Report: Trump Has Chosen His Secretary of State

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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I implore you, do NOT drink the tap water in Tucson!:eek

From his posts over the last while, it's likely the warning came too late....:skull

Since the thread is about the new SoS, and it's turned to oil, maybe some thought should be given to the facts on Trump picking a person that is very positive on free trade and knowledgeable on world trade rules and laws. He'll be dealing with the nations that have the greatest influence on the world's petroleum. And from a point in favor of the US 'cause he's smart.:thumbsup

I'm catching up on who this guy is, and see far greater positives than the past few "given" the position and f-ing it up horribly.....The great NW dirt farmer and the local boo birds are gonna bitch no matter whom gets picked, so fuck 'em, deal with it

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Paul, 25 years ago, before the 1992 election, I was saying that the president should be a man that has run a huge multinational corporation. Since then it's been nothing but politicians, until now. I firmly believe people like Trump and Tillerson can run the country in a manner that will benefit all of us.

For those of you that say Tillerson will operate in the best interests of Exxon...pull your head out of your ass. Do you really think Trump and Tillerson would do something which would benefit their businesses? Once he's in office, Tillerson won't give two fucks about Exxon. High caliber executives change companies all the time, it's nothing new. Alan Mulally went from running Boeing to becoming the CEO of Ford. Is he pursuing policies at Ford which might benefit Boeing? No, and hell no. He has a board of directors to answer to. Tillerson has to answer to the president. The president has to answer to Congress and the public.

They aren't going to run the government like a kingdom. For you guys to claim that just shows stupidity.

Where were you when Clinton was accepting hundreds of millions for her foundation while she was secretary of state? What about Kerry? Has he done anything to benefit Heinz? DId you know he's worth over $200 million? Don't you think he has any skeletons in his closet? I sure do. He is a reprehensible slimeball.

But no one has bothered to explore Clinton's and Kerry's back rooms. I'm a helluva lot more comfortable with Tillerson than I was when Clinton was SoS, same goes for Kerry.

As for the "way" Exxon makes money, someone please elaborate. They follow the laws, they pay all the taxes they are supposed to. Their stock is in the portfolios of little old retired ladies.

Complaining about the oil companies is hypocritical. Do you use gasoline? Have plastic bags in your garbage can? Your old lady use makeup (Grad's use included)?

Quit with the social protest warrior crap. You're just making yourself look stupid.
Yes sir.....Spot on.:thumbsup:thumbsup:bowdown:

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Google says $218M in EM stock and this...

I'm sure he won't be influenced by either. [emoji6]


Well, let's break it down.


The 64-year-old Tillerson, a lifetime Exxon employee, came up through the ranks by managing the company's Russia account. In fact, his close relationship with Russia is one of the major reasons Tillerson was selected to succeed Lee Raymond as CEO of Exxon (XOM) in 2006, according to Steve Coll's book "Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power".


Wow. Tillerson was the executive in charge of managing an account worth billions with a Russian oil company. Considering that successful management, it's no surprise he was named CEO of Exxon. It's also not a surprise that CNN references a book that denigrates Exxon as an evil oil empire company. Their portrayal of Tillerson is what we can expect from the corrupt mainstream media.


Once [Tillerson] became CEO, Exxon bet billions on Russia's vast but notoriously-elusive oil resources through a bold partnership with Russian oil giant Rosneft. Putin himself attended the 2011 signing ceremony for the deal with Rosneft, which is majority owned by Moscow.


CNN manages to sensationalize Tillerson's involvement in Russia. They claim that Russia's oil reserves are "notoriously elusive". What does that mean? That drilling for oil is a highly speculative affair? Why, Dad Joiner knew that in 1930 when he started drilling the Daisy Bradford Number 3 in Rusk County, Texas. After all, the Daisy Bradford Number 1 and 2 were dry holes. But the Daisy Bradford Number 3 was a different matter altogether. The ensuing gusher sent the area into a frenzy. Joiner was nicknamed "Dad" because he was the father of the oil strike.

CNN also notes Tillerson's dealings with Rosneft were a "bold partnership". Gee, no kidding. Any agreement that bets billions of dollars on drilling a hole in the ground is "bold". Tillerson managed Exxon's account with Rosneft, and the account is worth now worth billions. What a surprise that he knows the players at Rosneft. What's even more amazing, he has met Vladimir Putin. This no doubt means he will enter into illegal dealings with the Russian government the week after he is confirmed as Secretary of State, right? More stupidity from CNN, and the left laps it up.

