Quitter!I recommend AA
They would do a bangin business if they could include Dilaudid and or fentanyl …
Absolutely right. Some things just don’t work on some people. Vicodin has little to no effect on me. When my back has a blowout I always tell the doctor that the only thing that gives me better pain relief than Advil is Tylenol #4 ( which is a max dose of Tylenol with a healthy hit of Codine ).Interesting story.. Diluaudid doesn’t work on a small % of people.. when I say doesn’t work I mean at all.. an aspirin would do more.
I discovered I was one of those people when I came out of my first ankle surgery..
It hurt so bad the only thing I remember was I almost ripped the bed railings off the hospital bed, and at one point I was telling them to kill me. I had to wait an hour before they would give anything else.
On my second surgery I was VERY SPECIFIC to as many people that would listen that it didn’t work on me and use something else..
Guess what they did again..
On the third surgery, they got the point
I'm one of those people as well. They tried to give me that stuff and that aspirin acetaminophen work better. With my femur being busted.Interesting story.. Diluaudid doesn’t work on a small % of people.. when I say doesn’t work I mean at all.. an aspirin would do more.
I discovered I was one of those people when I came out of my first ankle surgery..
It hurt so bad the only thing I remember was I almost ripped the bed railings off the hospital bed, and at one point I was telling them to kill me. I had to wait an hour before they would give anything else.
On my second surgery I was VERY SPECIFIC to as many people that would listen that it didn’t work on me and use something else..
Guess what they did again..
On the third surgery, they got the point
I'm the same way with morphine. But Dilaudid is muy bueno stuff for me. A 4 mg bounce in a PICC line is ahhhh...Interesting story.. Diluaudid doesn’t work on a small % of people.. when I say doesn’t work I mean at all.. an aspirin would do more.
I discovered I was one of those people when I came out of my first ankle surgery..
It hurt so bad the only thing I remember was I almost ripped the bed railings off the hospital bed, and at one point I was telling them to kill me. I had to wait an hour before they would give anything else.
On my second surgery I was VERY SPECIFIC to as many people that would listen that it didn’t work on me and use something else..
Guess what they did again..
On the third surgery, they got the point
Hydr8AZ down by the bridge, I think they do mobile if you can’t drag yourself down there.
Probably a little on the spendy side as well.The only time I have ever had a mobile IV is in the back of an ambulance.
I found it quite unenjoyable.