No New Gas Powered Cars by 2035


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2020
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The electric system in CA can't sustain a warm day and AC usage, let alone also supply billion of kWhs to charge electric vehicles.
Exactly. We were all told to turn off ACs in 110 degree weather and to conserve or there would be black outs. Yet I'm supposed to charge my cars?

Real smart, and makes perfect sense as long as you don't think about it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2018
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This all may seem ridiculous from a sane logical vantage point and rightfully so.
If one looks at this "insanity", The Green New Deal, fires, mudslides, intentional droughts, weather manipulation, intentional degradation of power grids and lack of building new power infrastructure as being a planned agenda, it all makes sense.
For example, people would always say maobama was an idiot and and his reign of terror was a total failure.
If one looks at it from their POV, he actually was the most effective POTUS EVER in furthering the destruction of the this country and leading us into the coming planned globalist technocratic tyranny.

Their plan is they want us with NO vehicles AT ALL. Not even electric ones!
The plans have been out in the open for a long time.
Read up on it at the United Nations website.
They are in your face and make no bones about Agenda 21/2030.
Is it a coinkeydinky that Blabbin Nuisance said by 2035?
Fudge for the 4/5 year stumbling block that is the Trump administration, and you will see the timeline of the agenda.
This is all planned. They are telling you what they are going to do. They always announce their plans.
When nobody cares, pays attention or protests, to them it is tantamount to acquiescence to their schemes.
Do the research. It's all out there.
Consider ourselves warned.
View attachment 925242

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat."

-Sun Zu-
The Art of War, 5th century BC.

Yep. It's all a push for globalism and one world government. Our leaders don't represent America anymore, they represent the United Nations and their interest. The same people who own all the central banks that we are all slaves too.

This is a very good watch if you have the time.



Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2018
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Just another in the long list of reasons I don't support that state. I don't visit there anymore and when possible I don't purchase anything made there. There's a bunch of really good people in CA my advice is leave and never look back, oh yeah and vote conservative in your next home so it doesn't end up like your last one


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2018
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Just another in the long list of reasons I don't support that state. I don't visit there anymore and when possible I don't purchase anything made there. There's a bunch of really good people in CA my advice is leave and never look back, oh yeah and vote conservative in your next home so it doesn't end up like your last one

The people leaving aren’t the ones voting the idiots in. They’re leaving because they are outnumbered. No one is moving to red states and saying “I want to move somewhere else and vote for progressive liberals so they can force me to leave there too”.

I read comments like yours on this website often and have to wonder why so many seem to think this.


Active Member
Nov 10, 2017
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I was born and raised here, CA is all I know. It sounds stupid but I feel like getting out of CA is letting these clowns win.

I too, was born and raised in So Cal and knew nothing else. Hated to leave my awesome state. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it hasn't been awesome for the last 15-20 years or so. And the state I left wasn't the same one I grew up in.

Staying would mean that I let the Libtards win at my expense. Sure, I feel bad for those who can't move, but I also refuse to let Newscum steal away my retirement and everything I've worked so hard for. Got out when I could and plan to retire in the next couple of years. Couldn't be happier.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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The people leaving aren’t the ones voting the idiots in. They’re leaving because they are outnumbered. No one is moving to red states and saying “I want to move somewhere else and vote for progressive liberals so they can force me to leave there too”.

I read comments like yours on this website often and have to wonder why so many seem to think this.
I also agree. All the people I know that left are conservatives that are fleeing socialism

liquid addiction

^ 78 DiMarco Flat
Feb 3, 2016
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Billionaire Gordon Getty. Has been since he was 19. Getty set him up in that wine business that probably loses a shitload of money but pays him a handsome salary. Funded his run for Mayor of San Francisco, funded his run for Governor and will be funding his run for President in 2024.
Hopefully running against Donald Jr. isn’t his wife Newscums ex-wife?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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Billionaire Gordon Getty. Has been since he was 19. Getty set him up in that wine business that probably loses a shitload of money but pays him a handsome salary. Funded his run for Mayor of San Francisco, funded his run for Governor and will be funding his run for President in 2024.

If there is any hope in saving this country we need to recall this Nazi so he has no chance of becoming president in the future. Can you just imagine the Cluster Fuck this country would become under his watch?.


Essex Affectionado
Aug 4, 2014
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Mining lithium to make batteries and burning coal to charge them. :rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
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They have made it prettying easy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
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This all may seem ridiculous from a sane logical vantage point and rightfully so.
If one looks at this "insanity", The Green New Deal, fires, mudslides, intentional droughts, weather manipulation, intentional degradation of power grids and lack of building new power infrastructure as being a planned agenda, it all makes sense.
For example, people would always say maobama was an idiot and and his reign of terror was a total failure.
If one looks at it from their POV, he actually was the most effective POTUS EVER in furthering the destruction of the this country and leading us into the coming planned globalist technocratic tyranny.

