Ok all you health nuts out there

H20 Toie

Party on Garth
Aug 6, 2010
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So now that my like is changing around for the better, finally have a damn boat, its time to start thinking about my health. according to the doc i'm actually in pretty damn good shape ( don't know how my liver is still doing good but wtf ill take it) any way time to lose weight, not a little but a lot, being 6'4 helps but my goal is to drop 100 pounds, ill still be heavy but thats what i'm shooting for, i'm thinking that drinking might be an issue. this last 6 years i've been on someone else's boat so didn't need to worry about how much so that is changing now, i don't drink at home, no more having couple beers at lunch, I've started walking in the morning, ( right now that really sucks) actually pretty amazed at how out of shape i'm in, haven't been to the gym since covid started, Sodas are out period, and going to go with low carb as much as possible, i'm not trying to just do a fad diet and drop weight that comes right back ( i did medifast years ago and it worked great but not sustainable) I have cut down junk food big time, no fast food, trying not to eat after 7pm

Also i have zero desire to stop drinking 100% but thinking on the times i do have a drink ill do vodka soda with a lime instead of beer, ( shouldn't drink as much because i really don't like it as much as beer) I don't drink and drive the boat so thats easy, and sure plan on spending a lot of time on the boat.
Havasu weekends, key west its on after its parked but rest of the time its time to cut back.

Before covid i was going to the gym 3 days a week and actually i'm pretty strong and could max out some of the machines, but get on the tread mill and i'm done in 20 seconds, so i think stamina is my biggest issue

So i guess my question is am i being realistic thinking that by walking and just cutting the crap food is enough at 62 ( soon to be 63) will work? fucking hills at my house suck big time so for now i drive to flat area but hopefully soon will do the hills.

the goal being to jog/ run the couple miles in the morning not just walk. going to the gym was great my trainer kicked my ass but never lost any weight just got more flexible and stronger


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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From what I’ve seen, you could get some solid results by walking a mile or two per day, cutting out the junk/ fast food and soda, limiting drinking, and probably reducing portion sizing. “I’d do this before going low carb.” Download myfitnesspal and track your cals for a few days. Most people would be shocked at how many cals they are actually putting down. I seriously doubt this plan will get you down 100lbs, but it will get you started. Once you start to plateau, it’s time to hit the gym and really clean up the diet.

Good luck


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Just cutting out the crap food will help a ton. A lot of the calories in fast food are empty bonuses, same with beer. For the good stuff, avoid the white sauces, and have to be kind of picky on the reds...good ones out there, but have to read stuff. As you acclimate to your newer diet changes, your metabolism will follow close behind. That's when you start noticing your energy picking up. Being winded may be more than just being "out of shape". I thought you had covid this year? That can hinder things a little, but should come back now that you'll be working on it. Work schedule can be an issue, so if you can get a routine down, you're golden.
Don't put a weight goal...go by how you feel physically, and mentally. Weight is an arbitrary number. As a byproduct of loosing fat from diet and physical activity, you'll build muscle. So those numbers on the scale can be a bitch.

BTW, Nice boat!


On Vacation
Nov 25, 2015
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Exercise, portion size, lower carb (not Atkins no carb), minimize sugar.

Intermittent fasting is also an option. Only eat between like 12pm and 7pm. But that gets hard on Havasu weekends and other trips. It can also be hard on your body if you're a caffeine person and a drinker.

Figure out what works with your schedule. I'm still young but the wife and I try to keep the heavier carbs and sugar just to Friday night through Saturday night (not every meal). Lots of factors but finding what works with your schedule and lifestyle means it's more likely to be long term sustainable.

We do the same weekend deal with alcohol but work events during the week always throw us off. Alcohol will lower your test levels and that's not good when it comes to holding fat.

Have some patience with results but keep at it. Consistency will pay off over time.


