Please have faith be patient!!

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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After misspelling District twice on the front page of her lawsuit, Sydney Powell wrote this-
"For example, in PA, President Trump's lead of more than 700,000 county advantage was reduced to less than 300,000 in a few short hours, which does not occur in the real world without an external influence," the legal filing said. "I conclude that manually feeding more than 400,000 mostly absentee ballots cannot be accomplished in a short time frame (i.e., 2-3 hours) without illegal vote count alteration. In another case for Edison County, MI, Vice President Biden received more than 100% of the votes at 5:59 PM EST on November 4, 2020 and again he received 99.61% of the votes at 2:23 PM EST on November 5, 2020. These distributions are cause for concern and indicate fraud."

Two questions. How do you get more than 100% of the vote and more importantly where in Michigan is Edison County??? Here’s a hint-it doesn’t exist. Powell fucking invented the location for her alleged election fraud. I know you won’t believe me so take the Powell challenge. Look up her lawsuit and then look for Edison county on a map.



Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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biden/harris/gmac.What could go wrong with that 3some?Going to be interesting if the man leaves the WH who you gonna hate gmac?You should stick around for awhile.


I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
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After misspelling District twice on the front page of her lawsuit, Sydney Powell wrote this-
"For example, in PA, President Trump's lead of more than 700,000 county advantage was reduced to less than 300,000 in a few short hours, which does not occur in the real world without an external influence," the legal filing said. "I conclude that manually feeding more than 400,000 mostly absentee ballots cannot be accomplished in a short time frame (i.e., 2-3 hours) without illegal vote count alteration. In another case for Edison County, MI, Vice President Biden received more than 100% of the votes at 5:59 PM EST on November 4, 2020 and again he received 99.61% of the votes at 2:23 PM EST on November 5, 2020. These distributions are cause for concern and indicate fraud."

Two questions. How do you get more than 100% of the vote and more importantly where in Michigan is Edison County??? Here’s a hint-it doesn’t exist. Powell fucking invented the location for her alleged election fraud. I know you won’t believe me so take the Powell challenge. Look up her lawsuit and then look for Edison county on a map.


I'll bite on this one, even though you're an idiot and prove it time and time again with your fukn posts. (And just for the record I have never been a "Trumpkin" as you call it, I just know when bullshit is bullshit! and can think for myself. Do I think Trump will stay in office? No! Shit runs too deep. Do I hope he stays in office? With the biden/harris as our alternative, YES)

So, let's say YOU are a perfect human that never makes a mistake or typo and catches EVERYTHING that autocorrect applies. And Sydney is an idiot(in your eyes) because of a typo. Then hell, look at your choice! biden cant even complete a sentence while the teleprompter is showing him what to say.

But I'm gonna say that was supposed to be MADISON COUNTY I would guess? But like I said, I am a person that can think for themself. Am I always right, fuk no! But can also admit when I'm wrong!

As for the "How do you get more than 100% of the vote" comment. Again you're an idiot.. when you count ballots sent, or registered voters, and you have more votes than ballots sent or registered voters, it's pretty clear that's how you get more than 100%. Is Powell correct? Fuk I dont know and neither do you!!

I know YOU, among others, think that biden/harris is the right choice and trump is a racist liar.. but step back a minute and actually think about it(I know you won't as you are not capable of thinking for yourself) biden is more racist and has lied way more in his 40yrs in office than Trump in his 4yrs. Let's start with..(and feel free to "fact check")
- "I dont want my kids growing up in a racial jungle"
- "if you dont know to vote for me or Trump, you ain't black!"
- '96 crime bill
- plagiarism, and not just on one occasion
- has ran for president 2 other times and has never been close to winning. And was the laughing stock of a candidate in both previous runs.
Then after all of that, you have harris! "We need to make sure black and minority businesses get enough stimulus to keep their business afloat during this pandimic" or something to that effect is what she tweeted.. ARE YOU FUKN KIDDING ME? how about ALL SMALL BUSINESSES no matter who the fuk owns it! But their NOT RACIST? FFS get a clue

biden has become a multi-millionaire being a politician, kind of strange..

Trump came into office a billionaire! (I know, I know.. he hasn't paid taxes(yet to be proven), he has filed bankruptcy on some of his past companies, who gives a shit, that was all before he took office and he is still a billionaire! Again, I know as you said, he probably could have made more investing and just sitting back BUT that's how most people that WANT to work peruse life, not just sit on their ass and collect a paycheck, which is what your peeps want)
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Ah, you guys crack me up. Regor with his naive overconfidence and Sweeper with his absurd attempts to spin Trumps loss into something positive. Now we just need Yuma to come along and threaten to skull fuck me. Your forty years in the desert begins.



How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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So, I rest my case. Not that this changed my mind.
This compromised bush crime family operative is basically the stench gas that the swamp farts up constantly.
Yeah, dude right, uh huh, okay, got it👍
And Epstein hung himself too. How very convenient since he's directly connected to your father.
Ummm hmmm.
Gaslight much?
Fucking traitor.



Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
So, I rest my case. Not that this changed my mind.
This compromised bush crime family operative is basically the stench gas that the swamp farts up constantly.
Yeah, dude right, uh huh, okay, got it👍
And Epstein hung himself too. How very convenient since he's directly connected to your father.
Ummm hmmm.
Gaslight much?
Fucking traitor.
View attachment 947730

I wonder if he is just down playing so the riots dont start to soon?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Trump Ballots Defaulted And Switched To Biden On Dominion System: Maricopa GOP Chairwoman

"She was later threatened..."

Maricopa County GOP chairwoman Linda Brickman on Nov. 30 testified before members of the Arizona State Legislature that she personally observed votes for President Donald Trump being tallied as votes for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden when input into Dominion machines.

Brickman, the GOP head of one of the country’s largest counties and a veteran county elections worker, submitted her testimony in a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury. She testified that she and her Democratic partner witnessed “more than once” Trump votes default and shift to Biden when they were entering votes into Dominion machines from ballots that couldn’t be read by machines.

She alleged that she was later threatened by election supervisors at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) for speaking out about what she had witnessed.

I observed, with my Democratic partner, the preparation of a new ballot, since the original one was soiled, or wouldn’t go through the tabulators. I read her a Trump Republican ballot, and as soon as she entered it into the system, the ballot defaulted on the screen to a Biden Democratic ballot,” Brickman told GOP Arizona State legislators on Monday.

She remarked that when she reported the issue to election supervisors, others in the room also commented that they had “witnessed the same manipulation.”

“We were never told what, if any corrective action was taken,” Brickman continued. “All I know is the next day, I was called outside the room that I was working in for signature verification by a supervisor who said, ‘I understand you caused some problems this week and you thought our machines were not working correctly.’

“I was told at that point in time that I could not discuss anything or talk about what was going on.

Many people were threatened,” Brickman told the hearing. “They were told that their voices would be suppressed, they would have to leave the room and not work there again. I’m here because I think this is our duty to speak the truth.”


Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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FYI, and hope this has Not already been posted and I can not document this information. While listening to Rush this morning with Mark Stein sitting in he noted a New Tweet from Lin Wood who is on President Trump's Legal Team said his Staff has been turning every stone over tracking Who What When and Where all the Facts on this Voting Machine Joke. Well it seems the Originator of this device was from Canada and although some things are a bit schetchy the Company was sold to someone or? in China on October 5th 2020 and now he claims that this can be verified, his team is Hard at it tracing, documenting and Verifying everyting since the sale. For those that do not who Lin Wood is his reputation is second to none. I do not care about jokes and dismissing Sidney Powell and now Lin Wood, as these two do Not take on cases unless they feel can win and believe in 100%.

I keep thinking about all the Shit these Losers have pulled on this President and now this,How great will it be when right up to getting sworn in someone notify's everyone = Not so Fast!!! or maybe even better after he in in Office the announcement comes= We have a "Problem" here and he gets Jerked out of Office. I mean would be worth all of this Shit.

These Clowns in here = Don't ever forget. Those who laugh Last = Are often Laughing Long Hard and Relentless.

I want to see President Trump Sworn In again and begin the most ruthless Blood Bath in History and will be what legends are made of.

Fuck this Forgive and Forget, not for those that went so far out of their way on all of this:mad:TRASH.


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
Reaction score
I wonder if he is just down playing so the riots dont start to soon?
I will reserve the ever so slight possibility that this is another head fake to embolden the criminals that have usurped this great country.
Durham could also be released at the appropriate time as well. The Art of War teaches one to appear weak when you are in reality, strong.
This seems to be a long painful awakening the American people are long overdue for.
Enough rope needs to be given to allow the DS players to unequivocally hang themselves in full view of the the people.
It is the only way the people will believe the staggering level of criminality. They cannot be told, they must be shown.
I hope this to be the case.

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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I am just "sick that the number of Trump supporters have just Accepted this Fraud. I guess after hillary and all of oblams's Bullshit along with so many others that Corrutpion, Fraud, Perjury No Character, Morals and Honor is now the Accepted way of life in The United States. I am at the Point that it is Time to change to Independant. President Trump from the Get-Go has been fighting the media, The Dim's and a Good portion of his own Party(SCUM). These dishonest Corrupt Judges not hearing Our Presidents Case should be Disbarred. I ish if this Election is not reversed and Our President does not remain in office, I want an uprising that will make the BLM Riots look like a Tea Party. I do believe this "IT" and can not let this Arrogant Flagrant Fraud continue and then Heads need to Roll. Roll all the way back to hillary,oblama, biden, and his drug addict son to Start. This so sickening, I NOW see what the Swamp and Deep State is and their Power. God Help The USA and God help Us and our Families.😢


Jan 9, 2010
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Not that Trump Supporters have accepted this fraud. I think what where we are is the stage of "Put up or shut up." We've heard for years about all this corruption, well now would be the perfect time to tell all the secrets. Lay it out.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
I will reserve the ever so slight possibility that this is another head fake to embolden the criminals that have usurped this great country.
Durham could also be released at the appropriate time as well. The Art of War teaches one to appear weak when you are in reality, strong.
This seems to be a long painful awakening the American people are long overdue for.
Enough rope needs to be given to allow the DS players to unequivocally hang themselves in full view of the the people.
It is the only way the people will believe the staggering level of criminality. They cannot be told, they must be shown.
I hope this to be the case.
You’re a chump.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
I am just "sick that the number of Trump supporters have just Accepted this Fraud. I guess after hillary and all of oblams's Bullshit along with so many others that Corrutpion, Fraud, Perjury No Character, Morals and Honor is now the Accepted way of life in The United States. I am at the Point that it is Time to change to Independant. President Trump from the Get-Go has been fighting the media, The Dim's and a Good portion of his own Party(SCUM). These dishonest Corrupt Judges not hearing Our Presidents Case should be Disbarred. I ish if this Election is not reversed and Our President does not remain in office, I want an uprising that will make the BLM Riots look like a Tea Party. I do believe this "IT" and can not let this Arrogant Flagrant Fraud continue and then Heads need to Roll. Roll all the way back to hillary,oblama, biden, and his drug addict son to Start. This so sickening, I NOW see what the Swamp and Deep State is and their Power. God Help The USA and God help Us and our Families.😢
Really? Even when Bill Barr says there was no evidence of fraud you still can’t see that Trump was lying to you all along? Man, Goebbels truly was right about telling big lies.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Not that Trump Supporters have accepted this fraud. I think what where we are is the stage of "Put up or shut up." We've heard for years about all this corruption, well now would be the perfect time to tell all the secrets. Lay it out.
And when they fail to put up, will you finally realize you’ve been conned?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Really? Even when Bill Barr says there was no evidence of fraud you still can’t see that Trump was lying to you all along? Man, Goebbels truly was right about telling big lies.

