Neighbors that make you smile


Sep 20, 2007
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So it's been 7 yrs since we relocated to our new house in Havasu after 10 in the previous house.
We usually enjoy breakfast on the back patio unless it's witches tit cold.
Every weekend we get a kick out of the retiree(we call him bicycle guy) across the way. He puts out bicycles for sale, which I assume he repairs as a hobby. It has grown exponentially in these 7 yrs from having 2, 3 or 4 bikes on display to dozens and sales appear brisk. Every time someone stops he waddles his way out of the garage to great the people......he gets a lot of customers for sure. In the 10 minutes it's taken me to write this he's had two clients.
Anyhow, like I said, we get smiles from watching "bicycle guys" activities and love the fact he ain't just sitting around rotting like so many other retired folks.
I've really got to make an effort to go meet this dude and let him know the life joy he gives us.🙂🙂

Anyone else have a similar story? We could use some happier threads around here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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Zig that guy needs a business permit to do that - he probably isn’t providing the required tax payments to the state either. Heck it doesn’t look like he is OSHA approved and is clearly running a retail business in a residential zoned nieghborhod.

The last thing anybody needs right now is to be praising this kind of wanton and blatant total disregard for the laws and rules of the city and state.

I’m sure he hasn’t done any environmental study to fully understand the impact of the increased traffic on the street and surrounding areas. His customers coming and going are increasing the safety risk for his nieghbors and causing a parking nightmare.

He could probably use an ice cold beer to help him wash down the afternoon however after all that work😊
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Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Zig that guy need a business permit to do that - he probably isn’t providing the required tax payments to the state either. Heck it doesn’t look like he is OSHA approved and is clearly running a retail business in a residential zoned nieghborhod.

The last thing anybody needs right now is to be praising this kind of wanton and blatant total disregard for the laws and rules of the city and state.

I’m sure he hasn’t done any environmental study to fully understand the impact of the increased traffic on the street and surrounding areas. His customers coming and going are increasing the safety risk for his nieghbors and causing a parking nightmare.

He could probably use an ice cold beer to help him wash down the afternoon however after all that work😊
Defunding the government freebies🤣


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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It is so nice to have a great neighborhood to sit back and enjoy. Last night when leaving for dinner one of our neighbors was out and came over to close the gate to the property so the wife didn’t have to do it. That is how society should be.
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What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Zig that guy need a business permit to do that - he probably isn’t providing the required tax payments to the state either. Heck it doesn’t look like he is OSHA approved and is clearly running a retail business in a residential zoned nieghborhod.

The last thing anybody needs right now is to be praising this kind of wanton and blatant total disregard for the laws and rules of the city and state.

I’m sure he hasn’t done any environmental study to fully understand the impact of the increased traffic on the street and surrounding areas. His customers coming and going are increasing the safety risk for his nieghbors and causing a parking nightmare.

He could probably use an ice cold beer to help him wash down the afternoon however after all that work😊

LOL What about the EPA if he is painting and hazmat with all the grease and lube they are using. On the bikes at least. :looking:


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Growing up we had an older neighbor that walked every morning the sun shined...he used an old school walker, complete with tennis ball feet. Not much of a talker, but would smile and nod...determined to complete his day's project. I remember hearing he was 98!

We also had a guy on the hill above us that played bagpipes. Summer evenings you could sit on the porch with a drink, and hear the music, a couple hours, usually on weekends...and he was very good. Many evenings laying in my parents lawn, as the neighbors sat to listen and talked with eachother.
It was a good place to be a kid.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
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Growing up we had an older neighbor that walked every morning the sun shined...he used an old school walker, complete with tennis ball feet. Not much of a talker, but would smile and nod...determined to complete his day's project. I remember hearing he was 98!

We also had a guy on the hill above us that played bagpipes. Summer evenings you could sit on the porch with a drink, and hear the music, a couple hours, usually on weekends...and he was very good. Many evenings laying in my parents lawn, as the neighbors sat to listen and talked with eachother.
It was a good place to be a kid.
While up in Oregon there was a slow running river we fished a lot. At one point on it every morning we were there, there was a person playing the bagpipes and then about a mile downstream a person was playing an accordian(sp). Not just occasionally but each time we fished that river.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
While up in Oregon there was a slow running river we fished a lot. At one point on it every morning we were there, there was a person playing the bagpipes and then about a mile downstream a person was playing an accordian(sp). Not just occasionally but each time we fished that river.
No canoes, and no banjos, you were safe...
Can't really say I've ever heard accordion played outdoors...maybe Oktoberfest or a mariachi thing, but never solo.

