No Bullet Train


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
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The Latest on California Gov. Gavin Newsom's state of the state (all times local):

11:20 a.m.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom says he's ending the state's effort to build a high-speed rail line between San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Newsom said Tuesday in his State of the State address it "would cost too much and take too long" to build the line long championed by his predecessor, Jerry Brown. Latest estimates pin the cost at $77 billion and completion in 2033.

Newsom says he wants to continue construction of the high-speed link from Merced to Bakersfield in California's Central Valley. He says building the line could bring economic transformation to the agricultural region.

And he says abandoning that portion of the project would require the state to return $3.5 billion in federal dollars.

Newsom also is replacing Brown's head of the board that oversee the project and is pledging to hold the project's contractors more accountable for cost overruns.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2017
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So the part of the train that people could actually benefit from (LA to SF) is going to get shelved because it's too expensive; however, we are going to finish building the train from Merced to Bakersfield because it will benefit that region?

Amtrack from SF to LA takes 12 hours today. I could actually see myself using a high speed train if it took 4 hours or less. Who the hell travels from Merced to Bakersfield? Wait I forgot. Those deals to buy land cheaply in the middle of nowhere and then sell it back to the state so they can build the train are already done. So we need to complete the train so its not just outright theft of taxpayer money.


Commercial Banker
Dec 19, 2007
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So the part of the train that people could actually benefit from (LA to SF) is going to get shelved because it's too expensive; however, we are going to finish building the train from Merced to Bakersfield because it will benefit that region?

Amtrack from SF to LA takes 12 hours today. I could actually see myself using a high speed train if it took 4 hours or less. Who the hell travels from Merced to Bakersfield? Wait I forgot. Those deals to buy land cheaply in the middle of nowhere and then sell it back to the state so they can build the train are already done. So we need to complete the train so its not just outright theft of taxpayer money.

It was never going to be four hours.


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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* He didn't KILL the bullet train - he's scaling it back
* He doesn't want to give back any $$$ to the feds so...
* They finish up a portion of it in the Central Valley
* It was never going to be a "high speed train" - never! Some parts of it would have been but, in truth, the "high speed" thing was a scam perpetrated by Brown and all the other scum suckers in Sacramento who have been and want to continue leaching off YOUR CA and OUR Fed tax dollars


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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Let the truth be told, Newcome had rather finish a portion of the project than give Trump back his $3.5B. It's a simple as that.

Sure but the real truth is this: When have you EVER seen any politician WILLINGLY give back ANY $$$ to the government?!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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I knew this whole Bullet Train was a Land Grab Scam since Day 1. You can take a Plane from LAX to SFO and be there in 90 minutes. Who the hell is going to ride a train for 5-6 hours at 2X the price? That’s right - Nobody!


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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So the part of the train that people could actually benefit from (LA to SF) is going to get shelved because it's too expensive; however, we are going to finish building the train from Merced to Bakersfield because it will benefit that region?

Amtrack from SF to LA takes 12 hours today. I could actually see myself using a high speed train if it took 4 hours or less. Who the hell travels from Merced to Bakersfield? Wait I forgot. Those deals to buy land cheaply in the middle of nowhere and then sell it back to the state so they can build the train are already done. So we need to complete the train so its not just outright theft of taxpayer money.
I can drive it in under 6. No idea why they couldn't have high speed rail do it under 4 but it shouldn't take Amtrack 12 either so you're probably right.
The route for the SF to LA train was going to go through the Central valley and was supposed to have a boat load of stops. Can't really go fast when you're stopping every 60 miles.

I would like to see whoever wrote the wording and approved the original official $$ estimate that was put on the ballot that was voted on to be brought up on charges for a flat out lie....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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Let the truth be told, Newcome had rather finish a portion of the project than give Trump back his $3.5B. It's as simple as that.
If Newsome had a brain, he'd take part of that 3.5 billion and buy a fleet of Super Scoopers.:rolleyes:

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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No he will be responsible for selling the property the state bought using Eminent domain. They will turn a profit to help sponsor more illegals and he will make another 250 million in commission....lol

Sounds about right.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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...and more money for pensions.



Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
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If you need a lesson on how a Democrat controlled government does common core math...

The supposed “bullet” train started out costing taxpayers $33 billion. A cost that likely would never recover.

