

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Our favorite Sushi bar is serving takeout so I order and my cousin and I go to pickup. Rear entrance, long hall to the cash register/hostess station.
There are two "guys" in front of us masked up wearing rubber gloves. The first guy turns and looks at my cousin and me with no masks and fucking panics, "How am I going to get out of here? How am I going to get out of here?". You could see the absolute terror in his eyes, I'll bet he pissed himself he was so terrified. We chuckle a little, walk back to the door and held it open for him while he scurried out. The next guy in front of us had the same look in his eyes and I said "Don't worry we won't breath when you walk by". He also scurried out.
We've all been laughing our asses off ever since, "How am I going to get out of here". How does one go through life living in that much fear over the flu?


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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The sad thing is that this “pandemic” has brought to my attention that there are a lot of people in total fear for their lives. I have found that this type of person has issues with the basic stability in life. I truely feel sorry for people living life in fear like that. They are the type of people that the government loves and is trying to spawn the population to be even more dependent.

I am like you and at this time not interested in wearing a mask when possible like on the lake or in a park alone. Through my days I am VERY mindful of what I touch and manage my exposure. The other people allow their fears to take over their lives sometimes I believe they do not have the self control to change that and I am not bashing or looking down at them. With this I am like you and hold the door, let them do what makes them feel better. We all need to understand the needs of each other and help those less fortunate.

Now to those that try to shame me with my ways. I let them vent as I analyze the situation. Most times they are not thinking about what they are doing and cross contaminating things which make their hazmat suit irrelevant. After their rant I make clear with FACT in a nice way all the wrong that they are creating and how THEY are spreading the virus more than I am without a mask. I usually have at least a couple of chuckles through my days out in public.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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For you it's the "flu" but for those at risk it's way more than that. And then there's the MSM which continues to spread fear and Governors like Cuomo who now is spreading fear because 1 5-year old boy died https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/08/us/cuomo-child-nyc-dies-coronavirus-trnd/index.html

I'm glad you feel comfortable not wearing a mask. Hopefully you respect others who are more at risk
Do you mean the 85 year olds in their retirement homes?
BTW I'm at high risk by 4 categories but smart enough to avoid the massive mounds of bullshit being rammed down our collective throats.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
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The whole world is taking a real hard pucker right now. I guess we all just need to respect each other's coping mechanisms until someone can give us the new normal. :(

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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Our favorite Sushi bar is serving takeout so I order and my cousin and I go to pickup. Rear entrance, long hall to the cash register/hostess station.
There are two "guys" in front of us masked up wearing rubber gloves. The first guy turns and looks at my cousin and me with no masks and fucking panics, "How am I going to get out of here? How am I going to get out of here?". You could see the absolute terror in his eyes, I'll bet he pissed himself he was so terrified. We chuckle a little, walk back to the door and held it open for him while he scurried out. The next guy in front of us had the same look in his eyes and I said "Don't worry we won't breath when you walk by". He also scurried out.
We've all been laughing our asses off ever since, "How am I going to get out of here". How does one go through life living in that much fear over the flu?
Sushi at 11am....😷 😳

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
The whole world is taking a real hard pucker right now. I guess we all just need to respect each other's coping mechanisms until someone can give us the new normal. :(
Yep. Just came from the Havasu Home Depot. About 50% Of the shoppers had masks. None on the HD employees. If I was back in the OC everyone would be wearing masks and long lines.

Motor Boater

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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my personal take on it is, eating Sushi is more dangerous than walking by someone who is not wearing a mask.

This x1000. People are wearing masks but they are eating raw cold fish that has been prepared by god knows who. At least if you buy hot food you can toss it in the oven for a few minutes to kill any germs.

