My stupid Lab . . . the Saga continues . . .

Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
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This black lab trips me out . . . . SUPER friendly, but she will bark non-stop at and with other dogs while playing at the beach.

She's done it for tool long twice to the wrong dogs and got 'tuned-up' . . .once to a German Shepherd who'd had enough of her shit & took a good little chunk out of her side near the ribs. Just a lightning fast nip from the Shepherd . . . not even a growl. Didn't phase her, acted like they were just playing rough, never yelped etc. I had to call it as she was dripping blood and didn't want an infection from the shit-water down there.

Next one was a pit she was playing with chasing the ball together out in the water . . . barking in her ear the whole time, the pit finally said 'F-You' and was climbing / biting up her back heading for the neck before I could get in there and 'Mills Lane' them apart . . . again, didn't phase her at all , only lasted maybe 2-3 seconds.

A couple nights ago she was playing hard chasing a ball way out in the water with another pit-mix she's played with several times before . . . both barking back & fourth at each other.
Then sure enough, the other dog had enough of her barking and lights her up . . . they tangle for just a couple seconds in the water and call it quits . . . like nothing ever happened.

Then afterwards at home, I 'm giving her a bath and notice a decent size hole in her below her neck and abover her shoulder . . . like I can fit my pinky finger in it . . . nice open gash. So I pack it with neosporin and she could care less.

Anyone ever have a lab that takes it to 10 and breaks the nob off all the time??? . . . . she's never shown any 'offensive' aggresion to people, kids, small dogs, cats, strangers, mail man . . . nothing. And even when she gets in these little 'tangles' it seems it's just the other dogs who are tired of her non-stop agro-barking and say 'enough is enough'. I can let her off the leash, and walk for a mile down dog beach w/o any worry . . . . it's only when they play one-on-one for a ball / frisbee / stick , whatever that she 'NAGS' other dogs till they've had enough and smoke her.

She has pulled up on a couple Rhodesian's , Belgian Malinois , Husky's , Rots etc. and wisely stopped-short . . . . so she 'does' know who not to f-with to a certain extent . . . . but she hasn't learned her lesson.

She doesn't seem to be getting any worse or better about the nagging . . . . I just trip out. Oddly, the little ankle-biters down there that bark & growl at her send her away pronto . . . she doesn't f with them at all.

I've had a chocolate female lab before . . . total polar opposite of this psycho.

'Get another lab they said' . . . :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Bad news…
You most likely have a dominant dog on your hands…
There is only way to prove that she is not dominant… that means a world class ass whoopin… and she needs to be submissive to the dog thats giving her the ass kicking.. then she may… I do say may figure it out. The vet bills will probably be very expensive.

Or, keep her out of those situations… keep her on a leash.

Thats a very difficult problem to solve.

My dumb dog.. which I have shared on RDP how dumb she is… Is a world class expert at being dominant, to dominant dogs.
She gives a dogs PHD in dominance in a nano second. She is maybe 30lbs…

Eventually she will pull that stupid shit on a dog thats truly dominant,,, and she probably wont live thru it. Which is why I call her my dumb dog.

She has taken on two dogs at once 1 being a pit bull… she won…

So my strategy is to keep her on a leash around other dogs… I dont have a choice. She is truly off leashed trained… except when another dogs thinks its dominant… and an ass whooping is coming their way.

Maybe I should bring Gizzy to your house… pretty sure that one of us will no longer have a dominant dog…

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Bad news…
You most likely have a dominant dog on your hands…
There is only way to prove that she is not dominant… that means a world class ass whoopin… and she needs to be submissive to the dog thats giving her the ass kicking.. then she may… I do say may figure it out. The vet bills will probably be very expensive.

Or, keep her out of those situations… keep her on a leash.

Thats a very difficult problem to solve.

My dumb dog.. which I have shared on RDP how dumb she is… Is a world class expert at being dominant, to dominant dogs.
She gives a dogs PHD in dominance in a nano second. She is maybe 30lbs…

Eventually she will pull that stupid shit on a dog thats truly dominant,,, and she probably wont live thru it. Which is why I call her my dumb dog.

She has taken on two dogs at once 1 being a pit bull… she won…

So my strategy is to keep her on a leash around other dogs… I dont have a choice. She is truly off leashed trained… except when another dogs thinks its dominant… and an ass whooping is coming their way.

