Navigating Chaos in the School Parking Lot: A Real-Life Tale of Drop-Off Drama

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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Ah, the daily school drop-off. It’s supposed to be a quick, routine affair. But what happens when a tight parking lot, a bubbly 7th grader, and a passing F150 converge in a perfect storm of vehicular mishap? Buckle up, because this is a tale of unexpected chaos, a plot twist, and a quest for a fair auto body shop.

Picture this: The Telesis school parking lot, where cars are parked in a tight squeeze, and the middle lane barely allows two vehicles to pass side by side. It's an orchestration of vehicle ballet, where each parent lines up single file to drop off their child. But, as in any well-meaning plan, there are always those who like to improvise.

The incident: It’s a hot morning, and my daughter, glowing with the enthusiasm of a 7th grader, is ready for another day at school. As I guide our Suburban through the drop-off line, the chaos begins. Some impatient grandparent decides to bypass the line on the right, and before I know it, my daughter, in her cheerful oblivion, opens her door right into the path of a passing F150. Her door bounces off the truck, and in her confusion, she kicks it open further, wedging my Suburban’s door into the side of the F150 as it passes. Here we are two trucks stuck in an awkward embrace, a sobbing daughter, and an increasingly frustrated F150 driver and a line of impatient traffic behind us. I console and hug my daughter, ensuring her that everything will be alright. Her teacher, a beacon of calm in this storm, helps as I assess the damage. Then the F150 driver and I engage in a bit of impromptu vehicular Tetris, trying to unstick our trapped cars. We separate the vehicles and, after a quick exchange of information and apologies, I promise to handle things outside of insurance. The crazy thing is my door has zero damage. Nada. No chips, dings or scratches. Some sun on a cloudy day! I alert the school administration about the accident and they promise to send out a reminder on parking lot etiquette.

Plot twist: An hour later, my phone buzzes with a text from the F150 driver. He expresses sympathy for my daughter’s distress, hoping she learned a life lesson and drops a bombshell: he’s discovered another ding from where my door initially bounced off. (Cue dramatic music.) The quote for the damage rolls in: $2,100. I’m flabbergasted. I ask for pictures of this additional dent, which, frankly, are not very revealing. We agree to meet again the next morning in the parking lot.

Negotiations: Meeting in the school lot, I question the F150 driver, as to why he would try to squeeze by in such a large vehicle in a tight parking lot that clearly kids are jumping out of vehicles in a rush to get to school. He insists that people pass on the right all the time and he was keeping an eye out for car doors. Interesting, considering our current predicament. I then suggest that we are both at fault and should split the damages. My daughter did open her car door into your truck, but you should not have been passing. He of course does not agree. I told him I thought his bid was high, though I honestly don't know thing about auto body work. I document the damage meticulously this time on video. There were some repairs listed on the bid that don’t align with the damage I see—back bumper, rear tail light, and decal sticker? Do they need to remove the light, decal and the bumper to fix a small dent near the gas cap door? He says he wondered about that too and had a call into the shop to get an explanation of those charges. He suggests getting another quote from a different shop, which I appreciate but remain cautious about. He sensed my hesitation and offered to go to a shop that I would recommend but I don't have any ideas.

I am now on a quest for a fair auto body shop in Lake Havasu City. As I navigate this tangled web of auto body quotes and accident intricacies, I realize I need some expert advice and who better to ask than you guys? Any recommendations?

And as back to school starts I hope this tale serves as a reminder that in the tight confines of school drop-off lines, always keep an eye out for the unexpected—and maybe, just maybe, avoid the right lane. Stay tuned for more updates on our auto body adventure. Sometimes the road to resolution can be just as eventful as the accident itself!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Put your statement of events (in writing) while still fresh in your mind , go back to the area in off hours and take copious photos of various angles and stand your ground , let your insurer sort it out and dont speak/negotiate with the other party for the time being

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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You where in telesis parking lot? There would be no passing on the right. F-him. Your not at fault, let your insurance handle it.
Yes, that tiny parking lot right behind the Telesis sign across from the football field.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2021
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Had a similar situation one time when i was in high school, we got back from lunch and parked, my girlfriend (now wife) opened my truck door right as some other girl was driving into the neighboring spot and the door and side of her truck collided. The girl gets out with attitude and tells me how im going to pay for her truck to get painted, i told her i wasn't driving my truck was off and parked, she was the moving vehicle and to go kick rocks. That's the end of the story. This is not advice.

