PRP Injection For Pain?


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Anyone have this done? I'd never heard of it before. I guess they take some of your blood, pull out platelets and plasma, then inject it into the problem area.

The past couple months, my wife has had physical therapy on her foot and ankle. Apparently she screwed it up previously, but some things got worse. It has helped a bit, but hiking is out and too much walking can also be an issue. I'm sure it being in the 20's in the mornings now isn't helping. The physical therapist said a PRP injection has a 70% success rate. Of course, insurance won't pay for it. My wife won't try it because of that. I think she should, but I'd never heard of it


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
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My wife works for a physical therapy office and suggests asking about shockwave therapy. She has been having it done on her hand and it has been helping.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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they tried it on my old mans knees after the doc said no more steroid injections, worked for a bit and then wore off. he said the steriods worked better, but limited to how many injections he can have per year. he is looking at having both replaced, but some other health issues holding him up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
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My wife had PRP on her neck about a year after an auto accident. She had been having neck pain and difficulty turning her head, and it was completely resolved.

Whether it was the treatment or just a matter of time I can’t tell you with certainty, but she swore by it. Four years later, she’s had no neck issues


Jun 1, 2012
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I get PRP in my shoulders every 18 months or so. My pain is gone and I have full range of motion again. Years ago I had MRI’s on both and had a torn labrum in one.

After my results, my wife had it done on her knee and elbow. Pain in both are gone and haven’t come back yet but it has only been about a year. She did get an MRI on her knee prior to treatment to make sure there wasn’t something torn or other damage.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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My doctor does it for tendonitis.
But when he fixed my arm, he didn’t spin it. He just took out blood and injected it directly in my elbow.
He said it’ll hurt for a day, then all the pain would go away. And he was right. 9 years now and no pain.
100 bucks. Dr. Beer in Tucson.


Dec 18, 2009
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Yessir! Both shoulders every 6 weeks for about a year and a half before I had them both repaired. Both severely torn, bone spurs in both, one detached bicep the other hanging literally by a thread was cleaned up and reattached. Surgeries were 5 months apart. Dr that did them said he doesn't ever do them that close together, but my healing time was faster than he'd ever seen, he said definitely due to the PRP therapy beforehand.
Insurance didn't cover it. But my Dr here in town runs "therapy specials" often enough that every time was on special. It was still $350 per visit for both, but the relief was totally worth it! Dr put 2 shots in my right elbow for what she said was probably tennis elbow, good as new since.
Yeah, they drew 8-10 vials per visit, spun it, came back in with 2 syringes with 5cc of PRP in each. Cold packs one both shoulders while it was spinning. Then what looked like a 3" needle deep into shoulder pocket. A little soreness for 12 hours or so, then day and night difference in pain levels and I could do about anything I needed to.
I'm a believer!

Tom Slick

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Anyone have this done? I'd never heard of it before. I guess they take some of your blood, pull out platelets and plasma, then inject it into the problem area.

The past couple months, my wife has had physical therapy on her foot and ankle. Apparently she screwed it up previously, but some things got worse. It has helped a bit, but hiking is out and too much walking can also be an issue. I'm sure it being in the 20's in the mornings now isn't helping. The physical therapist said a PRP injection has a 70% success rate. Of course, insurance won't pay for it. My wife won't try it because of that. I think she should, but I'd never heard of it
I have had PRP and Viscosupplementation in my knee. Both worked well and provided about 12 months relief. I got them before ski season, as snowboarding is very hard on my worn out knee. That said, Visco is generally covered by insurance unlike PRP which is out of pocket. Visco is a synthetic, while PRP uses your own blood. I did find that PRP out of pocket was less expensive that Visco, as insurance has their way of paying very little depending on your plan and deductable, etc. To be clear, I had Visco one year and PRP the following.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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any recommendations in the So Cal area for PRP doctor? San Gabriel Valley area ??

took my mom and it helped but only lasted about a month but cost me quite a bit to do

sounds like guys are getting it done way cheaper maybe this doctor overcharged me ???

it was close to $ 6,000 for three rounds of injections??

thanks for anything if i could get someone to do it every month but charge less


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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any recommendations in the So Cal area for PRP doctor? San Gabriel Valley area ??

took my mom and it helped but only lasted about a month but cost me quite a bit to do

sounds like guys are getting it done way cheaper maybe this doctor overcharged me ???

it was close to $ 6,000 for three rounds of injections??

thanks for anything if i could get someone to do it every month but charge less
Don't know out there anymore. Out here it's about 400$ per injection I found.

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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any recommendations in the So Cal area for PRP doctor? San Gabriel Valley area ??

took my mom and it helped but only lasted about a month but cost me quite a bit to do

sounds like guys are getting it done way cheaper maybe this doctor overcharged me ???

it was close to $ 6,000 for three rounds of injections??

thanks for anything if i could get someone to do it every month but charge less

I had RF ablation done on 3 spots in my lumbar region, for my aching back/muscle spasms 5 years ago, and it still is giving me relief. I’m going to have it redone when Medicare kicks in.