New inmate to the club

JJ McClure

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2022
Reaction score
Welcome aboard. Boat and wife or side chick pictures required.


Lunatic Fringe

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
Reaction score
Test run.. Thanks RD for the website you created ! Iโ€™ve been a lurker for awhile and figured Iโ€™d touch base with the inmates. Pics of boat and wife later ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‘

You're an admitted long time lurker who knows the rules of boat and wife pics as an introduction yet you show up unprepared.

You're going to fit in just fine around here. ๐Ÿ˜


Little Buddy
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Welcome! Please note, on all call out threads, the OP is always correct.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2015
Reaction score
Hold on a second. It appears that you never filled out your pre approval questionnaire. failure to do so could result in your posting privilege's being suspended.

1. Please list what boat, motorcycle SXS or other toys you own.

2. What did your dad do during the war and what war was it?

3. Do you have any political affiliations and if so please list them?

4. What is your sexual orientation? (this helps us to determine which group you fit in best with).

5. Are you married and if so is it a traditional male/ female arraignment or some other bastardized form of the institution?

6. Do you have any kids. (more on this subject in the following rules on posting).

7. Do you have any strong feeling about weather El-Caminos and Rancheros are trucks or cars.


1. Although the lounge area of the forum is largely unregulated , that doesn't mean that it's a free for all. Ribbing and joking around is common place and you need to have some pretty thick skin at time but remember that it's all in good natured fun, if it turns into a personal attack it will be dealt with.

2. Some things are off limits to the the antics . For instance Moms and kids are a no touch subject and while it's not specifically prohibited to drag wives into the fun you need to tread lightly here lest it lead to a docktagon event.

3. More about kids.
We love our kids and enjoy sharing things about them and their accomplishments . We love all the fun stories and seeing all the pics and videos so please feel free to share .

Although we love seeing all the pics and videos of the kiddos please don't post videos of their birth , no one wants to see that however if you have any footage of the conception we would be happy to review and critique that for you.๐Ÿ˜‚

JJ McClure

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2022
Reaction score
Hold on a second. It appears that you never filled out your pre approval questionnaire. failure to do so could result in your posting privilege's being suspended.

1. Please list what boat, motorcycle SXS or other toys you own.

2. What did your dad do during the war and what war was it?

3. Do you have any political affiliations and if so please list them?

4. What is your sexual orientation? (this helps us to determine which group you fit in best with).

5. Are you married and if so is it a traditional male/ female arraignment or some other bastardized form of the institution?

6. Do you have any kids. (more on this subject in the following rules on posting).

7. Do you have any strong feeling about weather El-Caminos and Rancheros are trucks or cars.


1. Although the lounge area of the forum is largely unregulated , that doesn't mean that it's a free for all. Ribbing and joking around is common place and you need to have some pretty thick skin at time but remember that it's all in good natured fun, if it turns into a personal attack it will be dealt with.

2. Some things are off limits to the the antics . For instance Moms and kids are a no touch subject and while it's not specifically prohibited to drag wives into the fun you need to tread lightly here lest it lead to a docktagon event.

3. More about kids.
We love our kids and enjoy sharing things about them and their accomplishments . We love all the fun stories and seeing all the pics and videos so please feel free to share .

Although we love seeing all the pics and videos of the kiddos please don't post videos of their birth , no one wants to see that however if you have any footage of the conception we would be happy to review and critique that for you.๐Ÿ˜‚
Thatโ€™s quality material. Well played sir. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Catchy Custom User Title
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Welcome. A few questions Im sure everyone is dying to ask.

1. How much does your F150 tow?

2. What is your Speedcar slot #?

3. Have you recently ran over or rolled coal on any cyclist lately? If not, how come?

4. Did you pay cash for yore Lexuit and home?

5. Have you purchased any real estate lately? And if so why are you so stupid as we all know the market is toast and did you hold on to your hat?

6. Do you spell bang; Bang or BNAG!?

Have fun and nice to meet you.


I'm just here to bitch about others negativity.๐Ÿ˜
Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
I meant the boats that run all day / weekend / summer......those ones ๐Ÿ˜„

Cool eye candy boat though!
Sorry for some reason I thought I was dealing with Big Red, 'ya know the guy with all the pissed off girls in his posts. I'd never intentionally dispute your knowledge of boats and the power they hold over us. :)

One more for the road.

IMG_0157 - Edited.jpg


some beach, somewhere.
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
6. Select One, "Let's Go Brandon" or "I have a sail boat, drink Bud Light, say things like 'I love a woman with a penis!' or 'Biden is my Daddy!'"


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Sorry for some reason I thought I was dealing with Big Red, 'ya know the guy with all the pissed off girls in his posts. I'd never intentionally dispute your knowledge of boats and the power they hold over us. :)

One more for the road.

View attachment 1221294
I do love a good Hemi.....
I'd love a drag boat, but i'd never be able to cruise it cause we are stuck coming out on weekends most of the time and the river is like a washing machine.
The worst part about leaving on a Monday is looking at the glassy water as we cross the bridge to fuel up and head home........