CNN points out that the Russian government has a majority stake in Rosneft. This is just like the relationship between Pemex and the Mexican government:


Petroleos Mexicanos, which translates to Mexican Petroleums, but is trademarked and better known as Pemex, is the Mexican state-owned petroleum company, created in 1938 by nationalization or expropriation of all private, foreign, and domestic oil companies at that time. Pemex has a total asset worth of $415.75 billion, and is the world's second largest non-publicly listed company by total market value (in 2006), and Latin America's second largest enterprise by annual revenue as of 2009, surpassed only by Petrobras (the Brazilian National Oil Company). The majority of its shares are not listed publicly and are under control of the Mexican government, with the value of its publicly listed shares totaling $202 billion in 2010, representing approximately one quarter of the company's total net worth.



Identical to the Saudi Arabian government's ownership of Aramco:


Saudi Aramco, officially the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, most popularly known just as Aramco, is a Saudi Arabian national petroleum and natural gas company based in Dhahran.
Saudi Aramco's value has been estimated at anywhere between US$1.25 trillion and US$10 trillion, making it the world's most valuable company.



The same type of ownership that Iran has with its state owned oil company:


The National Iranian Oil Company, a government-owned corporation under the direction of the Ministry of Petroleum of Iran, is an oil and natural gas producer and distributor headquartered in Tehran. It was established in 1948. NIOC ranks as the world's second largest oil company, after Saudi Arabia's state-owned Aramco.

The NIOC is exclusively responsible for the exploration, extraction, transportation and exportation of crude oil, as well as exploration, extraction and sales of natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG). the NIOC exports its surplus production according to commercial considerations in the framework of the quotas determined by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and at the prices prevalent in the international markets. in early 2005 NIOC's Recoverable liquid hydrocarbon reserves 136.99 billion barrels (21.780 km3) (10% of world's total) and Recoverable gas reserves 28.17 billion m3 (15% of world's total). Current NIOC production capacities include over 4 million barrels (640,103 m3) of crude oil and in excess of 500 million cubic meters of natural gas per day. Iran's overall export crude oil was valued at US$85 billion in 2010.


There are dozens of state owned oil companies worldwide, and Exxon has made agreements with all of them. I suppose the left thinks that Tillerson will bring his iPad to work and put all of these companies' CEOs on his state department phone speed dial. We'll ignore the fact this is against US law, and Tillerson would be put in jail for a long time if he engaged in such illegal behavior.


Russia has already indicated it would welcome Tillerson being named America's top diplomat. "Trump continues to amaze," Alexey Pushkov, the head of the foreign affairs committee in the lower house of Russian parliament, said on Twitter. He said that selecting Tillerson would be a "sensation" and noted he has "a lot of experience working with Russia."


Tillerson has experience working with Russia? No kidding. That makes him the ideal choice to deal with the Russian state's actions. The facts are there for all to see. Russia's involvement with the takeover of Ukraine, their support of Syrian leader Bashar Assad, and several other actions that are of concern to the international community have occurred. Instead of a leader that stands up to these belligerent acts, Obama has stood there looking at his shoes while Russia has pretty much done as they wish. We need a president that will stop this crap, and a Secretary of State that will communicate this effectively to Vladimir Putin.

We already know Hillary Clinton is a crook that ignored US secrecy laws and received hundreds of millions in graft money. We already know John Kerry is a spineless nothing. He has shown the world his boss can't control international affairs. Obama's vaunted "victory" at the Paris climate accords is a joke. China has agreed to do exactly nothing to curb their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Instead they have promised they'll do the best they can to lower the amount of crap they spew into the sky, and if it's not a measureable difference, well, they tried. He counts his cave in to Raul Castro as a positive event. We got nothing from the deal, and the Cuban people still live in fear and poverty.

We can't stand more years of giving away the farm and receiving nothing in return.

The United States needs a diplomat that's tough. Someone who is experienced in brokering deals with governments, and specifically the governments that ignore human rights and ignore their responsibility for polluting the environment. Someone with a reputation for negotiating skills. We've had enough of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry.

At the same time, we don't care about phony issues raised by "news" organizations like CNN and MSN. CNN's hit piece on Tillerson is weak sauce. He doesn't give a crap what they say about him. Tillerson is a real thinker, an extremely experienced businessman, and knows how to accomplish goals that are completely beyond the capabilities of Barack Obama and John Kerry. It's not even close.