It’s current estimate is more than double that original figure! Holy shit... I could even reason a billion or two but to miss the estimate by 100%+ is a Ponzi scheme.

This is an embarrassment that Democrats are going to own for decades. It’s going to be a disaster if it ever operates on a tiny fraction of track compared to what it was supposed to be.

The dipshit Newsom has doubled down saying Merced and Bakersfield “could” be the new L.A. and San Francisco as far as growth [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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No he will be responsible for selling the property the state bought using Eminent domain. They will turn a profit to help sponsor more illegals and he will make another 250 million in commission....lol

If it’s no longer Eminent Domain should these properties be returned to their owners? Sounds like premeditated theft to me!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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If you need a lesson on how a Democrat controlled government does common core math...

The supposed “bullet” train started out costing taxpayers $33 billion. A cost that likely would never recover.

It’s current estimate is more than double that original figure! Holy shit... I could even reason a billion or two but to miss the estimate by 100%+ is a Ponzi scheme.

This is an embarrassment that Democrats are going to own for decades. It’s going to be a disaster if it ever operates on a tiny fraction of track compared to what it was supposed to be.

The dipshit Newsom has doubled down saying Merced and Bakersfield “could” be the new L.A. and San Francisco as far as growth [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

The Merced to Bakersfield route will never get completed. The crooks in Sacto just don’t want to return the 3.5 Billion in grants to the federal government.


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
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The Merced to Bakersfield route will never get completed. The crooks in Sacto just don’t want to return the 3.5 Billion in grants to the federal government.

So $77 billion dollars of taxpayer money and a useless train to literally nowhere?

That’s an impressive feat for a state full of Democrat legislators.

We. Are. Fucked.


Well-Known RDP Inmate #211
Oct 4, 2007
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I'm from Merced and can't think of any benefit to the fucking train besides moving shit heads and drugs in and out of town. I guess a drunken train ride to and from the March Meet would be cool


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2016
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It’s an epic disaster. The route currently under construction only goes from north of Madera to basically Shafter (I.e. not Bakersfield). If this portion isn’t completed by 2022, part of the $3.5 billion from Fed could be going back. The land hasn’t been fully acquired (some still in legal battle), and I don’t believe one mile of track has even been laid yet. No way will this get completed by 2022, let alone actually extending it to Merced and downtown Bakersfield by 2022. Caltrans can’t build a freeway extension of a dozen miles in three years even when land is fully acquired. California thinks this 119 mile segment will be done in 3 years? Riiight, and I’m Santa Claus.

Aside from selling the segment to Amtrak, Union Pacific or BNSF, it’s hard to imagine a better use of it. Neither will or would pay what it cost to build.

Give the land back, destroy what was built and take a few billion hit and walk away. Or keep going and waste at least $10.7 billion (at last estimate) - for the north of Madera to Shafter section. It’ll be over $15 billion before it reaches Madera and Bakersfield.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2017
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I would rather take all the money build desal plants, and pump fresh water into our lakes and rivers. Even create a few more lakes in southern california. Wiithout the demands for water the colorado would flow into mexicp again. In exchange for the water mexico agrees to pay for the wall. the centeral valley could be flush again and all the farms up and down 5 and 99 could start growing almonds or whatever again.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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I would rather take all the money build desal plants, and pump fresh water into our lakes and rivers. Even create a few more lakes in southern california. Wiithout the demands for water the colorado would flow into mexicp again. In exchange for the water mexico agrees to pay for the wall. the centeral valley could be flush again and all the farms up and down 5 and 99 could start growing almonds or whatever again.

There’s no way to create that much water using current desalination technology. At most, it will provide a percentage of household water.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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I would rather take all the money build desal plants, and pump fresh water into our lakes and rivers. Even create a few more lakes in southern california. Wiithout the demands for water the colorado would flow into mexicp again. In exchange for the water mexico agrees to pay for the wall. the centeral valley could be flush again and all the farms up and down 5 and 99 could start growing almonds or whatever again.

Better yet build Desalizination Plants to make MWD stop using the Sierra’s as a water reservoir and allow the Owens River to go back to its natural state. It’s sad whenever I drive to Mammoth and see Owens Lake as just a big dry bowl.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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If you need a lesson on how a Democrat controlled government does common core math...

The supposed “bullet” train started out costing taxpayers $33 billion. A cost that likely would never recover.

It’s current estimate is more than double that original figure! Holy shit... I could even reason a billion or two but to miss the estimate by 100%+ is a Ponzi scheme.

This is an embarrassment that Democrats are going to own for decades. It’s going to be a disaster if it ever operates on a tiny fraction of track compared to what it was supposed to be.

The dipshit Newsom has doubled down saying Merced and Bakersfield “could” be the new L.A. and San Francisco as far as growth [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
The "current estimate" at one point was over a 100 billion $'s and thirty plus years to construct. Non governmental reports were 150 billion and fifty years.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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I would rather take all the money build desal plants, and pump fresh water into our lakes and rivers. Even create a few more lakes in southern california. Wiithout the demands for water the colorado would flow into mexicp again. In exchange for the water mexico agrees to pay for the wall. the centeral valley could be flush again and all the farms up and down 5 and 99 could start growing almonds or whatever again.

There's plenty of water for the central valley except it's controlled by libturds.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2017
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There’s no way to create that much water using current desalination technology. At most, it will provide a percentage of household water.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

The Claude Bud Lewis plant in Carlsbad CA produces 50mm gallons a day. Lake Elsinore holds 9.8bn gallons. One plant could fill Elsinore in 196 days. Currently the plant provides 7% of the water for San Diego. It cost 1bn to build.

With 77bn (bullet train cost) you could build 77 desalination plants. California currently pulls 3.9bn gallons of water per day from the Colorado river. 77 desal plants at 50mm gallons a day each would produce 3.85mm gallons a day. Almost completely replacing the water that CA takes from the river.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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The Claude Bud Lewis plant in Carlsbad CA produces 50mm gallons a day. Lake Elsinore holds 9.8bn gallons. One plant could fill Elsinore in 196 days. Currently the plant provides 7% of the water for San Diego. It cost 1bn to build.

With 77bn (bullet train cost) you could build 77 desalination plants. California currently pulls 3.9bn gallons of water per day from the Colorado river. 77 desal plants at 50mm gallons a day each would produce 3.85mm gallons a day. Almost completely replacing the water that CA takes from the river.

All good points.

Something to consider is that the Colorado Water Aqueduct requires about 2,000 Kwh per acre foot of water to get it to the customer.

A salt water plant is about 3,700 Kwh per acre foot of water. So you are not only going to need capital for a bunch of de-sal plants, you are going to need capital for a bunch of power plants and a source of energy to run those plants.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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All good points.

Something to consider is that the Colorado Water Aqueduct requires about 2,000 Kwh per acre foot of water to get it to the customer.

A salt water plant is about 3,700 Kwh per acre foot of water. So you are not only going to need capital for a bunch of de-sal plants, you are going to need capital for a bunch of power plants and a source of energy to run those plants.
In would add if we were to build 77 plants, the technolgyngains would probably make it as efficient as the Aqueduct sooner than most people would think.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2014
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Let the truth be told, Newcome had rather finish a portion of the project than give Trump back his $3.5B. It's as simple as that.

Yep! What He's really mumbling is that the project is cancelled...but not the funding! Dirty Bastard.
Oh yeah....what about the Bullet Train Bonds the public (the Democrats) voted for? I think those are still due in 20 years!
His Unions live to fleece the crowd another day.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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Having family that lives in Europe it blows my mind how the American left has this love affair with European rail, like it's some kind of luxury we don't have in the US. The reality is the exact opposite is true, Compared to Americans many Europeans simply can't afford to own a car (or more importantly a place to park one), and therefore are totally reliant on mass transit, not because it's a luxury, but because it has become a necessity. Americans are the ones living comparatively in luxury where most people can afford a car and a place to park it, and most households own multiple cars/trucks. We can drive directly from point a to point b, 24 hours a day, are not reliant on a train schedule, or after hour closures, etc.. etc..

That perspective has been totally lost it seems.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2014
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Sure but the real truth is this: When have you EVER seen any politician WILLINGLY give back ANY $$$ to the government?!

The newly voted in Cali-Governor would NEVER give back Trump & People of the United States back the $3.5 Bil.
He would say F' you.....Obama gave us the money.