Stopped by the Elusive Schiada Boats - Here's what's going on (Shop Tour)


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Now this particular thread isn't going to be so much a shop tour. Schiada is separated into two buildings that are in different cities believe it or not, as well as a third building that is used as a warehouse. Instead I just took pics of some of the boats they have in progress, and how each one is completely different than the next.

This is a 24 Schiada that is being built as a V-drive in the beginning stages of rigging. It will take about a year to make all the parts and finish rig this boat.


You can see the infamous Schiada "Z Rail" laying on the stringers in this photo. Schiada actually had a die made for their own extrusion for their rail kits. They have to buy something like a truck load of it at a time in order to get it. For a company that builds about 10 boats a year you can imagine how expensive that nut is to crack when they get low. You can also see the stringers and floor are all gel coated and polished, the transom has a birds eye maple inlay that is clear coated and leaves a beautiful finish.


This is a second 24 V-drive that is just starting the rigging phases right now. For those that aren't aware this is actually a pretty big deal! Don't quote me on the #'s, but I think there's only 8 or 9 V-drive 24 Schiadas in existence right now. Building another two ups that number by 20 / 30%! We are excited to watch these come together, and I'm currently on Lee and Stan like white on rice to send us update photo's as they progress.


This Boat is going to be one seriously bad ass 21. I only showed the inside of the boat and honestly I can't remember why.. Maybe the owner didn't want external pics on the web yet or something I dunno.

To explain what you are looking at this will be a V-drive 21, you can see where the center between the two stringers is finished and gelled so that will most likely be exposed when the boat is finished. The gel coat isn't white like it looks in the pic, that's actually white plastic covering the gel so they can walk around in the boat while building it without scratching anything. The outer edges will be a floor, and I'm not sure if they will gel coat that after the fact, or if they will carpet it. Right now I'm inclined to believe they will carpet it, but it's not unusual for things to change or be added during the build process. Towards the transom of the boat you can see the entire engine bay is finished off. On the outside of the stringers you are seeing carpet padding to again protect the gel, and on the very outsides you are seeing the white plastic again. You can just get a glimpse of a darker wood just past the plastic. In this picture it looks like the old school balsa core stuff, but it's not..


Now take a step back and think about this for a second, because this is exactly what you think it is. That my friends is a giant piece of imported (I don't even think you can buy it here) African Mohagany! The Burl in the wood is punching you in the face like Chuck Norris on a drunken rampage. It seems almost a shame to cover portions of it up with rigging down the road.


This is an RDP members 21 (Get Real Performance) that is a 100% Carbon boat. This boat is about as stiff as you can build a boat, and extremely light weight. Generally builds like this are for exotics, and race boats etc. Roy always takes things to the edge though, so his new addition to his fleet will be no exception. Last I heard this was going to be powered by a Merc Racing Super Cat motor that he acquired. I'm not sure if that's changed or not by now. (note a small portion of an extensive car collection in the background. ;) )


This is a flat bottom that they just refinished the floors on for a customer. (Schiada still lays up some race flat bottoms, and does restorations on a few as well. Behind the iron curtain they will also do custom rigging installs for customers that would like a different hull, but want it to end up being a Schiada.)


A couple of polished Turbo 400's. Not sure if these are for current builds, extra's for customers boats, etc..


Another RDP members (Andrew Games) boat in the mold right now. This boat will be getting a single Merc 400R, and is expected to run in the upper 80's or low 90's!! This boat has my absolute undivided attention. Depending on how it shakes out with interior room and performance, this might actually make me get off my ass and build a new Schiada.


When I was in TX we saw these boats called "SCB" They were a tunnel fishing boat that was rigged every bit as nice as a "DCB." Ironic because their logos looked almost identical as well. Either way they have sold that company and moved on to bigger and better things. Now that they are out of the boating business they wanted something different and unique so they had this 21 RC built. The deck is paper thin, and the reason being is the entire top deck is being cut out! This boat will end up being the first 21CC! That's right a 21 Schiada Center Console all custom made from the ground up!


Another picture of the future 21CC! All that deck is getting cut out.


It was the end of the day and we were in a hurry unfortunately so I didn't take a lot of pics while we were there. This 32 might look like a typical 32, but it is anything but one. 100% Carbon boat, and is getting twin Boostpower Blower motors! In short it's gonna put the hurt on just about everything in it's size range and class (I don't care what it is, unless it's another 32 Schiada)




Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
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There's an actual Schiada shop???:yikes The way people talk about those boats on here I just assumed God dropped them down from Heaven.:rolleyes;)


Off The Grid
Jan 24, 2011
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Son of a............ That Mahogany.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Andrews boat is going to be one bad sum bitch. I cant wait to see that finished. I havent been around much lately, somebody enlighten me to the projected color scheme and graphics?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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This is a 12'er for Nacimiento that Lee and Alexi use. It was brought home and redone for a friend of mine, but he went another direction, so I'm sure it's going back to Naci pretty soon.

IMG_6752.jpg IMG_6753.jpg

Now I can't show you the whole boat on this (yet). This belongs to a long time Schiada customer and RDP member. During one of his last builds some idiot said something to him on here and pissed him off so he doesn't post as much as he used too, he lurks more than anything now. (You guys wonder why I get pissed when people do shit like that).

The boat is complete and will be out here not this weekend but next. I plan on doing a full feature on it (with the owners permission). This particular boat makes 1200 on pump gas, and it will be on the race gas tune when it comes out here. There's 70's in the box (yes you read that right for you v-drive guys), it is fully water jacketed, and there's some other little tricks to the v-drive that some of you die hards might notice in the pics. ;) Spinning a 11 1/2 x 15 prop at a 10% slip this boat will be cruising in the upper 120's and 130 is on the Horizon. Granted these things take time to dial in, and a pair of balls that clank to run them that hard, but if all goes to plan this will be one of the fastest if not the fastest 21RC's in existence. Everything about this boat is Gangster and this is about as nice as you can build one.


Brummett Power

Transom / Hydraulic Steering etc.


Back Seat is finished with birds eye maple and gel


Little wider shot. Note in the bottom right hand corner the custom made bulkhead bezels. Absolutely none of this is store bought.


Another view of the transom with a little more close up on the steering, inner mounting plate, sea strainers etc.


Dash, and Drivers position. (Throttle pedal is currently out of the boat)


Taking a closer look at the drivers position you can see how the gas tanks are finished (this boat has big tanks in it). You can see the tell tail "CRT" system (black cylindrical deal behind the steering wheel), which allows them to put switches in the steering wheel with Hydraulic steering. You can also see a lever that is basically a ball valve. The driver can drop that lever and fill a large ballast tank in the nose with water in seconds, making the boat much heavier for running hard in rough water, laying down water for a skier if you are racing, or moving the CG of the boat if needed for various conditions.


Picture of the steering wheel with the switches installed. (Note Schiada re-upholsters the steering wheel in house)


Passenger side foot rest. This is more important than you would realize when you are dealing with smaller Hotrods like this.


This is the v-drive between the seats. If you guys are paying attention to the Billy B Needles thread, and then come back and reference this pic you will see some differences in the v-drive. To start this one has an external reservoir mounted closest to us in the pic. You will also see a pick up tube at the bottom and an inlet tube at the top. (More on that later)


If you pull the cushion on the back seat you can see the snout of the transmission. You can also see the large plates with logo's secured to the floor that mount the entire back seat. The way Schiada attaches their interiors to the hull itself is good for a lifetime. You will never have a seat pull out, or deal with problems down the road. You might also notice these two grey posts sticking up.


On my boat I have white delrin hocky puck deals. The bottoms of the seats have a hole that these slide into. These will gently push the seat to the back cushion and holds everything in place when nobody is sitting in it. In short you don't ever hear about Schiada guys losing their seat cushions on the 40 type stuff. You can see this went a little further with this build and used machined pucks. Now it isn't the fact that they are billet like most of you are thinking. It's the fact that they are round and they put side details in them just "because."


Moving on to the outside


All of this stuff is done in house and manually.