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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Put your statement of events (in writing) while still fresh in your mind , go back to the area in off hours and take copious photos of various angles and stand your ground , let your insurer sort it out and dont speak/negotiate with the other party for the time being
I really thought it would be maybe $800-1000 and I did not want involve my insurance but I feel like he was at fault too. Though there is no statue that I know of that he broke in passing. Just common sense but that is short these days.

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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Zx beat me to it.
If he wasn’t supposed to be passing, f him.
It’s a small town. I’m sure someone on here knows him.
Yeah, that is the problem it is a small town and my daughter did open the door into a passing vehicle. The school suggests not to pass but there is no law.

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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Had a similar situation one time when i was in high school, we got back from lunch and parked, my girlfriend (now wife) opened my truck door right as some other girl was driving into the neighboring spot and the door and side of her truck collided. The girl gets out with attitude and tells me how im going to pay for her truck to get painted, i told her i wasn't driving my truck was off and parked, she was the moving vehicle and to go kick rocks. That's the end of the story. This is not advice.
We were stopped but not parked. It's just so frustrating when people want to drive right up next to you. I need my bubble space.


Sep 20, 2007
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It's always the impatient ones that cause chaos.
I'd let your insurance take over & make him be the "at fault" driver.
As far as those decals & such on the estimate.... if they have to paint the dent on bedside they need to paint entire side thus the decals are removed.

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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It's always the impatient ones that cause chaos.
I'd let your insurance take over & make him be the "at fault" driver.
As far as those decals & such on the estimate.... if they have to paint the dent on bedside they need to paint entire side thus the decals are removed.
Agreed. It is only a few more minutes to just wait out the line. But what do I know?

Would they also have to remove the back tail light and bumper? I was hoping they could just mask those off.


Distinguished Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Not a legal expert, but I was under the impression parking lots were a no fault deal. Could be way wrong.
I can only speak for California, but yes you are correct. Parking lots are no fault here. May be in AZ too. A quick anonymous call to the insurance company should prove this or not.


Sep 20, 2007
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Agreed. It is only a few more minutes to just wait out the line. But what do I know?

Would they also have to remove the back tail light and bumper? I was hoping they could just mask those off.
Yes, proper estimate would be to remove/replace taillight & bumper for that job. Realize though, they write estimates to get all they can especially if they believe Insurance is involved.....there are work-arounds if they choose to help a cash client.

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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Take it to bodyline and talk to Justin he will get you an estimate.. as well make sure your door opens and closes perfectly on the suburban..
Thanks Dave but there was ZERO damage to my Suburban. I can't believe with all his damage I don't have one chip in my clear coat. Crazy!

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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By the way the soccer moms and grandparents dropping kids off at school are crazy aggressive drivers.. lol.

It’s comedy hour for me every time I take my kids to school.

Yeah well, it was funny - not so funny anymore. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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Does the school have cameras ?

Where there school staff outside helping the drop off? Maybe a witness

Does the school have a printed - Drop off / parking lot plan ? If so was it violated?

Seems kinda crazy to pass on the right and There Would be an expectation that car doors would open on the rt side w/ children exiting


Sep 20, 2007
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The phenomena of every child being driving to school individually is ka-razy. The traffic issues it creates around every school is mind blowing. Many minor accidents & heated bravado are the norm.
A good friend of ours got rear ended waiting in line with her son by a "grandparent" at 40-50mph. She's never been the same since, mentally & physically. Her son also has lasting physical effects from it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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The phenomena of every child being driving to school individually is ka-razy. The traffic issues it creates around every school is mind blowing. Many minor accidents & heated bravado are the norm.
A good friend of ours got rear ended waiting in line with her son by a "grandparent" at 40-50mph. She's never been the same since, mentally & physically. Her son also has lasting physical effects from it.
simple solution.....WALK TO SCHOOL


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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The phenomena of every child being driving to school individually is ka-razy. The traffic issues it creates around every school is mind blowing. Many minor accidents & heated bravado are the norm.
A good friend of ours got rear ended waiting in line with her son by a "grandparent" at 40-50mph. She's never been the same since, mentally & physically. Her son also has lasting physical effects from it.

When I moved to Carlsbad, I thought is was strange they had zero bus service for the schools. City buses have drops by the middle schools and high school.

My daughter is one of only a few that rides a non-electronic bike. The EB crowd is large and I call it a bee hive when they leave school.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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If the school puts out something reminding parents about driving protocol on their property, theres your proof its his fault.

Send him packing. Honestly what idiot drives along where kids are exiting vehicles, let alone passing on the right. What did he save in his busy day, 45 seconds? Now he wants you to pay for lack of judgement?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2016
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If your daughter opened the door in the designated unloading zone/area, I'd say the fault lies with the other driver. Considering the drop-off situation (single file and assuming kids exit vehicle in a specific area). Even if it's shared fault, in that case, tell the guy to kick rocks and fix his vehicle on his own dime.

The full bed side of other party would need repainting, so trim and bumper needs R&R. On my 2014 Sierra it was $1200, however that was in 2016 in Fresno, so I'm sure prices are higher now.


c ya on da lake
Oct 4, 2007
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My .02

So sorry to hear this happened, thankfully your daughter wasn't hurt (still an emotional moment for her tho).

For clarification, as previously stated, the F150 (those damn F150's) chose to pass on right (outside of others path in line) in a loading / unloading area of a school parking lot, did he hit your door? Or did the door hit him?

Use caution when putting your statements here online as the F150's driver could use that against you if stories are not correct or properly written. Its not your fault (IMO), it seems as though the F150 made a poor choice of not following everyone else in line. If the F150 hit your door, it is responsible, if it had run your daughter over its driver would be at fault too. He is lucky his actions did not cause something worse.

Jonas Grumby

The Skipper
May 4, 2010
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Az law:
A. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass on the right of another vehicle only under the following conditions:

1. When the vehicle overtaken is making or about to make a left turn.

2. On a street or highway with unobstructed pavement that is not occupied by parked vehicles and that is of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles in each direction.

3. On a one-way street or on a roadway on which traffic is restricted to one direction of movement and if the roadway is free from obstructions and of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles.

B. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle on the right only under conditions permitting the movement in safety. The driver shall not make the movement by driving off the pavement or main traveled portion of the roadway.

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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Does the school have cameras ?

Where there school staff outside helping the drop off? Maybe a witness

Does the school have a printed - Drop off / parking lot plan ? If so was it violated?

Seems kinda crazy to pass on the right and There Would be an expectation that car doors would open on the rt side w/ children exiting
No cameras in that area but there is not a dispute in what happened. I did take your advise and see if the school has a preprinted plan for the parking lot. I just received it and it is the smoking gun. Looks like the F150 does have the right to pass on the right (at least per the written instructions). Total bummer and in my opinion poor choice on the parking map and by the F150. I guess I'm paying to paint a truck next week. Ugh.
Drop Off Pick Up Map.jpg
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Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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The phenomena of every child being driving to school individually is ka-razy. The traffic issues it creates around every school is mind blowing. Many minor accidents & heated bravado are the norm.
A good friend of ours got rear ended waiting in line with her son by a "grandparent" at 40-50mph. She's never been the same since, mentally & physically. Her son also has lasting physical effects from it.
Oh no! We are very lucky our accident was so minor and only property damage. It's only money right? But you can't replace people.

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
Reaction score
When I moved to Carlsbad, I thought is was strange they had zero bus service for the schools. City buses have drops by the middle schools and high school.

My daughter is one of only a few that rides a non-electronic bike. The EB crowd is large and I call it a bee hive when they leave school.
The EB crowd is huge here too but mostly at the high school level. There are regular accidents and twice in the past year I have witness EMT's hauling students off the street in an ambulance. Scary!


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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Whatever you do , don't stand out front of the school and take pictures of the accident location for the insurance company.

That's what I did, and it was followed up by a visit from the police department asking why I was standing out front of a school taking pictures of children :oops:

Well officer .... 1) That's my childs school, and 2) Some fucktard in a BMW took my fender off, and the insurance company asked for photos of the parking lot where it happened!


Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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If the school puts out something reminding parents about driving protocol on their property, theres your proof its his fault.

Send him packing. Honestly what idiot drives along where kids are exiting vehicles, let alone passing on the right. What did he save in his busy day, 45 seconds? Now he wants you to pay for lack of judgement?
It is common curtesy and generally agreed that we all form a single file line. The admins in the office also agreed that it should be single file but upon asking for the parking lot written protocol is clearly states traffic can pass on the right. Looks like his is in the clear.

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
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If your daughter opened the door in the designated unloading zone/area, I'd say the fault lies with the other driver. Considering the drop-off situation (single file and assuming kids exit vehicle in a specific area). Even if it's shared fault, in that case, tell the guy to kick rocks and fix his vehicle on his own dime.

The full bed side of other party would need repainting, so trim and bumper needs R&R. On my 2014 Sierra it was $1200, however that was in 2016 in Fresno, so I'm sure prices are higher now.
Yes, you are right. I called the auto body shop and they said in order to get the paint lines correct they have to drop the bumper and remove the tail light. I guess they don't mask anymore. I did ask if they had any discounts and he did me a solid and offered 10% off. Still painful but a little less sting.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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So I looked up the parking lot on google Earth and the School MAJORLY fucked up on that drop-off routing. The way you come into the parking lot puts the school on the driver's side. Yet almost all kids enter and exit the vehicles on the passenger side. This is a BAD idea. I have a feeling this is not the first, nor last time something like this will happen in that parking lot, and I have a feeling that a kid will get hurt.

Edit: I made the post before seeing Amy's picture and information above. Still stand by my statement of a REALLY bad routing

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Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
Reaction score
My .02

So sorry to hear this happened, thankfully your daughter wasn't hurt (still an emotional moment for her tho).

For clarification, as previously stated, the F150 (those damn F150's) chose to pass on right (outside of others path in line) in a loading / unloading area of a school parking lot, did he hit your door? Or did the door hit him?

Use caution when putting your statements here online as the F150's driver could use that against you if stories are not correct or properly written. Its not your fault (IMO), it seems as though the F150 made a poor choice of not following everyone else in line. If the F150 hit your door, it is responsible, if it had run your daughter over its driver would be at fault too. He is lucky his actions did not cause something worse.
Thank you and yes she is all good. She opened her door into his moving truck while we were stopped (not parked). Fortunately we are not at odds with the story. We did open our door into his truck, but it just does not seem like common sense that he should have even been that close in a school unloading zone. I mean what do you think happens when kids get out the car? Doors fly! Just a stupid accident and now I am going to off load in the cul de sac instead of the parking lot.

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
Reaction score
Az law:
A. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass on the right of another vehicle only under the following conditions:

1. When the vehicle overtaken is making or about to make a left turn.

2. On a street or highway with unobstructed pavement that is not occupied by parked vehicles and that is of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles in each direction.

3. On a one-way street or on a roadway on which traffic is restricted to one direction of movement and if the roadway is free from obstructions and of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles.

B. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle on the right only under conditions permitting the movement in safety. The driver shall not make the movement by driving off the pavement or main traveled portion of the roadway.
What about when the school parking lot diagram says you can pass on the right?


c ya on da lake
Oct 4, 2007
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No cameras in that area but there is not a dispute in what happened. I did take your advise and see if the school has a preprinted plan for the parking lot. I just received it and it is the smoking gun. Looks like the F150 does have the right to pass on the right (at least per the written instructions). Total bummer and in my opinion poor choice on the parking map and by the F150. I guess I'm paying to paint a truck next week. Ugh. View attachment 1417131

Poor plan IMO! This route on map is set up for failure!

Students / occupants are typically dropped "curbside" for the main reason of safety as they exit to a curb not stepping out of a vehicle and into a traffic lane of potential hazards (more importantly children that may simply not understand the dangers of stepping out into moving traffic).

Amy@Team RDP

"Team RDP"
Sep 13, 2021
Reaction score
You can check with Elite Dent Removal. This guy is awesome
You are right! Damon is a personal friend and his work is top notch. However, this damage involves more than just the dent with the paint damage and rubber trim around the wheel well.