Maybe I should bring Gizzy to your house… pretty sure that one of us will no longer have a dominant dog…

View attachment 1486710
I loved the story of her shitting on the pit next door's lawn 🤣


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2016
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Kudos to you for toleratimg the behavior from your dog. She didn’t ask to be there ,maybe she did, but you are a
big man to manage it and take care of her And give her a great life. No dog expert here with any advice but I believe in karma and you have some good coming your way.

The Capt

Capt. SF fireboat, St. Francis
Jul 17, 2017
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I had a yellow lab, not neutered. He would try and hump any dog he saw. I big shepherd tuned him up and he immediately went back and tried again. Boy or girl dog didn’t mater. Did it up until the day he died at age 12. I had to keep him on a leash even at the dog parks and the beach.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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I had a yellow lab, not neutered. He would try and hump any dog he saw. I big shepherd tuned him up and he immediately went back and tried again. Boy or girl dog didn’t mater. Did it up until the day he died at age 12. I had to keep him on a leash even at the dog parks and the beach.
Dominance 101….

When you look at where dogs came from… and analyze how a Wolf Pack operates…
Alpha Male & Female - run the pack. They eat first… pending the hierarchy of the pack, then the others are allowed to eat.
The moment a low level wolf, tries to eat before of a higher ranking wolf… both the higher level wolf and the alpha wolf, lay down a calibration. The moment the low level wolf submits, drops to its back and shows it belly, the calibration ends….

However if the low level wolf keeps up the fight… and beats the higher ranking wolf… then its position goes higher in the hierarchy of the pack.

The problem with modern day dogs… aka pets…. The dogs that think they are dominant, are prevented from getting calibrated by the owners, because no one wants to get sued or have a pay high vet bill.

Sometimes… the best thing that can happen to a dog like that,,, is a good ass whoopin… problem is solved.

Bad news for me… Gizzy always wins… 100lb dogs are submissive to her. Not joking… She lights their ass up when they get out of line. But if they are not being dominant… she will play fetch with them for hours… if they challenge anything…. a tune up is coming in a nano second..

Can’t train her out of that… cant do it… so there are dogs she plays with on occasion… most of the time… she is on the leash if “new” dogs are in the area…

BTW… after Gizzy calibrates a male dog… She,,,, SHE yes I am saying SHE will hump them like a male dog.. LOL….
She will probably be the dumbest dog I own… but that bitch is ready to fight to the death if the situation arises. Which is why I love her.. She knows who she is, and not going to apologize for it…

The craziest thing… If you see her around kids/toddlers any humans… she is the most loving, sweetest, lick your face, pet me dog you can imagine… a switch flips the MOMENT another dog thinks its dominant…GAME ON MFKRs…
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Dont re Member
Jun 9, 2008
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We have two female Labs, a 90lb brown English (Holly, 5 yo, "the bitch") and a 110lb black American (Sadie, 3 yo). The brown is the aggressive one of the pair and is always trying to show her dominance, the black Lab knows she is the stronger but chooses to be mellow and just ignores Holly's aggression for the most part. Both are loving dogs apart, no issues with people or other dogs, just when Holly gets a bug in the ass over a toy or attention then she goes bitch mode. We're hoping she'll eventually grow out of it, but, . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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This black lab trips me out . . . . SUPER friendly, but she will bark non-stop at and with other dogs while playing at the beach.

She's done it for tool long twice to the wrong dogs and got 'tuned-up' . . .once to a German Shepherd who'd had enough of her shit & took a good little chunk out of her side near the ribs. Just a lightning fast nip from the Shepherd . . . not even a growl. Didn't phase her, acted like they were just playing rough, never yelped etc. I had to call it as she was dripping blood and didn't want an infection from the shit-water down there.

Next one was a pit she was playing with chasing the ball together out in the water . . . barking in her ear the whole time, the pit finally said 'F-You' and was climbing / biting up her back heading for the neck before I could get in there and 'Mills Lane' them apart . . . again, didn't phase her at all , only lasted maybe 2-3 seconds.

A couple nights ago she was playing hard chasing a ball way out in the water with another pit-mix she's played with several times before . . . both barking back & fourth at each other.
Then sure enough, the other dog had enough of her barking and lights her up . . . they tangle for just a couple seconds in the water and call it quits . . . like nothing ever happened.

Then afterwards at home, I 'm giving her a bath and notice a decent size hole in her below her neck and abover her shoulder . . . like I can fit my pinky finger in it . . . nice open gash. So I pack it with neosporin and she could care less.

Anyone ever have a lab that takes it to 10 and breaks the nob off all the time??? . . . . she's never shown any 'offensive' aggresion to people, kids, small dogs, cats, strangers, mail man . . . nothing. And even when she gets in these little 'tangles' it seems it's just the other dogs who are tired of her non-stop agro-barking and say 'enough is enough'. I can let her off the leash, and walk for a mile down dog beach w/o any worry . . . . it's only when they play one-on-one for a ball / frisbee / stick , whatever that she 'NAGS' other dogs till they've had enough and smoke her.

She has pulled up on a couple Rhodesian's , Belgian Malinois , Husky's , Rots etc. and wisely stopped-short . . . . so she 'does' know who not to f-with to a certain extent . . . . but she hasn't learned her lesson.

She doesn't seem to be getting any worse or better about the nagging . . . . I just trip out. Oddly, the little ankle-biters down there that bark & growl at her send her away pronto . . . she doesn't f with them at all.

I've had a chocolate female lab before . . . total polar opposite of this psycho.

'Get another lab they said' . . . :rolleyes:
All good until she really gets lit up. I would not take her down there anymore for her own protection. If you keep doing it the end result will be very bad with death or a massive vet bill. You can avoid it all and not put your pup in harms way. Make no mistake about it.....she is going to take an awful ass whuppin some day

Good luck

I used to take Roxy down there but she would drag all the dogs out of the water thinking she needed to rescue them. It was funny at first but not after a while. I had to stop going for her own good.
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Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
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Good info from everyone here . . . thank you very much.

I'm not the greatest or worst dog owner . . . I've always had at least 1 at a time, and for years 2 at a time . . . so I kinda know my own shortcomings as a pet owner.

I got her from 'Lab Rescuers' out of San Diego and they 'estimated' her age at the 1 to 1.5 years old, and I've had here a for a little over a year now . . . the 'back story' that I was told, was that she was purchased from a breeder by a young gal who was moving out on her own for the 1st time. For whatever reason, she had to move back home with her parents and they said, 'ok, but no dog' . . . so she turned her in. I have no clue what her up bringing was . . . but I'm fairly certain it didn't consist of much discipline . . .LOL

That's the line I was given from the Rescue Org. anyways . . . but no way to confirm any of it.

One thing I should've elaborated on a bit . . . . . she doesn't ever 'initiate' anything . . . it seems to 'build up' over several minutes of playing, to the point where she finally gets a 'tune-up' from a dog that acts like 'enough is enough of your fucking barking' !!! It's usually with a dog that runs / swims faster than her . . . it also seems that she gets annoyed that she can't keep up . . . so she barks sore-loser style . . . not 'aggresive' , just irritating as fuck . . . .she's also 100% always on the 'receiving' end of the exchange, and never initiates it . . . and she'll barely holds her ground . . . as soon as the other dog lets up , she's done and it's over . . .

That's why I was inquiring about shock collars / e-collars in another thread. . . . maybe I could head it off at the pass with a beep /buzz / zap before it gets to that point.
In the mean time, I'm just gonna put a stop to it when I see it getting to that point, and or avoid it all together.

Here's another quick example . . . . a few days ago, we were walking down the beach . . . . a couple had 3 Belgian Malinois , they were stopped and playing fetch in and around the water. My dog sees the ball /water action and goes running towards them . . . she gets about 20 feet from 1 of them, and it lets out a bark that must've said, "DON'T EVEN FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT" . . . that stopped my dog in her tracks . . . . seriously, that Belgian didn't even make so much as as a motion in her direction, but made it's intention loud and clear . . . . my dog walked clear and waaaaaayyyy the hell around them with her head down . . . so she does 'get it' to a certain extent . . .

She just seems like a bitchy sore loser . . . . like most of of my ex-girlfriends ! 😆


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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My dumb dog.. which I have shared on RDP how dumb she is… Is a world class expert at being dominant, to dominant dogs.
She gives a dogs PHD in dominance in a nano second. She is maybe 30lbs…

Eventually she will pull that stupid shit on a dog thats truly dominant,,, and she probably wont live thru it. Which is why I call her my dumb dog.

She has taken on two dogs at once 1 being a pit bull… she won…

So my strategy is to keep her on a leash around other dogs… I dont have a choice. She is truly off leashed trained… except when another dogs thinks its dominant… and an ass whooping is coming their way.

Maybe I should bring Gizzy to your house… pretty sure that one of us will no longer have a dominant dog…

View attachment 1486710
Cocker Spaniels aren't known for their great intelligence.

We had neighbors that went through three of them over the years. I swear each replacement was more stupid than the previous model.


When I divorced my first wife, I kept our dog, Boo. He was a Springer Spaniel. They're just slightly smarter than a Cocker Spaniel, and Boo was on the extreme left edge of the stupid Springer bell curve.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I grew up with a cocker spaniel. That dog bit my sister, my cousin, our neighbor and Bob Ballard (later to become Dr Robert Ballard, the discoverer of the Titanic). Fortunately, none of the bites were serious. Our mom called Animal Control on every occasion. They’d come out and tag our house.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2015
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Shock Collar!!! Buzz to correct, if ignored, light er up! They will learn very quickly! Some think this is inhume, but the outcome of what happens if the behavior is not corrected is WAYYYY worse! Put the collar on in the morning and leave it on through the day. Don't let her associate the collar with walk time, or I better behave time. I have always used Dogtra, but there are other very good ones.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
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Shock Collar!!! Buzz to correct, if ignored, light er up! They will learn very quickly! Some think this is inhume, but the outcome of what happens if the behavior is not corrected is WAYYYY worse! Put the collar on in the morning and leave it on through the day. Don't let her associate the collar with walk time, or I better behave time. I have always used Dogtra, but there are other very good ones.

I used a shock collar on our dominant German Shepard when she was young...exactly as you said, she would get the beep for a first notice, 1 or 2 vibrates if she continued, then the zap if she didnt knock it off....did that for about 6-8 months....then never used the collar again....she learned...


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Cocker Spaniels aren't known for their great intelligence.

We had neighbors that went through three of them over the years. I swear each replacement was more stupid than the previous model.


When I divorced my first wife, I kept our dog, Boo. He was a Springer Spaniel. They're just slightly smarter than a Cocker Spaniel, and Boo was on the extreme left edge of the stupid Springer bell curve.


The funny thing is Gizzy is half Cocker and half King Charles…

That combination typically leads to mellow smart loving dog… the reason why I bought her for my daughter.

I guess the Cocker part of her is the dominant side… LOL….

Fucking Gizzy… the good news is she has not been caught on the couch lately. She was getting calibrated weekly there for a bit.
Now that I said that,,, I will catch her on it this afternoon… hard headed critter…


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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This black lab trips me out . . . . SUPER friendly, but she will bark non-stop at and with other dogs while playing at the beach.

She's done it for tool long twice to the wrong dogs and got 'tuned-up' . . .once to a German Shepherd who'd had enough of her shit & took a good little chunk out of her side near the ribs. Just a lightning fast nip from the Shepherd . . . not even a growl. Didn't phase her, acted like they were just playing rough, never yelped etc. I had to call it as she was dripping blood and didn't want an infection from the shit-water down there.

Next one was a pit she was playing with chasing the ball together out in the water . . . barking in her ear the whole time, the pit finally said 'F-You' and was climbing / biting up her back heading for the neck before I could get in there and 'Mills Lane' them apart . . . again, didn't phase her at all , only lasted maybe 2-3 seconds.

A couple nights ago she was playing hard chasing a ball way out in the water with another pit-mix she's played with several times before . . . both barking back & fourth at each other.
Then sure enough, the other dog had enough of her barking and lights her up . . . they tangle for just a couple seconds in the water and call it quits . . . like nothing ever happened.

Then afterwards at home, I 'm giving her a bath and notice a decent size hole in her below her neck and abover her shoulder . . . like I can fit my pinky finger in it . . . nice open gash. So I pack it with neosporin and she could care less.

