Shingles...Who has had it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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Unfortunately, I came down with this on Nov 8 and went to the Dr immediately. The rash was from my middle stomach all the way around to my mid back just above my waistline. Dr said I had a good case of it! I have broken ribs and separated shoulders but the pain from these Shingles is next level unbearable. Dr put me on a 7 day course of Valtrex which I completed and 800MG Ibuprofen which barely does anything. The blisters and rash are almost healed but the nerve pain is unreal especially at night. Skin is all numb as well.

For those of you who have had this what did you do for the nerve pain and how long after did it continue? I have another Dr appt today and just wanted to hear some feedback from those who have had it. TIA.

And I might add.......I'm totally anti vax but for those who have not had Shingles I would highly recommend getting the Vax. Shit is no joke. I will get it as well once healed to keep from getting a second time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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My doctor recommended the Vax when I turned 60 last year. I went ahead and got it. Two injections and done forever. I will say the side effects of the vax kicked my ass for a week each time - flu like symptoms and very tired. I can only imagine how bad actually having it would be. Get well soon!!!!!

Havasu blue label

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2018
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Unfortunately, I came down with this on Nov 8 and went to the Dr immediately. The rash was from my middle stomach all the way around to my mid back just above my waistline. Dr said I had a good case of it! I have broken ribs and separated shoulders but the pain from these Shingles is next level unbearable. Dr put me on a 7 day course of Valtrex which I completed and 800MG Ibuprofen which barely does anything. The blisters and rash are almost healed but the nerve pain is unreal especially at night. Skin is all numb as well.

For those of you who have had this what did you do for the nerve pain and how long after did it continue? I have another Dr appt today and just wanted to hear some feedback from those who have had it. TIA.

And I might add.......I'm totally anti vax but for those who have not had Shingles I would highly recommend getting the Vax. Shit is no joke. I will get it as well once healed to keep from getting a second time.
What age group are you in my doc recommended the vax


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2019
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I had them last year. Lucky for me it was a fairly mild case. More annoying than painful. My 74 year old dad just had them and it kicked his ass. He was in a lot of pain and discomfort for several weeks.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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I know three people that have had it. Bad but they did not die from it. I too am not going to get the VAX for it. The doctor was pushing it hard along with the VId Vax. Thanks but no thanks. Best to the OP getting through it. 👍


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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I had it a long time ago. Was painful but I dealt with it. Still had to work and so forth. I want to say it lasted maybe a week but it was so long ago not 100% on that.

I will not take a vax for that if offered
Seems everyone gets varying degrees of severity. Some only lasts a short time with mild pain and others have weeks to months of severe pain. I seem to be falling under the latter unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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When my mom had cancer and they would only prescribe 16 hours a day worth of pain meds we bought her the marijana stuff. I believe it was the drops and we put them in fluids. She didn’t last long, but I think it helped a bit.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Had the Vax a few years back and still had a mild case near my fat roll , Valacyclovir knock it pretty quick


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Had it twice, first time it lasted a good week after I started on the Valtrex. But then the pox started healing and they would itch and if I scratched it felt like my torso was on fire. Took about 3 weeks to get completely healed.

The second time I recognized the symptom and got a prescription for Valtrex a day or so earlier and I didn't have nearly the pain and hardly any of the breakouts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2014
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Did not get the vax but i got it when about 12 years ago i wanna say so like 22 years old. Left side ribs and left outter thigh and holy crap that was terrible for about 2 weeks! I don’t wish that on many people! Also had chicken pox party twice as a kid haha


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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I had them and it was terrible. The best way I could describe mine was like a really bad burn that eventually turned into a really bad itch that hurt to scratch. Couldn’t even allow bed sheets to lay on me at night. Really terrible and lasted at least three weeks.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I've had two bouts with it. About one year ago, and maybe the year previous? To me, it was very much like a cracked rib. Both in pain level, and duration. Like my ribs, the length of recovery was the same from the point of last blister...2-3 weeks.

They say stressful times will bring on a case of them. In my case this was true. The Vax may be a good idea for some, but I'm not a fan. I figure if I have to deal with it every few years, I can still gut it for now. I'm 47 though, and still seem to crack ribs on an annual basis. When I'm 57 or 67, I may change my tune about gutting the pain of shingles 🤨


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
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I’ve had it. I took the anti-viral, which didn’t knock it out, but maybe prevented it from getting worse. The first couple of weeks, when it was really bad, I smoked weed and took gabapentin.