Those are 12 inch stainless fenders by the way.

The big / wide wheel tandems instead of the smaller wheel triples just might be the next trip. I guess we'll find out when we get Tommy out to shoot some real deal pics!



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Nice shop tour! Now, let's see if we can leave the upcoming pics/info of the 21' in the mold offline till the whole project is completed. I will provide all the pics/write up after. I'm gonna make a book for my coffee table and you can do a RDP write up of the whole build. Thanks! Sorry! Welcome! ;):tbi


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Now we are going to finish this up with a little something "off the wall"

How about a "Bizzarini GT Srata 5300?" (yes it's the real deal)





Spectra's Only probably just passed out. :D

To conclude the tour I'd like to thank Stan for taking the time to show us what's going on down at these two Schiada facilities. If you are wondering which boating website is Schiada's favorite site, check out his shirt. ;) (He didn't know we were coming that day by the way).

From left to right SFV2RVR / SchiadaStan / Lil Brian



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Nice shop tour! Now, let's see if we can leave the upcoming pics/info of the 21' in the mold offline till the whole project is completed. I will provide all the pics/write up after. I'm gonna make a book for my coffee table and you can do a RDP write up of the whole build. Thanks! Sorry! Welcome! ;):tbi

You better get a decent camera. :D

Andy01, he preferred to not have his name attached to it right now.



Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
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Colors on that first 24.... what's he thinking?! [emoji6]


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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Wow. Talk about some epic shit going on! Thanks for the tour RD, that was great! :thumbup:


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Colors on that first 24.... what's he thinking?! [emoji6]

I've always had a soft spot for the blue and burnt orange scheme as well. ;) Your 24 is bitchen by the way! Post a pic of it in the thread!



Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
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Some amazing gel-work, and insane machining!!

I've got to ask (And no I can't afford)... How much would a fairly basic 21RC with small block power run? And say something optioned to the max like that first 24?


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Nice shop tour! Now, let's see if we can leave the upcoming pics/info of the 21' in the mold offline till the whole project is completed. I will provide all the pics/write up after. I'm gonna make a book for my coffee table and you can do a RDP write up of the whole build. Thanks! Sorry! Welcome! ;):tbi
Awww come on andrew, i promise i wont tell, like forcefull says "snitches get stitches!"


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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This is a 12'er for Nacimiento that Lee and Alexi use. It was brought home and redone for a friend of mine, but he went another direction, so I'm sure it's going back to Naci pretty soon.

View attachment 542538 View attachment 542539

I don't think I have ever seen this 12'er up here. I usually spot the Schiada group whenever they are here on the weekend.

I need to go introduce myself the next time I see them out I think.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Some amazing gel-work, and insane machining!!

I've got to ask (And no I can't afford)... How much would a fairly basic 21RC with small block power run? And say something optioned to the max like that first 24?

Well the hulls are all going to be around the same price from a 21-24. When you say basic that's kind of a "loaded question." But assuming there's some nice stuff on the boat it would be 100'ish K. (If you are referencing mine as the small block, remember that the blue Merc Scorpion 377 was actually a 5K upgrade from the big block at the time)

For something like the orange and blue V-drive with a TCM 1200 (again depending on what you want) a good number to start at would be 230'ish thousand. Just changing materials on the cav plates from Aluminum to Stainless can swing that price tag considerably.

For a 24 with a TCM 1200 with a stern drive setup probably in the 190's.

For something like the last 21 RC that is built to the hilt with the real deal Brummett power? You are looking at 250+



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I don't think I have ever seen this 12'er up here. I usually spot the Schiada group whenever they are here on the weekend.

I need to go introduce myself the next time I see them out I think.

You've probably seen it. It was the old white one with Teal hardware. They just regelled it and put new hardware on it etc..



Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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You've probably seen it. It was the old white one with Teal hardware. They just regelled it and put new hardware on it etc..

I mean I really don't remember seeing a Schiada Mini here. I've seen their 32, outboard RT, and a couple few RC's but don't remember any Minis.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2007
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Andy01, he preferred to not have his name attached to it right now.