Inmate #RDP158
Sep 28, 2007
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So now that my like is changing around for the better, finally have a damn boat, its time to start thinking about my health. according to the doc i'm actually in pretty damn good shape ( don't know how my liver is still doing good but wtf ill take it) any way time to lose weight, not a little but a lot, being 6'4 helps but my goal is to drop 100 pounds, ill still be heavy but thats what i'm shooting for, i'm thinking that drinking might be an issue. this last 6 years i've been on someone else's boat so didn't need to worry about how much so that is changing now, i don't drink at home, no more having couple beers at lunch, I've started walking in the morning, ( right now that really sucks) actually pretty amazed at how out of shape i'm in, haven't been to the gym since covid started, Sodas are out period, and going to go with low carb as much as possible, i'm not trying to just do a fad diet and drop weight that comes right back ( i did medifast years ago and it worked great but not sustainable) I have cut down junk food big time, no fast food, trying not to eat after 7pm

Also i have zero desire to stop drinking 100% but thinking on the times i do have a drink ill do vodka soda with a lime instead of beer, ( shouldn't drink as much because i really don't like it as much as beer) I don't drink and drive the boat so thats easy, and sure plan on spending a lot of time on the boat.
Havasu weekends, key west its on after its parked but rest of the time its time to cut back.

Before covid i was going to the gym 3 days a week and actually i'm pretty strong and could max out some of the machines, but get on the tread mill and i'm done in 20 seconds, so i think stamina is my biggest issue

So i guess my question is am i being realistic thinking that by walking and just cutting the crap food is enough at 62 ( soon to be 63) will work? fucking hills at my house suck big time so for now i drive to flat area but hopefully soon will do the hills.

the goal being to jog/ run the couple miles in the morning not just walk. going to the gym was great my trainer kicked my ass but never lost any weight just got more flexible and stronger
My best results and a workable diet were with a body builder type diet. I would track foods using the "livestrong" app. Basically 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat. Plug in how much you weigh, your activity level and how much you want to lose per week and it would give you the calorie deficit you need. If you run a 3500 calorie deficit per week, you should lose 1 pound per week. I did well and got to my goal weight. The issue I had was when I wanted to put weight back on as muscle. I couldn't gain, no matter how much I ate. Well, I started eating shit and put plenty on, just not in a good way. Seriously, get the "livestrong" app and put it to work for you, you can do this!

Marios Metalworks

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2019
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Most everybody said it already. Get a good grasp on what your lifestyle is now then start tweaking it little by little. Firm believer in Druker’s “what you can’t measure, you can’t improve” theory. I think just a little bit of health data can help build a strong lifestyle foundation. Had a good friend who started with a simple goal of not being short of breath when tying his shoes. He can tie them now while doing a pistol squat haha.

You have a good why so make sure you lean on that as your journey won’t always be forward. Think your first Cig to where you are now.

I really enjoy progressive step challenges with friends and family as it plays to my competitive nature. Wearing a Fitbit or using a phone app is simple enough and a great place to start collecting data. I find myself choosing to walk a golf course over riding, parking far away from the entrance of a store and even doing some laps at the dog park while Hitch plays. I don’t just want to win, I want to crush their desire to compete.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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It’s not easy to lose 100lbs. I’d think it would take a lot more than a diet tweak and walking. I’d like to consider myself in pretty good shape at 33. I run a mile 5-6 days a week and hit free weights the same. Plus all the walking I do while working.


Don't wait til' life's easy to be happy
Jul 30, 2020
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Dan your on the right track. When the weight isn't coming off as easy make adjustments in your work out routine. Don't push yourself to the point of injury or burnout. Best of luck man!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Agreed Dan, cut out the 12oz curls. Cut carbs as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2014
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Good luck it is possible and many good suggestions so far on the thread. Consistency is key and dont cut all carbs for months and shock your body when you have carbs again and bounce back all your weight. Lesson carbs helps, almost cut out sugars mainly the un natural ones. Walking, stretching, stamina workouts. Think 15-20 reps vs 8-12 when you get to the gym. Get the heart rate elevated and try to sustain it. If it starts dropping let the weights down and incline walk the treadmill/stairmaster to get it back up then back to weights.

