Well todays update the day was cold and windy, By Florida Standards 55degrees with 20 mph winds, all except for the Hydros ran today some pics from the Action.
Can anybody explain what the deal is with these lapstrake flatbottom lobster boats ?
Appears as if occupants are harnessed in and the roll cage is to protect from what ?
Colliding with another boat or rolling up on the beach ?
Also with a soft chine and no fin I'm surprised they don't just slide on the turns.
They certainly look like a kick in the ass to drive !!
They are called Jersey speed skiffs, the were popular during prohibition, the roll cage is to protect them from being thrown out, sometimes they run in a pretty tight group, at a Vintage race last year, (the Vintage boats dont have the roll bars) one of the drivers got pitched right in front of another boat, and was killed. Insuarance for any boat race is thru the roof, and all org do everything they can to ensure safety.
Thanks Pete454, after watching several youtube videos I see that the lapstrake sides enable them to turn. That's some crazy ass racing !!
Love your pics, amazing shots :thumbsup:thumbsup