No worries, I just wrote his policy and he had sent me pictures. That 21 is amazing, all 21's are but I really liked the colors and such. The back seat pucks that hold the seat cushion in place are just straight gangster.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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I?ve been looking for an assistant, but I was looking for one with a nicer rack...:boobeyes:
I worked for a guy for a little while that put up Craigslist ads looking for an administrative assistant just so he could parade as many hot girls as possible. I think there was really only once or twice where a job was available.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
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Well the hulls are all going to be around the same price from a 21-24. When you say basic that's kind of a "loaded question." But assuming there's some nice stuff on the boat it would be 100'ish K. (If you are referencing mine as the small block, remember that the blue Merc Scorpion 377 was actually a 5K upgrade from the big block at the time)

For something like the orange and blue V-drive with a TCM 1200 (again depending on what you want) a good number to start at would be 230'ish thousand. Just changing materials on the cav plates from Aluminum to Stainless can swing that price tag considerably.

For a 24 with a TCM 1200 with a stern drive setup probably in the 190's.

For something like the last 21 RC that is built to the hilt with the real deal Brummett power? You are looking at 250+


That's right where I was figuring base-ish 21, but not as high as I was thinking for loaded down 24's. Was thinking 300-350+

Tommy Gun Images

Media Lackey
Staff member
May 28, 2008
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I worked for a guy for a little while that put up Craigslist ads looking for an administrative assistant just so he could parade as many hot girls as possible. I think there was really only once or twice where a job was available.

Better than Tinder!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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This is an RDP members 21 (Get Real Performance) that is a 100% Carbon boat. This boat is about as stiff as you can build a boat, and extremely light weight. Generally builds like this are for exotics, and race boats etc. Roy always takes things to the edge though, so his new addition to his fleet will be no exception. Last I heard this was going to be powered by a Merc Racing Super Cat motor that he acquired. I'm not sure if that's changed or not by now. (note a small portion of an extensive car collection in the background. ;) )

View attachment 542509

Yep, Still the plan. 900 HP should be enough (for now).


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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2015
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That mahogany burl transon is a 4way bookmatched veneer...basically mirrored left to right and top to bottom. It is not a single piece of wood...nor would you want it to be as a burl is much softer than a straight grained wood.

Looks cool though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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I mean I really don't remember seeing a Schiada Mini here. I've seen their 32, outboard RT, and a couple few RC's but don't remember any Minis.

They are there at the dock back in Cal Shasta


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
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Dave have any more pics of the puke tank of the v-drive? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Not sure why they changed the cap, Here's what they come with (any color cap)


  • 6oz Bottle.jpg
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Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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They are there at the dock back in Cal Shasta
I haven't been back into that cove in forever.

I got a call today from a friend because he just bought the same as our hulls but the same set-up as yours.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Now we are going to finish this up with a little something "off the wall"

How about a "Bizzarrini GT Srada 5300?" (yes it's the real deal)

View attachment 542561

View attachment 542563

View attachment 542562

View attachment 542560

Spectra's Only probably just passed out. :D

Hi Dave, is it for sale? Not to worry, got one in my stable already,J/K haha

View attachment 542719

not to my knowledge .. but I suppose everything has a price tag?

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Dave ,does the car belong to Stan or it is a customer's car?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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That mahogany burl transon is a 4way bookmatched veneer...basically mirrored left to right and top to bottom. It is not a single piece of wood...nor would you want it to be as a burl is much softer than a straight grained wood.

Looks cool though.

I'd believe that if you say it.. I'm no wood expert by any means. and to be clear Schiada didn't claim it.

But if you were saying was right.. wouldn't they be mirror images of each other left to right / top to bottom?

It doesn't appear that they are?
(edit! to look outside the ring you can see the reverse pattern and "crosshairs faintly on a big monitor. post corrected. it is book matched)


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2013
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The center console is interesting. Don't get me wrong I've been in love with Schiada's since I was old enough to say it but I'm not sure that's the route I would have gone if i was looking for a CC. It seems there are plenty of builders that make great boats that are designed for running in the ocean as a dedicated purpose. Why convert something when you can get a custom that's purpose built?