Intermittent fasting like stated above was huge for me!! I fasted 18hrs. 9pm - 3pm, I lost 70lbs before even getting back into the gym, barely changed my diet, less soda, same amount of beer 👍🏽, more black coffee/tea, and bubble flavor water the bubbles helped take away to hunger if i had any one day, naturally my stomach got smaller and so did my portion sizes. Avoided sugars mainly to stay in ketosis as long as possible so the sugars and fats would be burned and used vs stored. When i did eat i had a meal and snacked before and after that meal, with in my 6 hour eating window. Took me 7 months to lose that weight, could have done it faster if i really watched my diet but i am bot good at doing that plus we are always eating with friends of grabbing food quick on the road etc, and now i have kept it all off for over a year now.
I still fast for a week about once a month and i feel great.

Started the process for my dad (65) after he started feeling sluggish and the Dr added another pill to his regimen for his blood pressure. Dad was a diet coke big gulp man since the 80s 🤦🏽‍♂️, so far its his first month and he has lost 10lbs and his pressure is slightly lower and more consistent day to day.

Good luck and you can do it!
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Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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I’ve been almost 300, an animal 192 running 15-20 miles a week, death bed 165 in my life. Sometimes going on binge diets where I needed to do something because things were getting out of hand but never anything radical. That doesn’t work for me.
You didn’t get this way overnight. You’re not going back overnight. But if you get MAD and stop drinking and just cut the shit, a guy your size will drop 40 lbs pretty fast.
My general program is don’t eat anything out of a box, a bag, or a window. 7pm to 7 am fast window. And recently found out gluten fucks me up. I try to follow this regimen as much as is reasonable. Also having 2 knee replacements keeping weight down is major concern.
my son in law dropped a metric crap ton just fasting. That works for him.

Happy Smitty

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2019
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Strict keto diet worked well for me. I'd say stick with it for 6 months. Get the keto app to help with the diet. Get the piss strips so you know when your in ketosis. I bet in 6 months you can back off keto and go with just a low carb diet. It's difficult at first, takes about 6 weeks to get use to.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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Start by drinking 1 Gallon of good water daily. You’ll be amazed how much better you feel after 30 days being hydrated. It also helps to detox all the bs in your organs. Additionally it will reduce yore food cravings. Good Luck !!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
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Cut out the booze unless it’s a special occasion. Don’t eat bread, chips, tortillas or any desserts, unless it’s a special occasion. Try and drink a least a gallon of water per day. Our thirst is often confused with hunger so most people eat when they really just need to drink water. Get an Apple Watch and record your walks that way you can track your distance, pace & heart rate. Being able to see your progress is a big motivation to keep moving forward.

My dad is 62, 5’8 and was 220. He was down to 180 in a year with the above and we would ride mountain bikes twice a week.

Once you get your stamina up I strongly suggest a peloton. The chicks are fucking hot and the workouts are insanely fun. Oh yea, and you can do it in your garage in your boxers (that’s what I do) lol.

Take care of your body while you still can so you can enjoy that bad ass boat forever!


Newly Retired!😁
Mar 15, 2011
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Make sure you can sustain your program, what ever it is. Walking will really help especially when you can do the hills around you. Be careful if injuries, not necessary to go balls out like a 20 year old. I'm down close to 30 since the lock down. Basically cut food intake around 20to 30 %. Slowly reducing fast food and sweets. I have tried the popular trendy bs duets. Most are not sustainable. I walk 1.5to 2.5miles, minimum 5 days a week. Not a big beer drinker anymore, mostly rum and diet coke.id like to lose 25 more. My goal is 1.5 lbs per month. This is slow going but it helps me keep it sustainable. Working for me.
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Newly Retired!😁
Mar 15, 2011
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One more thought, in my case, the scale is not my friend. My biggest motivators were being able to wear the many cool t shirts from concerts and car shows that were in the someday drawer. Making the 3rd new hole in the belt was cool.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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Everything in moderation…including moderation.

Cutting the sugary foods and drinks is a great way to start.

Cutting sugar as much as possible is even better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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hire a expert to ride your ass. 100 is not something most can do alone. Yes its a investment but if your ready your ready. I hired one to lose 30, then covid hit and poof I fucked it up.

Ace in the Hole

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
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hire a expert to ride your ass. 100 is not something most can do alone. Yes its a investment but if your ready your ready. I hired one to lose 30, then covid hit and poof I fucked it up.

Same boat... Have an appointment with her next Monday to get back on the wagon. My wife and her mother are crossfit nazi's. Bri is just now going back after MaK, her mom however is the most fit 60 year old woman I've ever met. They are both "macro counters." I don't have that much discipline.

To kill cravings and such celery...I carry celery and eat that if I get hungry. No soda...im not a sugar person anyway. Cutting sugar and excess drinking is the key. This entire summer I've drank too much...now its time to do something about it. @H20 Toie good luck man, its not easy but will be worth it. I'm hoping to drop 40-50.


Sep 20, 2007
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Step 1: Commitment! to make the life choice to change.
Step 2: Keeping the promise to yourself to commit to this change.
Step 3: Remind yourself you committed to a new lifestyle.
Basically, don't cheat cuz you're only cheating yourself. Pick the right path to obtain your goal and stick with it. Then plan ahead and stick with it to maintain or else it will all land right back on you.
Keto worked for me. Another plan might be better for you though. Do you due diligence.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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If you do intermittent fasting be careful. Buddy did it and lost a bunch of weight. Then had a a stroke and the dr told him that was the worst thing he could have done. Just be careful


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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It’s 80% diet and 20% exercise. You can blow an hour on the tread mill with 1 specialty coffee at Starbucks. I have some very large friends that workout 3 times what I do and can never lose weight.

You have to figure out the calories your taking in- period. Booze, restaurant food etc loads you up on fat and tons of hidden calories. It’s easy to consume a full days calories in the lunches you post,

Figure this
1 gram of pure protein = 4 calories
1 gram of carb = 4 calories
1 gram of fat = 9 calories

Labeling on food is BS and misleading. Example: 2% milk is 40% fat. 93% fat-free ground turkey is 38% fat.

Fuck all the fad diets. Eat a low-fat balanced diet. Get to know off the top of your head the rough calories that will drop your weight at the rate you want. You don’t need to suffer and eat rabbit food just know what you are really stuffing in the pie hole.

Believe it or not you can do cardio.
Just start out stupid slow. Don’t go any faster than you can have a normal conversation. The problem is you are getting on the treadmill and blowing into zone 4-5 and you end up stopping. Read about zone training for cardio. Keep it at zone 1 and 2 until you have your lungs under you. I sucked at cardio and avoided like the plague until I figured this out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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So now that my like is changing around for the better, finally have a damn boat, its time to start thinking about my health. according to the doc i'm actually in pretty damn good shape ( don't know how my liver is still doing good but wtf ill take it) any way time to lose weight, not a little but a lot, being 6'4 helps but my goal is to drop 100 pounds, ill still be heavy but thats what i'm shooting for, i'm thinking that drinking might be an issue. this last 6 years i've been on someone else's boat so didn't need to worry about how much so that is changing now, i don't drink at home, no more having couple beers at lunch, I've started walking in the morning, ( right now that really sucks) actually pretty amazed at how out of shape i'm in, haven't been to the gym since covid started, Sodas are out period, and going to go with low carb as much as possible, i'm not trying to just do a fad diet and drop weight that comes right back ( i did medifast years ago and it worked great but not sustainable) I have cut down junk food big time, no fast food, trying not to eat after 7pm

Also i have zero desire to stop drinking 100% but thinking on the times i do have a drink ill do vodka soda with a lime instead of beer, ( shouldn't drink as much because i really don't like it as much as beer) I don't drink and drive the boat so thats easy, and sure plan on spending a lot of time on the boat.
Havasu weekends, key west its on after its parked but rest of the time its time to cut back.