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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Legally I don't have to nor am I inclined to wear one. Hell the flu could kill me just as easily anyway. :p
Do you have to wear a mask on one of your job sites.?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
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Our favorite Sushi bar is serving takeout so I order and my cousin and I go to pickup. Rear entrance, long hall to the cash register/hostess station.
There are two "guys" in front of us masked up wearing rubber gloves. The first guy turns and looks at my cousin and me with no masks and fucking panics, "How am I going to get out of here? How am I going to get out of here?". You could see the absolute terror in his eyes, I'll bet he pissed himself he was so terrified. We chuckle a little, walk back to the door and held it open for him while he scurried out. The next guy in front of us had the same look in his eyes and I said "Don't worry we won't breath when you walk by". He also scurried out.
We've all been laughing our asses off ever since, "How am I going to get out of here". How does one go through life living in that much fear over the flu?

see if you chuckle when someone close to you know dies from it, and you wonder how could this of happened???un real.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
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STOP THE FEAR! The media is creating an unprecedented panic for the public. Im not sure how the mask panic came into play when Fauci, Surgeon general both announced a few weeks ago that masks are useless and now they are essential!!!!!! I was at my Doctors office yesterday and NO ONE had a mask on in the office. I asked the Doc, why no masks? His reply was simple only sick people should wear one and also they need to be changed out every 45 minutes to be effective, the amount of bacteria and the moisture on the barrier makes the masks itself useless. The mask is being used as a reminder of control by your lame Governor and local idiots, rise up and revolt for godsakes!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Sounds like they were members of the Lester Holt fan club


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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It's times like these I have to remind my wife of the phrase "average intelligence".
And break down the importance of this phrase.

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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For you it's the "flu" but for those at risk it's way more than that. And then there's the MSM which continues to spread fear and Governors like Cuomo who now is spreading fear because 1 5-year old boy died https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/08/us/cuomo-child-nyc-dies-coronavirus-trnd/index.html

I'm glad you feel comfortable not wearing a mask. Hopefully you respect others who are more at risk

Then they should stay home why should we have to suffer sorry to hurt your feelings but this is America and last time I checked this wasn't a socialist county. Its your choice to live in fear and granted some people have conditions they should stay home but I can guarantee theyre some with conditions that say fuck it I'm living my life I personally know quite a few.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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see if you chuckle when someone close to you know dies from it, and you wonder how could this of happened???un real.
The flu or the virus? My mom died of pneumonia in an assisted living facility, does that count?

You do understand the virus will never go away don't you? You going to wear a mask and a full body condom the rest of your life?


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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The flu or the virus? My mom died of pneumonia in an assisted living facility, does that count?

You do understand the virus will never go away don't you? You going to wear a mask and a full body condom the rest of your life?

As I said previously, good for you that you've decided not to wear a mask or live in fear. You're obviously not in the high risk group.

My wife is very much in the high risk group as she has severe asthma so we need to keep her away from this virus for sure. But I'm all for the US/world opening back up and everyone can focus on the best ways to help those who (a) contract it and (b) are at risk


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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see if you chuckle when someone close to you know dies from it, and you wonder how could this of happened???un real.

SMH.....Alan.....you do know that EVERYONE dies at some point, right? Just checking to see how far left you are. :looking:

Advantage 1

Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Just like back in the day with smoking sections in restaurants... we can now have a mask / no mask section and give people a choice. There can also be two separate entrances so the maskers won't feel threatened by the no-maskers.

The more retail / bars / restaurants open up, I see more of the 'shaming' going around.

I play nice and wear my mask into my office building because it is required by the landlord... I enjoy money and my job. I wear it into the grocery store because they require it. I need food.

I am still eagerly looking for the day when we can hear the magical words: "May I start you off with an appetizer and a round of drinks?". I'll be sitting in the no mask section :)


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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see if you chuckle when someone close to you know dies from it, and you wonder how could this of happened???un real.

A cloth mask won’t stop you from getting the virus. But not hanging out in a nursing home will.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news ALAN but if you get the virus, you infected yourself. It is no one else’s fault (unless you are knowingly dealing with sick people). You are the one that put your dirty COVID laced fingers into one of your own wet orifices without washing your hands first and got yourself sick.
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We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
As I said previously, good for you that you've decided not to wear a mask or live in fear. You're obviously not in the high risk group.

