No FISA hearings for the warrants on Page


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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Hmm. Seems like some serious bullshit been going on with the FISA warrants and Presidential surveillance orders.

Since it appears to be written in such a way that the warrants/orders are to apply when "suspected terrorist" and "foreign nationals" are to be surveilled, what happens when they use them to spy on citizens or none related parties?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Hmm. Seems like some serious bullshit been going on with the FISA warrants and Presidential surveillance orders.

Since it appears to be written in such a way that the warrants/orders are to apply when "suspected terrorist" and "foreign nationals" are to be surveilled, what happens when they use them to spy on citizens or none related parties?

Stop asking questions and get back to work peasant!!!!!!!!!!!

Turdy to the pretzel line, Turdy to the pretzel line....hahahahaha


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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I'm sorry. But fisa, airport gestapo, and most of homeland security need to go. If fisa was actually used for its intentions, then maybe it could stay. But it's not and it's to easy to abuse.

And muslim is not a religion. It is an ideology. And that ideology is diametrically opposed to our way of life and our way of governance. So I have no issues banning them from entering our country. A good muslim by his own ideology is going to ly to us, try to kill us. And don't give me that moderate shit, that just means he is not going to shoot us but will not help if we get shot, and all the while lying to us by telling us he is getting help.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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1) Obama can not sign a FISA warrant. Putting aside he can not sign one, there is no need to as the FISA court is not a criminal court and has different rules. First, Department of Justice officials seeking a warrant under FISA do not need to show evidence that a crime has occurred or is about to happen. That sort of evidence, also known as probable cause, would be needed to obtain a typical search warrant in criminal court. Instead, officials only need to provide evidence that the target of surveillance is a foreign power or agent of a foreign power including US Citizens who may be possibly working on behalf of a foreign power.

Second, there is no reason for a President to sign a FISA warrant as investigators can conduct surveillance for up to a year without a court order if authorized by the president. The president has the authority, and such authority was granted to the executive branch by a Republican Congress. For this to occur, the U.S. Attorney General has to certify to the court that there is minimal risk that the investigation will turn up information about U.S. citizens. The U.S. Attorney General must also certify to the court that the target of the investigation is a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power. These requirements parallel what Department of Justice officials would need to demonstrate in FISA court in order to obtain a FISA court warrant.

2) As a matter of factual record, the released FISA applications and follow up applications relating to Page were signed by Comey and Rosenstein, not Obama as you allege.

3) I never stated Trump asked for FISA warrants, I stated Trump asked the DOJ to investigate a political enemy where there is no evidence that he/she committed any crime and Trump has publicy criticized the DOJ for, consistent with the Constitution of the US, indicting two individuals for multiple felonies. It just happens to be that those individuals are sitting Republican Congressman and Mr. Trump thinks that should exclude them from the rule of law as it may hurt his chances at retaining the House.

4) I am not aware of any FISA warrant against Trump, there was one against Carter Page, an application that specifically states with respect to the Steele dossier that it was "likely looking for information to discredit Candidate 1". Such application was also renewed 4 times, consistent in practice with how other applications are renewed.

At the end of the day, the FISA warrant against Carter Page was obtained legally and consistent with a decades long practice where over 99.5 percent of warrants were approved.

And that is the problem.

And is also my point that you Trump worshipers are perfectly fine with collecting data on US citizens if they are not on your side, or if they practice a different religion, but are flabbergasted when the same flawed process is used against your team. You don't care about applying the constitution consistently and fairly across all regardless of race, religion or political affiliation, you just want it applied to your side.

When I was about 5 years old my Mom taught me you can't justify your bad behavior with other peoples bad behavior which is exactly what you did here. I am pretty sure every conservative here is adamantly against the Patriot act for this very reason. I'll ask again for the 1000th time...What has Carter Page been charged with again? N O T H I N G !!!!
Comey and his pals worked the system to obtain a warrant (s) to spy on Trump tower..........I don't care about the particulars like who signed what.

Are you familiar with Admiral Rogers? Google him and take your pick of videos and articles....he caught the FISA abusers red handed and reported them to the FISA court! They are guilty of abusing the FISA court and the process. There is no question about any of this.

For the record, it's not OK with me for "my side" to break the rules.....I do not trust the Government, either side. The dems and the repubs will sell out their own mother to get ahead.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Mmmmmmm this fruit is delicious I wonder if the tree is poisonous?