Before covid i was going to the gym 3 days a week and actually i'm pretty strong and could max out some of the machines, but get on the tread mill and i'm done in 20 seconds, so i think stamina is my biggest issue

So i guess my question is am i being realistic thinking that by walking and just cutting the crap food is enough at 62 ( soon to be 63) will work? fucking hills at my house suck big time so for now i drive to flat area but hopefully soon will do the hills.

the goal being to jog/ run the couple miles in the morning not just walk. going to the gym was great my trainer kicked my ass but never lost any weight just got more flexible and stronger

Good luck man! Lots of good advice here, so here is my 2 cents.....Write down everything you eat or drink. Record calories and total carbs. It sounds lame, but seeing your totals at the end of the day really helps it sink in. For me, if I keep my calories below 1600 and my carbs below 100g,
I lose weight, it's that simple. At your age, it is literally 90% diet. Also, start SLOW with the cardio! Don't try to start running anytime soon, not until you can walk those hills around your house you mentioned. Slow and steady, 6 months from now you will be looking and feeling great.


Retired Neighbor
Jan 3, 2008
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My wife did Weight Watchers last year and I went with her awhile. The best thing I got out of it was learning how to eat correctly. They do a point thing to keep track of what you eat it helped me alot. Since then have used the info to keep eating better.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2020
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The Whole 30

It starts with food

No calorie counting no baby size portions

No carb phobia

This was the best health step I have ever embarked on.

Warning it does not allow cheating or booze


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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I'm no staple of health right now and actually need to get back on a program but I've found the #1 best way for me to lose weight fairly quickly (like 30 lbs in 6 months) is cut complex carbs out (bread, pasta, rice). Eat high protein, smaller portions and get out and jog (start with walking like you are). Cut out soda and sweets. You'll shed weight fast. Like I said, I need to get back on it myself. You stick to that program, you'll drop 100 lbs in a year no problem.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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it's not a fad diet... it's delicious (if you like steak) and it works. easy program to follow.

I usually bounce between carnivore and keto throughout the year... and it has worked easily for the last 5 years or so.... easy to maintain.

If you don't want to do all that.... easiest thing to do is limit all sugar and processed carbs..... processed food in general. This will really get the ball rolling on dropping lb's

Headless hula

I’ve found boating heaven in Florida!
May 24, 2016
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I’m rootin for ya Dan! See ya at KW. 👍🏻


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2015
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Just remember that when it comes to drinking it really doesn't matter what beverage it is, the first ounce of alcohol gets converted to glucose (blood Sugars) after about 3 ounces the liver shuts down and the conversion process stops so you should always avoid the first ounce. It's much better to just take a triple shot right off the bat and avoid that first ounce of conversion.
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Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
So now that my like is changing around for the better, finally have a damn boat, its time to start thinking about my health. according to the doc i'm actually in pretty damn good shape ( don't know how my liver is still doing good but wtf ill take it) any way time to lose weight, not a little but a lot, being 6'4 helps but my goal is to drop 100 pounds, ill still be heavy but thats what i'm shooting for, i'm thinking that drinking might be an issue. this last 6 years i've been on someone else's boat so didn't need to worry about how much so that is changing now, i don't drink at home, no more having couple beers at lunch, I've started walking in the morning, ( right now that really sucks) actually pretty amazed at how out of shape i'm in, haven't been to the gym since covid started, Sodas are out period, and going to go with low carb as much as possible, i'm not trying to just do a fad diet and drop weight that comes right back ( i did medifast years ago and it worked great but not sustainable) I have cut down junk food big time, no fast food, trying not to eat after 7pm

Also i have zero desire to stop drinking 100% but thinking on the times i do have a drink ill do vodka soda with a lime instead of beer, ( shouldn't drink as much because i really don't like it as much as beer) I don't drink and drive the boat so thats easy, and sure plan on spending a lot of time on the boat.
Havasu weekends, key west its on after its parked but rest of the time its time to cut back.

Before covid i was going to the gym 3 days a week and actually i'm pretty strong and could max out some of the machines, but get on the tread mill and i'm done in 20 seconds, so i think stamina is my biggest issue

So i guess my question is am i being realistic thinking that by walking and just cutting the crap food is enough at 62 ( soon to be 63) will work? fucking hills at my house suck big time so for now i drive to flat area but hopefully soon will do the hills.

the goal being to jog/ run the couple miles in the morning not just walk. going to the gym was great my trainer kicked my ass but never lost any weight just got more flexible and stronger

So did your doc visit include all your blood work too?

I just had mine done. My blood sugar levels were way too high, so I got a cook book from America's Test Kitchen. The few meals I've made so far have tasted awesome. Anything but bland!

They Highly advise against fad diets, and stress a well rounded healthy diet. Started walking everyday as well. Done almost 2 miles today so far.

Wanna hike Half Dome again, with my daughter this time, so I need to get my ass in gear!

Good luck brother. None of us are getting any younger. 😝



Mountain Mama
Sep 24, 2007
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It’s 80% diet and 20% exercise. You can blow an hour on the tread mill with 1 specialty coffee at Starbucks. I have some very large friends that workout 3 times what I do and can never lose weight.

You have to figure out the calories your taking in- period. Booze, restaurant food etc loads you up on fat and tons of hidden calories. It’s easy to consume a full days calories in the lunches you post,

Labeling on food is BS and misleading. Example: 2% milk is 40% fat. 93% fat-free ground turkey is 38% fat.

Believe it or not you can do cardio.
Just start out stupid slow. Don’t go any faster than you can have a normal conversation. The problem is you are getting on the treadmill and blowing into zone 4-5 and you end up stopping. Read about zone training for cardio. Keep it at zone 1 and 2 until you have your lungs under you. I sucked at cardio and avoided like the plague until I figured this out.

Source for your example of 2% milk being 40% fat? and 93% turkey being 38% fat? Turkeys don't have that much fat on them! 2% milk is not 40% butter. I'm skeptical. I'd really like to know where you got those numbers from.

I agree with the rest, though. People don't realize how many calories they are eating. A good app helps immensely with that. You don't have to do it forever, but it can be a huge eye-opener. It was for Jeff, I remember. "FIVE raviolis are a serving???" 😂 I've used both Livestrong and MyFitnessPal. Both do the job well. I prefer MyFitnessPal personally because it seems to have more variety of brands and restaurant menu items to put in. I love the bar code scanner also, but I believe Livestrong has that also. Such a great feature.

Years ago I pretty much gave up beer. That's when I switched to the whiskey/diet. 70 cal vs. 110. Every bit adds up. Now it's whiskey/tea or some other alcohol and low-calorie/no-calorie mixer. The thing about beer is that is so easy to just grab one after another without realizing how many you have consumed. My 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
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Find yourself someone who is trying also, Or anybody for that matter. Every morning text each other your weight. It will make you feel more accountable for your actions. I do it and it helps me...it sucks to tell someone I gained weight, but feels good to show "gains" towards your goal. Mentally it helps fight the urge to over eat or skip a work out as I have to report to someone.


Newly Retired!😁
Mar 15, 2011
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As you can see, many opinions. Most are legit, but as some have said, find a way you can live with. I'm at the point I need to add more exercise. Be ready to adjust your eating and routine. Just do it slowly, injuries will really kick your ass.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
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Dropped a bunch of weight years back by cutting carbs. There's a lot of options out there, but getting over the initial pain of going into ketosis is rough, especially when I have some carbs on a weekend, then I'll start to crash on around Tue - almost like a hangover w/ headaches, sluggish, bitchy, etc... I also drink about 6 doses of fiber every day since I mostly eat meat eggs & cheese and other no-sugar foods, the fiber helps keep cholesterol down as well. I'm a pencil pusher and sit in front of a computer all day, so it's easier for me to limit the input than increase the output (from a caloric perspective). Nothing wrong with a dadbod though!!!


Grobe Bruste Bitte
Sep 25, 2009
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Healthy fresh food, in small portions. Maybe the size of your fist is a portion. Might be hard for a few weeks but eventually you'll get used to the small portions and feel full. A lot people eat "ok" they just eat way too much. Then theres people who eat shit and will never get it. So get good food in small portions. Dont eat before noon and dont eat after 8p.

Fuck soda, that shits awful for you.

Beer in moderation. Those calories add up quick. I drink clear tequila, soda and lime almost exclusively. If there is no tequila its vodka. Both are less in calories/carbs and you drink less naturally. A treat is bourbon, but mainly because I'll drink too much of it and feel like shit the next day.

Exercise daily.