If I was spending schiada money on a cc I'd go something like this IMG_2785.jpg


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I'd believe that if you say it.. I'm no wood expert by any means. and to be clear Schiada didn't claim it.

But if you were saying was right.. wouldn't they be mirror images of each other left to right / top to bottom?

It doesn't appear that they are?

After zooming way in on the pic it would seem you are right. I can barely see the cross hairs on my big monitor. I will correct the post.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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The center console is interesting. Don't get me wrong I've been in love with Schiada's since I was old enough to say it but I'm not sure that's the route I would have gone if i was looking for a CC. It seems there are plenty of builders that make great boats that are designed for running in the ocean as a dedicated purpose. Why convert something when you can get a custom that's purpose built?

If I was spending schiada money on a cc I'd go something like this View attachment 542723

bay boat that needs to run shallower water..


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2008
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Now we are going to finish this up with a little something "off the wall"

How about a "Bizzarrini GT Srada 5300?" (yes it's the real deal)

View attachment 542561

View attachment 542563

View attachment 542562

View attachment 542560

Spectra's Only probably just passed out. :D

Hi Dave, is it for sale? Not to worry, got one in my stable already,J/K haha

View attachment 542719

Nice we have 2 of them that one is a daily driver . The other one we have is for shows , it won pebble beach, got 2 in Miami, Ect.... lees dad also had a Manta, he just sold that one it won pebble beach as well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Great write up Dave, I was wondering if Schiada was on the Grand Tour list.

As usual they or you didn't disappoint, nice stuff going on there.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Nice we have 2 of them that one is a daily driver . The other one we have is for shows , it won pebble beach, got 2 in Miami, Ect.... lees dad also had a Manta, he just sold that one it won pebble beach as well.

Fantastic. Is the other Bizzarrini a silver one? Friend of mine was looking to buy one a few years ago before he settled on a NobleM400. Bizzarrini prices skyrocketed since. You guys are sitting on a gold mine:thumbsup. He met the people from ISO [ very similar to Bizzarrini ] at LeMans and drove one of the ISO re-makes there. I assume your car has the original 327 Corvette engine to be a Pebble car. If I make it down to California again one day, I'd love to visit your shop checking out the cars and boats of course. Saw one of your boats at the street show [ wood deck ] in 2012 at Havasu.:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup Not many Schiadas made it to Canada. My friend [ Dave from California Marine BC ]
was probably the first customer Leonard made a yellow 22' V-drive for.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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The center console is interesting. Don't get me wrong I've been in love with Schiada's since I was old enough to say it but I'm not sure that's the route I would have gone if i was looking for a CC. It seems there are plenty of builders that make great boats that are designed for running in the ocean as a dedicated purpose. Why convert something when you can get a custom that's purpose built?

If I was spending schiada money on a cc I'd go something like this View attachment 542723
What's to say it's even going out in the big blue? Or even a bay? Maybe the owner just likes the versatility of a CC interior layout for a family lake boat?

I'd like to see how the CC would be different than the Whalers they made back in the day.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2008
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Fantastic. Is the other Bizzarrini a silver one? Friend of mine was looking to buy one a few years ago before he settled on a NobleM400. Bizzarrini prices skyrocketed since. You guys are sitting on a gold mine:thumbsup. He met the people from ISO [ very similar to Bizzarrini ] at LeMans and drove one of the ISO re-makes there. I assume your car has the original 327 Corvette engine to be a Pebble car. If I make it down to California again one day, I'd love to visit your shop checking out the cars and boats of course. Saw one of your boats at the street show [ wood deck ] in 2012 at Havasu.:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup Not many Schiadas made it to Canada. My friend [ Dave from California Marine BC ]
was probably the first customer Leonard made a yellow 22' V-drive for.

Both cars are red and are 100 percent original. The show car is up for sale but it's pretty pricey for a non collector. It's a lot of fun getting to work and be around these cars.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Welp, I guess the cats out of the bag. :headscratch: