Mueller's testimony before the House

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Time for the left to regroup and get back to "Racist" now that "Collusion" and "Obstruction" didn't work out. It's frightening to see what the government is capable of doing.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Jen's new found hero. :)

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Definition of DEMOCRATS - spend money, waste time, no results.

It’s their actual stated platform.
“If elected I will go after Trump!”

Forget any real work or accomplishment for constituents, that went out the window years ago.

Hell, Jussie has created more jobs (2) than any office holding Dem.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
The issue isn’t what you did, it’s what they did and how Trump welcomed their efforts.

And of course there is the obstruction of the investigation.

"The beginning of the end of the Trump presidency..."

"The tipping point..."

"The walls are closing in..."

"Trump's going down..."

"He will not serve out his term..."


"Trump is in trouble..."

"Trump's going down..."

"He will not serve out his term - no way, no how"

"He's done!"

"This will be the watershed week..."

"Today is a turning point..."

"Rumblings of the word 'impeachment'..."

"A new bombshell..."

"Trump will resign..."

"Tipping point!"


Where's your buddy Squeaky?

LMAO hand over mouth .gif


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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OK - All kidding aside, it's obvious Mueller didn't run this investigation....so who hired Weisman? Rosenstein? Did Hillary Clinton actually run this investigation via Rosenstein and Weisman? This shit show has the Clinton's writing all over it. Think about it, an investigation so broad it performed more than 500 interviews and NOT ONE of those interviews had anything to do with the Clinton campaign or the dossier that started it all.....

I have sooooooo many questions after yesterday.

I hope Barr is looking at how many laws Weisman broke while doing this investigation especially knowing he has already been busted for doing so while he was a prosecutor.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Want to see spin/fake news at it's best? I read this AP article in my local paper this morning and just had to laugh, but then I had listened to the testimony for myself so I know that this "news" is complete BS and spin. But what about those that didn't? If one didn't hear/see any of it you would have a completely different opinion of how Mueller came off by reading this "news".
This is why we've lost all respect for the media.



Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Want to see spin/fake news at it's best? I read this AP article in my local paper this morning and just had to laugh, but then I had listened to the testimony for myself so I know that this "news" is complete BS and spin. But what about those that didn't? If one didn't hear/see any of it you would have a completely different opinion of how Mueller came off by reading this "news".
This is why we've lost all respect for the media.


Fake News is the enemy of the people.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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This whole thing was a sham from the start. Mueller was nothing more than a figure head that Rod Rosenstein hired to give it credibility and then Andrew Weissmann goes out and hires Clinton sycophants to compile a report for no other reason but to get impeachment going.
The same Andrew Weissmann that was in attendance at HRC's "victory" party on election night. This wreaks of the deep state that has been called BS by the left, but looks more and more to be true.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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I wouldn’t go that far. He made it clear he wouldn’t step outside the report. He didn’t give congressional dems what they wanted but that shouldn’t surprise anyone.
Yet was unwilling to discuss people that gave info for the reports creation? That's lunacy, and you must be embarrassed to no be able to see such a basic point. Consider the source, tends to have a fair amount of relevancy here. But you wouldn't know, given the media outlets you visit know that's a big problem.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-T377A using Tapatalk

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Want to see spin/fake news at it's best? I read this AP article in my local paper this morning and just had to laugh, but then I had listened to the testimony for myself so I know that this "news" is complete BS and spin. But what about those that didn't? If one didn't hear/see any of it you would have a completely different opinion of how Mueller came off by reading this "news".
This is why we've lost all respect for the media.



“With his terse, one-word answers, and a sometimes stilted and halting manner, Mueller made clear his desire to avoid the partisan fray and the deep political divisions roiling Congress and the country.”



Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The wreckage surrounding the Clintons is beyond what could be a book or movie. Now Mueller can be added to the historic mess that seems to have no end.Say what you want about Mueller/Yestesterday,the guy has had a flawless career in Public Service and Private Law.He did not deserve what happened in front of the entire world,should have said no 2years ago and enjoyed life.Mueller was set up.
Last edited:


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
The wreckage surrounding the Clintons is beyond what could be a book or movie. Now Mueller can be added to the historic mess that seems to have no end.Say what you want about Mueller/Yestesterday,the guy has had a flawless career in Public Service and Private Law.He did not deserve what happened in front of the entire world,should have said no 2years ago and enjoyed life.Mueller was set up.