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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It is interesting to watch the Lefties "blabber on" about Trump's possible SOS pick. If it makes the Left feel any better, I am more than confident and have come to realize and accept the fact that Trump will NEVER EVER appoint anyone whose credentials compare to those of Hillary R. Clinton..... That much, we can be assured of! .....Not Gonna Happen! .... Get over it ;)


Jun 28, 2010
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Well, let's break it down.



Wow. Tillerson was the executive in charge of managing an account worth billions with a Russian oil company. Considering that successful management, it's no surprise he was named CEO of Exxon. It's also not a surprise that CNN references a book that denigrates Exxon as an evil oil empire company. Their portrayal of Tillerson is what we can expect from the corrupt mainstream media.



CNN manages to sensationalize Tillerson's involvement in Russia. They claim that Russia's oil reserves are "notoriously elusive". What does that mean? That drilling for oil is a highly speculative affair? Why, Dad Joiner knew that in 1930 when he started drilling the Daisy Bradford Number 3 in Rusk County, Texas. After all, the Daisy Bradford Number 1 and 2 were dry holes. But the Daisy Bradford Number 3 was a different matter altogether. The ensuing gusher sent the area into a frenzy. Joiner was nicknamed "Dad" because he was the father of the oil strike.

CNN also notes Tillerson's dealings with Rosneft were a "bold partnership". Gee, no kidding. Any agreement that bets billions of dollars on drilling a hole in the ground is "bold". Tillerson managed Exxon's account with Rosneft, and the account is worth now worth billions. What a surprise that he knows the players at Rosneft. What's even more amazing, he has met Vladimir Putin. This no doubt means he will enter into illegal dealings with the Russian government the week after he is confirmed as Secretary of State, right? More stupidity from CNN, and the left laps it up.

CNN points out that the Russian government has a majority stake in Rosneft. This is just like the relationship between Pemex and the Mexican government:



Identical to the Saudi Arabian government's ownership of Aramco:



The same type of ownership that Iran has with its state owned oil company:



There are dozens of state owned oil companies worldwide, and Exxon has made agreements with all of them. I suppose the left thinks that Tillerson will bring his iPad to work and put all of these companies' CEOs on his state department phone speed dial. We'll ignore the fact this is against US law, and Tillerson would be put in jail for a long time if he engaged in such illegal behavior.



Tillerson has experience working with Russia? No kidding. That makes him the ideal choice to deal with the Russian state's actions. The facts are there for all to see. Russia's involvement with the takeover of Ukraine, their support of Syrian leader Bashar Assad, and several other actions that are of concern to the international community have occurred. Instead of a leader that stands up to these belligerent acts, Obama has stood there looking at his shoes while Russia has pretty much done as they wish. We need a president that will stop this crap, and a Secretary of State that will communicate this effectively to Vladimir Putin.

We already know Hillary Clinton is a crook that ignored US secrecy laws and received hundreds of millions in graft money. We already know John Kerry is a spineless nothing. He has shown the world his boss can't control international affairs. Obama's vaunted "victory" at the Paris climate accords is a joke. China has agreed to do exactly nothing to curb their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Instead they have promised they'll do the best they can to lower the amount of crap they spew into the sky, and if it's not a measureable difference, well, they tried. He counts his cave in to Raul Castro as a positive event. We got nothing from the deal, and the Cuban people still live in fear and poverty.

We can't stand more years of giving away the farm and receiving nothing in return.

The United States needs a diplomat that's tough. Someone who is experienced in brokering deals with governments, and specifically the governments that ignore human rights and ignore their responsibility for polluting the environment. Someone with a reputation for negotiating skills. We've had enough of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry.

At the same time, we don't care about phony issues raised by "news" organizations like CNN and MSN. CNN's hit piece on Tillerson is weak sauce. He doesn't give a crap what they say about him. Tillerson is a real thinker, an extremely experienced businessman, and knows how to accomplish goals that are completely beyond the capabilities of Barack Obama and John Kerry. It's not even close.

What a long read! I read the beginning and saw you mentioned Obama and Kerry at the end, what does that matter now, plus I didn't vote for Obama either term. Frequently you guys miss making your point when you habitually throw in a jab at Obama and the Dems.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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What a long read! I read the beginning and saw you mentioned Obama and Kerry at the end, what does that matter now, plus I didn't vote for Obama either term. Frequently you guys miss making your point when you habitually throw in a jab at Obama and the Dems.

