Public Health and Guns


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
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Yea. I often wonder how many law abiding citizens who own firearms are committing mass shootings and other violent gun related crimes? Do you have some statistics on this that justify the infringement on their 2a rights? If they removed the stats for violent crime that occurred in your socialist utopias the overall numbers would drop by 75% or more.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Looks like the White House is addressing some issues and filling a position that has been empty since 2015.

Seems like a small first step. How does any of this affect you?

Is this coming from the same party that has run Chicago for decades and continues to allow gun violence soar, despite having some of the toughest gun laws they can come up with?

So in short, NOTHING they OR you say "affects" me.

Too easy Jen! 😝

Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Fuck those mutherfuckers and their thug bullshit. Glad I live in the free country of Arizona. I volunteer and support this group and they do outstanding work.

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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I wonder... how many mass shooters come from stable households with both a mother and a father (or analogs of either), are not on psychotropic drugs, have not exibited abnormal mental behavior in the past, and have legally attained their weapons?

The left won't address the first three, but are hell bent on the last. But without taking care of the former, mass killing will continue. Like Europe, we'll see people driving cars through crowds, IED's and the like. Then what? A background check to rent a Uhaul or buy fertilzer? Somehow restricting law abiding citizens from owning guns is going to solve the issue?

And like I wrote my congresswoman last week; law abiding citizens aren't the ones who are committing violence and gov't won't enforce the gun laws on the books as it is. Why will more laws help?


Old Guy
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
So, when was the last time a home made (ghost gun per inflammatory rhetoric) was used in a mass shooting or even a criminal shooting?

When was a rifle caliber pistol used in similar crimes?

Red flag laws don’t usually work because the family is in denial their sweet baby would hurt anyone. These are used currently to exact some sort of revenge rather than to limit violence. Besides, if there is evidence of potential violence the court system has avenues already.

Community based violence intervention- wow, what a concept! I bet that could be used to curb regular non-gun violence too. They just can’t be lazy in crafting the program(s).

Trafficking reports? Really, they already exist.

Appointing an anti 2A head for ATF? Ha ha ha. They are already an anti2A group.

Just more political posturing, attacking symptoms or less, rather than doing the hard work of drilling down to the real problems of violence.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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Looks like the White House is addressing some issues and filling a position that has been empty since 2015.

Seems like a small first step. How does any of this affect you?

why dont they simply ban criminals you idiot...


Old Guy
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
The idiot in Boulder had a AR-15 Pistol with a brace.

That’s good to know. I heard it was a Ruger 556, but thought it was a rifle as I haven’t seen a Ruger 556 pistol yet.
My personal view is the pistol brace does nothing to make the firearm more lethal. Just more concealable and maneuverable.


Inmate #RDP158
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
So, when was the last time a home made (ghost gun per inflammatory rhetoric) was used in a mass shooting or even a criminal shooting?
Oddly enough, I ran across this this morning. Not gonna make national news, but it caught my eye. The part that really got my attention is they didn't call it a ghost gun.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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Oddly enough, I ran across this this morning. Not gonna make national news, but it caught my eye. The part that really got my attention is they didn't call it a ghost gun.

but again look whos hands their in...

drug addicted criminal...

just this month there were several stabbings and murders of innocent people walking their dogs or citizens just minding their business in their own yards by drug addicted transients... this all in Los Angeles and surrounding areas...

one poor guy was 100 years old...

yet they dont report the root issues... Drug addiction and the pursuit to keep that addiction kept and the effects of rational thoughts due to the drugs...

but its the guns and knifes fault....

actually its the white privileged victims fault for being privileged...


Old Guy
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Oddly enough, I ran across this this morning. Not gonna make national news, but it caught my eye. The part that really got my attention is they didn't call it a ghost gun.
Well if that isn’t odd. I would never have suspected a homeless person making their own 80%’r. Lol
BTW, before I get blasted, transfer of a non serialized gun is a fed crime. And making a non serialized gun in Ca is a felony. So, why the need for added laws.


Upon My Request This is all Folks Skater368/nganga
Dec 16, 2020
Reaction score
Looks like the White House is addressing some issues and filling a position that has been empty since 2015.

Seems like a small first step. How does any of this affect you?

Tell ya what, lets make a deal. I'll trade the "Ghost guns" for late term abortion. How many viable children die at the hands of you ghouls and fall back on "Woman's Health"


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Looks like the White House is addressing some issues and filling a position that has been empty since 2015.

Seems like a small first step. How does any of this affect you?

Serious Questions for you:
How many guns do you own?
How many illegals do you allow to live in your house?
Do you lock the doors to your vehicle or house?
What age is acceptable to kill a baby in your opinion?
Should a biological man, past the pubescent stage, be allowed to use occupied women's restrooms?

In answer to your question above: None of the proposed steps above effect me directly at this moment in time. But that is not what the majority of 2A supporters are concerned with. Your party has shown time and time again that it's never going to be enough legislation. If you believe PedoJoes plans stop here, you are more of a fool that I have previously believed you to be.


Upon My Request This is all Folks Skater368/nganga
Dec 16, 2020
Reaction score
Serious Questions for you:
How many guns do you own?
How many illegals do you allow to live in your house?
Do you lock the doors to your vehicle or house?
What age is acceptable to kill a baby in your opinion?
Should a biological man, past the pubescent stage, be allowed to use occupied women's restrooms?

In answer to your question above: None of the proposed steps above effect me directly at this moment in time. But that is not what the majority of 2A supporters are concerned with. Your party has shown time and time again that it's never going to be enough legislation. If you believe PedoJoes plans stop here, you are more of a fool that I have previously believed you to be.

Here's your answer...."I chose to worry about the real problems this country faces"


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Serious Questions for you:
How many guns do you own?
How many illegals do you allow to live in your house?
Do you lock the doors to your vehicle or house?
What age is acceptable to kill a baby in your opinion?
Should a biological man, past the pubescent stage, be allowed to use occupied women's restrooms?

In answer to your question above: None of the proposed steps above effect me directly at this moment in time. But that is not what the majority of 2A supporters are concerned with. Your party has shown time and time again that it's never going to be enough legislation. If you believe PedoJoes plans stop here, you are more of a fool that I have previously believed you to be.

Thank you for answering the question.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Tell ya what, lets make a deal. I'll trade the "Ghost guns" for late term abortion. How many viable children die at the hands of you ghouls and fall back on "Woman's Health"

If stricter gun laws do not prevent gun crimes but actually result in restricting the rights of lawful gun owners; why do stricter voting laws prevent voting crimes yet do not end up restricting the rights of lawful voters?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
If stricter gun laws do not prevent gun crimes but actually result in restricting the rights of lawful gun owners; why do stricter voting laws prevent voting crimes yet do not end up restricting the rights of lawful voters?

I agree with yore philosophy and we're going to go with it. 👍

Step 1: Kill all D/R scumbags with our unregistered guns.

Step 2: Institute Voter ID

Result: Made America Great Again


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2013
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In answer to your question above: None of the proposed steps above effect me directly at this moment in time. But that is not what the majority of 2A supporters are concerned with. Your party has shown time and time again that it's never going to be enough legislation. If you believe PedoJoes plans stop here, you are more of a fool that I have previously believed you to be.
Great response @t&y , pretty much sums it up for me as well (if I owned any guns). But I'm beginning to think this is just the left strategy to appease the sheep. It really won't make any difference in the crime stats, and they could still blame it on the R's for not doing enough. How do they pretend to be all tough on guns yet not a word about the LA County DA not prosecuting the laws as written. Just more hypocrisy and double speak. POS's all of them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Serious Questions for you:
How many guns do you own?
How many illegals do you allow to live in your house?
Do you lock the doors to your vehicle or house?
What age is acceptable to kill a baby in your opinion?
Should a biological man, past the pubescent stage, be allowed to use occupied women's restrooms?

In answer to your question above: None of the proposed steps above effect me directly at this moment in time. But that is not what the majority of 2A supporters are concerned with. Your party has shown time and time again that it's never going to be enough legislation. If you believe PedoJoes plans stop here, you are more of a fool that I have previously believed you to be.

7 Pistols, three shot guns, three centerfire rifles, three rimfire rifles...

Currently none, over the years a few when they needed help.

About 50% of the time

Killing a baby... Not going to dignify this one with an answer.

"Biological" Man nope, a confirmed transgender women who might have been born with a dick, no problem.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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If stricter gun laws do not prevent gun crimes but actually result in restricting the rights of lawful gun owners; why do stricter voting laws prevent voting crimes yet do not end up restricting the rights of lawful voters?

I think every black person upon reaching 18 years of age should be automatically issued a bio-metric photo ID, a large caliber handgun, and be trained in the proper use of both.

All the voting problems would magically disappear and the inner cities would be orders of magnitude safer because everyone knows guns keep you safe.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Looks like the White House is addressing some issues and filling a position that has been empty since 2015.

Seems like a small first step. How does any of this affect you?

Public health and CARS
Public health and abortion
I could go in.

Fuck, more people are killed by god dam goats than AR15s.

fuck these stupid liars


Active Member
Jul 28, 2017
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Looks like the White House is addressing some issues and filling a position that has been empty since 2015.

Seems like a small first step. How does any of this affect you?

RNJ, I'll take a stab at this since you asked nicely.

As a staunch supporter of the 2A, and a responsible gun owner with a passion for my hobby, todays WH announcement does not really affect me. But the comment of a "small first step" is very alarming and concerning, as you are applying that although this is small, it is a first step. For me, this is the real concern.

1st is the "Ghost" gun. I may be mistaken, but there is very little statistics on how many of these guns are used in violent crimes. My guess is very few. Technically, a firearm with the serial number filed off is considered a ghost gun. Filing the serial number is already a crime, so the person in position of this firearm is already a criminal, and there is a good reason the number has been erased, it has been stolen, and the person does not want any evidence of this, so right there it is a criminal in position of a firearm. But I realize it is mainly to target the AR platform. Without showing statistics, the ghost gun ban will have very little, if any, chances of reducing violent gun crimes. If a troubled human being decides to go on a rampage, the gun will not care if it has some numbers stamped on it or not. It is the human factor that chooses to load the gun and pull the trigger on innocent people, not the manufacturer of the firearm or ammunition.

Next is the stabilizing brace. Logically, what affect can this ban have on gun violence? Yes, it makes the firearm more maneuverable, I understand. But again, without statistics, what proof is there that a brace, or even a bump stock or any other modifications, were either used in a crime, or even created more casualties? Yes, the Vegas shooter got off more rounds, I understand, but having a ban on this specialty equipment with not change the mind of a human being with psychologic issues. Reducing the damage, maybe, but again, my guess is very little results.

Then there is the community violence intervention. I honestly don't even know how to reply to this. Just makes me laugh. Throw a sh!t ton more money at existing entities, to decide how much more money to throw at these entities? Makes perfect sense........Any evidence that these current entities have any real affect all all, sure doesn't seem like it. I know these entities exist in Chicago, how many people have they helped steer away from gun violence? Any statistics that show this even remotely works? Crazy, I just don't see how this will help.

The ATF is now going to issue a yearly report on gun trafficking. Great! So if you read the report, the last extensive report was issued in 2000. What did anybody do with this report from 2000? I completely agree that illegal trafficking has a major hand with gun violence, no doubt in my mind. But what have they done for 20 years since this last report? It says it is "believed" that trafficking channels have changed since 2000. Why and how were they allowed to change in the first place? But no, we will just do a new study, costing millions, so we can tell the public that criminals are involved with gun trafficking. Brilliant idea, I'm sure this will stop the violence.

A new director of the ATF. OK, cool enough. Time will tell if having a "Confirmed" director will have any changes over a non-confirmed director I suppose, but whether the existing director(s) were confirmed or not, they still had a job to do, which from what most can tell, have very little influence on the criminals committing the gun violence.

So RNJ, I feel your post is a bit of a challenge to 2A supporters to defend our constitutional rights to you. I apologize if I am taking this wrong, but I get the feeling you want us to defend our rights to you. So I challenge you to do the same thing. Pick something that you are passionate about, like your favorite hobby. And substitute guns and firearms for your favorite hobby in this debate. We are on a boating site, so I'll use this as an example. Our passion has too many tragedies that come along with it. How will if "affect" you if the government decides to step in on our passion to eliminate any further tragedies, starting with small steps? There are plenty of laws already in place to protect the boating community. But human errors occur in the mast majority of boating tragedies, claiming the lives of innocent people. So the first accident is alcohol related. So now zero alcohol on the water, period. How much is that going to cost the tax payer, someone has to pay the Rangers. Private launch ramp, how much is that launch fee going to go up? Let alone how long it would take to get on the water. But guess what, some Dude that just has to drink smuggles his booze in a dock bumper, gets sauced, and kills some innocent people. Now what, a weekly blood test to obtain a operators license for a day? A background check if you have ever been buzzed in your life? Where does it stop? But in the mean time, an accident occurred because a low sun in the operators eyes, so now you can only boat between 8:00am and 3:00pm. Then a PWC turns in front of a boat, so now PWC's can operate on even hours, and boats on odd hours? And how do you enforce this? Oh, we will hire more Government employees and do some more studies, all while your boating privilege's are taken away from you. Can you see where this analogy is headed?

So go ahead and insert any activity you enjoy. Coaching your kids soccer team. Well, we have all seen innocent people hurt by a disgruntled parent on the sideline. So now, criminal background to watch a kids soccer game? But someone gets thru the background check and it happens again. Now, no more spectators rooting on their kids? But then a players punches another player out of frustration, so every child needs a physic evaluation before being allowed to play? Sweet, sign us up.....

Sorry for the long rant guys. Every once in awhile I just can't help but chime in. Maybe I just took this wrong from RNJ, but I took it as a throwing down of a gauntlet that the 2A and gun ownership should be slowly eliminated. For millions of good, responsible Americans the 2A represents our God given rights. For every American, the 2A is a right to defend, a wonderful hobby for Millions, for many it is how they put food on the table, and for many it is a way of making a living. It is not the American's citizen 2A right, or the firearm and ammunition manufacturer's fault there is gun violence. It is the human factor that is added to the equation, whether criminal or psychological, that is the issue with these tragic occurrences.

Please do not encourage "small steps" to infringe upon our 2A rights. Focus on the real issue, the mental state of the operator of the firearms being used, not the manufacturer's, the suppliers or the responsible owners.

Thanks for reading.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
That’s good to know. I heard it was a Ruger 556, but thought it was a rifle as I haven’t seen a Ruger 556 pistol yet.
My personal view is the pistol brace does nothing to make the firearm more lethal. Just more concealable and maneuverable.

It's stupid as a law anyway because of the modular nature of the AR platform, all it does is punish law abiding people, any criminal that wants to can swap the stock/brace in 4 seconds with no tools....


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
I think every black person upon reaching 18 years of age should be automatically issued a bio-metric photo ID, a large caliber handgun, and be trained in the proper use of both.

All the voting problems would magically disappear and the inner cities would be orders of magnitude safer because everyone knows guns keep you safe.

Minus the 'biometric ID' pretty much every country kid in the midwest gets a gun and knows how to use it by their 18th birthday, how come they don't have gun violence problems like Chicago or Detroit 🤡 🤡


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
If stricter gun laws do not prevent gun crimes but actually result in restricting the rights of lawful gun owners; why do stricter voting laws prevent voting crimes yet do not end up restricting the rights of lawful voters?

Gun laws are already way more restrictive than voting laws

Maybe the governments in states ought to put as many resources into addressing voting crimes as they do with gun crimes..... 🤡🤡


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
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I think every black person upon reaching 18 years of age should be automatically issued a bio-metric photo ID, a large caliber handgun, and be trained in the proper use of both.

All the voting problems would magically disappear and the inner cities would be orders of magnitude safer because everyone knows guns keep you safe.

Your exaggerated statement does hold some truths, as well as showing your apparent racism.

Why do you single out blacks from the general population? Are you biased against blacks in relation to illegal voting ballots or having the ability to commit crimes?

I believe if a citizen of the USA had to show ID at all polling places, or verify citizenship on absentee or mail in ballots, whatever political group might try to get illegal ballots counted would be severely hampered. Of course, as we just witnessed, the individuals counting the ballots must be supervised to only allow legal ballots to get tallied.

Regarding hand guns, if all law abiding citizens in the inner cities received weapons and proper training, yes, I do believe there would be less overall crime against those law abiding households. Do you disagree?

Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
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I'll try my best to be 'simple' with an observation regarding 'Red Flag Laws'.
I'm not sure in what manner any 'Red Flag Law' would be written or incorporated . . . but my concern is that it could open-up opportunities for bitter, angry, resentful family members, friends, wives, ex-wives, husbands, ex-husbands, neighbors, etc. to cry wolf on an innocent person. Please don't tell me that would never happen, we see it all the time in bogus domestic violence / divorce cases. This could open up an endless can of worms IMO.