FUCK Mr. Magoo. If he had any character AT ALL he would have spoke up long ago..................seeing the lives that were being destroyed by his team of Clintonites. I hope that Deep State piece of shit rots in hell!

Take you pick Sweeper.

Mueller's point man on the anthrax investigation was accused of misconduct in the Ruby Ridge standoff; was accused of leaking information about the anthrax probe to help the FBI politically 08/24/2002 The Washington Post

Mueller sought and received funds from a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, to oversee an FBI effort to retrieve an American in Iran (Deripaska has since turned up in the Trump probe) 09/01/2009 The Hill

Robert Muellers FBI protected mobster Whitey Bulger and thwarted investigations into his activities. 03/01/2011 New American

Mueller conspired with Comey to help the latter assume the role of attorney general while John Ashcroft was hospitalized so they could help obstruct an anti-terrorism domestic surveillance program 05/21/2017 RealClearPolitics

Mueller, while serving as a U.S. attorney in Boston, once tried to entrap a defense attorney 10/17/2017 Harvey Silverglate

When Mueller served in the DoJ's criminal division, he quashed an investigation showing FBI agents framed an innocent man with murdering his family 10/17/2017 Harvey Silverglate

Mueller's chief investigator in the Russia probe, Andrew Weissmann, was frequently accused of bending the law to win convictions (which are often overturned) 10/19/2017 The Hill

In 1979, Mueller bungled and ultimately lost the feds' case against 33 Hells Angels 11/24/2017 LA Times

When an internal FBI investigation into the counterterrorism unit Mueller created was effectively worthless, his associates had it buried 11/24/2017 The Los Angles Times

Mueller was tasked with negotiating the release of Edward Snowden from Russia; he made no progress 11/24/2017 The Los Angeles Times

Under Mueller, the FBI concealed evidence showing FBI agents warned headquarters pre-9/11 about suspicious Arabs in flight school (which went unheeded) 01/29/2018 The Hill

Under Mueller, the FBI inspector general said agents abused the PATRIOT Act to unconstitutionally spy on thousands of innocent Americans 01/29/2018 The Hill

The Electronic Freedom Foundation found that under Mueller, the FBI committee "tens of thousands of violations of federal law, regulations, or executive orders" 01/29/2018 The Hill

At the FBI, Mueller repeatedly signed Foreign Intel Surveillance Court orders demanding phone companies turn over records on all Americans 01/29/2018 The Hill

Despite personally authorizing the mass surveillance of innocent Americans, Mueller told the Senate no such surveillance occurred 01/29/2018 The Hill

Mueller bungled the FBI's high-profile anthrax investigation, spying on and falsely accusing two innocent Americans and ultimately refused to apologize 02/08/2018 The Federalist

Mueller is accused of using the Russia probe to cover up FISA abuse in the Obama Administration 03/13/2018 Tablet

When a Clinton White House official, Sandy Berger, was caught destroying and removing classified material, Mueller's FBI gave him a slap on the wrist 04/19/2018 The Federalist

Despite knowing who leaked Valerie Plame's identity to a reporter, Mueller tasked a special counsel to investigate the Bush Administration for years, eventually ensnaring a non-leaker with a process charge 04/19/2018 The Federalist


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Well,you cannot say he is lazy.My point is the Clinton Historic Train Wreck of the past 40 years.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Trump did make a big mistake that got this thing rolling. Phase 2 we'll call the salvage plan, post lost election. Trump's error: Appointing that sawed off fucking worm from AL as the AG. By recusing himself Sessions allowed Rosenstein in charge and that is where the "stooge" Mueller came in to the picture. Mueller then allowed the Trump hating Weismann to run the show. It was very evident yesterday, Mueller had very little input and ongoing dealings with the farce as he stammered through testimony.

All we keep seeing is how this whole deal was nothing but a sham and plan to get rid of Trump by making up shit as nothing ever happened in anyway between Trump and the Russians. But they had that lying dossier Hill bought and now was the time to use it. The set up before the election tanked and went to shit when they lost the election. Rather than give up, they tried to salvage things with Phase 2, the witch hunt. But all that is happening is more information is showing the plan as it went down in both phases and eventually someone will have to pay a huge price of their freedom. Who will be he scapegoat(s) for the big fish, HRC and BHO????? That's the real question.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Trump did make a big mistake that got this thing rolling. Phase 2 we'll call the salvage plan, post lost election. Trump's error: Appointing that sawed off fucking worm from AL as the AG. By recusing himself Sessions allowed Rosenstein in charge and that is where the "stooge" Mueller came in to the picture. Mueller then allowed the Trump hating Weismann to run the show. It was very evident yesterday, Mueller had very little input and ongoing dealings with the farce as he stammered through testimony.