I missed about two weeks of work, not because I felt too sick, but because I couldn’t wear a shirt. I continued taking gabapentin until the nerve pain became just a minor annoyance, but it took a couple of tries to stop taking the drug. At about two months, I went to a meeting in Florida without my Rx, and my chest actually hurt too bad to attend the entire meeting. I finally stopped taking it for good at about 6 months.

Be sure to get the vaccine, even after having Shingles. It can occur repeatedly.

Edit: I see @monkeyswrench and I have different opinions on the vaccine. I’ve had cracked ribs, and to me Shingles was worse……With cracked ribs I could wear a shirt and go to work (though I wasn’t turning wrenches). I was also well into my 50’s.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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I’ve had it. I took the anti-viral, which didn’t knock it out, but maybe prevented it from getting worse. The first couple of weeks, when it was really bad, I smoked weed and took gabapentin.

I missed about two weeks of work, not because I felt too sick, but because I couldn’t wear a shirt. I continued taking gabapentin until the nerve pain became just a minor annoyance, but it took a couple of tries to stop taking the drug. At about two months, I went to a meeting in Florida without my Rx, and my chest actually hurt too bad to attend the entire meeting. I finally stopped taking it for good at about 6 months.

Be sure to get the vaccine, even after having Shingles. It can occur repeatedly.

Edit: I see @monkeyswrench and I have different opinions on the vaccine. I’ve had cracked ribs, and to me Shingles was worse……With cracked ribs I could wear a shirt and go to work (though I wasn’t turning wrenches). I was also well into my 50’s.
Great info and thank you!

A few friends mentioned the Gabapentin so I will ask the Dr about that today. I agree on the pain. My ribs were way more manageable than this nerve skin pain. Seems everyone gets it differently. Its tolerable during the day but about 10pm it kicks in and feels like a cross between being burned and getting stuck with needles. The lack of sleep is really getting to me as well. I agree with everyone on the vax I'm as anti as anyone but if it keeps me from dealing with this pain again I may bite the bullet.


Well-Known Inmate #20225
Aug 8, 2017
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I had the displeasure of getting shingles last year on my face. Caught it fairly late (original urgent care doc thought it was a bug bite) so had to ride it out with little help from the anti-viral. Nerve pain continued for about 2 months to the point I thought it was coming back (which is rare I learned). I still have odd sensations in those nerves about a year and half later. 10/10 do not recommend. I'm too young for the shingles vaccine but I'll be getting it when the time comes and I'm as anti-vax as they come.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2020
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I’m 58 and got the 2 shots last year because I’ve heard the stories. Super sore shoulder at injection site and kinda felt like shit for a week. Glad I got it. Only Vax I’ll take

LHC Kirby

LifeTime Member
Jan 12, 2008
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I watched my parents deal with the shingles....... I got the Vax..... I don't want to be in that kind of pain. I had a slight sore arm that night/next day.

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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Unfortunately, I came down with this on Nov 8 and went to the Dr immediately. The rash was from my middle stomach all the way around to my mid back just above my waistline. Dr said I had a good case of it! I have broken ribs and separated shoulders but the pain from these Shingles is next level unbearable. Dr put me on a 7 day course of Valtrex which I completed and 800MG Ibuprofen which barely does anything. The blisters and rash are almost healed but the nerve pain is unreal especially at night. Skin is all numb as well.

For those of you who have had this what did you do for the nerve pain and how long after did it continue? I have another Dr appt today and just wanted to hear some feedback from those who have had it. TIA.

And I might add.......I'm totally anti vax but for those who have not had Shingles I would highly recommend getting the Vax. Shit is no joke. I will get it as well once healed to keep from getting a second time.
I got vax at Walgreens about 5-8 years ago at about 55 I think.
I got all caught up while I had a job and insurance. No out of pocket while you have insurance. I’m good until Medicare kicks in now.

My biggest complaint in life was chronic muscle spasm. The VA introduced a treatment called RF Ablation, and I tried it, and it stopped then. After a couple years of conditioning, I’m no longer worried about my back spasms.

Blue Oval

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2019
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Had them 10 years ago. Had spent the weekend on the boat. Definitely was not poison ivy. Was on water the hole weekend. I thought they were spider bites at first. Definitely was stress/work related. Forgot what they gave me at urgent care. Thankfully they were just super irritating and not painful.

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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I had Shingles on my face, I was about 50 years old. It wasn't fun but I got through it with meds and the cream. Too bad it wasn't when Covid was going on, I could wear a mast and no one would've known.


Well-Known Inmate #20225
Aug 8, 2017
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I had Shingles on my face, I was about 50 years old. It wasn't fun but I got through it with meds and the cream. Too bad it wasn't when Covid was going on, I could wear a mast and no one would've known.
Most of mine were not visible with larger sunglasses so at least I could go out when needed but I looked like Stevie Wonder at the grocery store rocking my sunglasses.