How long HAS it been since you "picked" the winner?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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What a long read! I read the beginning and saw you mentioned Obama and Kerry at the end, what does that matter now, plus I didn't vote for Obama either term. Frequently you guys miss making your point when you habitually throw in a jab at Obama and the Dems.

Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's to illustrate that the current crop of Democratic participants are proven liars, lawbreakers, compromisers of secret information, etc.

Sure it's a long read. But you're the one that linked the article. Did you read it any further than the link you provided? You made a Google search to come up with a factoid that is totally irrelevant. So what if he owns a bunch of Exxon stock? He's worked there since 1975 and he's the CEO. In no way does that prove he will act in a dishonest and illegal manner if confirmed as SoS.

I don't make stupid accusations and throw out idiot comments. When I participate in a political discussion, I show the reasons why I think the way I do. If more people did that they might have to think, but that's too much work for some.

The Democrats have played the American public for fools the last eight years. Hillary Clinton became rich while acting as secretary of state. Kerry has abused his office for financial gain.

Here's an article about Kerry using his influence as a senator and secretary of state to get his daughter millions of government dollars. The pathetic denials by Kerry's minions at the end of the article show that the current administration takes us all for idiots. There's zero chance that Kerry didn't use his influence to get the money for his daughter. It was a no-compete, out and out handover of money. Not a peep was heard about it in the mainstream media.

She was paid $140,000 for working 30 hours a week on the grant the charity was given.

More than $9 million of Department of State money has been funneled through the Peace Corps to a nonprofit foundation started and run by Secretary of State John Kerry?s daughter, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show.

The Department of State funded a Peace Corps program created by Dr. Vanessa Kerry and officials from both agencies, records show. The Peace Corps then awarded the money without competition to a nonprofit Kerry created for the program.

Initially, the Peace Corps awarded Kerry?s group ? now called Seed Global Health ? with a three-year contract worth $2 million of State Department money on Sept. 10, 2012, documents show. Her father was then the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, which oversees both the Department of State and the Peace Corps.

Seed secured a four-year extension in September 2015, again without competition. This time, the Peace Corps gave the nonprofit $6.4 million provided by the Department of State while John Kerry was secretary of state.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/12/e...ons-to-his-daughters-nonprofit/#ixzz4SaUUoaYt


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I think he's a good candidate because of his Russian ties. We have to live with them, we have to address their expansionist goals and military adventures.

Who better to effectively deal with them than a guy that knows the ropes?

It's ridiculous to automatically assume he will engage in acts that are illegal. He's the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world. I guarantee he has more personal integrity than the last two secretaries.

Although that's a low bar.


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
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Waiting for the evidence princess.......Share what the ever knowing and ever accurate CIA knows

That's going to be Donnie's CIA in a matter of weeks...the same CIA that protects our country.:yikes


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Eight more years!
Eight more years!
Eight more years!

This is going to be so much fun for at least the next eight years. You stupid Tards are worried about President Trumps' SOS pick after eight years of the COTUS and Horse Face.


Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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What a long read! I read the beginning and saw you mentioned Obama and Kerry at the end, what does that matter now, plus I didn't vote for Obama either term. Frequently you guys miss making your point when you habitually throw in a jab at Obama and the Dems.

Good grief.......Skipped the middle, eh. No wonder you're adrift, you miss key points.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Not scared, I don't trust Putin any farther than I could pick up and throw a D9 though.

Then it's imperative we have qualified personnel to deal with him.....Putin will do what ever he feels is best for Russia. He will flex his muscles and roll over weak opposition. He's steamrolled the current admin and done basically as he pleases. To challenge him and block what is not favorable to US interests, takes strong leadership and knowledgeable personnel. We have lacked those traits in the SoS position and now that will be corrected. We need far more in this position than political retreads that get appointed as favors rather than on qualifications.

But in your shallow vision, Trump can do nothing right. Because you hate the guy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!!!!!

What if Trump appoints someone incompetent to SOS????


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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Then it's imperative we have qualified personnel to deal with him.....Putin will do what ever he feels is best for Russia. He will flex his muscles and roll over weak opposition. He's steamrolled the current admin and done basically as he pleases. To challenge him and block what is not favorable to US interests, takes strong leadership and knowledgeable personnel. We have lacked those traits in the SoS position and now that will be corrected. We need far more in this position than political retreads that get appointed as favors rather than on qualifications.

But in your shallow vision, Trump can do nothing right. Because you hate the guy.

Are you out of your fucking mind OT?

Putin will do what is best for himself and a select group of cronies... He doesnt give a crap about what is best for Russia. He will however gladly work with Rex to get the 500 Billion dollar oil deal going between Exxon and Rosneft.

Just another example of how Putins administration is going to function come Jan 20th.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Bet yet gas prices are the lowest ever. I remember the days of having $700 fill ups on the boat. I prefer not to go back to that.

By decreasing our dependence on foreign supplies? lol. how do you figure that?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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He doesnt give a crap about what is best for Russia. He will however gladly work with Rex to get the 500 Billion dollar oil deal going between Exxon and Rosneft.

Hell yes, pump that black gold through the roof and let it rain on the climate change cocksuckers!!! :drink

How you liking your payback so far Squeegee?


  • Oil.jpg
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Jun 28, 2010
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who makes the most on the sale of a gallon of gas?

the federal government.

Someone else said this recently in here too. :headscratch:
The answer is 18.4 cents per gallon. That money collected is the same regardless if its $3 or $6 gallon, the percentage collected goes down when its higher. That rate has been in effect since the early '90s. What am I missing here when you say the federal govt makes the most money off the sale of a gallon of gas?


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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the retailer makes only a few cents, the refiner only makes a few cents and the oil company only makes a few cents.

the taxes on a gallon of gas are more than every one else makes combined.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Someone else said this recently in here too. :headscratch:
The answer is 18.4 cents per gallon. That money collected is the same regardless if its $3 or $6 gallon, the percentage collected goes down when its higher. That rate has been in effect since the early '90s. What am I missing here when you say the federal govt makes the most money off the sale of a gallon of gas?

The Federal government brings in big money from royalties. Perhaps you're referring to the that statement which was alluded to recently?

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Are you out of your fucking mind OT?

Putin will do what is best for himself and a select group of cronies... He doesnt give a crap about what is best for Russia. He will however gladly work with Rex to get the 500 Billion dollar oil deal going between Exxon and Rosneft.

Just another example of how Putins administration is going to function come Jan 20th.

There all Russians so it's what's best for whom the fuck ever. The point is we need strength in dealing with the man or whomever is ruling Russia.

Take it up with the Russians if you don't like their structure. Hell move there, they'd love ya


Jun 28, 2010
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The Federal government brings in big money from royalties. Perhaps you're referring to the that statement which was alluded to recently?

Maybe, I thought it was the same thing YB commented on. Nonetheless YB cited the profit on a gallon of gas sold retail at the pump vs the fed tax.. I know stations make about .10/gallon gross, that only leaves 8.4 cents to stay under what the fed is taking in tax. I've never heard what the distributor is getting but I'd wager its at least 10% to stay in Biz.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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Someone else said this recently in here too. :headscratch:
The answer is 18.4 cents per gallon. That money collected is the same regardless if its $3 or $6 gallon, the percentage collected goes down when its higher. That rate has been in effect since the early '90s. What am I missing here when you say the federal govt makes the most money off the sale of a gallon of gas?

The state makes the most. CA makes close to a $1.00 per gallon right now.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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It's misleading.

The Feds not only make 18 cents a gallon, they also make a royalty on crude production.
That royalty varies from lease to lease and state to state.

The crude gets taxed at every stop along the entire route to becoming a gallon of gas.

The consumer is just the last in line to get fleeced with the pump tax.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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It's misleading.

The Feds not only make 18 cents a gallon, they also make a royalty on crude production.
That royalty varies from lease to lease and state to state.

The crude gets taxed at every stop along the entire route to becoming a gallon of gas.

The consumer is just the last in line to get fleeced with the pump tax.

To add. There are a lot of wells that sit on BLM land. [emoji202]


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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It's misleading.

The Feds not only make 18 cents a gallon, they also make a royalty on crude production.
That royalty varies from lease to lease and state to state.

The crude gets taxed at every stop along the entire route to becoming a gallon of gas.

The consumer is just the last in line to get fleeced with the pump tax.

Taxed heavily before a rig is anywhere near a site isn't it?

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Exactly he picked another lifelong politician who's been paid off by every big company on the planet.........damn that guy!!! But wait, this guys never been a politician, he has done business at a high level around the globe, managed a large global organization and unlike all the "Swamp Creatures" he has had to do all those things while worrying about balancing a budget......that sure sounds like the people the last administration picked for the job:rolleyes

PS............Making Money is NOT a crime;)

It's the fact that he and Putin are BFF's that worries people. His company does billions of business with Russia- you certain his actions as Secretary of State won't be influences by his personal investments? Cuz that is a crime.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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Maybe, I thought it was the same thing YB commented on. Nonetheless YB cited the profit on a gallon of gas sold retail at the pump vs the fed tax.. I know stations make about .10/gallon gross, that only leaves 8.4 cents to stay under what the fed is taking in tax. I've never heard what the distributor is getting but I'd wager its at least 10% to stay in Biz.

10% gross is only a few cents. Remember cc fees eat about 3%. I know several people with gas stations. You going in and buying a soda for cash is more then they make you filling up in a card. They make about $.05/ gallon. Costs are nuts, with enviro fees. No one is making 10% gross on fuel. Fact is, you going in and buying a soda is more money for them then you filling up on a card.

The distributors are not much better off. They make it up in volume.


Jun 28, 2010
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10% gross is only a few cents. Remember cc fees eat about 3%. I know several people with gas stations. You going in and buying a soda for cash is more then they make you filling up in a card. They make about $.05/ gallon. Costs are nuts, with enviro fees. No one is making 10% gross on fuel. Fact is, you going in and buying a soda is more money for them then you filling up on a card.

The distributors are not much better off. They make it up in volume.

Gross profit is before overhead and I'm not saying it's 10%, it's about .10 per gallon which further erodes your argument. It's still about .10, net about .05 for the station owner after OH. As for who's making the most on a gallon of gas the station owner is making about .10 before OH, that only leaves 8.4 cents based on your statement the fed is making the most on a retail gallon of gas.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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It's the fact that he and Putin are BFF's that worries people. His company does billions of business with Russia- you certain his actions as Secretary of State won't be influences by his personal investments? Cuz that is a crime.

You mean like a Secretary of State that solicits millions in contributions to her sham "charity" then makes political decisions that favor the donors?

Because I'm pretty sure that's a crime.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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Gross profit is before overhead and I'm not saying it's 10%, it's about .10 per gallon which further erodes your argument. It's still about .10, net about .05 for the station owner after OH. As for who's making the most on a gallon of gas the station owner is making about .10 before OH, that only leaves 8.4 cents based on your statement the fed is making the most on a retail gallon of gas.

I see the issue, we have diffrent views on what grossprofit means. For me gross profit is what you make after all overhead is paid, but befor taxes.

A few years back when gaswas crazy expensive, west(froggy)'s parents owned one, in that thread he broke everything down using thier numbers, That was many, many years ago, then there was tpc,posting about a fuel dock that was closing, due too needing new tanks.

If I was not on my phone I could find the threads and show you. Reality is, gas stations make next too nothing on gas. They onky sell gas to get you into tge store.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
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I see the issue, we have diffrent views on what grossprofit means. For me gross profit is what you make after all overhead is paid, but befor taxes.

A few years back when gaswas crazy expensive, west(froggy)'s parents owned one, in that thread he broke everything down using thier numbers, That was many, many years ago, then there was tpc,posting about a fuel dock that was closing, due too needing new tanks.

If I was not on my phone I could find the threads and show you. Reality is, gas stations make next too nothing on gas. They onky sell gas to get you into tge store.

I know it was a lonnnng time ago but my best friend in HS dad owned a Gulf station in OC and he always told us he made two cents a gallon on gas but killed it on oils, lubes and soda pop.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Gross profit is before overhead and I'm not saying it's 10%, it's about .10 per gallon which further erodes your argument. It's still about .10, net about .05 for the station owner after OH. As for who's making the most on a gallon of gas the station owner is making about .10 before OH, that only leaves 8.4 cents based on your statement the fed is making the most on a retail gallon of gas.

So, what is your argument again?
Dec 20, 2007
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Gross profit is before overhead and I'm not saying it's 10%, it's about .10 per gallon which further erodes your argument. It's still about .10, net about .05 for the station owner after OH. As for who's making the most on a gallon of gas the station owner is making about .10 before OH, that only leaves 8.4 cents based on your statement the fed is making the most on a retail gallon of gas.

It takes a mountain money to fix our roads...too bad those tax dollars are being used elsewhere.