Their plan is they want us with NO vehicles AT ALL. Not even electric ones!
The plans have been out in the open for a long time.
Read up on it at the United Nations website.
They are in your face and make no bones about Agenda 21/2030.
Is it a coinkeydinky that Blabbin Nuisance said by 2035?
Fudge for the 4/5 year stumbling block that is the Trump administration, and you will see the timeline of the agenda.
This is all planned. They are telling you what they are going to do. They always announce their plans.
When nobody cares, pays attention or protests, to them it is tantamount to acquiescence to their schemes.
Do the research. It's all out there.
Consider ourselves warned.
View attachment 925242

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat."

-Sun Zu-
The Art of War, 5th century BC.
It funny as my neighbor was just talking about this last week. She said there was an agenda 1992?, nother in the 2000s and another in 31. She works in government and is very conservative. I'll speak to her again and get more details and links.


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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Someone needs to remind him he works for you people still in komifornia. Not that you guys work for him.

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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2020
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If you want to see something scary go to You Tube and look up California Mafia. It will open your eyes.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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To: Eric Spillman. KTLA Ch 5 News Director sent Sept 23, 2020.

Message: Eric Spillman isn’t a journalist, he’s a political spin doctor.
The truth isn’t in him.

How come you don’t cover the growing Recall Newsome movement?
How come you don’t cover Nurses that are actively collecting signatures to recall Newsome? They see the crime victims both adult and children which Newsome has let the criminals that commit these horrendous crimes off the hook?
How come you don’t show the devastating effects of releasing criminals and closing prisons?

How come you don’t cover Newsome tax fraud and tax evasion issues?

How come you don’t talk to families like ours that have lived in the Southland since the Civil War and see the weather is the old normal, not climate change.

How come you don’t show the politicians that are masquerading as environmentalist that are annihilating our freedoms and choices?

This is just a small fraction of the information you omit or spin to fit your political views.

Eric, how come you just don’t tell the truth?


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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Has anyone brought up that pelosi being his aunt being currently in congress is a possible conflict of interest?

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Warlock Performance Boats Merchandise Connections
Oct 4, 2010
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even though CA has pushed some of the most aggressive restrictions on emissions, etc we still have made HUGE strides forward with vehicles producing unheard of HP/TQ numbers while being compliant. So yeah it sucks, but at the same time... enginerds have made crazy progress with technology. i get putting a deadline on it so that it'll eventually happen otherwise theres no reason for people to try to make things "better" whatever better that might be in 15 years...

we lack the infrastructure to go full electric as-is. How does someone expect to mandate millions of vehicles pull of an already failing grid?

electric vehicles are HEAVY. we cant even keep our current roads in shape with tiny 3000lb eco mobiles, let alone a bunch of 6000lb batteried behemoths on it...

newsom sucks, period. i dont care if hes trying to save whales, he'll find some way to fvck it up.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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The people leaving aren’t the ones voting the idiots in. They’re leaving because they are outnumbered. No one is moving to red states and saying “I want to move somewhere else and vote for progressive liberals so they can force me to leave there too”.

I read comments like yours on this website often and have to wonder why so many seem to think this.
I recently moved and vote red.I got tired of the ca bs i was able to afford it there since we bought our house in 2000.No way i could afford it now if i were to buy today and if prop taxes go up in the future definite no.Then add the increased taxes and fees it was time to go.

But i have my moms fam all liberal some cousins who dont own homes rent or live at home see the landlords as evil greedy people and complain about the high cost of every thing there but get this they still say it aint the dems fault for some reason LOL.Still think its trumps or bush or they go along with the taxing props about well the roads need to be fixed or education needs more money too.Some of them are now saying no way they could buy a house and still have a good living and thinking of moving to az and they will bring their vote too unfortunately.I keep telling them it sucks and stay in your own fucking mess you created!!

Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
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I don't think California will ever swing conservative again.

Too much tom foolery going around and conservatives are having less children than people who need government assistance. These kids are being shown a way of life from birth and most won't make it out.

I'm a little worried about the upcoming presidential election. A ton of nba/nfl stadiums are now going to become voting centers. You know they will end up parading pro athletes out there and offering free swag and autographs to trick people that would normally stay home into voting. Why else would they do that it's much easier to drive 3 blocks to a local voting location.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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I don't think California will ever swing conservative again.

Too much tom foolery going around and conservatives are having less children than people who need government assistance. These kids are being shown a way of life from birth and most won't make it out.

I'm a little worried about the upcoming presidential election. A ton of nba/nfl stadiums are now going to become voting centers. You know they will end up parading pro athletes out there and offering free swag and autographs to trick people that would normally stay home into voting. Why else would they do that it's much easier to drive 3 blocks to a local voting location.
You’re probably right and even though Trump will lose California, I think he’s going to get a higher percentage of votes this time around. I’m feeling that the tide is starting to shift, if not just a little.

Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
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You’re probably right and even though Trump will lose California, I think he’s going to get a higher percentage of votes this time around. I’m feeling that the tide is starting to shift, if not just a little.

I hope so.

With that said if you think the last 4 years have been crazy watch how nuts everything gets and how triggered the left gets when he is re elected.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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You’re probably right and even though Trump will lose California, I think he’s going to get a higher percentage of votes this time around. I’m feeling that the tide is starting to shift, if not just a little.

I sure hope your right.
Then, I look forward to the hammer dropping and the federal government stopping this rioting BS and telling CA to follow federal EPA standards and stop trying to violate those standards and setting stricter requirements. if you want change work with the EPA and stop refusing to partner with them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2018
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I recently moved and vote red.I got tired of the ca bs i was able to afford it there since we bought our house in 2000.No way i could afford it now if i were to buy today and if prop taxes go up in the future definite no.Then add the increased taxes and fees it was time to go.

But i have my moms fam all liberal some cousins who dont own homes rent or live at home see the landlords as evil greedy people and complain about the high cost of every thing there but get this they still say it aint the dems fault for some reason LOL.Still think its trumps or bush or they go along with the taxing props about well the roads need to be fixed or education needs more money too.Some of them are now saying no way they could buy a house and still have a good living and thinking of moving to az and they will bring their vote too unfortunately.I keep telling them it sucks and stay in your own fucking mess you created!!

With all the legislation, taxes and social issues, CA is no longer the California Dream; It's a damn nightmare. Every major city in CA is a homeless refugee camp now. It doesn't seem to matter how nice of an area in So Cal I choose to live in because it's always only a few miles or freeway exits from poverty and trash and since the gov rewards that behavior and lifestyle it will only grow.

If you desire to be left alone, raise a nice family, start a business and succeed, CA is not the place do it anymore. You certainly still can do those in CA, but you piss in a lot of wind to accomplish that lifestyle. However if your goal is to get free stuff, have kids you can't be responsible for and take craps on sidewalks you will be welcomed with open arms.

One more year and I'm out of here.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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From what I have read over 40% of renters in CA live in apartments, how do those people charge their electric car? You have to go to a charging station for a few hours every couple days, what about people with long commutes? This state sucks, I would leave if I could...


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2017
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The people leaving aren’t the ones voting the idiots in. They’re leaving because they are outnumbered. No one is moving to red states and saying “I want to move somewhere else and vote for progressive liberals so they can force me to leave there too”.

I read comments like yours on this website often and have to wonder why so many seem to think this.

Look at what happened to Austin....


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
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A buddy just sent this to me..



Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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I drove a class 8 truck last weekend it had a 125mi range and then needed to be changed for 4 hrs before it could drive again. How do they expect to move any freight like this

this is CA, they don’t think about down steam impacts. Still wondering why these types of things are not voted on.
these orders will have a huge economic shift, unless overturned by the next administration.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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From what I have read over 40% of renters in CA live in apartments, how do those people charge their electric car? You have to go to a charging station for a few hours every couple days, what about people with long commutes? This state sucks, I would leave if I could...

You're clearly not a Liberal with that forward-thinking.
-How do apartment/condo complexes charge these vehicles?
-Where does all of this additional electricity come from if we are already having rolling blackouts when it gets hot?
-Where do all of the spent batteries go?

Edit: And one of my cars is a model 3. I love it more than anything I’ve ever driven, but it’s not for everyone and nobody should be forced into an electric.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2019
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You're clearly not a Liberal with that forward-thinking.
-How do apartment/condo complexes charge these vehicles?
-Where does all of this additional electricity come from if we are already having rolling blackouts when it gets hot?
-Where do all of the spent batteries go?

Whoa whoa whoa there buddy. Now don’t go and get all logical there. They don’t want to hear any of your logic, only hype and scare tactics allowed in their decision making process !!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Probably should just have China make all our Dsl, jet and gasoline, like all our prescription drugs. Politicians will get more money than they already have, pollution will be better and when we are communist in another decade or 2, we will be on bicycles anyways.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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We buy our off road vehicles in Az, just as easy to buy all our vehicles in Az.
We'll move to Az on top all that.

The Cali elect car % mandate was eliminated once before, it'll be swept aside again. Won't be easy but it'll happen.
A Governor was recalled not to long ago, it'll happen again. Though the RINO we put in fucked us all in the ass.
If we keep on this we'll all land on our feet.

Walking out of Walmart my neighbors were manning the recall Newsome table.
Also some Petition about Pelosi and Menthol Cigarettes.

This all may wake up the minority liberals to look before they vote for a patsy like Newsome.

Famous words:
"First they came for the Jews, then the gypsies, then the
sick and infirm,, then they came for

Reminds me of a thread I posted in HB about 15 - 18 years ago. Around 2002.
I posted the libs started closing Pismo and I got shouted down that their was still plenty of riding area.
Then they closed most of Glamis,, then Sand Mountain,,,, then most of, damn near all of Pismo.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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So what's the over/under on when there will be new codes that mandate all electric vehicle charges be on their own meter? And then that will open up the electric companies ability to petition the state for those meters to be reclassified as a commodity and take them out of the purview of the Public Utility commission which will allow rates to change drastically like gas does now. Keep an eye out for Edison, PG&E and such to start offering special programs for an additional meter, or start pushing those programs.

Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk


Sep 20, 2007
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And I believe that car manufacturers will not just roll over on this either.
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