Sh*t Storm Galore LMFAO


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Bills On Israel, Ukraine 'Dead On Arrival' In Both House And Senate As Shutdown, Funding Battles Gear Up

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TUE OCT 31, AT 8:20 AM

In short,

  • The government will run out of money (again) in roughly two weeks, requiring Congress to act (again).
  • According to Democrats and GOP Neocons such as Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, America needs to send billions of taxpayer funds to both Israel and Ukraine, and won't consider any legislation that doesn't combine the two.
  • House Republicans under newly minted Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), as well as a group of Senate Republicans, want Israel aid separated from Ukraine aid, while the Biden White House wants to jam a $105 billion foreign aid package ($14B to Israel, $60B to Ukraine) through Congress.
  • The House's plan (if they can even pass it) to separate Israel aid from Ukraine aid is DOA in the Senate, while both the Senate's combined package and the Biden admin's package is DOA in the House.
  • The House and the Senate also need to pass 12 appropriations measures for 2024, or face a 1% across-the-board cut on defense and nondefense spending, per the debt ceiling bill passed earlier this year.
While Johnson is hoping to push this through in a Thursday vote in the House (with no guarantee it'll pass), Senate Republicans and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) - who love war and defending foreign borders, are a no-go, with Schumer calling it "insulting."

pepe no FU.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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Trump had them all on the ropes, just like Reagan then, scared shitless.

FUBAR O'Biden sold us out, weakend our strength, crushed our economy, world standing, and created the new Axis of Evil.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I thought he was MAGA Mike and the savior of the House?

Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
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I thought he was MAGA Mike and the savior of the House?
No to mention being a young Earth creationist who believes humans and dinosaurs once lived together. This guy is a total nutter. Good job GOP!

17 10 Flat

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2023
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And he thinks that aborting 40 week, full term babies is your constitutional right. He also thinks that "His guns make society safer, but mine make us less safe."
Come on now. You are discussing something whose elevator does not go to the top.
If you give it attention like 530 it hangs around even more.

Trolls have to be fed. It's not smart enough to knows it is being made fun of. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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You ever arrest a murderer? I have.
I've never murdered anyone. I've never brandished a weapon, I've never even had handcuffs on. So how in the FUCK, do I make my community less safe? I'm well trained, I shoot prey good, have extremely intuitive muzzle awareness. When we had this discussion about mine vs yours, you showed a picture of some cheap junk you keep at home. I am not even referring to your service weapon.

I've been shot at on two occasions. I still have not killed anyone.

Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
Reaction score
I've never murdered anyone. I've never brandished a weapon, I've never even had handcuffs on. So how in the FUCK, do I make my community less safe? I'm well trained, I shoot prey good, have extremely intuitive muzzle awareness. When we had this discussion about mine vs yours, you showed a picture of some cheap junk you keep at home. I am not even referring to your service weapon.

I've been shot at on two occasions. I still have not killed anyone.
When was you last psych profile to determine you’re mentally fit to own a firearm? Personally I’d say anybody who’d kill an intelligent, empathetic animal like an elephant just for the joy of killing probably shouldn’t own a firearm. Kinda like those children who torture puppies and grow up to be serial killers.

Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
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They murdered his beloved Heckle and Jeckle.....................

View attachment 1296405

They murdered his beloved Heckle and Jeckle.....................

View attachment 1296405
Nah, the particular guy I’m referring to stalked his ex girlfriend and then bludgeoned her to death outside the studio where she taught Pilates. Orphaned her little boy. Bad guy convicted of capital murder in Texas. Supposed to testify in another murder trial next week, but that one has been pushed back another six months. Another guy murdered a girl and left her bound body in a ditch. Not too many of these in my career, but too many nonetheless.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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I'd say a guy that doesn't know how to not double quote on a web site.................has no business testifying at a murder trial. 😆

And Stevereno is about to mop the floor with yore sorry ass..................... 😝

It's GREAT to have you back monkey!!!!

monkey shove computer .gif

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
I’m busy screwing 2x4’s up in my attic.

But, when I’m done, I’ll give the P&G a tutorial on the proper clubbing of baby seals.

Can’t wait. I haven’t given a Conservation through sport hunting lecture in years.


Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
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Yeah, be sure to tell us why guys who insist hunting is the only way to control elk and moose populations (or whatever species you chose) simultaneously insist they need to hunt wolves so they don’t kill all the game species. Clubbing baby seals is a fitting metaphor for to to chose; I’m sure you’d enjoy that or working at animal control gassing puppies if you ever got the chance. Just don’t pretend you’re motivated by anything other than the joy of killing.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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Yeah, be sure to tell us why guys who insist hunting is the only way to control elk and moose populations (or whatever species you chose) simultaneously insist they need to hunt wolves so they don’t kill all the game species. Clubbing baby seals is a fitting metaphor for to to chose; I’m sure you’d enjoy that or working at animal control gassing puppies if you ever got the chance. Just don’t pretend you’re motivated by anything other than the joy of killing.
First off and probably most obvious, you're trying to compare North American conservation/species management with the African model, tells me most of what I need to know about who I'm dealing with. You don't possess a clue as to how it works over in Africa.

Since you brought up Elephants, let's start there. Since Botswana has the largest population and thats where I shot mine, lets use it. I hunted unit NG41, which is right next to the Okavango Delta, one of natures most spectacular places. I hunted in 2006. That year, the Elephant census was ~185,000 Elephants. That year there were either 236 or 336, legally sport hunted Elephants in Botswana (I don't remember which) There were approximately 20,000 poached Elephants. 100% of the anti-poaching money for patrols, aircraft, teams on the ground, vehicles etc came from those legally hunted Elephants. So, is Hunting the problem? I believe more hunting is part of the solution.

I did a Buffalo hunt in Tanzania in 2018 I think? I need to search a thread, stand by......

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Found it.

Take a minute and take a look at what uncontrolled poaching does to populations. Not only the Elephants in this hunting GMA I was in but what happened to the other animals there, without Elephants. You see, the Elephants dig (dug) holes in the sand rivers (dry river beds) with their tusks. All the other animals rely heavily on these water sources. No Elephants, no water, everything dies. So, whats your solution?

The animals dead and very near death was one of the most maddening/sad things I've seen in the all my sporting travels. The air was rancid with the putrid aroma of rotting flesh.

Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
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First off and probably most obvious, you're trying to compare North American conservation/species management with the African model, tells me most of what I need to know about who I'm dealing with. You don't possess a clue as to how it works over in Africa.

Since you brought up Elephants, let's start there. Since Botswana has the largest population and thats where I shot mine, lets use it. I hunted unit NG41, which is right next to the Okavango Delta, one of natures most spectacular places. I hunted in 2006. That year, the Elephant census was ~185,000 Elephants. That year there were either 236 or 336, legally sport hunted Elephants in Botswana (I don't remember which) There were approximately 20,000 poached Elephants. 100% of the anti-poaching money for patrols, aircraft, teams on the ground, vehicles etc came from those legally hunted Elephants. So, is Hunting the problem? I believe more hunting is part of the solution.

I did a Buffalo hunt in Tanzania in 2018 I think? I need to search a thread, stand by......
Feel free to just cut those game wardens a check directly. Nah, I think what motivates you is less conservation and more the burning need to have an elephant foot trash can in your trophy room.

Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
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You hunt lions too? Probably need to kill them to keep the gazelles from overpopulating.

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Isn't interesting that in the "wild" ....... abortions don't exist....... whether in Africa or the U.S.....or anywhere in the world.


Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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You hunt lions too? Probably need to kill them to keep the gazelles from overpopulating.
This isn't going to go well for you. You cannot present an argument that I haven't publicly addressed. Some of them in front of thousands of people.

your argument as to "why not just write the game wardens a check", There is absolutely nothing wrong with you doing the same. There was an anti-hunting group that was buying up all the legal lion hunting quota in some African countries. Several, Zambia and Tanzania made that practice illegal. What happens, is the money gets to the outfitters, but doesn't get to the local communities. So, the communities go back to poisoning Lions, and shooting crop marauding Elephants.

Watch this Ted talk, I PROMISE you'll get something out of it.

If you don't like hunting and hunters, I get it. But you simply cannot change the fact that hunting is successfully used as a conservation tool all throughout Africa.


Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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African sport hunting is very, very complex. If you just look at my position with an open mind, you will walk away with a different perspective.

BTW, how can you be a warden of some type(?) and be closed minded about this subject?

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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The real culprit here is the Orient. China has such an appetite for Ivory chopsticks, figurines and dildo's, the money involved is enough to corrupt many African officials at ports, and even high within Governments.

This is all poached Ivory. Still think sport hunters are the problem?



Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
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Oh I agree 100% that commercial poaching is the biggest ecological threat. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that if you can look at an elephant knowing what you do about them and then destroy one solely because you enjoy killing, then you simply aren’t a good human being. This isn’t about wildlife conservation- that is just an argument you use so people won’t despise you for destroying a beautiful, intelligent animal.

Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
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Not to mention that abortion has been practiced by humans with a knowledge of pharmacology for millennia.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Oh I agree 100% that commercial poaching is the biggest ecological threat. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that if you can look at an elephant knowing what you do about them and then destroy one solely because you enjoy killing, then you simply aren’t a good human being. This isn’t about wildlife conservation- that is just an argument you use so people won’t despise you for destroying a beautiful, intelligent animal.
What have you done to conserve Elephants?

You're a miserable. troll. Adios

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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No? I can name any number of species that commit infanticide when resources are limited or just to get a female willing to breed again.
infanticide /ĭn-făn′tĭ-sīd″/


  1. The act of killing an infant.
  2. The practice of killing newborn infants.
  3. One who kills an infant.
Are you advocating that human abortions equate to infanticide in the wild?
You do realize you are admitting that you agree it's acceptable to kill new born babies.....FFS!

Told You So said:
When was you last psych profile to determine you’re mentally fit to own a firearm? (see above)
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Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
When was you last psych profile to determine you’re mentally fit to own a firearm? Personally I’d say anybody who’d kill an intelligent, empathetic animal like an elephant just for the joy of killing probably shouldn’t own a firearm. Kinda like those children who torture puppies and grow up to be serial killers.

Mmmmmm bacon 🤤🤤🤤


Single Barrel Dweller
Jun 28, 2012
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Nah, the particular guy I’m referring to stalked his ex girlfriend and then bludgeoned her to death outside the studio where she taught Pilates. Orphaned her little boy. Bad guy convicted of capital murder in Texas. Supposed to testify in another murder trial next week, but that one has been pushed back another six months. Another guy murdered a girl and left her bound body in a ditch. Not too many of these in my career, but too many nonetheless.
You did the job you got paid to do. So what?

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
infanticide /ĭn-făn′tĭ-sīd″/


  1. The act of killing an infant.
  2. The practice of killing newborn infants.
  3. One who kills an infant.
Are you advocating that human abortions equate to infanticide in the wild?
You do realize you are admitting that you agree it's acceptable to kill new born babies.....FFS!

Told You So said:
When was you last psych profile to determine you’re mentally fit to own a firearm? (see above)
Any one individual or any group that has more empathy for a pachyderm, than a 40 week, viable human being isn't worth exchanging thoughts with.

Again, The left shows their intolerance, while claiming to be the tolerant ones. They go straight to personal insults and prerogatives.

I have better things to do with my time than debate someone who's mind is so hopelessly closed.


Highly unusual
Feb 7, 2013
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No? I can name any number of species that commit infanticide when resources are limited or just to get a female willing to breed again.
So name them. Also state why they actually do it.
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Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Any one individual or any group that has more empathy for a pachyderm, than a 40 week, viable human being isn't worth exchanging thoughts with.

Again, The left shows their intolerance, while claiming to be the tolerant ones. They go straight to personal insults and prerogatives.

I have better things to do with my time than debate someone who's mind is so hopelessly closed.

Exactly, if the baby is viable then just induce labor and the child can be adopted by a loving family. There is no need to sever it's spinal cord.

Commies hate this, they want the authority over the life of the baby itself, it's not about the autonomy of the mother, that's just their excuse.

Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
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Eating animals has been practiced for at least 50x longer. Mmmmmmm cheese burgers 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
I have no problem with eating animals. I do it every day and elk hunt myself. But Nganga isn’t killing elephants to feed his family any more than he’s doing it to support conservation. He’s doing it because he enjoying killing intelligent animals that feel emotional pain. I suppose elk do too at some level, but I think there’s a continuum from shellfish at one end to the great apes, elephants, and whales at the other. Nobody needs to kill any of those for sport.

Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
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You did the job you got paid to do. So what?
Need help connecting the dots? My guns made society a little safer; Nganga’s have not. Instead Nganga hangs out with the likes of Regor and fantasizes about kicking off another civil war.

Told You So

Oct 27, 2023
Reaction score
Exactly, if the baby is viable then just induce labor and the child can be adopted by a loving family. There is no need to sever it's spinal cord.

Commies hate this, they want the authority over the life of the baby itself, it's not about the autonomy of the mother, that's just their excuse.
How many of those unwanted children have you adopted? There are thousands looking for families right now.
