions. Intresting note as well the law mandates all power tools to be shrouded and hooked up to a hepa vacuum. Ever hear of a skilsaw or a jigsaw having shroud attachments?
So If I get caught working on a job without tools that havent even been invented I get fined $37,500

Thanks Government and the leadership


Sep 26, 2007
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Its a very sad time. My Dad has swung a hammer since he was 16. Its all he knows. And unfortunately the regs nowadays have literally made him a criminal every day he steps foot on the job.:thumbsdown Hopefully people wake the fuck up before all of our freedoms have been stripped from us


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2008
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In 1978 it was mandated No Lead in building materials so I would say 78 and 79 there is a slight chance lead might be in there. The most common areas your going to find lead is in baths, kitchens, doors, mouldings, and acoutic ceilings.


Don't tax me bro!
Dec 19, 2007
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In 1978 it was mandated No Lead in building materials so I would say 78 and 79 there is a slight chance lead might be in there. The most common areas your going to find lead is in baths, kitchens, doors, mouldings, and acoutic ceilings.

Yeah, I understand that but it sounded like they were going to mandate these new rules on all homes


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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So I went out and did the stupuid certification for the RRP laws after hearing how much fines were ($37,500 btw). Instructor told the class how all this came about. Basically when Barbra Bush lived in the white house they were in the process of remodeling and there small dog died of lead poisining. So Barbara pushed for policies dealing with lead. Bush Sr did not push it for he knew it would hurt the construction industry. Clinton didn't push for it either same reason and Bush W either same reasoning. Obama pushes for it and it passes. Turns out Illinois is the leader of lead posining cases.
The way I understand the rules now if you have no proof of a surface not contaning lead to treat it as if it does. Meaning if I want to drill a 1/4 inch hole into a wall, the room would need to be quarantined off, double visqueen covering to the entire room and strict cleaning instructions. Intresting note as well the law mandates all power tools to be shrouded and hooked up to a hepa vacuum. Ever hear of a skilsaw or a jigsaw having shroud attachments?
So If I get caught working on a job without tools that havent even been invented I get fined $37,500

Thanks Government and the leadership

This is jus freakin nuts...


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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its alot worse then most of you guys think.

it basicly killed half of my biz, if not more.

I could rant about it for weeks. The law is f ed up in many ways. It really makes me want to vomit.

The only people I know that are happy out all this crap is the asbestos contractors. They just had a huge market just open up for them. There is no way the small guy, that is either working alone or has a few guys can legally do it. Rather its from a lack of bodys stand point or a lack of captiol to buy the stuff needed to do it legal.

Done Flippin

Sep 29, 2009
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Containment to be set up as if you are doing a mold project. 4 - 6 mill plastic, Hepa filter neg air. PSG for each tech , so on and so on

Yes they do have saws / Power tools with adapters to hook up to your hepa vac. I have bought from abatix for years. If your need the Eqt # is 800/952-2284.

We also have polution insurance that is NOT cheap. Most of my asbestos and Lead is not done in house to avoid dealing with the SCQMD.