I ended up working from home for about 3 weeks to avoid the discussions with clients/co-workers layered in with the fact they are contagious to anyone that has never had chicken pox.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2014
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I got them in my early twenties on my head. It was miserable.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I’ve had it. I took the anti-viral, which didn’t knock it out, but maybe prevented it from getting worse. The first couple of weeks, when it was really bad, I smoked weed and took gabapentin.

I missed about two weeks of work, not because I felt too sick, but because I couldn’t wear a shirt. I continued taking gabapentin until the nerve pain became just a minor annoyance, but it took a couple of tries to stop taking the drug. At about two months, I went to a meeting in Florida without my Rx, and my chest actually hurt too bad to attend the entire meeting. I finally stopped taking it for good at about 6 months.

Be sure to get the vaccine, even after having Shingles. It can occur repeatedly.

Edit: I see @monkeyswrench and I have different opinions on the vaccine. I’ve had cracked ribs, and to me Shingles was worse……With cracked ribs I could wear a shirt and go to work (though I wasn’t turning wrenches). I was also well into my 50’s.
That's why I left the caveat that I may change my mind about the Vax later. A human body is constantly changing. My bouts with it may have also been different with the nerve aspect as well, because my whole left side is relatively jacked up. I have neuropathy issues in my left arm and leg from breaking my neck, and both times my left side was more impacted by shingles.

Honestly, shingles is some weird alien stuff. It can lay dormant for decades and come up to piss you off.


Nov 4, 2007
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I had it a few years ago. Vax right after, I think 6 months
Mine was left side butt. Waist to taint.
Pain that is hard to explain. I've broke 20 bones, heart issues blah blah.
No joke it was possibly the worse pain I've ever experienced. Lasted weeks. There's a few creams out there. Don't know if they worked or not. I just never stopped applying it. Couldn't sit. Could lay on back
Shitting was near impossible. There are open blisters, can't let fecal get in them.

If you don't have the vax don't be a 'anti' for this. Been around for decades, it's not a covid shot.

The sore are on the outside the pain comes from deep inside and works it's way to the surface. It's nerve pain like no other
It will also not cross your spine. Like a tree, it effects branches on left or right


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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I had it a few years ago. Vax right after, I think 6 months
Mine was left side butt. Waist to taint.
Pain that is hard to explain. I've broke 20 bones, heart issues blah blah.
No joke it was possibly the worse pain I've ever experienced. Lasted weeks. There's a few creams out there. Don't know if they worked or not. I just never stopped applying it. Couldn't sit. Could lay on back
Shitting was near impossible. There are open blisters, can't let fecal get in them.

If you don't have the vax don't be a 'anti' for this. Been around for decades, it's not a covid shot.

The sore are on the outside the pain comes from deep inside and works it's way to the surface. It's nerve pain like no other
It will also not cross your spine. Like a tree, it effects branches on left or right
Couldn't agree more. The pain is next level and unbearable over anything I have ever felt and deep beneath the skin. Hoping for some answers from the Dr today and will share the update.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Welcome to the old people club, Lavey.



Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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Unfortunately, I came down with this on Nov 8 and went to the Dr immediately. The rash was from my middle stomach all the way around to my mid back just above my waistline. Dr said I had a good case of it! I have broken ribs and separated shoulders but the pain from these Shingles is next level unbearable. Dr put me on a 7 day course of Valtrex which I completed and 800MG Ibuprofen which barely does anything. The blisters and rash are almost healed but the nerve pain is unreal especially at night. Skin is all numb as well.

For those of you who have had this what did you do for the nerve pain and how long after did it continue? I have another Dr appt today and just wanted to hear some feedback from those who have had it. TIA.

And I might add.......I'm totally anti vax but for those who have not had Shingles I would highly recommend getting the Vax. Shit is no joke. I will get it as well once healed to keep from getting a second time.

I had them a couple years ago, same treatment as you. I was actually in Havasu when i came down with them, mine were right next to my junk below the waistline.... I had to go to the Urgent Care over there on Mesquite on a saturday morning and whip my unit out for the 20 something year old Nurse Practitioner 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

I'm like yeah, this is fucking embarassing but i think i may have shingles on my groin, she looked at them and it was a textbook case.... Then she sends me to the receptionist who was an attractive younger girl to send my Rx for Valtrex to the pharmacy.... "It's not herpes it's only shingles i swear" 😆😆😆, same story at the pharmacy. After seeing decades of Valtrex commercials on TV you feel obligated to give the pharmacist the disclaimer as well 🤣 It's just for shingles

Mine were most likely stress/covid induced, i unknowingly had my second round of covid (which i didn't have any major symptoms from, it was kinda like allergies and soreness) and ended up giving it to my dad who was in the hospital after a heart attack about to go into open heart bypass surgery, thankfully he didn't get any symptoms but kept testing positive so they had to keep postponing his operation, finally the surgeon was like IDGAF this guy aint sick and he needs this bypass pronto.....