All we keep seeing is how this whole deal was nothing but a sham and plan to get rid of Trump by making up shit as nothing ever happened in anyway between Trump and the Russians. But they had that lying dossier Hill bought and now was the time to use it. The set up before the election tanked and went to shit when they lost the election. Rather than give up, they tried to salvage things with Phase 2, the witch hunt. But all that is happening is more information is showing the plan as it went down in both phases and eventually someone will have to pay a huge price of their freedom. Who will be he scapegoat(s) for the big fish, HRC and BHO????? That's the real question.

I'm not sure the book is finished on Sessions.

I want to hope this was all part of the plan...................opening up the playing field to let them hang themselves. I have followed Sessions for a long time and his actions as AG make absolutely no sense based on his history. I could be wrong, but I hope not.


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
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I would venture to say that Trump knew it would turn out like this.

His repeated comments that he was against Mueller testifying all but guaranteed that the traitors would put Mueller on the stand. 5D chess baby.
I think AG Bill Barr knew the same, that's why he offered Mueller an opportunity by backing Mueller if he made the decision not to go to the hearing if he didn't want to go. ;)

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I hear ya, but "flawless career" triggered me. :(

But FBI heads are, by nature, devious mother fuckers.
Maybe not CIA level devious, but it’s not a job for Boy Scouts like Jack Ryan.
You are correct nonetheless.
Mueller has been off the rails for his entire career. Just the Whitey Bulger years cost scores of lives...some dirt bags, but also some innocents.
The FBI completely back doored State and local attempts to bring Whitey in, in fact colluding with organized crime plain and simple.


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
At the very least can we agree that Mueller looked like a feeble confused old man?
I would venture to say it looks like he's going down the path to Dementia.
Not a pleasant path for any of us to go, that's for sure.
The Dems knew this but they still pushed him out so as to further their agenda and that's where the fault lies.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I'm not sure the book is finished on Sessions.

I want to hope this was all part of the plan...................opening up the playing field to let them hang themselves. I have followed Sessions for a long time and his actions as AG make absolutely no sense based on his history. I could be wrong, but I hope not.
I can't wrap my head around it being a plan. My opinion of Sessions is he thought he would play by the rules and recuse himself. Problem is, there are no longer any rules outside of win at any and all costs.

Look at it this way. 2 terms lost to O by playing nice guy rules. McCain nor Romney would go into the gutter to get to O's weak points and the facts of who he was. The entire R establishment played these same rules over the years and got trampled upon.

You know it and have said it yourself, Trump knows the game being played and he is more than willing to get down in the mud and "rassle....It's why many hate him or are turned off by him. But everyday it becomes more evident, he is doing what has to be done from a strategic standpoint to win the nation back from these, anything goes cheating bastards.

Sessions wasn't playing smart, he was playing what he thought as the right thing to do. Blind to the fact, there ain't no political Marquis of Queensbury rules followed in the political world. It's dog eat dog, and the dog that can hold his breath from the stench and rip the heart out of his adversary wins.

Trump is a smart strategist and plays them as he does by being a step ahead. That is where there could be a plan and it's Trump, not Sessions or anyone else. That is why Trump ran in the first place. He saw no one better at the game nor qualified to take this nation back then himself. Every time he gets lambasted for firing someone, or ignoring socalled "sage advice", the accuser is not seeing what Trump sees. He plays with his instincts on how to deal with others. He is a master at it, And years down the road, it will all make sense to most. The hardcore ignorant haters will never see the man for the true genius he is.;)

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I would venture to say it looks like he's going down the path to Dementia.
Not a pleasant path for any of us to go, that's for sure.
The Dems knew this but they still pushed him out so as to further their agenda and that's where the fault lies.
He was an acceptable figure head. They used him


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Far as i’m concerned Mueller was thrown under the bus by the Clintons.You guys want to hate on Mueller have at it.History of all FBI,CIA,DOJ leaders at top no different.
Getting a little difficult to have opinion around here.Fuck it


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I can't wrap my head around it being a plan. My opinion of Sessions is he thought he would play by the rules and recuse himself. Problem is, there are no longer any rules outside of win at any and all costs.