My wife is very much in the high risk group as she has severe asthma so we need to keep her away from this virus for sure. But I'm all for the US/world opening back up and everyone can focus on the best ways to help those who (a) contract it and (b) are at risk

Not that I wish for your wife to get sick, but if that is the case, your wife should be wearing a mask, not necessarily the rest of the planet.

That is like saying you don’t want to die in a car accident so other people should stay off the roads with their cars so they don’t run into you.

Cloth masks do nothing to stop the virus unless you can’t keep your hands off your face or you are next to a sick person coughing and sneezing on you.

And if you are sick, wear the mask to keep your goo off others.

Other than that the mask wearing is just theater for a virus that has 49% of its deaths in a nursing homes, the average age of death is over 75, and has been here since late 2019 and no one noticed.

arch stanton

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Sick people and those at high risk should Quarantine that’s the way it’s always been done you never quarantine the healthy the economic shit storm that could befall us for this stupidity would cause more death than this pandemic times 10
Our economy supports most of the modern world without it get ready for the pale Horsemen of the apocalypse to take more people from war and famine than this overblown plague ever could


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
see if you chuckle when someone close to you know dies from it, and you wonder how could this of happened???un real.
Alan, hopefully no one has to deal with Death... but its inevitable....

Alan, what about death from Pneumonia, Flu, COPD, Aids, Heart Disease. Cancer, unexpected accidents, still born, suicide....
???... how do these deaths rate in your world?????


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2010
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So, if you are concerned, wear a mask.
If you aren’t don’t. That way 1/2 of the folks are comfortable. If a store requires a mask, wear one or go find another store.
Last time I checked, it’s still a free country, but it concerns me daily that this is turning into a national control exercise rather than a virus issue.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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I’ve had a couple laughs like this walking the dogs around the park. Most people are fine with us not wearing masks and we walk on the grass to make them feel comfortable. Some people lose their shit, run across the street, mumble under their breath, etc.


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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Alan and Alan followers

I just read the BOOK... I'm gonna spoil it for EVERYONE!!!!!

Everyone dies in the end.....
sometimes the end comes before the start (which has happened 6x for my family, that'd Im aware of)
me personally;

I had a brother that died at birth I've been told. My sister died in a car accident at 29. My grandpa, died in a car accident at 65. He was traveling from West Virginia to California to see his 1st Grandson. His Grandson at the time was the last Male to carry on our name Marion. Well Papa, I had two more Men for ya.... I know he's smiling up there...
My Wifes Dad died (he brought me up in the Roofing business) at 61. Heart attack, Golfing Newport Beach CC on 13th hole. Mom was with him. Passed away immediately.
Mom II - 63 (My Honeys Mom), died of Non-Hodgechin Lymphoma. (sorry cant spell for shit).
Mom, 74. COPD suffocated. Terrible death. Smoker 60 years.
Dad, 81. Kidney Failure. On Hospice for 2 weeks. We had quality time with the oldman for those two weeks... Love ya Dad..
My Honey and I were there by their side with 3 of them. Holding their hands, stroking their hair, kissing their forehead...

Stay healthy Everyone... if your sick... stay inside and away from people.

this COVID-19 = is Politically Driven.

Enjoy LIFE, the end of the Game comes soon....


Rick Marion
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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Alan and Alan followers

I just read the BOOK... I'm gonna spoil it for EVERYONE!!!!!

Everyone dies in the end.....
sometimes the end comes before the start (which has happened 6x for my family, that'd Im aware of)
me personally;

I had a brother that died at birth I've been told. My sister died in a car accident at 29. My grandpa, died in a car accident at 65. He was traveling from West Virginia to California to see his 1st Grandson. His Grandson at the time was the last Male to carry on our name Marion. Well Papa, I had two more Men for ya.... I know he's smiling up there...
My Wifes Dad died (he brought me up in the Roofing business) at 61. Heart attack, Golfing Newport Beach CC on 13th hole. Mom was with him. Passed away immediately.
Mom II - 63 (My Honeys Mom), died of Non-Hodgechin Lymphoma. (sorry cant spell for shit).
Mom, 74. COPD suffocated. Terrible death. Smoker 60 years.
Dad, 81. Kidney Failure. On Hospice for 2 weeks. We had quality time with the oldman for those two weeks... Love ya Dad..
My Honey and I were there by their side with 3 of them. Holding their hands, stroking their hair, kissing their forehead...

