Never ending projects


Lower River Lover
Sep 25, 2008
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Any of you guys just get fed up and liquidate everything? If so, what was the final tipping point?

I've always worked on my own stuff and made it better or fit my needs better, usually buy things cheap because that's what I can afford. Lately I just don't feel like I'm making any forward progress with anything. I think I'm sitting on the beach this season without a boat and that really bumms me out. If I sold everything, even at a discount, maybe I could buy something turn key and not feel so stuck? Unfortunately I like the things I have and I know I could never replace them but maybe that's the point, maybe its time to move on to something new

That's enough for a morning ramble

dread Pirate

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Through the last 25 years I have collected more crap and or projects than I will ever finish in the years I have left. I made a list of the ones I really want to finish and have been cleaning the ranch of the rest. Have a long way to go still, but I'm moving forward.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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Tipping point for me has been two things. Parts just aren't available anymore for whatever I'm working on or something more finacially important comes to mind. Every time I want to move to a better house I get rid of a lot of burdens. Some I sell, majority get thrown away.

fishing fool

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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I work on most all my own stuff. The money for parts really is not a problem, as for it is MUCH cheaper to fix then to get something new(not to say new won't have it's own issues). It's the time to fix everything and still work 40hr+ weeks. Then trying to fit time in that the wife wants to go out and have fun...


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
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I think it depends what you value most. Do you value the freedom of ease or do you enjoy working on it so much that it’s worth it?

I have done 3 fixer upper houses. Major fixer uppers. My kids are at the age that I’m valuing my time more and more and making decisions that give me more freedom. As long as it doesn’t complete wreck me financially, I am buying nice shit and keeping it nice.

I continuously ask myself when I see something I want to do- “will this make my life easier or harder”. I’ve found myself happy making decisions that make my life easier.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2008
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Any of you guys just get fed up and liquidate everything? If so, what was the final tipping point?

I've always worked on my own stuff and made it better or fit my needs better, usually buy things cheap because that's what I can afford. Lately I just don't feel like I'm making any forward progress with anything. I think I'm sitting on the beach this season without a boat and that really bumms me out. If I sold everything, even at a discount, maybe I could buy something turn key and not feel so stuck? Unfortunately I like the things I have and I know I could never replace them but maybe that's the point, maybe its time to move on to something new

That's enough for a morning ramble

what do you need to get the family cruiser going?? I have a ton of parts and can lend a hand wrenching

I know you got some time on the Hondo. If you are thinking about selling the Hondo, let me know. I dont need it, but I could always make an excuse... :)

As far as not getting shit done, yea, I can totally relate to that feeling. Between work and the endless list of house projects (in Riverside and Havasu), boat projects, jeep projects, harley projects, its pretty endless and easy to feel overwhelmed. I also just dont seem to be as capable as I used to be at knocking shit out.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Any of you guys just get fed up and liquidate everything? If so, what was the final tipping point?

I've always worked on my own stuff and made it better or fit my needs better, usually buy things cheap because that's what I can afford. Lately I just don't feel like I'm making any forward progress with anything. I think I'm sitting on the beach this season without a boat and that really bumms me out. If I sold everything, even at a discount, maybe I could buy something turn key and not feel so stuck? Unfortunately I like the things I have and I know I could never replace them but maybe that's the point, maybe its time to move on to something new

That's enough for a morning ramble
There is a beautiful 255 Hallet, almost new and done well on Facebook. Price seems decent as well.


RDP Inmate #94
Sep 24, 2007
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As far as not getting shit done, yea, I can totally relate to that feeling. Between work and the endless list of house projects (in Riverside and Havasu), boat projects, jeep projects, harley projects, its pretty endless and easy to feel overwhelmed. I also just dont seem to be as capable as I used to be at knocking shit out.
Story of my life....


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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Try to prioritize pick 1 or 2 things and set realistic goals to get it to where you want to be….

Now it’s always nice to have a project that can be set aside and dabble with when you want rather than Have to… That’s more fun time for me.

dread Pirate

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Try to prioritize pick 1 or 2 things and set realistic goals to get it to where you want to be….

Now it’s always nice to have a project that can be set aside and dabble with when you want rather than Have to… That’s more fun time for me.

Then when things are moving along well something comes up like a hydraulic leak under the house on my excavator. There is no easy way to deal with that and the floor has to come off. There goes the weekend,,,

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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Can anyone AI
“Typical Man Cave with too many projects”


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
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Any of you guys just get fed up and liquidate everything? If so, what was the final tipping point?

I've always worked on my own stuff and made it better or fit my needs better, usually buy things cheap because that's what I can afford. Lately I just don't feel like I'm making any forward progress with anything. I think I'm sitting on the beach this season without a boat and that really bumms me out. If I sold everything, even at a discount, maybe I could buy something turn key and not feel so stuck? Unfortunately I like the things I have and I know I could never replace them but maybe that's the point, maybe its time to move on to something new

That's enough for a morning ramble
Between the cost of fuel, insurance and constant fight with batteries and maintenance, I'm over it all. No one's fault but my own trying to live out the dreams I had as a young man to acquire a bunch of cool junk. With life responsibilities there just isn't enough time for it all and its getting way too damn expensive, and I don't even pay people to work on my shit. My problem is I won't just fire sale something, I want to dump money into everything before I sell it and make it right for the next guy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Man can I relate! LMAO! I've got projects galore and things that are set aside for when I retire. That's when I plan on making some significant progress on my collections of garbage.

Just don't send this response to my wife. Then she'll say "See! I told you so!" 🤣

Sorry, I'm no help since I'm in the same boat! 👍


Lower River Lover
Sep 25, 2008
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what do you need to get the family cruiser going?? I have a ton of parts and can lend a hand wrenching

I know you got some time on the Hondo. If you are thinking about selling the Hondo, let me know. I dont need it, but I could always make an excuse... :)

As far as not getting shit done, yea, I can totally relate to that feeling. Between work and the endless list of house projects (in Riverside and Havasu), boat projects, jeep projects, harley projects, its pretty endless and easy to feel overwhelmed. I also just dont seem to be as capable as I used to be at knocking shit out.

I'm pretty sure I need to pull the motor in the jet boat, I thought it was a valvetrain issue but everything has checked out good there by me and 2nd opinions. Pulling the motor out and then apart is the easy part, I have the tools and can make the time when the kids are not with me. Its putting it back together once we figure out what's making all the noise that gets to be hard. I have funds set aside for other things. Some of those other things can not wait and need to be addressed before I fix a boat.

The Hondo(s) would be easy sales but would probably hurt the most. The '71 is my first boat and the '81 is the dream ride. I haven't sunk hardly any cash into the newest one other than initial purchase. Letting them sit doesn't bother me because those boats are just for me, I cant take all the kids out at the same time. That's why having the cruiser down this season sucks. Boating has been an escape for me and the kids. We can still get to the river and play on the sandbar where we would typically boat to but its not the same.

Starting a project that I may not be able to finish doesn't make sense either. If I pull the motor out and apart and find out it needs new crank and rods plus machining of the block I'm not sure I can pull that off. Something would have to be sold or find a 2nd job lol Boating isn't cheap entertainment, probably why I've stuck with it and not gotten into dirt stuff or bikes on top of boating. Boating is my only real extra and I'm ok with that, but I'm gonna miss it like hell


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
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Every 6 or so months I list everything I own for sale, then get cold feet and back out. This last time I sold 3 vehicles and my canyon runner bottom. My wife thought I was going thru an early midlife crisis. I regret some of my choices. But yes I understand your dilemma.


Lower River Lover
Sep 25, 2008
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Every 6 or so months I list everything I own for sale, then get cold feet and back out. This last time I sold 3 vehicles and my canyon runner bottom. My wife thought I was going thru an early midlife crisis. I regret some of my choices. But yes I understand your dilemma.

you sold the Canyon?!?!?! Damn


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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Bunch of fucking wimps in here. Just have to hunker down and make time. I'm slightly different as this shit is literally my life. I have friends and customers that question how I get my stuff done. I have no life or wife and I really enjoy playing with this shit. I could waste my money on women and booze but my cheap ass would rather play with my cars. I guess I have always been this way. And now with the business, 99% of what I play with is a write off. If I don't waste it, I have to pay it in taxes and I can waste it better than the guberment can. But yes I do need to sell a few. 34 cars and trucks and 35 motorcycles plus boat and ski's and other shit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2019
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Glad I am not alone in this. I have these same thoughts all the time. Like a what in the hell am I doing with my life. But I am afraid to let any of it go because I am not sure that I could get it all back.


Takin it EZ
May 14, 2018
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I finally got rid of my 2 trucks and bought a new one.
Sold my 22 year old boat and bought a new toon.
Trying to sell my harley. Don't need 6 bikes
Had my garage sale in the classifieds to get rid of stuff i don't use.
Now i'm bored to death with nothing to work on lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Truth be told we are all addicts....If we sold everything tonight we would be bored by Saturday and looking to buy more stuff to mess with...lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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Truth be told we are all addicts....If we sold everything tonight we would be bored by Saturday and looking to buy more stuff to mess with...lol
I don't even sell shit and I am still on Marketplace or craigslist just about daily. Oh that's cool. But I also get people that show up with shit at the shop. so I get shit delivered and don't even have to go get it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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But the nice part about these projects we have is we can work on them and if they piss us off, in the corner it goes till we feel like dealing with it again. Try that with a woman and she will fuck your best friend and take half your shit. Cars are better. even if they do need work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2019
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Any of you guys just get fed up and liquidate everything? If so, what was the final tipping point?

I've always worked on my own stuff and made it better or fit my needs better, usually buy things cheap because that's what I can afford. Lately I just don't feel like I'm making any forward progress with anything. I think I'm sitting on the beach this season without a boat and that really bumms me out. If I sold everything, even at a discount, maybe I could buy something turn key and not feel so stuck? Unfortunately I like the things I have and I know I could never replace them but maybe that's the point, maybe its time to move on to something new

That's enough for a morning ramble
Yep! Purging as much as I can the last couple months. Trying to replace anything that's old that I'm constantly turning wrenches on or just watching money constantly being invested in it to keep it "descent". I'm getting rid of vehicles, boat, rzr, trailers, extra parts or stuff sitting in storage for that im gonna use it someday to finally come along🤔
Like mentioned above. The insurances, storage fees, blah blah blah. I'm getting to the point where I'd rather just have 1 item that I can say is "new" or my pride and joy and that's it. Way less of a headache.
The older I get the less enjoyable it is for me to work on stuff.

arch stanton

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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I work on my trucks and equipment all the time so the toys are built to be dependable above speed my time on vacation has to be spent having fun not working on it because it needs to be faster
Sell some and use the money to make one dependable


Adjusting to retired life
Oct 29, 2008
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I can definitely relate to some of the comments above. I easily get over my head with too many projects frequently. Right now I've got big toy projects going on plus the constant working on older vehicles the house needs work I take care of my mom and my uncle and their houses and everything and since retired I feel like I have a extreme full-time maintenance man job. I tend to help some of my friends as well and I seem to be Mr. fix it for everyone I know and on top of everything my body is beat up and I hurt every damn day. Now suddenly I have to have an unexpected surgery Wednesday morning and today I feel overwhelmed like I've reached my limit because now I'm not gonna be able to do shit for a while and that really makes me crazy . Accomplishing things makes me feel good. Somehow need to suck it up quit fucking whining and get through it💪Thts my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2018
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I haven't gotten to that point yet. I am in the opposite, dusting off old projects from 10-20 years ago to finish and use with my kids now. Space is the issue I have now, shed is on the project list to free up some space in the garage. But I totally understand the money issue. I don't have enough money to do all my projects so I really have to pick and choose what I work on and when. I thought about selling some of the unused stuff but I would get pennies on the dollar for what I have put into it and would cost a fortune to try and pick up later where I was. Discontinued parts have become a problem but not much I can do about that.


Tritoon Racing
May 4, 2012
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When I hit 45, I told myself no more projects. I always liked working on everything,
Now I only change the fluids (except the trans) in my F350. My Toyota goes to a great shop near my house.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2018
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When I hit 45, I told myself no more projects. I always liked working on everything,
Now I only change the fluids (except the trans) in my F350. My Toyota goes to a great shop near my house.

No more new projects or no projects period? At 45 did you stop getting new projects and concentrate on existing projects until they are done? Or did you just sell all your unfinished projects and only buy turnkey stuff or do one project at a time.


Tritoon Racing
May 4, 2012
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No more new projects or no projects period? At 45 did you stop getting new projects and concentrate on existing projects until they are done? Or did you just sell all your unfinished projects and only buy turnkey stuff or do one project at a time.
LOL, @ 61, no more projects ever.

Got rid of everything. The only project is upkeep on my home now. Finished the inside remodeling a couple years ago.
Need to replace some wood trim outside, which I will do, then have someone recolor coat the stucco.
My tritoon, gets serviced in Havasu, Sea Doos get serviced in Parker.
My Quad I will be selling one of these days but my Son who is in the Air Force now, take care of the quads.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2013
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We all have days like that.

I hate junk and clutter and I also have severe finish a project OCD but I still have days when I look into the garage and think I should sell my 3 toy cars with a value of about 70k and just buy a C7 Z06 and leave it alone...lol
Want to buy a g8😁

76 Hondo

76 Hondo
Dec 22, 2007
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I'm pretty sure I need to pull the motor in the jet boat, I thought it was a valvetrain issue but everything has checked out good there by me and 2nd opinions. Pulling the motor out and then apart is the easy part, I have the tools and can make the time when the kids are not with me. Its putting it back together once we figure out what's making all the noise that gets to be hard. I have funds set aside for other things. Some of those other things can not wait and need to be addressed before I fix a boat.

The Hondo(s) would be easy sales but would probably hurt the most. The '71 is my first boat and the '81 is the dream ride. I haven't sunk hardly any cash into the newest one other than initial purchase. Letting them sit doesn't bother me because those boats are just for me, I cant take all the kids out at the same time. That's why having the cruiser down this season sucks. Boating has been an escape for me and the kids. We can still get to the river and play on the sandbar where we would typically boat to but its not the same.

Starting a project that I may not be able to finish doesn't make sense either. If I pull the motor out and apart and find out it needs new crank and rods plus machining of the block I'm not sure I can pull that off. Something would have to be sold or find a 2nd job lol Boating isn't cheap entertainment, probably why I've stuck with it and not gotten into dirt stuff or bikes on top of boating. Boating is my only real extra and I'm ok with that, but I'm gonna miss it like hell
You’re always welcome on the pontoon, and when you need a Hondo fix I can do that too 😎