Roots vs screw? And blower vs turbo questions


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
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With regard to 'Roots Vs screw", as an Implant specialist I would have to say the old theory of "what God gave you is best" has been put to the wayside because often A "screw"(implant ) is better than a root. The screw can offer a more stable platform to build off of, whether it be a single crown or a full arch reconstruction . I can get into the biomaterials side of CP4 titaniun, but that is a totally different discussion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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With regard to 'Roots Vs screw", as an Implant specialist I would have to say the old theory of "what God gave you is best" has been put to the wayside because often A "screw"(implant ) is better than a root. The screw can offer a more stable platform to build off of, whether it be a single crown or a full arch reconstruction . I can get into the biomaterials side of CP4 titaniun, but that is a totally different discussion.

Yes if there is enough jaw bone left to get enough screw threads into it, you may need a graft at least that's what my dentist said I needed.:D


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
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Yes if there is enough jaw bone left to get enough screw threads into it, you may need a graft at least that's what my dentist said I needed.:D

Grafts are commonly needed but that is a small thing. I do them all day long.:thumbup:


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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I would think a roots is pretty much pure bottom end, a turbo is pretty much pure top end and a screw is a blend of both. I've yet to see any of the top class drag boats run anything other then a roots blower. My Dad has worked on industrial engines for 40 years and they run nothing but turbo chargers as they create minimal additional load on the engine are are basically "free power". I've also rode in a 24 TT Spectra that from 3000 RPM and up will keep up with any flat bottom river boat I've ever seen. The few boats I've ridden in with screw style have been a blend of both. I'm not arguing one over the other, merely am of the opinion that they all offer there own advantages/disadvantages, it's all about what you're looking for as a boater.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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As far as roots vs twin screw - here is the end game....

-NHRA banned the twin screw in top fuel [emoji1]


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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Teague offers his 1200 EFI in two ways.

Quad rotor (Whipple): this is two 3.3 Whipples and makes more low end power with better midrange but less top end power. It also has the benefit of a more compact package that fits under hatches better.

Single 5.0 Whipple: makes more top end power than the QR. also is a bigger package because the 5.0 is pretty big and sits up higher than the QR.

We chose the quad rotor for our 30 Eagle for what we do with it (more cruising around and less all out WOT running). And we didn’t want a hump in the hatch to clear the engine.


Adjusting to retired life
Oct 29, 2008
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Good thread, lots of great information and some useless. Lol. I have run them all and currently run procharger roots and screw. I gave up my twin turbos many years ago not because they didn't make a shit ton of power but more of the complexity and the fact that I was used to and knew more about superchargers. I smoked my twin turbo motor in my 21RC one afternoon just buy a waste gate spring mistake, got frus and went back to superchargers. Racey had a good history lesson and 40ish years ago when I was working on heavy line diesels I cut my teeth on two-stroke Detroit's in old freightliners and yes the roots blower moved the intake air plus the engine also had a turbo charger which made the boost/power. They all have their place and many times it's functionality and or personal choice. Price is a factor too. A lil low boost roots/carb set up is pretty inexpensive. Sometimes it's going to be what works best for how your engine is built. Prochargers are a great bolt on for stock merc power and easy on outdrives because they are progressive. Its an endless topic. So let's throw high helix roots blowers into the mix🤷🏻‍♂️Lol


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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Since this thread came up i'll share a little something about why i like Brummett's EFI turbo setups so much.

The ability to control boost is un-paralleled, and once configured it's as easy as the push of a button.

Here are some data logs from motors with the Brummett Turbos that me and DaveH set up for a customer back in FL with Motec M150 ECUs. This is a capsule ~40 V-bottom, the whole deal with harnesses and scuba tanks, staggered with surface drives. The real deal that gets driven hard.

In the log you will see the top row is engine speed,
next row down is Throttle Position
below that is Boost Aim or Target Boost (Boost you want to make) vs Actual Boost Pressure (Boost you are actually making)
and the last row is the Boost Control Valve Position (this is where the magic happens)

With the Push of a button you can have up to 9 different boost maps, we put 3 on this setup

~17.5 PSI
17PSI Throttling.png

You can see time duration at the bottom, the vertical lines are 5 seconds apart so this is about a 90 second log snapshot you are seeing. Look at how close that boost matches your target.

14PSI mode:

Notice still 100% throttle but now we are only making 14psi, notice the only deviation is about 0.6psi for about 1/2 a second when the throttle is stabbed to 100% while the boost system take control, look at how much control output is being applied to the boost actuator to hold your boost target. This is done hundreds of times per second by the ECU.

Now 8PSI

You'll notice that the throttle position has some deviation here and isn't at 100%, this is the HUGE benefit of a Drive By Wire throttle setup, we have a throttle map that varies with RPM depending on what boost mode you are in, Because there is a limited range of physical boost control due to spring pressure in the diaphragm we close the final 2 or 3 psi in the 8psi map by skewing the throttles to not fully open even though the throttle handles are matted. This is all done seamlessly without the driver ever having to think about it.

Now just to show you how crazy the boost control actually works, here is how the motors make boost with the system disconnected and the wastegates locked shut (This was done for testing only!!! and not to test the wastegate control, this was done because they wanted to run significantly more boost and we didn't have a spring kit to go above 20psi, the point where exhaust pressure actually starts to push the waste gate open on its own)

No Boost Control.png

73 percent throttle and straight to 27PSI, which the motor is saved from grenading by having a 100% fuel cut. Just gives you an idea of how much the wastegate control system is working and how amazingly well it works.

Yeah EFI Turbo motors are the shiznit when properly set up. You get what you pay for when it comes to Turbos and the control system


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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I fell in love with blower motors from the very first time I saw The road warrior movie with Mel Gibson. Even though it was kind of hokey that he’d open the nitrous bottle and then the belt would start turning, whatever, but from that point on I’ve always loved the looks of the blower belt. It’s also because I’m stupid. I should just be happy with a stock EFI motor, but I like punishment.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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One other thing about turbos is that they are somewhat quieter because a lot of exhaust heat is lost in driving the turbine side of the turbo and the extra piping the exhaust goes through can be cooled further.

So they take less effort to quiet than a blower motor which is putting out hotter exhaust.