What about the the 17 intelligence agencies, what are they saying monkey? 😂


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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I am just "sick that the number of Trump supporters have just Accepted this Fraud. I guess after hillary and all of oblams's Bullshit along with so many others that Corrutpion, Fraud, Perjury No Character, Morals and Honor is now the Accepted way of life in The United States. I am at the Point that it is Time to change to Independant. President Trump from the Get-Go has been fighting the media, The Dim's and a Good portion of his own Party(SCUM). These dishonest Corrupt Judges not hearing Our Presidents Case should be Disbarred. I ish if this Election is not reversed and Our President does not remain in office, I want an uprising that will make the BLM Riots look like a Tea Party. I do believe this "IT" and can not let this Arrogant Flagrant Fraud continue and then Heads need to Roll. Roll all the way back to hillary,oblama, biden, and his drug addict son to Start. This so sickening, I NOW see what the Swamp and Deep State is and their Power. God Help The USA and God help Us and our Families.😢
No argument from this Red Pilled inmate. It is apparent sworn testimonies mean nothing to elected politicians. Just appeasing the masses. That said, I do hope Trump does not leave office quietly in January and see if the Patriots decide to react. I think it will take all but one event by the people for the people to trigger an insurrection (an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government). For now I still have faith in our legal system at the Supreme Court level. Time will tell. Keep your head on a swivel and your powder dry.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Here’s a thought. If Trump is willing to pardon anybody who commits perjury in a Federal inquiry, why the hell not lie for him? He’s already pardoned Flynn for that offense and getting ready to issue preemptive pardons to Guiliani, his entire family, and maybe even himself. What’s a few more pardons issued to anybody else willing to lie on his behalf?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Here’s a thought. If Trump is willing to pardon anybody who commits perjury in a Federal inquiry, why the hell not lie for him? He’s already pardoned Flynn for that offense and getting ready to issue preemptive pardons to Guiliani, his entire family, and maybe even himself. What’s a few more pardons issued to anybody else willing to lie on his behalf?
The topic at hand is patience. The quest for an honest and fair election. I highly doubt Trump will pardon all the sworn Americans and whistle blowers coming forward with signed affidavits. Is there corruption on both sides of the isle. Hell Yes. No argument there. F- Big Brother and the Big Guy. I distrust all Government and how they infringe on our freedom and our way of life.

As for the the strong testimonies and the evidence I am reading and viewing live. Yes - some testimony is weak and unsupported by data which will not hold up in a courtroom. While others, as stated by the IT person deserve to be investigated and hopefully a person put on the stand in a courtroom for Treason. Let’s see how this plays out GM. I would not be spending your proverbial winnings just yet.


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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Throbbing Member
Dec 19, 2007
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The hits just keep coming. This is not going to go away and the noose continues to tighten around the traitorous demoncrap/RINO'S necks.
Steady as she goes ladies....

Absolutely my favorite part so far:
“Fulton County Registration chief Ralph Jones said...State Farm did come to fix the issue.” This regarding the supposed water leak. This at the State Farm Arena. I did not know that at these corporate sponsored arenas the sponsor is responsible for repairs. Damn that’s funny to me.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
The hits just keep coming. This is not going to go away and the noose continues to tighten around the traitorous demoncrap/RINO'S necks.
Steady as she goes ladies....

We should be surrounding these treasonous bastards houses right now.


Jul 27, 2012
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Here’s a thought. If Trump is willing to pardon anybody who commits perjury in a Federal inquiry, why the hell not lie for him? He’s already pardoned Flynn for that offense and getting ready to issue preemptive pardons to Guiliani, his entire family, and maybe even himself. What’s a few more pardons issued to anybody else willing to lie on his behalf?
You have lost reasonable thought. Do we really need to debate romantic vs enlightenment?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2019
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As the thread title says have faith and patience, I am still waiting on the "Cyber Ninjas" and the "Mules"


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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LOL, fox, like all media are going to say the same thing, until they are told not to. The only thing that changes their minds are advertising dollars and when the population finally has enough of their bullshit and they change tunes.

for the 4,867th time, thank you for showing us how much of a leftist plant you truly are...


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Lil Trump derange clown..............................

minion laughing .gif


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
So this is the latest "smoking gun" another twitter source.
How come all the good stuff has the same disclosure--"no one else is reporting this"??

Still waiting on the mules!

Your "Twitter Source" tells everyone all they need to know about your knowledge of said events.

Biden USA Burning.jpeg

Good job Turd!!!! 🤣