Stay healthy Everyone... if your sick... stay inside and away from people.

this COVID-19 = is Politically Driven.

Enjoy LIFE, the end of the Game comes soon....


Rick Marion
Sorry for all the loss in your life, but it’s good perspective. One of my favorite movie quotes.. “Get busy living, or get busy dying”


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Alan and Alan followers

I just read the BOOK... I'm gonna spoil it for EVERYONE!!!!!

Everyone dies in the end.....
sometimes the end comes before the start (which has happened 6x for my family, that'd Im aware of)
me personally;

I had a brother that died at birth I've been told. My sister died in a car accident at 29. My grandpa, died in a car accident at 65. He was traveling from West Virginia to California to see his 1st Grandson. His Grandson at the time was the last Male to carry on our name Marion. Well Papa, I had two more Men for ya.... I know he's smiling up there...
My Wifes Dad died (he brought me up in the Roofing business) at 61. Heart attack, Golfing Newport Beach CC on 13th hole. Mom was with him. Passed away immediately.
Mom II - 63 (My Honeys Mom), died of Non-Hodgechin Lymphoma. (sorry cant spell for shit).
Mom, 74. COPD suffocated. Terrible death. Smoker 60 years.
Dad, 81. Kidney Failure. On Hospice for 2 weeks. We had quality time with the oldman for those two weeks... Love ya Dad..
My Honey and I were there by their side with 3 of them. Holding their hands, stroking their hair, kissing their forehead...

Stay healthy Everyone... if your sick... stay inside and away from people.

this COVID-19 = is Politically Driven.

Enjoy LIFE, the end of the Game comes soon....


Rick Marion

Wow. When I reflect back into my family and friends, the story is similar


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
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👍Shawshank ,,,I will be respectful of the vulnerable in my circle. Spending time tomorrow with grandma and grandpa and will abide by whatever protocols necessary to keep them at ease. Other than that I am going about my life in as normal a fashion as these days will let me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
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So all of us that know we are in good health should live our lives behind a mask when we know we are not in any way sick.. ? Isolate ourselves..deplete our immune systems so when dictators decide to open up cities and commerce we a get sick because we have all been isolated from all the day to day bacteria and human contact we need to build immunities daily.. fuck that! The sick and elderly need to be in quarantine..not the healthy that want to carry on with life and work.. enough is enough.
I was fooled for 2 months.. no more masks and my kids are going out interacting.. you don't like it..its too fucking bad!.. and hell yes ..its never a wrong time for good sushi!;)


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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STOP THE FEAR! The media is creating an unprecedented panic for the public. Im not sure how the mask panic came into play when Fauci, Surgeon general both announced a few weeks ago that masks are useless and now they are essential!!!!!! I was at my Doctors office yesterday and NO ONE had a mask on in the office. I asked the Doc, why no masks? His reply was simple only sick people should wear one and also they need to be changed out every 45 minutes to be effective, the amount of bacteria and the moisture on the barrier makes the masks itself useless. The mask is being used as a reminder of control by your lame Governor and local idiots, rise up and revolt for godsakes!!!
Fauci & the other faces in the news need to put a stop to this face mask thing since they've already said it doesn't help. I get a fucking headache from the carbon dioxide I'm breathing.

I swear some people are just way over the top on this. Open the economy up already, protect the vulnerable & the people scared out of their wits need to stay the fuck home.

Oh, and I have underlying health issues after having 30 operations on my trachea in 2010 & 2011. My pulmonologist says we need to keep our immune system healthly by being exposed to germs daily & just wash my hands, don't touch the face, etc. (PS: I touch my face a hundred times more because of those stupid ass masks).


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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I kinda enjoy wearing my mask, makes me feel like a ninja :cool:!

Now what I really need is a fucking hair cut...


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Just like back in the day with smoking sections in restaurants... we can now have a mask / no mask section and give people a choice. There can also be two separate entrances so the maskers won't feel threatened by the no-maskers.

The more retail / bars / restaurants open up, I see more of the 'shaming' going around.

I play nice and wear my mask into my office building because it is required by the landlord... I enjoy money and my job. I wear it into the grocery store because they require it. I need food.

I am still eagerly looking for the day when we can hear the magical words: "May I start you off with an appetizer and a round of drinks?". I'll be sitting in the no mask section :)

Not to be pedantic, but how does someone eat with a mask on? :D


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
Not that I wish for your wife to get sick, but if that is the case, your wife should be wearing a mask, not necessarily the rest of the planet.

That is like saying you don’t want to die in a car accident so other people should stay off the roads with their cars so they don’t run into you.

Cloth masks do nothing to stop the virus unless you can’t keep your hands off your face or you are next to a sick person coughing and sneezing on you.

And if you are sick, wear the mask to keep your goo off others.

Other than that the mask wearing is just theater for a virus that has 49% of its deaths in a nursing homes, the average age of death is over 75, and has been here since late 2019 and no one noticed.

If my wife goes out she does wear a mask. And I never said everyone should be wearing a mask. It's up to each person to take care of themself. And if someone is sick with Covid-19 they should stay home self-quarantined.

The rest of the planet should go about their business before any more businesses close

Advantage 1

Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Not to be pedantic, but how does someone eat with a mask on? :D

I remember sitting in the non smoking section and you will still smell the cigs from across the restaurant.

I would imagine with all the PPE requirements, restaurants will begin to look like hospitals.

This point was brought up in an HBO show the other day. I forget the guy's name... it was along the lines of opening baseball stadiums. "Can you pull your mask down and shove in your hotdog before the virus can get in?" 🤣😂🤣😂
Sep 15, 2010
Reaction score
I’ve had a couple laughs like this walking the dogs around the park. Most people are fine with us not wearing masks and we walk on the grass to make them feel comfortable. Some people lose their shit, run across the street, mumble under their breath, etc.

so I already had some N-95's before the pandemic, and I was wearing one on dog walks. I don't wear the mask on dog walks anymore, but noticed a strange thing when I had mask on that's when they would loop around me or even change sides of street, now with no mask people just walk right by me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2016
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Our favorite Sushi bar is serving takeout so I order and my cousin and I go to pickup. Rear entrance, long hall to the cash register/hostess station.
There are two "guys" in front of us masked up wearing rubber gloves. The first guy turns and looks at my cousin and me with no masks and fucking panics, "How am I going to get out of here? How am I going to get out of here?". You could see the absolute terror in his eyes, I'll bet he pissed himself he was so terrified. We chuckle a little, walk back to the door and held it open for him while he scurried out. The next guy in front of us had the same look in his eyes and I said "Don't worry we won't breath when you walk by". He also scurried out.
We've all been laughing our asses off ever since, "How am I going to get out of here". How does one go through life living in that much fear over the flu?
I posted today about the fact that I got my test results back and I had it my family of 5 did in Jan. I only had a sore throat so my test results show the antibodies and that I don’t have it now.

I get all the looks of terror as I walk around without a mask. A few stores that tried to stop me a say I have to have a mask I show them my DR’s note and advise them I’m not supposed to wear one. If you’re high risk you should stay home and have people shop for you. We do all the shopping for my mother in law since she’s high risk. I’ve also had 33 surgeries including brain surgery in Nov. I can say my neurosurgeons and regular DR say most the masks are useless and most people don’t wear them properly anyhow. Just my thoughts, well mine and some really good surgeons.