How many people could have been saved,
not only from the Ivermectin, but also because they didn’t need a vax?
We never would have heard the term, Died Suddenly!
After being suppressed worldwide for successfully treating COVID-19, Ivermectin now demonstrates a new superpower: killing cancer.
The ‘Miracle Drug’ with seemingly infinite benefits just got another notch in its belt: crushing cancer.
You’ve probably heard of ivermectin by now, and if you haven’t, you’ve probably heard of the slurs and misleading labels, “horse paste” and “horse dewormer.”
Turns out, the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex and its media finger-puppets have done their absolute darnedest to defy and demonize all mentions of this powerful, broad-spectrum cure-all.
The drug ivermectin, used to treat or prevent parasites in animals and in humans, isn't a drug used to treat viruses. The FDA hasn't approved use of this drug to treat or prevent COVID-19 . Taking large doses of this drug can cause serious harm.
Large doses of anything is not good. My doc gave me ivermectin when I had the coof the first time. Went from a 104.5 fever to totally normal in 24 hours. The dose was fairly low. 2 a day for 4 days.
"You're going to give my Hydroxychloroquine like they did for my Dad in WW2, right?" Doc's face goes blank.
And when the plandemic had passed, and the truth was all coming out, he moved. Aww hell. Wonder why? Nahh