Anyway, yeah they fucking SUCK.

I'm not a scratcher so i faired pretty well, but if you start scratching on those things, holy fuck you are gonna be in for a bad time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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Welcome to the old people club, Lavey.

Yes seems this new decade is bringing on the health issues! Well I had a good run so I guess its my time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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I had them a couple years ago, same treatment as you. I was actually in Havasu when i came down with them, mine were right next to my junk below the waistline.... I had to go to the Urgent Care over there on Mesquite on a saturday morning and whip my unit out for the 20 something year old Nurse Practitioner 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

I'm like yeah, this is fucking embarassing but i think i may have shingles on my groin, she looked at them and it was a textbook case.... Then she sends me to the receptionist who was an attractive younger girl to send my Rx for Valtrex to the pharmacy.... "It's not herpes it's only shingles i swear" 😆😆😆, same story at the pharmacy. After seeing decades of Valtrex commercials on TV you feel obligated to give the pharmacist the disclaimer as well 🤣 It's just for shingles

Mine were most likely stress/covid induced, i unknowingly had my second round of covid (which i didn't have any major symptoms from, it was kinda like allergies and soreness) and ended up giving it to my dad who was in the hospital after a heart attack about to go into open heart bypass surgery, thankfully he didn't get any symptoms but kept testing positive so they had to keep postponing his operation, finally the surgeon was like IDGAF this guy aint sick and he needs this bypass pronto.....

Anyway, yeah they fucking SUCK.

I'm not a scratcher so i faired pretty well, but if you start scratching on those things, holy fuck you are gonna be in for a bad time.
Funny you say that about the Valtrex. I was at the pharmacy picking it up with a line behind me and the clerk said it will be just a minute for your Valtrex loud enough so everyone in line heard. They probably thought what a scumbag this dude has Herpes lol.

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Most of mine were not visible with larger sunglasses so at least I could go out when needed but I looked like Stevie Wonder at the grocery store rocking my sunglasses.

I ended up working from home for about 3 weeks to avoid the discussions with clients/co-workers layered in with the fact they are contagious to anyone that has never had chicken pox.

Mine looked like bad acne. lol..


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Good luck. some good advise in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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Got it well before 50, and they wouldn't give me the shot until I was 50. I'm like wtf, I already have it but they said nope wait to 50. I'll get it now though. Once was enough.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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I have had it twice, the last time on my scalp and forehead. Valtrex worked well to get rid of it. I will never take another vax again, so that is not an option for me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Haven't had shingles.
Got the vax about 6 or 7 yrs ago (2 shots) and had zero side effects.
I've seen some people get shingles as badly as describled above in this thread - and it's not for me. And it can come back!
This is one vax i'll take.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Unfortunately, I came down with this on Nov 8 and went to the Dr immediately. The rash was from my middle stomach all the way around to my mid back just above my waistline. Dr said I had a good case of it! I have broken ribs and separated shoulders but the pain from these Shingles is next level unbearable. Dr put me on a 7 day course of Valtrex which I completed and 800MG Ibuprofen which barely does anything. The blisters and rash are almost healed but the nerve pain is unreal especially at night. Skin is all numb as well.

For those of you who have had this what did you do for the nerve pain and how long after did it continue? I have another Dr appt today and just wanted to hear some feedback from those who have had it. TIA.

And I might add.......I'm totally anti vax but for those who have not had Shingles I would highly recommend getting the Vax. Shit is no joke. I will get it as well once healed to keep from getting a second time.

Aciclovir. LOTS of it.

And do Not let yourself get sunburned from this point out.

The vax Definitely helps. I've had it come back Multiple times. But as soon as I feel the Slightest inclination of it, I'll start taking Aciclovir right away.

Since your body doesn't recognize it, the first time you get it is a FUCKING bitch! It gets less lethal every time.

Good luck! 🤞


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2019
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I had it about 8 years ago, mostly on my forehead.

I did not have insurance at the time, so no treatment, just misery.

Not fun. Some acne type scarring for a few years that is now gone.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
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Anybody that want shingles rash gone rub lnjectable ivomec on rash and let it soak in you will not believe the results and how fast it heals, after seeing how fast this worked I feel for those who go threw weeks of singles pain