Look at it this way. 2 terms lost to O by playing nice guy rules. McCain nor Romney would go into the gutter to get to O's weak points and the facts of who he was. The entire R establishment played these same rules over the years and got trampled upon.

You know it and have said it yourself, Trump knows the game being played and he is more than willing to get down in the mud and "rassle....It's why many hate him or are turned off by him. But everyday it becomes more evident, he is doing what has to be done from a strategic standpoint to win the nation back from these, anything goes cheating bastards.

Sessions wasn't playing smart, he was playing what he thought as the right thing to do. Blind to the fact, there ain't no political Marquis of Queensbury rules followed in the political world. It's dog eat dog, and the dog that can hold his breath from the stench and rip the heart out of his adversary wins.

Trump is a smart strategist and plays them as he does by being a step ahead. That is where there could be a plan and it's Trump, not Sessions or anyone else. That is why Trump ran in the first place. He saw no one better at the game nor qualified to take this nation back then himself. Every time he gets lambasted for firing someone, or ignoring socalled "sage advice", the accuser is not seeing what Trump sees. He plays with his instincts on how to deal with others. He is a master at it, And years down the road, it will all make sense to most. The hardcore ignorant haters will never see the man for the true genius he is.;)

Good post Mick, can't say anything more than "spot on".;):)


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Far as i’m concerned Mueller was thrown under the bus by the Clintons.You guys want to hate on Mueller have at it.History of all FBI,CIA,DOJ leaders at top no different.
Getting a little difficult to have opinion around here.Fuck it

Don't go butt hurt on me Sweep, your points are valid, but I will not feel an ounce of pity for that man...................regardless of who set him up for that embarrassment yesterday.

We're Trumpkins................thick skinned!!!! :)

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Far as i’m concerned Mueller was thrown under the bus by the Clintons.You guys want to hate on Mueller have at it.History of all FBI,CIA,DOJ leaders at top no different.
Getting a little difficult to have opinion around here.Fuck it

I respect your opinion, and like I said, those types of jobs require a person with “flexible” morals.
But they also have to realize that they will be called upon to fall on their sword when shit goes sideways.



Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
I can't wrap my head around it being a plan. My opinion of Sessions is he thought he would play by the rules and recuse himself. Problem is, there are no longer any rules outside of win at any and all costs.

Look at it this way. 2 terms lost to O by playing nice guy rules. McCain nor Romney would go into the gutter to get to O's weak points and the facts of who he was. The entire R establishment played these same rules over the years and got trampled upon.

You know it and have said it yourself, Trump knows the game being played and he is more than willing to get down in the mud and "rassle....It's why many hate him or are turned off by him. But everyday it becomes more evident, he is doing what has to be done from a strategic standpoint to win the nation back from these, anything goes cheating bastards.

Sessions wasn't playing smart, he was playing what he thought as the right thing to do. Blind to the fact, there ain't no political Marquis of Queensbury rules followed in the political world. It's dog eat dog, and the dog that can hold his breath from the stench and rip the heart out of his adversary wins.

Trump is a smart strategist and plays them as he does by being a step ahead. That is where there could be a plan and it's Trump, not Sessions or anyone else. That is why Trump ran in the first place. He saw no one better at the game nor qualified to take this nation back then himself. Every time he gets lambasted for firing someone, or ignoring socalled "sage advice", the accuser is not seeing what Trump sees. He plays with his instincts on how to deal with others. He is a master at it, And years down the road, it will all make sense to most. The hardcore ignorant haters will never see the man for the true genius he is.;)

It's hard to refute that Tex!!

It makes more sense than my scenario, but I'll continue to hold out hope.


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Supposedly even Megyn McCain went after Shiff today wanting to hear about his smoking guns,he has and had nothing.Seems my irratation today is this bullshit is run out.There had got to be something we do not know about for all the hate that does not let up.


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Whatever, don't even care anymore. This country's values are going to shit but as long as everyone has a full wallet they don't care. I'm just glad I live in CA so I don't have to deal with crazy amounts of racism and bigotry.


Highly unusual
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
Whatever, don't even care anymore. This country's values are going to shit but as long as everyone has a full wallet they don't care. I'm just glad I live in CA so I don't have to deal with crazy amounts of racism and bigotry.
Yet you preached gloom and doom about the stock market because of Trump. Then brag about how much you made on your Apple stocks as recently?

