On a lighter note - Political jokes & memes


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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A glancing blow, didn't even knock his sunglasses off... A "great" left hook would have dropped him where he stood...No starting to run away...Those cowards need to be treated as combatants with ZERO restrictions on Law Enforcement....Nasty, NASTY, CS gas. The stuff that will bring them to their knees, blinded, can't breathe, crying like the cowards they are...Then, into a "Paddy wagon" to suffer further, (no washing the skin or eyes) all the way during a slow trip to jail... Believe me, they would think twice about joining their cowardly friends for the next civil disobedience and innocent people beat down...ALSO, anyone standing around with a phone camera, gets gassed too, and their phone seized....


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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STOP, stop posting anything about this twit or her family... Old tex started it, why I'll never understand... She is slime, a puppet for evil people....Let her die away from RDPs...


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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You seem ate up lately.
So many fucksticks, so little time... I'm beginning to be embarrassed to say I ever supported the DC Do Nothing Windbag....I'm also having serious thoughts about those that still do and choose not to call him out for his lack of ACTION as PROMISED...Oh, how soon some of us forget....OMAR could be arrested, at home, before she goes to bed tonight. Processed as an immigration fraud, and on an airplane home by dawn, EDT, never to be heard from again... Most, if not ALL, of Trump's issues are his own fault...


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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So many fucksticks, so little time... I'm beginning to be embarrassed to say I ever supported the DC Do Nothing Windbag....I'm also having serious thoughts about those that still do and choose not to call him out for his lack of ACTION as PROMISED...Oh, how soon some of us forget....OMAR could be arrested, at home, before she goes to bed tonight. Processed as an immigration fraud, and on an airplane home by dawn, EDT, never to be heard from again... Most, if not ALL, of Trump's issues are his own fault...
Speak that truth Ray Ray! Preach it loud almighty Ray Ray! :)

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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So many fucksticks, so little time... I'm beginning to be embarrassed to say I ever supported the DC Do Nothing Windbag....I'm also having serious thoughts about those that still do and choose not to call him out for his lack of ACTION as PROMISED...Oh, how soon some of us forget....OMAR could be arrested, at home, before she goes to bed tonight. Processed as an immigration fraud, and on an airplane home by dawn, EDT, never to be heard from again... Most, if not ALL, of Trump's issues are his own fault...

I actually feel the same in many ways.
But here's the thing.
There isn’t a lot we can do about it.
We can cast our votes, but we are powerless to manipulate much beyond that.
We got DT into office. THAT alone restored my faith in our system.
I’m on record as saying many times that Killary was destined to be President. She was guaranteed the seat when she stepped aside for Obitch in 2008. Done deal, no questions asked.
But NO ONE, me included, saw Trump coming. We proved against all odds that the system installed by very smart men 250 years ago WORKS.
That alone placates me.
You will go crazy trying to reconcile the actions of Government once installed.
Trump made promises that are realistically impossible to keep, at least by his actions alone.
It all seems clear to us minions, and what he SHOULD do is very simple to identify from our vantage points.
But if he goes rogue like JFK did, he will be gone one way or another.
If he loses in 2020, who do you see that will be a better replacement?
Dude, it’ll be over. What will happen then?
We will have another DC politician and the powers that be will have overcome the slight derailment that is DT.
I’ve got maybe 20 years left at best.
It’s completely possible I will see the end of our Republic before I die.
Civil war is a real possibility, however short lived it might be.

In short, there are some things we can control, and some things we can not. Don’t go crazy over the inactivity you perceive.
This shit will work out one way or another. It’s all just a blink in time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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I actually feel the same in many ways.
But here's the thing.
There isn’t a lot we can do about it.
We can cast our votes, but we are powerless to manipulate much beyond that.
We got DT into office. THAT alone restored my faith in our system.
I’m on record as saying many times that Killary was destined to be President. She was guaranteed the seat when she stepped aside for Obitch in 2008. Done deal, no questions asked.
But NO ONE, me included, saw Trump coming. We proved against all odds that the system installed by very smart men 250 years ago WORKS.
That alone placates me.
You will go crazy trying to reconcile the actions of Government once installed.
Trump made promises that are realistically impossible to keep, at least by his actions alone.
It all seems clear to us minions, and what he SHOULD do is very simple to identify from our vantage points.
But if he goes rogue like JFK did, he will be gone one way or another.
If he loses in 2020, who do you see that will be a better replacement?
Dude, it’ll be over. What will happen then?
We will have another DC politician and the powers that be will have overcome the slight derailment that is DT.
I’ve got maybe 20 years left at best.
It’s completely possible I will see the end of our Republic before I die.
Civil war is a real possibility, however short lived it might be.

In short, there are some things we can control, and some things we can not. Don’t go crazy over the inactivity you perceive.
This shit will work out one way or another. It’s all just a blink in time.
You a good boy!:cool:


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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OK, we are in the "suppose to be funny" thread, so I'll just say...RNC & DNC are monitoring social media here as we type..They may not have seen any of my posts yet, but sooner or later, ESPECIALLY IF I CAN GET SOME LOUD MOUTHED HELP, somebody that IS somebody is going to see what is going on... Just imagine what the POTUS could get done if he wasn't fighting this asinine, untrue bullshit daily... He, HIM, he alone could stop a bunch of it by counter attacking, BALLS OUT, counter attacking those telling lies about him and his administration... I, ME, in his position would have met lying Schift in the hallway and called him a lying traitor right there in front of the lying media, and also called the media out to tell the truth for a change... BUT, back to what I've been saying, jerk Schift's clearance and put him out of business immediately... Let the libturds scream, so what??? His illegal leaking is plenty of grounds to pull it...
OK, no more in this thread, although it has been fun and informative:cool:.. I'll start another thread about this bullshit in a few hours..
Again, Sorry for polluting this thread with crap...


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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LOL. Class act right there.

Take one for the team? Wouldn't that be like asking a fat kid if they want some cake!? LOL

He neglects to compare the caliber of women President Trump prefers over Slick Rapist Willie.


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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Remember the cartoon when Obama asked Trump how he slept at night??>. And Trump replied, "Naked, with a super model".... Kinda takes Monica out of the picture...