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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So it's been 7 yrs since we relocated to our new house in Havasu after 10 in the previous house.
We usually enjoy breakfast on the back patio unless it's witches tit cold.
Every weekend we get a kick out of the retiree(we call him bicycle guy) across the way. He puts out bicycles for sale, which I assume he repairs as a hobby. It has grown exponentially in these 7 yrs from having 2, 3 or 4 bikes on display to dozens and sales appear brisk. Every time someone stops he waddles his way out of the garage to great the people......he gets a lot of customers for sure. In the 10 minutes it's taken me to write this he's had two clients.
Anyhow, like I said, we get smiles from watching "bicycle guys" activities and love the fact he ain't just sitting around rotting like so many other retired folks.
I've really got to make an effort to go meet this dude and let him know the life joy he gives us.🙂🙂
View attachment 942666 View attachment 942667
Anyone else have a similar story? We could use some happier threads around here.
So it's been 7 yrs since we relocated to our new house in Havasu after 10 in the previous house.
We usually enjoy breakfast on the back patio unless it's witches tit cold.
Every weekend we get a kick out of the retiree(we call him bicycle guy) across the way. He puts out bicycles for sale, which I assume he repairs as a hobby. It has grown exponentially in these 7 yrs from having 2, 3 or 4 bikes on display to dozens and sales appear brisk. Every time someone stops he waddles his way out of the garage to great the people......he gets a lot of customers for sure. In the 10 minutes it's taken me to write this he's had two clients.
Anyhow, like I said, we get smiles from watching "bicycle guys" activities and love the fact he ain't just sitting around rotting like so many other retired folks.
I've really got to make an effort to go meet this dude and let him know the life joy he gives us.🙂🙂
View attachment 942666 View attachment 942667
Anyone else have a similar story? We could use some happier threads around here.

7 Years and you have YET to meet him?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2008
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We have a great neighbor next door. Older retired couple. He had a bike business and is a Mr. Fix It kind-of guy. Always helps me with stuff and/or loans me tools, etc...just great people and enjoy listening to their stories and way of looking at life and the world.

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Sep 20, 2007
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At first I was excited to read this thread hoping for pictures. You always tell me about the great parties at the rental house next to you, so I was thinking of a bachelorette party or something. Total let down man 😢
It was a rather tame summer there, seemed like the same few renter groups we'd see there.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2017
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At first I was excited to read this thread hoping for pictures. You always tell me about the great parties at the rental house next to you, so I was thinking of a bachelorette party or something. Total let down man 😢

Kinda my first thought.


Zig that guy needs a business permit to do that - he probably isn’t providing the required tax payments to the state either. Heck it doesn’t look like he is OSHA approved and is clearly running a retail business in a residential zoned nieghborhod.

The last thing anybody needs right now is to be praising this kind of wanton and blatant total disregard for the laws and rules of the city and state.

I’m sure he hasn’t done any environmental study to fully understand the impact of the increased traffic on the street and surrounding areas. His customers coming and going are increasing the safety risk for his nieghbors and causing a parking nightmare.

He could probably use an ice cold beer to help him wash down the afternoon however after all that work😊

Literally made me laugh out loud.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2013
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I still would not want to live next door . Cars coming and going . People seeing what you have every time the garage is open . No thanks

37 boat

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2008
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So it's been 7 yrs since we relocated to our new house in Havasu after 10 in the previous house.
We usually enjoy breakfast on the back patio unless it's witches tit cold.
Every weekend we get a kick out of the retiree(we call him bicycle guy) across the way. He puts out bicycles for sale, which I assume he repairs as a hobby. It has grown exponentially in these 7 yrs from having 2, 3 or 4 bikes on display to dozens and sales appear brisk. Every time someone stops he waddles his way out of the garage to great the people......he gets a lot of customers for sure. In the 10 minutes it's taken me to write this he's had two clients.
Anyhow, like I said, we get smiles from watching "bicycle guys" activities and love the fact he ain't just sitting around rotting like so many other retired folks.
I've really got to make an effort to go meet this dude and let him know the life joy he gives us.🙂🙂
View attachment 942666 View attachment 942667
Anyone else have a similar story? We could use some happier threads around here.
Just drove by there this morning. You must be on Fortune or Yazoo?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2019
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I got nothing but I do have one cool neighbor that will do just about anything for ya. Guy is 69 but looks and works like he’s in his 50’s and is even a cancer survivor.


Single Barrel Dweller
Jun 28, 2012
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I’ve got a next door neighbor that is awesome. Retired cop. Lives alone. Wife died while he was in surgery getting his hip replaced. She had a heart attack and when he woke up, she was gone. Poof! Crazy. Anyways, we always hang out and he watches the house pretty well when I’m at work. He has some amazing home protection that we always “exercise”.
Get out and meet your neighbors.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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Our neighbors at Naci made it even harder to leave. The family that rented behind us were great people and had 2 girls the same age as my oldest. Then there was Kyle and Miranda across the street that were fantastic people that had 2 young kids also. 2 doors down from them was Dusty and Katie that were great people with 2 young boys. Then we had Alex, his wife, and their 3 kids across the street as well who were super nice. We lived on a corner with cul-de-sacs on either short street. At one point I counted about 15 kids between the ages of 3 to 12 who all played together. It truly was a great little neighborhood and I very much miss it

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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My closest Neighbor Joann religiously cleans up the horses road apples in the pasture that boarders my property and recycles them in the "green container" every day at about 7 am


Commercial Banker
Dec 19, 2007
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We live on a cul de sac with five house. Wife shops for the neighbors. Was on a ladder today and say his rain gutters so i cleaned them. He never even thought of that. If he catches you outside, he’ll be talkin for an hour about his days at JPL.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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I text my neighbor to tell him I'm going to the river, so please keep an eye on the house.

They reply back immediately and say "I was just composing the same text to you!"

Me: Where you going?

Them: Emarald Cove, you?

Me: I'm going to Big Bend, but I'll be at Emrald Cove all weekend with my pal OC!

Fun weekend. Good neighbors.



What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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I know, right? It's why I said I gotta make the effort to go meet him.

I can see that you haven’t because he lives on the street below and not on the same street as you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2007
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We frequently have driveway cocktails with our neighbors, bust out the lawn chairs, your favorite drink, have a sit and visit for a while. Two of them lets say work in behavioral health for the Fed Pen system and have the best stories EVER! Love our neighbors


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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I have an area going through transition. Most of the folks 1 house away are original owners from the early 70’s.
- Across the street on right I have a couple that has 24/7 live in care. Been that way since 2010. I used to trim the front yard as needed, but their kids finally hired a yard guy
- Across the street on left, I have the real estate agent that sold the entire neighborhood when it was built in the 70’s. He knows everything about all the houses. Fun guy to BS with
- Next door on right = great couple, their kids are a few years younger then me, but the grandkids are my daughters age. Best coupe around.
- Next door on left = PIA. Always trying to see what we are doing and causing issues. I will never forget, our new to us house flooded within 10 days of moving in (tree root in sewer line). My house was a disaster and repairs to plumbing took 2 days. On day one while working from home, I needed the restroom. Knocked on his door, we came eye to eye via the window next to his front door. He never opened the door and walked away. Saw him walking the next day and asking questions to my plumber on what he was fixing. Plumber told him to F-Off, and could not believe he would not let me in to use the bathroom. That plumber has a customer for life, neighbor i don’t even talk to.


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
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Glad he is doing something for income and hopefully not living off the government teet.

So it's been 7 yrs since we relocated to our new house in Havasu after 10 in the previous house.
We usually enjoy breakfast on the back patio unless it's witches tit cold.
Every weekend we get a kick out of the retiree(we call him bicycle guy) across the way. He puts out bicycles for sale, which I assume he repairs as a hobby. It has grown exponentially in these 7 yrs from having 2, 3 or 4 bikes on display to dozens and sales appear brisk. Every time someone stops he waddles his way out of the garage to great the people......he gets a lot of customers for sure. In the 10 minutes it's taken me to write this he's had two clients.
Anyhow, like I said, we get smiles from watching "bicycle guys" activities and love the fact he ain't just sitting around rotting like so many other retired folks.
I've really got to make an effort to go meet this dude and let him know the life joy he gives us.🙂🙂
View attachment 942666 View attachment 942667
Anyone else have a similar story? We could use some happier threads around here.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Your hating on old man bicycle?
Get your Mr Wilson hat!
Could you imagine having the lawn mower repair guy next door to you ? No thanks ! And i already have a good supply of get off my lawn signs ! Haha


Sep 26, 2007
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My neighbor and I Have a friendly dues going back and forth regarding our difference in political views.

Last week we were out of town and got a delivery. He put the delivery in my a garage for us and took the opportunity to play a joke.

Added a Ridin with Biden flag to our golf cart and lovingly placed our trump yard signs in the garbage.



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2009
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Sep 20, 2007
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Could you imagine having the lawn mower repair guy next door to you ? No thanks ! And i already have a good supply of get off my lawn signs ! Haha
Kinda grumpy, ain't cha....lol😁
Usually he's got his bikes out for sale Fri, Sat and sometimes Sunday, otherwise you hardly would know anyone lives there.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Thats a great story and I agree you should get right over there and shoot the breeze. Its always a good idea to know your neighbors and I have a tale. I've pretty much lived in same place for 20 years now. The homes are close to beach so very closely built and I work from home traveling the western states so when in town see a great deal from my elevated perch. Theres a guy I've come to name "Birdman" cause he has a lot of feeders and bird traffic. He's retired. Someone bought home next to his 15 years ago and one early morning I hear yelling and go out on deck to witness this new owner gal and the Birdman having a very unfortunate screaming match about some rat poison put out by trash, etc etc.... I saw just how vicious the Birdman can be towards a gal so I decided to just not engage with that cat. I did become friends with the other gal and her husband. Well, back in March I had a crows nest appear in a tall pine on my small property and baby chicks hatched and one day I saw the Birdman go out across the street with a cardboard box and rescue a chick that'd fallen some 60' onto a patch of grass surviving. He nursed it back to health and I was able to watch the process as he stood on his porch feeding it on his shoulder and then as months through covid passed I saw the crows first flight. Now many months later that crow still comes by daily for feedings from that dude. I made a point to go introduce myself some months back and share how much joy I've gotten from watching what he did.... so never hesitate to go meet a neighbor.... he's a sweet guy.... at least when it comes to animals.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
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So it's been 7 yrs since we relocated to our new house in Havasu after 10 in the previous house.
We usually enjoy breakfast on the back patio unless it's witches tit cold.
Every weekend we get a kick out of the retiree(we call him bicycle guy) across the way. He puts out bicycles for sale, which I assume he repairs as a hobby. It has grown exponentially in these 7 yrs from having 2, 3 or 4 bikes on display to dozens and sales appear brisk. Every time someone stops he waddles his way out of the garage to great the people......he gets a lot of customers for sure. In the 10 minutes it's taken me to write this he's had two clients.
Anyhow, like I said, we get smiles from watching "bicycle guys" activities and love the fact he ain't just sitting around rotting like so many other retired folks.
I've really got to make an effort to go meet this dude and let him know the life joy he gives us.🙂🙂
View attachment 942666 View attachment 942667
Anyone else have a similar story? We could use some happier threads around here.
We live just around the corner from you. Bought a couple of folding bicycles from him that my wife wanted, to bring with us when we traveled. I refused to ride them because they’re gay AF. Before that house across from him was built, the old man would take his dog up there and scream at him. He’s a character.

Baja 252

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
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Maybe I missed it, but where does he get all the bikes he's selling and how do you know he's selling bikes? You might be looking at a master criminal enterprise, each tube of the bike could be packed with plastic straws or some other illegal stuff. ;)


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
We live just around the corner from you. Bought a couple of folding bicycles from him that my wife wanted, to bring with us when we traveled. I refused to ride them because they’re gay AF. Before that house across from him was built, the old man would take his dog up there and scream at him. He’s a character.
Yeah. We'd see him waddle around with the little white dog.
That new home was built by friends of my S-I-L.
Btw, I have a folding ebike but with the fat tires that isn't gay AF..😆