Calorie deficit; You need to burn more calories than you consume. You'll lose weight.

Its really not hard to figure out. Hard to stay diligent.

Good luck, this country needs a serious health and weight intervention.


Super Moderator
Jan 11, 2008
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Cut out the booze unless it’s a special occasion. Don’t eat bread, chips, tortillas or any desserts, unless it’s a special occasion. Try and drink a least a gallon of water per day. Our thirst is often confused with hunger so most people eat when they really just need to drink water. Get an Apple Watch and record your walks that way you can track your distance, pace & heart rate. Being able to see your progress is a big motivation to keep moving forward.

My dad is 62, 5’8 and was 220. He was down to 180 in a year with the above and we would ride mountain bikes twice a week.

Once you get your stamina up I strongly suggest a peloton. The chicks are fucking hot and the workouts are insanely fun. Oh yea, and you can do it in your garage in your boxers (that’s what I do) lol.

Take care of your body while you still can so you can enjoy that bad ass boat forever!

Lots of good advice in this thread! Just wanted to echo the suggestion for a Peloton. They have a ton of weightlifting classes as well as yoga, cardio, etc too if you're so inclined. It's been one of the best purchases we've ever made.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Source for your example of 2% milk being 40% fat? and 93% turkey being 38% fat? Turkeys don't have that much fat on them! 2% milk is not 40% butter. I'm skeptical. I'd really like to know where you got those numbers from.

I explain this to a lot of folks that thought they had been picking a low fat option.

The problem is that food labels now express fat content as a weight vs calories, which doesn’t mean a lot in this case because you are counting calories. The same weight of fat produces over double the calories as same weight of carb or protein. Like burning the same amount of different wood makes more BTUs than other types, fat makes more calories gram for gram.

Just do the math off any food label knowing that each gram of fat makes 9 calories and divide that into the total calories per severing to the get the real percentage of fat.

Take 2% milk.
120 calories
5 grams are fat so 5x9 = 45 calories. So 45 calories of the 120 calorie serving are fat or roughly 40% (37.5) of what you are consuming is fat. If you are trying to keep fat intake to 20% you just doubled your fat intact drinking so called 2% milk.

Turkey can be the same way and at a restaurant worse, it doesn’t matter if it’s turkey or beef fat is fat. Just do the math: total fat grams x 9 / total calories.

80% lean ground beef or turkey....lol it’s 71% fat. Thats about the standard for a burger out because it taste so good and juicy.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Reaction score
All of the above, select what ever works for you and your lifestyle

Regarding walking/running..or your cardio

Find a partner at your level to join you

You'll both have some motivation/competition and the time will fly by

Good luck!!


Inmate #4800
Aug 28, 2010
Reaction score
Lotta good info here. I only have 2 things to say:

Myfitnesspal app. Tracks your caloric intake and how much you burn too.

Fasting. I started intermittent fasting last October and lost 10lbs in a hurry (I really didn't have much to lose, either). I found ~16 hours worked great and I got used to it quick. I really made me think about eating/drinking late at night. When you drink a beer at 8pm, that means you cant intake any thing else until noon the next day. Really makes you think if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Eat dinner before 7 and don't eat again til lunch the next day, cut out sweets, get your cardio in the AM before lunch. Eat/drink in moderation. Don't buy into those unsustainable diets........ Easy.


Grobe Bruste Bitte
Sep 25, 2009
Reaction score
Lots of good advice in this thread! Just wanted to echo the suggestion for a Peloton. They have a ton of weightlifting classes as well as yoga, cardio, etc too if you're so inclined. It's been one of the best purchases we've ever made.

100%. The peloton really changed my program.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
Reaction score
So I have lost a ton of weight and gained it back. My wife is an amazing chef so that kills me. Anyways, what works for me is fasting for 1-2 weeks up front to shrink the stomach and also forget about how good food tastes. After that, I do meal prep. Basically, I eat 4 ounces of protein which is mostly chicken, shrimp or steak and 1 cup of vegetables three times a day forever. I'm down well over 30 pounds in the last 40 days. I am also walking with my wife a 3 mile loop in the morning.