So just sitting here thinking

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
About life and death.
I have three funerals in in less than 3 weeks to attend. And that doesn’t include some celebration life ceremonies coming.
Not sure why I am really posting this other than.
Be thankful for who you have around you and enjoy them while you can.
I’m not trying to be downer but at the same time celebrate people. Be thankful they are in your life and say so. While they here.

H20 Toie

Party on Garth
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
I know why you posted. because it helps to talk about it. been a rough year for me also and i really have made some good friends here,
Hell i probably post more personal shit than i should but i the long run i no regrets.
Feel sorry for what you are going thru.

And you are correct we need to be thankful for the people we have

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I know why you posted. because it helps to talk about it. been a rough year for me also and i really have made some good friends here,
Hell i probably post more personal shit than i should but i the long run i no regrets.
Feel sorry for what you are going thru.

And you are correct we need to be thankful for the people we have
Thanks Dan. Ya. I post more shit here than I talk about at home. Maybe it’s part of the unknown where only few really know me. But still feel like I’m connected in a weird way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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It will make make ya think, Mr.C...great thread by the way.

I went to 5 funerals last year, and this year hasn't started out well.
Early last year I reconnected with a neighborhood boyhood friend, a guy I went through elementary school with, and in the fall of 7th grade he and his dad, who was friends with my Dad, invited me to go duck hunting with them. I dearly wanted to go but Dad was uncomfortably with it and said no.
They were an accident between Grapevine and Bakersfield, in the fog, and his father was killed and he and his brother hurt pretty bad.
Mom moved them away, and I wondered what happened to him for close to 50 years.
He tracked me down via my wife's facebook last winter.
He lived up in Oregon, had a rough life, left "home" at 15, and made his own way, gotbetter as he got older.
We talked regularly, and were going to hook up this coming summer.
His daughter sent me an email on his account asking me to call her. about a month ago.
Her Dad had passed suddenly, in the night.

She told me that he was so tickled that we had hooked back up, and said to her regularly that his time on our block in LB was the only real childhood he had, and it was one of his greatest memories.
Once again, I learn the lesson that life is short...damn short.
I made a bunch of phone calls the following week... and talked to friends from the old neighborhood.
I had about 6 hard core friends as a kid, 3 are now gone, I have one left that I can't get ahold of.
If you guys have calls you should make, let Mr. C's thread here tickle yer brain a bit, and get it done.
I think I can speak for all who post in here that you should do it while you have time....

Rick, I am so glad we reconnected, and yes....blood brothers...forever.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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About life and death.
I have three funerals in in less than 3 weeks to attend. And that doesn’t include some celebration life ceremonies coming.
Not sure why I am really posting this other than.
Be thankful for who you have around you and enjoy them while you can.
I’m not trying to be downer but at the same time celebrate people. Be thankful they are in your life and say so. While they here.
We have one this weekend.
I get it👍


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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I’ve never lost so many people in my life combined over how many friends and family I’ve lost on the past 2 years. Seems like people are dropping non stop! Cancer is a big cause. People say you get older annd you know more people that die but the people I’ve known that have died recently are of all ages, young and old. Just crazy. My kids have lost two grandparents and numerous close family friends over past two years. I can’t remember losing ANYONE super close until I was at least 18. Maybe older. Shits a trip. Definitely puts things in perspective and gives you clarity. But also like, WHAT THE FUCK?!


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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You reach a point, and life quits giving you things, and starts to take them away. I don't have much family left, nor too many close friends. In a dark way, I should be relieved, as I don't have many to part with. The reality is, a lot have gone already.

Time isn't a gift, like some say. It's really just on loan to us. Use it wisely, spending it with people you care about, doing things that make you happy. We all run out of time eventually, and we don't ever know how much we have to use, nor what our friends or family have.