Never really like a fiberglass pool. I get there is a place for everything. Personally I like the traditional pool. However if builder are limited where you are then fiberglas is better than above ground pools. Best of luck in your quest and be sure to let us all know when the RDP pool party is on the calendar.
Nothing wrong with fiberglass drop ins. Some are pretty nice and the cost is considerably less than a traditional build but given a choice I would do a traditional build with a a pebble tec finish.
Went with shotcrete myself as fiberglass has limitations for what I wanted and was about a 25% premium over the fiberglass at the time.,which I feel was worth it. I put in my pool 9 years ago and to do the same today is almost double the cost. the pool is about the enjoyment and memories so an above ground can bring the same results, it’s about preference and perceived value if it it abiout the spend. I grew up on the ocean with a pool and now do not on the ocean so it is my happy place.
Had a neighbor that had a fiberglass drop in was kind of dated and over the years the top part of the pool started to splinter so he had to put a vinyl liner in it to resolve that problem I would just invest in shot Crete
builders in havasu typically will do either at same cost. To me unless it’s half the price it’s not even worth the consideration
when set correct fiberglass can function and get decently long life. But it’s a not a lifetime structure like a gunite/shotcrete pool. Any sinking and your craning the pool out to re level, cracks you can fiberglass repair, No way to update or remodel fiberglass pools, usually smaller plumbing and equipment, less options for Baja‘s, lighting, step and bench location.
kind of like asking mobile home or stick built home. if prices were similar, who tf would say let’s do mobile home, lol