And regarding the 'background check' to watch kids games' comment above . . . . A couple years ago I was at my girlfriends kids softball tournament . . . I was a stand-in assistant coach at the time. I was warming up the pitcher for our team when a stuffy old man comes up to me and asks me for my ID. I said ,"What ID"? . . . he pointed to a few parents/coaches with badges around their neck, and said, "See all those people with badges?.... they've all passed background checks". . . . . I looked at him, and said, "Oh, I could never pass one of those"! . . . and I underhanded him the ball and walked away shaking my head ! lol

So yeah . . . there's better, more important things this country needs to focus on. It seems the Democrats just will never be able to comprehend that sadly.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Gun laws are already way more restrictive than voting laws

You can buy a firearm and all the ammunition you want in Arizona at any time without even an ID to show proof of your age. It is harder to buy a package of smokes than a firearm or ammunition.

You must not only show an ID, but proof of US citizenship and multiple proofs of Arizona Residency to register to vote in Arizona.

Your statement is demonstrably false.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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You can buy a firearm and all the ammunition you want in Arizona at any time without even an ID to show proof of your age. It is harder to buy a package of smokes than a firearm or ammunition.

You must not only show an ID, but proof of US citizenship and multiple proofs of Arizona Residency to register to vote in Arizona.

Your statement is demonstrably false.
Your full of shit . Every gun shop makes you fill out a background check form and you must have ID to do it . The form is then run through the FBI data base . Yes you can buy ammo without a license .


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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RNJ, I'll take a stab at this since you asked nicely.

As a staunch supporter of the 2A, and a responsible gun owner with a passion for my hobby, todays WH announcement does not really affect me. But the comment of a "small first step" is very alarming and concerning, as you are applying that although this is small, it is a first step. For me, this is the real concern.

1st is the "Ghost" gun. I may be mistaken, but there is very little statistics on how many of these guns are used in violent crimes. My guess is very few. Technically, a firearm with the serial number filed off is considered a ghost gun. Filing the serial number is already a crime, so the person in position of this firearm is already a criminal, and there is a good reason the number has been erased, it has been stolen, and the person does not want any evidence of this, so right there it is a criminal in position of a firearm. But I realize it is mainly to target the AR platform. Without showing statistics, the ghost gun ban will have very little, if any, chances of reducing violent gun crimes. If a troubled human being decides to go on a rampage, the gun will not care if it has some numbers stamped on it or not. It is the human factor that chooses to load the gun and pull the trigger on innocent people, not the manufacturer of the firearm or ammunition.

Next is the stabilizing brace. Logically, what affect can this ban have on gun violence? Yes, it makes the firearm more maneuverable, I understand. But again, without statistics, what proof is there that a brace, or even a bump stock or any other modifications, were either used in a crime, or even created more casualties? Yes, the Vegas shooter got off more rounds, I understand, but having a ban on this specialty equipment with not change the mind of a human being with psychologic issues. Reducing the damage, maybe, but again, my guess is very little results.

Then there is the community violence intervention. I honestly don't even know how to reply to this. Just makes me laugh. Throw a sh!t ton more money at existing entities, to decide how much more money to throw at these entities? Makes perfect sense........Any evidence that these current entities have any real affect all all, sure doesn't seem like it. I know these entities exist in Chicago, how many people have they helped steer away from gun violence? Any statistics that show this even remotely works? Crazy, I just don't see how this will help.

The ATF is now going to issue a yearly report on gun trafficking. Great! So if you read the report, the last extensive report was issued in 2000. What did anybody do with this report from 2000? I completely agree that illegal trafficking has a major hand with gun violence, no doubt in my mind. But what have they done for 20 years since this last report? It says it is "believed" that trafficking channels have changed since 2000. Why and how were they allowed to change in the first place? But no, we will just do a new study, costing millions, so we can tell the public that criminals are involved with gun trafficking. Brilliant idea, I'm sure this will stop the violence.

A new director of the ATF. OK, cool enough. Time will tell if having a "Confirmed" director will have any changes over a non-confirmed director I suppose, but whether the existing director(s) were confirmed or not, they still had a job to do, which from what most can tell, have very little influence on the criminals committing the gun violence.

So RNJ, I feel your post is a bit of a challenge to 2A supporters to defend our constitutional rights to you. I apologize if I am taking this wrong, but I get the feeling you want us to defend our rights to you. So I challenge you to do the same thing. Pick something that you are passionate about, like your favorite hobby. And substitute guns and firearms for your favorite hobby in this debate. We are on a boating site, so I'll use this as an example. Our passion has too many tragedies that come along with it. How will if "affect" you if the government decides to step in on our passion to eliminate any further tragedies, starting with small steps? There are plenty of laws already in place to protect the boating community. But human errors occur in the mast majority of boating tragedies, claiming the lives of innocent people. So the first accident is alcohol related. So now zero alcohol on the water, period. How much is that going to cost the tax payer, someone has to pay the Rangers. Private launch ramp, how much is that launch fee going to go up? Let alone how long it would take to get on the water. But guess what, some Dude that just has to drink smuggles his booze in a dock bumper, gets sauced, and kills some innocent people. Now what, a weekly blood test to obtain a operators license for a day? A background check if you have ever been buzzed in your life? Where does it stop? But in the mean time, an accident occurred because a low sun in the operators eyes, so now you can only boat between 8:00am and 3:00pm. Then a PWC turns in front of a boat, so now PWC's can operate on even hours, and boats on odd hours? And how do you enforce this? Oh, we will hire more Government employees and do some more studies, all while your boating privilege's are taken away from you. Can you see where this analogy is headed?

So go ahead and insert any activity you enjoy. Coaching your kids soccer team. Well, we have all seen innocent people hurt by a disgruntled parent on the sideline. So now, criminal background to watch a kids soccer game? But someone gets thru the background check and it happens again. Now, no more spectators rooting on their kids? But then a players punches another player out of frustration, so every child needs a physic evaluation before being allowed to play? Sweet, sign us up.....

Sorry for the long rant guys. Every once in awhile I just can't help but chime in. Maybe I just took this wrong from RNJ, but I took it as a throwing down of a gauntlet that the 2A and gun ownership should be slowly eliminated. For millions of good, responsible Americans the 2A represents our God given rights. For every American, the 2A is a right to defend, a wonderful hobby for Millions, for many it is how they put food on the table, and for many it is a way of making a living. It is not the American's citizen 2A right, or the firearm and ammunition manufacturer's fault there is gun violence. It is the human factor that is added to the equation, whether criminal or psychological, that is the issue with these tragic occurrences.

Please do not encourage "small steps" to infringe upon our 2A rights. Focus on the real issue, the mental state of the operator of the firearms being used, not the manufacturer's, the suppliers or the responsible owners.

Thanks for reading.

Its hard to convey tone in a text so read this in the spirit of thanking you for a well thought out articulated post...

With those niceties out of the way the premise that you base the argument on is flawed. The idea that ones ability to enjoy guns in almost limitless manner is diminished because somebody else is legitimately denied the same is asinine. Is there a single person reading that cant name someone who should not have easy access to firearms....??? Now, assuming that even the most rabid armed bear supporter has enough mental capacity and intellectual honesty to admit that there are circumstances that limitations are necessary it becomes a conversation on where those lines are drawn, by whom, and how are they enforced.

THATS the conversation the adults in the room want to have.

The sad thing is the Republicans has used "Guns" as a wedge issue in order to control the simple minded conservative voter.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
You can buy a firearm and all the ammunition you want in Arizona at any time without even an ID to show proof of your age. It is harder to buy a package of smokes than a firearm or ammunition.

You must not only show an ID, but proof of US citizenship and multiple proofs of Arizona Residency to register to vote in Arizona.

Your statement is demonstrably false.

Opposite in NV (his resident state), the statement was correct and once again.....................you are the TDS clown. 😂


New But Seasoned Inmate #2002
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
You can buy a firearm and all the ammunition you want in Arizona at any time without even an ID to show proof of your age. It is harder to buy a package of smokes than a firearm or ammunition.

You must not only show an ID, but proof of US citizenship and multiple proofs of Arizona Residency to register to vote in Arizona.

Your statement is demonstrably false.

So I can just walk into any gun shop in AZ and purchase a firearm with NO ID? I think you are full of shit.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
So I can just walk into any gun shop in AZ and purchase a firearm with NO ID? I think you are full of shit.

He leaves out that it's only at gun shows. The clown has a hard on for gun confiscation...........................................like all good globalist puppets.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score

Your exaggerated statement does hold some truths, as well as showing your apparent racism.

Really... tell me more about apparent racism.

Why do you single out blacks from the general population? Are you biased against blacks in relation to illegal voting ballots or having the ability to commit crimes?

See post #2... "75% in Socialist Utopias" is a not so subtle nod to predominantly black inner city violence

I believe if a citizen of the USA had to show ID at all polling places, or verify citizenship on absentee or mail in ballots, whatever political group might try to get illegal ballots counted would be severely hampered. Of course, as we just witnessed, the individuals counting the ballots must be supervised to only allow legal ballots to get tallied.

I have no problem with ID, where the problem begins is when you have ID laws designed to disenfranchise specific voting blocks.
A news story out of Texas a while back makes the point nicely.

ID requirements to vote in a national election should be set by national standards.

Regarding hand guns, if all law abiding citizens in the inner cities received weapons and proper training, yes, I do believe there would be less overall crime against those law abiding households. Do you disagree?

"Law abiding households" I like where you are going here. In order to ensure that is the case we may need to enact/enforce/whatever some laws that limit access to households (And by households you mean people...) that are not law abiding... Tell me more about about how you think this could look. What if there are children in the house, wouldn't you agree that minimum standards for storage and transport of the firearms would be necessary? What do you do in a situation when a "Law abiding" household devolves into a "Not law abiding" Household? Love your idea here, lets build on it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Your full of shit . Every gun shop makes you fill out a background check form and you must have ID to do it . The form is then run through the FBI data base . Yes you can buy ammo without a license .

Yes, licensed gun shops must, but not private party transactions.

You can buy private party as well as from private party's at gun shows without a background check or ID.

You can even do it on State Property where the big gun shows are typically held.

The Constitution says our right to bear arms shall not be infringed, just as it says we all get to vote.

So I can just walk into any gun shop in AZ and purchase a firearm with NO ID? I think you are full of shit.

Nope, but you can buy private party legally. You can even buy it online or over the phone private party and have a private courier pick it up and deliver it to you without the buyer and seller ever meeting, exchanging ID's or even names.

Back to the original point, if gun laws limit the right to bear arms and are not effective, why doesn't the same logic apply to voting laws?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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And leaves out that at gun shows only private sales don't do background checks . All licensed dealers at shows have to do a background check .

It will never be enough for the globalist ghoul or the other libturds here. Why anyone even discusses it with them, is beyond me.

I want guns EVERYWHERE and men or women strong enough to blow some mass shooter's brains out!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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And leaves out that at gun shows only private sales don't do background checks . All licensed dealers at shows have to do a background check .

The Constitution says the right to bear arms "shall not be infringed". Seems to me background checks are an infringement by simple reading.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Tell ya what, lets make a deal. I'll trade the "Ghost guns" for late term abortion. How many viable children die at the hands of you ghouls and fall back on "Woman's Health"

Less than one percent of abortions are "Late Term". Of that one percent the majority are for medical reasons. Nearly half the states have laws banning abortion after 20-24 weeks. The social ethics of aborting late term based on fetal genetic screens is an incredibly fragile debate. One of the hardest conversations I have ever had with my wife was during the drive home after a "Genetic Counseling" session. (For those who have never had that experience its basically a doctor telling when and why you should consider aborting a pregnancy based on some specific genetic markers). The narrative that late term abortions are simply a form of birth control is not supported by reality.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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I have no problem with ID, where the problem begins is when you have ID laws designed to disenfranchise specific voting blocks.
A news story out of Texas a while back makes the point nicely.

What point is that Squeeze? the Supreme Court upheld the Texas voting law during the Obama administration, it is right there in your article. No one is being disenfranchised, everyone can get a state issued ID card or Driver License. A student ID is not a legal form of identification. you can't board a plane with it, you can't get alcohol or cigarettes with it. You can't use it at the bank to get money. Why should you be able to vote with it?

Oh the disenfranchisement... "These poor students can't buy alcohol and tobacco with their student IDs.. something must be done!"


Upon My Request This is all Folks Skater368/nganga
Dec 16, 2020
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Less than one percent of abortions are "Late Term". Of that one percent the majority are for medical reasons. Nearly half the states have laws banning abortion after 20-24 weeks. The social ethics of aborting late term based on fetal genetic screens is an incredibly fragile debate. One of the hardest conversations I have ever had with my wife was during the drive home after a "Genetic Counseling" session. (For those who have never had that experience its basically a doctor telling when and why you should consider aborting a pregnancy based on some specific genetic markers). The narrative that late term abortions are simply a form of birth control is not supported by reality.

I like my chances unarmed in Chicago at night, better than my chances as an unborn child in the womb of some of these savages, yet you defend it.

"If it saves one child's life"....right?
