Please have faith be patient!!


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
We have to have patience, and faith and let the system work through this.

I’m sorry didn’t Joe just say this yesterday? Lol.

I am seriously beside myself that anybody is putting any stock into this? They are still recounting, there’s multiple court challenges.. This is honestly the most irresponsible thing I have seen the media do... well since the last time they did it with Gore!

Yes it happened before and yes it was over turned and Bush became President..

I am one for just waiting and seeing how this turns out, but I have to quietly admit if this thing goes the other way I’m gonna chuckle a bit while the left loses their ever loving minds..

These same people that said wait and be patient are now screaming “you lost get over it” . The same people that screamed election interference for 3 1/2 years are now screaming “how dare you question election integrity”.

You honestly can’t make this shit up. I realize the odds are slim, but Trump is being ominously quiet on all of this.. I hope he laid election fraud traps, and I hope he burns em all down if he did.

In the meantime this speech is a great distraction, but the recounts are going to happen, and those court cases will be heard.. and the STATES not the media and these dopes on stage accepting a victory before the “photo finish” has been released really look pretty bad in my opinion. :rolleyes:

If Biden wins and it’s after the votes have been counted and courts decided etc.. than he’s the President Elect and we move forward as best we can. He will be the American President in that legal scenario.

If Trump wins then he continues to be the president and we move forward and continue our economy. He’s the president and we move forward.

This is incredibly irresponsible and again if reversed I think shot is gonna he sideways like we have never seen. I can’t even believe I’m witnessing it.. and the sad thing is if Trump wins they will have the balls to say it was stolen from them.. because of tonight.


It's a Brummett
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
I agree Dave. We must wait this out and let the judicial process work it’s way out. This is far from over. I will not give up on freedom and the future of our children.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good Stuff

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
We have to have patience, and faith and let the system work through this.

I’m sorry didn’t Joe just say this yesterday? Lol.

I am seriously beside myself that anybody is putting any stock into this? They are still recounting, there’s multiple court challenges.. This is honestly the most irresponsible thing I have seen the media do... well since the last time they did it with Gore!

Yes it happened before and yes it was over turned and Bush became President..

I am one for just waiting and seeing how this turns out, but I have to quietly admit if this thing goes the other way I’m gonna chuckle a bit while the left loses their ever loving minds..

These same people that said wait and be patient are now screaming “you lost get over it” . The same people that screamed election interference for 3 1/2 years are now screaming “how dare you question election integrity”.

You honestly can’t make this shit up. I realize the odds are slim, but Trump is being ominously quiet on all of this.. I hope he laid election fraud traps, and I hope he burns em all down if he did.

In the meantime this speech is a great distraction, but the recounts are going to happen, and those court cases will be heard.. and the STATES not the media and these dopes on stage accepting a victory before the “photo finish” has been released really look pretty bad in my opinion. :rolleyes:

If Biden wins and it’s after the votes have been counted and courts decided etc.. than he’s the President Elect and we move forward as best we can. He will be the American President in that legal scenario.

If Trump wins then he continues to be the president and we move forward and continue our economy. He’s the president and we move forward.

This is incredibly irresponsible and again if reversed I think shot is gonna he sideways like we have never seen. I can’t even believe I’m witnessing it.. and the sad thing is if Trump wins they will have the balls to say it was stolen from them.. because of tonight.

Exactly how I feel. Win or lose it has to be played out completely. I think the problem is the people my age (36) whose parents didn’t teach them about government enough for them to remember the Bush Gore drama the last time this happened. Pretty sick of all of the anti-snowflake people acting like snowflakes when this crap is only “official” in the media.


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
I don't think even the giant media machine can get them out of multiple on camera violations of voting law and examples of rampant fraud.

It's still a landslide for President Trump, and the recounts and corrections will show it!


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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I am one that doesn't think his shot is slim. The actions taken in PA alone "should" get a shit load of votes thrown out. Don't forget how he filled so very many courts. He by no means set a record for judge appointments but I don't see him losing in court. That is one place he typically does very well.


43' Eliminator
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
Just watched Biden's speech. We won't see the people who supported Trump as enemies...Has he spoken to AOC?

It is very irresponsible for the media and others to be treating this as if it's over and referencing Biden as "President Elect Biden." I have it on channel 2 right now. In very small letters it says, "CBS news projection" and in very big letters it says, "JOE BIDEN ELECTED 46th PRESIDENT". Shameful. The results have not been certified. Not even close.

I really hope the results get reversed as the process continues. To watch all these morons lose their shit would be absolutely great.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Reaction score
We have to have patience, and faith and let the system work through this.

I’m sorry didn’t Joe just say this yesterday? Lol.

I am seriously beside myself that anybody is putting any stock into this? They are still recounting, there’s multiple court challenges.. This is honestly the most irresponsible thing I have seen the media do... well since the last time they did it with Gore!

Yes it happened before and yes it was over turned and Bush became President..

I am one for just waiting and seeing how this turns out, but I have to quietly admit if this thing goes the other way I’m gonna chuckle a bit while the left loses their ever loving minds..

These same people that said wait and be patient are now screaming “you lost get over it” . The same people that screamed election interference for 3 1/2 years are now screaming “how dare you question election integrity”.

You honestly can’t make this shit up. I realize the odds are slim, but Trump is being ominously quiet on all of this.. I hope he laid election fraud traps, and I hope he burns em all down if he did.

In the meantime this speech is a great distraction, but the recounts are going to happen, and those court cases will be heard.. and the STATES not the media and these dopes on stage accepting a victory before the “photo finish” has been released really look pretty bad in my opinion. :rolleyes:

If Biden wins and it’s after the votes have been counted and courts decided etc.. than he’s the President Elect and we move forward as best we can. He will be the American President in that legal scenario.

If Trump wins then he continues to be the president and we move forward and continue our economy. He’s the president and we move forward.

This is incredibly irresponsible and again if reversed I think shot is gonna he sideways like we have never seen. I can’t even believe I’m witnessing it.. and the sad thing is if Trump wins they will have the balls to say it was stolen from them.. because of tonight.
My exact thoughts! Was watching Clemson vs ND when this BS started airing, not watching it, I switched to a Glen Ford western. If or when it’s done legally then I’ll accept the outcome regardless but until then, No Bueno.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I have talked to multible people that say they got multible ballots in the mail... we haved live in our house since new in 93. so we didn't have that happen... but, what about apartments, rentals and such???what i'm wondering is this.... how can/will they be able to check millions of ballots??? is it if they find some to be bad, do they call for a re vote???


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
Reaction score
We have to have patience, and faith and let the system work through this.

I’m sorry didn’t Joe just say this yesterday? Lol.

I am seriously beside myself that anybody is putting any stock into this? They are still recounting, there’s multiple court challenges.. This is honestly the most irresponsible thing I have seen the media do... well since the last time they did it with Gore!

Yes it happened before and yes it was over turned and Bush became President..

I am one for just waiting and seeing how this turns out, but I have to quietly admit if this thing goes the other way I’m gonna chuckle a bit while the left loses their ever loving minds..

These same people that said wait and be patient are now screaming “you lost get over it” . The same people that screamed election interference for 3 1/2 years are now screaming “how dare you question election integrity”.

You honestly can’t make this shit up. I realize the odds are slim, but Trump is being ominously quiet on all of this.. I hope he laid election fraud traps, and I hope he burns em all down if he did.

In the meantime this speech is a great distraction, but the recounts are going to happen, and those court cases will be heard.. and the STATES not the media and these dopes on stage accepting a victory before the “photo finish” has been released really look pretty bad in my opinion. :rolleyes:

If Biden wins and it’s after the votes have been counted and courts decided etc.. than he’s the President Elect and we move forward as best we can. He will be the American President in that legal scenario.

If Trump wins then he continues to be the president and we move forward and continue our economy. He’s the president and we move forward.

This is incredibly irresponsible and again if reversed I think shot is gonna he sideways like we have never seen. I can’t even believe I’m witnessing it.. and the sad thing is if Trump wins they will have the balls to say it was stolen from them.. because of tonight.
I work with a couple libs that believe Trump is trying to steal the election right now. They are so sure biden won that they welcome an inperson ID required re-vote, nancy would fight it tooth and nail because she knows the truth.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
I work with a couple libs that believe Trump is trying to steal the election right now. They are so sure biden won that they welcome an inperson ID required re-vote, nancy would fight it tooth and nail because she knows the truth.

oh I pray to god the left goes for that. Lol. The landslide that would entail would be awesome to watch


Parker Is Now OPEN
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
I have talked to multible people that say they got multible ballots in the mail... we haved live in our house since new in 93. so we didn't have that happen... but, what about apartments, rentals and such???what i'm wondering is this.... how can/will they be able to check millions of ballots??? is it if they find some to be bad, do they call for a re vote???
My parents used my address for about 8 years while they full-timed in their motorhome. They settled in another state 4 years ago, and registered to vote in the new state (and have voted every election they have lived there).

I recieved mail in ballots and sample ballots for both of them at my home.

Sent From Tapatalk


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
For right now this is the only result I see being reasonable that all sides can agree on. The unsung hero that took us through Covid lockdowns.


Parker Is Now OPEN
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Just watched Biden's speech. We won't see the people who supported Trump as enemies...Has he spoken to AOC?

It is very irresponsible for the media and others to be treating this as if it's over and referencing Biden as "President Elect Biden." I have it on channel 2 right now. In very small letters it says, "CBS news projection" and in very big letters it says, "JOE BIDEN ELECTED 46th PRESIDENT". Shameful. The results have not been certified. Not even close.

I really hope the results get reversed as the process continues. To watch all these morons lose their shit would be absolutely great.
It is total BS. Biden may win, but he hasn't yet. It is criminal what the Networks are doing. If it is determined that Trump won, the left will go crazy, riot, and claim he stole the election.

It is a 3rd coup attempt by the Media and the Left, after Russian collusion and impeachment.

The media should be held accountable for the violence, if in fact Trump wins. They know how election certifications work, and know they are prematurely announcing Biden as the winner.

Sent From Tapatalk

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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L Lin Wood has joined Presidents Legal Team. Those of you who may not know about him, he was the Attorney who defended the Olympic Bombing Suspect Richard Jewell, Nicholas Sandman the young student slandered by CNN and all the other Major news Outlets and settled for more than 200 Million. Just before Joining the Presidents Team he took on Kyke Rittenhouse the Kenosha Protest Shooter charged with Murder. Wood stated that he was going to Tear biden to Shreds for linking Rittenhousen to "White Supremists"

This coming Monday is going to be Quite a Day in this Deep State defeat.


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
I've decided to calm down a bit....

I live in CA, and have seen the direct results of liberal policy and voting and it has affected me personally. I'll very likely be without a job in the next 2 months due to the company shutting down...and when that happens, I'll pound a FOR SALE sign in the yard and head out of state...very likely AZ or NV and buy a nice piece of rural property and do some odd jobs to pay for life. I'm in a financial position where I can pull that off for 5-10 years. My Dad has been a liberal voter for a long time and when I explained to him how his voting habits and the party he supports are the reason why I'm moving, with his only grandson, at least 300 miles away, it now has affected him. I'm actually sort of hoping that Biden takes it...I'll sit back in my new rural home and watch the house of cards fall...watch the rest of it go to shit, then once again remind them that I told them so, along with the rest of the fucktards who voted this way. Let them wallow in their own shit...it will bring a smile to my face.

I still believe that Trump has things in place to blow this wide open and expose the Democrat trash for what they are...which is why, as Waffles pointed out...he was at the golf course today. That would bring a bigger smile to my face.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I've decided to calm down a bit....

I live in CA, and have seen the direct results of liberal policy and voting and it has affected me personally. I'll very likely be without a job in the next 2 months due to the company shutting down...and when that happens, I'll pound a FOR SALE sign in the yard and head out of state...very likely AZ or NV and buy a nice piece of rural property and do some odd jobs to pay for life. I'm in a financial position where I can pull that off for 5-10 years. My Dad has been a liberal voter for a long time and when I explained to him how his voting habits and the party he supports are the reason why I'm moving, with his only grandson, at least 300 miles away, it now has affected him. I'm actually sort of hoping that Biden takes it...I'll sit back in my new rural home and watch the house of cards fall...watch the rest of it go to shit, then once again remind them that I told them so, along with the rest of the fucktards who voted this way. Let them wallow in their own shit...it will bring a smile to my face.

I still believe that Trump has things in place to blow this wide open and expose the Democrat trash for what they are...which is why, as Waffles pointed out...he was at the golf course today. That would bring a bigger smile to my face.
you might have to go alittle farther than AZ and NV... so many have moved here and trying to bring their ways with them..


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
There are precincts in WI and MI where the numbers of votes exceeds registered voters.

There are reportedly hundreds of thousands of ballots with only one vote cast and they’re all for Biden.

Voters in PA were treated differently in Philadelphia than in Allegheny counties which is illegal with ballots being “fixed.”

Mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania so far this year have been accepted at almost 30 times the rate predicted by historical rejection numbers, raising potential questions in a state in which Democratic challenger Joe Biden is maintaining a lead of just several thousand votes.



Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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I've decided to calm down a bit....

I live in CA, and have seen the direct results of liberal policy and voting and it has affected me personally. I'll very likely be without a job in the next 2 months due to the company shutting down...and when that happens, I'll pound a FOR SALE sign in the yard and head out of state...very likely AZ or NV and buy a nice piece of rural property and do some odd jobs to pay for life. I'm in a financial position where I can pull that off for 5-10 years. My Dad has been a liberal voter for a long time and when I explained to him how his voting habits and the party he supports are the reason why I'm moving, with his only grandson, at least 300 miles away, it now has affected him. I'm actually sort of hoping that Biden takes it...I'll sit back in my new rural home and watch the house of cards fall...watch the rest of it go to shit, then once again remind them that I told them so, along with the rest of the fucktards who voted this way. Let them wallow in their own shit...it will bring a smile to my face.

I still believe that Trump has things in place to blow this wide open and expose the Democrat trash for what they are...which is why, as Waffles pointed out...he was at the golf course today. That would bring a bigger smile to my face.
You will definitely need to go farther than the two states you are considering. NV is lost as a state and AZ is not the same place it was when I moved here 10 years ago.

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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If enough fraud is found to get from where we stand now to a trump victory, that to me is a grave risk to our country.

I say this as a staunch trump supporter

Please do not forget the attempt to Overturn an Election, To Impeach and Remove President Trump, A never Ending Series of Investigations of you Name It.
Just because it was NOT reported by the Main Stream News Outlets, does not mean it was not a fact and involved many people all the way to the "TOP". We know the DOJ, FBI and God Knows who else were in deep with this PLAN to destroy A President

It is time no matter who is exposed and no matter what is revealed this Country needs to know.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
I have a relatively short fuse, and have little faith in government run anything...

I have faith in people. Not all people, some are truly lost souls. There are those who want nothing but to "fit in"...those souls group together, as a band of misfits, like the pantifa folks, or the angry mobs of white middle class blm supporters.

There are still a good deal of people out there, both democrat and republican, that abhor the violence, the cheating and the lying. Those are the people I have faith in. No matter who resides in the Whitehouse, it will be these people that truly steer the ship.

If Trump wins, and the epic shitshow begins, I'll observe from the distance. Waiting patiently in the fields, until I'm asked for help, or God calls me home to rest.

I'm fairly young, I have time to be patient...


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score
What are you guys talking about? This is no time to be rational and patient. We need to be out there rioting and looting. Corporations have spent good money boarding up storefronts. It would be a shame to have all that lumber go to waste. :looking:


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
It's not over. This election has been corrupted and they've worked to ensure they could steal the Presidency.

Lawsuits have been filed in the following States, SO THEY CANNOT CERTIFY Biden or Trump. The following Electoral Map includes ALL disputed States.

94 Electoral Votes are still in PLAY!



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2014
Reaction score
It's not over. This election has been corrupted and they've worked to ensure they could steal the Presidency.

Lawsuits have been filed in the following States, SO THEY CANNOT CERTIFY Biden or Trump. The following Electoral Map includes ALL disputed States.

94 Electoral Votes are still in PLAY!


They biden crew couldn't draw the enormous rally crowds across the States as TRUMP could,
so they crowded the vote with illegal ballots instead.


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
Dominion Systems - the software behind all the "glitches"

Dominion Systems has a lock on 1/3 of the voting machine market according to Bloomberg and they have faced scrutiny in the past couple of days with voting problems reported in parts of Michigan and Georgia. Dominion has customers in 28 states and Puerto Rico, including all of the battleground states where Trump and his allies are contesting and pinning their hopes on recounts after media outlets called the presidential race for Biden.

Mentioned during a Fox News interview by host Maria Bartiromo were Nadeam Elshami, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff who last year became a lobbyist for Dominion, and Richard Blum, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband, who she said is a significant shareholder in the company.

"They have invested in it for their own reasons and are using it to commit this fraud to steal votes. I think they’ve even stolen them from other Democrats in their own party who should be outraged about this also," attorney Sidney Powell said.

April 22, 2019 article...

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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He's right though, the way the election system is set up now there will never be another Republican in office, if we wipe the slate clean and require everyone to re-register and require in-person ID required voting the dems would have a really hard time winning an election but would be possible, that's the fairest way I can see to do it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2014
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Investigators en route....

"Georgia’s top election official is dispatching a team of investigators after a ballot “issue” was discovered in one of the county’s most responsible for giving former Vice President Joe Biden the lead over President Trump.
Brendan Keefe, chief investigator at Atlanta’s WXIA, says that the issue “*may* significantly affect the current Biden lead in Georgia.
Investigators were headed to State Farm Arena in Fulton County to “secure the vote and protect all legal votes.”



Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
IF Republicans in the Senate would speak up and do their job they could put huge pressure on investigating the election but they won't. They're showing their anti-Trump colors. Where the F is Mitch McConnell?!

And if National elections in America are going to be fixed - open and transparent - once and for all, I think it will take federalizing the ballots so they're standardized/uniform across the country. While states rights is all well and good, the election needs to have uniform ballots with anti-counterfeit measures and ensure ONE PERSON ONE VOTE and all ballots can be tracked to each voter using Voter ID


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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^^^ The ballots for national office should be federalized and every citizen should get a voter ID card that could double as a Social Security card. You would have to scan it to vote and it would track who is voting and where. Facial Recognition inside the booth would not be a bad idea either, but the dems would fight all of this because they need fraud to win.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
We have to have patience, and faith and let the system work through this.

I’m sorry didn’t Joe just say this yesterday? Lol.

I am seriously beside myself that anybody is putting any stock into this? They are still recounting, there’s multiple court challenges.. This is honestly the most irresponsible thing I have seen the media do... well since the last time they did it with Gore!

Yes it happened before and yes it was over turned and Bush became President..

I am one for just waiting and seeing how this turns out, but I have to quietly admit if this thing goes the other way I’m gonna chuckle a bit while the left loses their ever loving minds..

These same people that said wait and be patient are now screaming “you lost get over it” . The same people that screamed election interference for 3 1/2 years are now screaming “how dare you question election integrity”.

You honestly can’t make this shit up. I realize the odds are slim, but Trump is being ominously quiet on all of this.. I hope he laid election fraud traps, and I hope he burns em all down if he did.

In the meantime this speech is a great distraction, but the recounts are going to happen, and those court cases will be heard.. and the STATES not the media and these dopes on stage accepting a victory before the “photo finish” has been released really look pretty bad in my opinion. :rolleyes:

If Biden wins and it’s after the votes have been counted and courts decided etc.. than he’s the President Elect and we move forward as best we can. He will be the American President in that legal scenario.

If Trump wins then he continues to be the president and we move forward and continue our economy. He’s the president and we move forward.

This is incredibly irresponsible and again if reversed I think shot is gonna he sideways like we have never seen. I can’t even believe I’m witnessing it.. and the sad thing is if Trump wins they will have the balls to say it was stolen from them.. because of tonight.
I'd ask GMAC what his (or hers) thoughts are before we move on anything...just sayin. (yes, this in my best Dangerous Dave sarcastic writing)


Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
If enough fraud is found to get from where we stand now to a trump victory, that to me is a grave risk to our country.

I say this as a staunch trump supporter
Election fraud is the theft of power of the people. That is the foundation of the country snd must be defended. I absolutely believe that the legal process will sort this out. If the left wants to riot...better than tyranny.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
^^^ The ballots for national office should be federalized and every citizen should get a voter ID card that could double as a Social Security card. You would have to scan it to vote and it would track who is voting and where. Facial Recognition inside the booth would not be a bad idea either, but the dems would fight all of this because they need fraud to win.

You need the REAL ID now from the Dmv to travel on a plane and other things so why shouldn't this apply to voting as well. Perhaps the conservative majority in the supreme court will get a chance to revisit this issue again at some point.


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
You need the REAL ID now from the Dmv to travel on a plane and other things so why shouldn't this apply to voting as well. Perhaps the conservative majority in the supreme court will get a chance to revisit this issue again at some point.
Because, according to the democraps, black people don't know how to get an id. But for travel, they don't want them leaving the urban areas either.

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
When states change voting policies and procedures without going through their legislatures which is required by the Constitution it's election fraud, a federal crime.

Pennsylvania changed the election process without getting the legislature to act/vote on it. That's fraud.

Pennsylvania was required by Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito to segregate all ballots that came in late so they could be either not counted (due to violations by the Democrat Governor and State Supreme Court and others) or counted. Pennsylvania didn't follow his orders.

Pennsylvania did not allow poll watchers in to do their jobs.

The Democratic Marxists filed 325 lawsuits around the country to make changes to voting laws. Many changes were made without going through the state legislatures.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Because, according to the democraps, black people don't know how to get an id. But for travel, they don't want them leaving the urban areas either.

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

You are correct, the courts ruled it unjustifiably discriminated against minorities and suppresses the vote. How they concluded an ID requirement is discriminatory baffles me. If you registered to vote it compares your online signature with your Dmv signature on file before your regis6is approved. I'm guessing AI does this automatically so why would it not be relevant to show the same ID for in person voting? Yes, dems know what that means.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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Tons of fuckery going on. But media does not call elections.
Trump has not conceded,
and no states have certified their election results yet.