Anyone ever have a lab that takes it to 10 and breaks the nob off all the time??? . . . . she's never shown any 'offensive' aggresion to people, kids, small dogs, cats, strangers, mail man . . . nothing. And even when she gets in these little 'tangles' it seems it's just the other dogs who are tired of her non-stop agro-barking and say 'enough is enough'. I can let her off the leash, and walk for a mile down dog beach w/o any worry . . . . it's only when they play one-on-one for a ball / frisbee / stick , whatever that she 'NAGS' other dogs till they've had enough and smoke her.

She has pulled up on a couple Rhodesian's , Belgian Malinois , Husky's , Rots etc. and wisely stopped-short . . . . so she 'does' know who not to f-with to a certain extent . . . . but she hasn't learned her lesson.

She doesn't seem to be getting any worse or better about the nagging . . . . I just trip out. Oddly, the little ankle-biters down there that bark & growl at her send her away pronto . . . she doesn't f with them at all.

I've had a chocolate female lab before . . . total polar opposite of this psycho.

'Get another lab they said' . . . :rolleyes:
This is more or less normal for a young lab in my humble opinion. Both black females that I’ve had over the years have been very dominant and the boss of the household. The only time they would yield to my males is over food.

It sounds to me like she’s just having a blast and testing the other dogs even though she’s getting bit and injured. She’s having fun. I’ve watched my two year old male do that with my 13-year-old female. When she gets tired of his shit, she puts him on his back in a heartbeat. Then dip shit walks away and starts all over again.🤣

Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
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This is more or less normal for a young lab in my humble opinion. Both black females that I’ve had over the years have been very dominant and the boss of the household. The only time they would yield to my males is over food.

It sounds to me like she’s just having a blast and testing the other dogs even though she’s getting bit and injured. She’s having fun. I’ve watched my two year old male do that with my 13-year-old female. When she gets tired of his shit, she puts him on his back in a heartbeat. Then dip shit walks away and starts all over again.🤣
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Yes . . . kind of exactly what I've been thinking all along.
Aside from some x-Girlfriends . . . I've never had a 'dominant female' dog. My last 2 were Male Australian Shepherds that were 'given' to us . . . This time I Said, "I'm kind of over the dominant male deal, I'm getting a female black lab" . . . and of course with my luck, I get this psycho case.

She was also the 1st dog I've ever had to 'buy', even though she was from a rescue . . . that was another learning process.

And yeah . . . she's in heaven down at the beach . . . . barking at who knows what when she's in the shell of my ruck on the way down there every time . . . . LOL

Loves to get walloped in the shorebreak !!!



Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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^^^ My last female was dominant and so is my male. They got along but they butted heads all the time. They would get into fights if they were both trying to protect the fence line on my property at the same time and a perceived threat was there. They would both come back to the house with puncture wounds all the time. Both great dogs but they were not great together in the same household.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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My female Coonhound German shepherd mix tried to be the alpha in the house, I used typical corrective methods until she had enough and took a swipe at me, she quickly learned that opposable thumbs have a big advantage, I'm the alpha and she is now ok with that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Sounds to me like she may need to only play ball by herself, unless she is jumping in on someone else's fetch time, had a few labs, the hardheaded ones are hard to Change. I got an Ozzie doodle, and she is the sweetest thing but loves to chase dogs and yelp the whole time as she chases them when I take her to dog park, never seen anything like it, other dog owners look at me like what in the fck is up with your dog. So, she only gets walks at park with some ball or frisbee action until I figure out how to break her of this, just haven't had time to do it.

Mini Kat

Hammer Makin' Payments
Aug 20, 2009
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All my dogs that I get always come from the shelter. This one I got from the Orange County Shelter and he was a runaway stray. Like has been said above from others need to show who is the boss and who is in charge. I have trained all my dogs with the remote shock collar where I can control the strength and when.

This is Sammy AKA Fathead he was the dumbest dog that you could find at the shelter. Everybody was looking at me when I was waiting for the shelter Handler just trying to walk this dog straight into the other cage. It takes a lot of patience and time to teach and train dogs. I took him from listening to every command whether on or off leash and would not harm a fly.

He would play well with any other animal and not harm them whether it be kids or whatever. But if he feels that you are threatening to anyone in my family it's game on. If there was a coyote walking down the wash or outside of our property line I kid you not he start going ballistic and yes biting the fence trying to pull it down!

It takes a lot of time a lot of patience and a lot of love to show them who is the alpha and calls the shots. Once you accomplish that everything just Falls right into place.


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