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Whatever, don't even care anymore. This country's values are going to shit but as long as everyone has a full wallet they don't care. I'm just glad I live in CA so I don't have to deal with crazy amounts of racism and bigotry.

Life’s too short to be so wrapped up in what others think or how they want to live.

You are in the perfect spot for you.

People who don’t like that spot (like me) are not automatically fucking racists and bigots just because our values don’t include vagina hats or beating the hell out of those who disagree.
So you do you, I’ll do me.

That’s how this Country works. Your Gov and State are on a spiral to an abyss.
You may not see it because you are exactly the person you describe in your post.
You have some coin in your pocket, a nice place, cars and boats, and a wife with all the same things.
I don’t have a fraction of any of that compared to you. The only stock I own is the one on my mini 14...and it’s synthetic.

So remind me, how am I the bigot?

I’m not trying to judge you or slam you. The fact is that you are Sacramento through and through.
So I say good for you.
Stay there


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Yet you preached gloom and doom about the stock market because of Trump. Then brag about how much you made on your Apple stocks as recently?
Would have been more if a Dem was elected, Trump has done nothing but hurt Apple repeatedly. He gets Zero credit for Apple.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
Grads talking about Values!!!:confused::confused: WTF is that all about? He doesn't have a moral bone in his body.


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Would have been more if a Dem was elected, Trump has done nothing but hurt Apple repeatedly. He gets Zero credit for Apple.

:) Wrong again Grads
"Donald Trump seems to have finally traded in his old and unsecured Android phone — for a new iPhone. White House director of social media Dan Scavino Jr. tweeted tonight that Trump had switched to the Apple device, saying that he had been using it for "the past couple of weeks," and confirming that Twitter messages marked as coming from an iPhone were indeed from the president himself."


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Whatever, don't even care anymore. This country's values are going to shit but as long as everyone has a full wallet they don't care. I'm just glad I live in CA so I don't have to deal with crazy amounts of racism and bigotry.
On the stupid meter, that post is about a nine out of 10.

Funny to hear you think you have the "right" values, when you are homophobic and mysogenistic in almost every "cute" post you make.

Nice try.


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
:) Wrong again Grads
"Donald Trump seems to have finally traded in his old and unsecured Android phone — for a new iPhone. White House director of social media Dan Scavino Jr. tweeted tonight that Trump had switched to the Apple device, saying that he had been using it for "the past couple of weeks," and confirming that Twitter messages marked as coming from an iPhone were indeed from the president himself."
Ok you're right I'm sure Apple appreciates his $1000 that he probably paid for the phone.:rolleyes::D
On the stupid meter, that post is about a nine out of 10.

Funny to hear you think you have the "right" values, when you are homophobic and mysogenistic in almost every "cute" post you make.

Nice try.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Ok you're right I'm sure Apple appreciates his $1000 that he probably paid for the phone.:rolleyes::D


What’s hilarious is that race is only an issue to the libs.
Illegals come in all colors... But libs only categorize them as Hispanic.. that makes you guys the real racists.

You categorize every Trump supporter as old white conservative “Trumpkins”, and assign your CNN dictated label of the day...that makes you the bigots as well.

Trump has never singled out any race for focus. Only you have.

I don’t know what kind of fags you hang out with...if any...but I can assure you I know a lot of homos.
They do not think Trump or Trumpkins are homophobic. (But they are “normal” patriots, not vagina hat wearing posers)
They think Ococksucker betrayed them and did nothing for them but blow hot air. They all know what is common knowledge in that community, O is one of them yet disowned them for personal advancement.

Personally, I think you’re a good guy.
You don’t fuck people over or get too wound up normally.
I would suggest stepping back and taking a good hard objective look at what’s really happening instead of parroting the CNN mantra.

You are smarter than that.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Whatever, don't even care anymore. This country's values are going to shit but as long as everyone has a full wallet they don't care. I'm just glad I live in CA so I don't have to deal with crazy amounts of racism and bigotry.
Oh you got it good. Streets filled with brain dead opiate zombies spreading disease and chaos. Shitting on the street as regular folks try to enjoy themselves in your largest cities.

Streets you are scared to walk down for fear of being mugged or beaten to death for as little as the shoes on your feet. And the mugger could be a gang member, a homeless loon, an illegal alien, or other sicko.

A governor that could care less and is confused why CA gas costs more than any other state due in part to taxes he's levied.

Helluva of a liberal Utopia ya got 'cha there:rolleyes: