Low income housing


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
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Wow, you know some people commute to jobs. Cornville, Cottonwood and Camp Verde aren't far from Sedona...pretty much all the Sedona first responder types don't live there either.
As I tell everybody, if your commute is too far, move or find a closer job. Waiters in San Francisco, NY and Los Angeles probably drive 2 hours to get to work.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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This problem exists in literally any tourist city across the country... They just put a moratorium on new STR's in Mammoth to combat the ever growing cost of real estate and the gap of affordability for the people that need to live here vs the people that can afford due to STR income but don't live here full time...

It is magnified in certain cities like Mammoth where Bishop is 40 miles away and like a 100 miles away when it is snowing.... I am sure in Sedona, there is no short distance town next to Sedona so I am sure there pressure is magnified there too.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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Have a friend with a business there and true his employees all live outside Sedona due to cost. Building "Affordable housing" is a joke, and thankfully won't happen there.

Why in the world everyone wants to take a beautiful place and tun it into another Compton is beyond me.. Just like Havasu: "Build low income housing" These nut cases clamoring for low income housing so a bunch of trash can move in a ruin the town more..👎


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2019
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This problem exists in literally any tourist city across the country... They just put a moratorium on new STR's in Mammoth to combat the ever growing cost of real estate and the gap of affordability for the people that need to live here vs the people that can afford due to STR income but don't live here full time...

It is magnified in certain cities like Mammoth where Bishop is 40 miles away and like a 100 miles away when it is snowing.... I am sure in Sedona, there is short distance town next to Sedona so I am sure there pressure is magnified there too.
Exactly, look at Lake Havasu. Take a stroll on zillow and look at the cost of homes and current interest rates and see what you could afford and also would move your family into. If thats not enough of a shock, then take a look at local jobs here in this town and see what you can make. Unless you are self employed and even then it's a major struggle to retain employees. People commute to Phoenix, Vegas, California to make money.

fat rat

Member #163
Sep 29, 2007
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Same thing is happening in Prescott, you see all kinds of help wanted signs.😎


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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Exactly, look at Lake Havasu. Take a stroll on zillow and look at the cost of homes and current interest rates and see what you could afford and also would move your family into. If thats not enough of a shock, then take a look at local jobs here in this town and see what you can make. Unless you are self employed and even then it's a major struggle to retain employees. People commute to Phoenix, Vegas, California to make money.
True. My rentals are at or slightly below market and The numbers haven't added up for several years. 2k/month with a service job income isn't looking to bright for the tenant. Multi family 1,400/month is; I'm sure living check to check. It's tough times for the world as a whole. Land owners have the upper hand.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2019
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Forget free market capitalism, just mandate higher minimum wages and rent control....

While they are screaming for "affordable housing" no city will discount the outrageous fees for new building permits.

I love it when they "demand" low income housing in a place like Malibu or Manhattan beach, who will pay for that?


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Is it anything more than redistributing blue votes and building shitty apartments?

You realize this article is about making an area in Sedona with facilities so people could live in their cars, right?... basically a campsite 😂

There is nothing there about building shitty apartments.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
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You realize this article is about making an area in Sedona with facilities so people could live in their cars, right?... basically a campsite 😂

There is nothing there about building shitty apartments.
Did you read the first 3 paragraphs? I’m tired of people bitching about affordable housing. Period. The author of that article writes nothing but left wing diatribes.
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Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
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I intentionally moved farther away from my job for a better home and way of life. I hate the city congestion. That said. I bitched about my 45 drive when I had a job. But still wouldn’t trade it for anything. Now. Would I move to Palmdale or Lancaster for an even bigger house and a 1 1/2 - 2 hour drive. . NFW.

To me this forced affordable housing only diminishes the the market around them. And brings in undesirable tenants who have no desire to keep up a yard etc etc. brings everybody and everything around it down.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
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Sedona could do it like Aspen.

Subsidized housing for employees.

Muckety-mucks working for the city of Aspen making very high six figure incomes would purchase them and turn around and rent them out as AB&B's.

Hell, even members of Aspen city council are known to have purchased some of the housing and turn around and rent them out.

Heck, why not. You're some multi-millionaire or billionaire living 2 weeks a year in Aspen. Cushy spot on city council or a committee position on the county (arts & crafts, meets 3 times a year) Purchasing a $400K house is a drop in the bucket. Turn around and rent it out for the ski season and it pays for its self.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
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Sedona could do it like Aspen.

Subsidized housing for employees.

Muckety-mucks working for the city of Aspen making very high six figure incomes would purchase them and turn around and rent them out as AB&B's.

Hell, even members of Aspen city council are known to have purchased some of the housing and turn around and rent them out.

Heck, why not. You're some multi-millionaire or billionaire living 2 weeks a year in Aspen. Cushy spot on city council or a committee position on the county (arts & crafts, meets 3 times a year) Purchasing a $400K house is a drop in the bucket. Turn around and rent it out for the ski season and it pays for its self.
Lots of cities and HOAs are banning STRs, but in most cases, a 6 month rental at a minimum is allowed. Could be a great opportunity for said potential investors.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
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That's just about what it turned into in Aspen.

All the rich folks snapped up the places and turned them into investments. Can't blame them.

If I could buy a house in aspen for under $500K I would in a heart beat. Median home sales price in Aspen is $14.5 Million.

But, as is the problem when leftists try and fix a problem, it made it worse.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
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You aren't joking about Aspen, holy crap!

Damnit I need to make even more money that I planned LOL



We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Did you read the first 3 paragraphs? I’m tired of people bitching about affordable housing. Period. The author of that article writes nothing but left wing diatribes.

Its an opinion piece. I read it. If you are tired of left wind diatribes, stop reading them?

First 3 paragraphs. No one is bitching about anything really....

The beautiful people who spend time in Sedona for what the local chamber of commerce describes as “spiritual and personal enrichment of the body and soul” probably don’t notice something about the place that is not exactly enriching and even a little ungodly.

I doubt that those luxuriating in the city’s spas or dining in its world-class restaurants sense something distinctly unpalatable.

I’d guess the privileged few who hire spiritual advisers to guide them to Sedona’s famous “vortexes” where, according to the chamber, they’ll “experience the mysterious cosmic forces that are said to emanate from the red rocks,” never pick up on the fact that a number of the community’s restaurant servers, housekeepers, landscapers, maintenance workers, cooks, cashiers and others are sleeping … in their cars.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
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Its an opinion piece. I read it. If you are tired of left wind diatribes, stop reading them?

First 3 paragraphs. No one is bitching about anything really....

The beautiful people who spend time in Sedona for what the local chamber of commerce describes as “spiritual and personal enrichment of the body and soul” probably don’t notice something about the place that is not exactly enriching and even a little ungodly.

I doubt that those luxuriating in the city’s spas or dining in its world-class restaurants sense something distinctly unpalatable.

I’d guess the privileged few who hire spiritual advisers to guide them to Sedona’s famous “vortexes” where, according to the chamber, they’ll “experience the mysterious cosmic forces that are said to emanate from the red rocks,” never pick up on the fact that a number of the community’s restaurant servers, housekeepers, landscapers, maintenance workers, cooks, cashiers and others are sleeping … in their cars.
Do you have friends in real life? I can’t imagine you do.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Do you have friends in real life? I can’t imagine you do.

I don't even need to turn up the heat to boil the water. I just let you boil yourself.


My friends have thicker skin 😂

If you'll take $120K for the boat DM me and I'll get it out of your garage.

Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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In 1988, I took a job for Doug Bombard in Twin Harbors on Catalina Island. They paid minimum wage and provided housing. I was 18, and it was awesome. I got off the boat with $40 in my pocket and left the following November with $40 in my pocket after paying my fare on the Cataline Express.

I've always wanted to emulate the housing arrangement they had for service workers. We essentially had a dorm room that was about 8'x10', and each pod had a shared patio area for about eight units. We shared a common outdoor cooking area and a bathhouse with coin-operated showers.

It was great for the co-ed early twenty-year-old service workers. I'm surprised this is not a more common solution to the issue of service worker housing until I realize that families living this way would never work. What made it great was that we were all young, single, athletic, and mostly wasted when we were not working. It seems if you want good employees in a resort town, you need to figure out the housing issue.

That summer was like a National Lampoons movie but with Yachts.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Sedona could do it like Aspen.

Subsidized housing for employees.

Muckety-mucks working for the city of Aspen making very high six figure incomes would purchase them and turn around and rent them out as AB&B's.

Hell, even members of Aspen city council are known to have purchased some of the housing and turn around and rent them out.

Heck, why not. You're some multi-millionaire or billionaire living 2 weeks a year in Aspen. Cushy spot on city council or a committee position on the county (arts & crafts, meets 3 times a year) Purchasing a $400K house is a drop in the bucket. Turn around and rent it out for the ski season and it pays for its self.
When I lived in Aspen for a bit it seemed like many service workers lived in trailers in Minturn.

Ace in the Hole

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
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Is it anything more than redistributing blue votes and building shitty apartments?

One of the few "passion" projects I've ever been involved with was "workforce housing" back in Hawaii. I left the solar industry to be involved in it, and only re-entered solar due to my non compete when I left my employer. I'm actively seeking to go back to this sector sooner than later once I find the right team/investors in the next year..

There is a NEED for this in practically every major city, as well as destination city among others. It's not just votes and shitty apartments..its not a hand out, and often times its HIGHLY restrictive.. (see this link for the Hawaii rules https://www.honolulu.gov/rep/site/dpp/pd/pd_docs/AHRulesMar2019.pdf). Scroll to the bottom of this page to a building we were in the original lottery for... ( https://www.theparkonkeeaumoku.com/affordable-housing-program/ ) Family of 4... $183,400 max income... for a two bedroom one parking. (FYI affordable unit for this is over $700k).

You also have income restricted rentals...like this one. https://ourkakaako.com/six-eighty/ Those are studio's and one beds for 2-3 person occupancy with a hundred grand income cap, minimum essentially 70k, and a rent cap of around $1500 (w/o parking).

While I was involved in different capacities on a number of "low income projects" in Hawaii (Lanai, Maui, Oahu, Big island) the one I always look back to is this one...
it made a difference...it gave people with nothing a chance to do better...and it was NOT a handout (rent was $725, if the tenant was unemployed they worked a laundry job for the state if I remember right until they found something else.. That project has impacted a lot of people...and done real "good" for the community.

Places like Havasu have priced out the local service people. Rents for a 2/2 were $850 5ish years ago...they are mid $2k now... the wages didn't change. Look at the average age of your bartender, your wait staff etc...they aren't young people most of the places anymore...they are ones who often just happen to have a place they can afford to stay at.. Workforce housing is a BIG issues and its going to become bigger. I am not a proponent of building freebie section 8 shit...only stuff that helps those who want to help themselves which also BENEFITS the community.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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When I lived in Aspen for a bit it seemed like many service workers lived in trailers in Minturn.
My friend was a trail boss in lake Tahoe. Lived in the back of her truck.

She loved her job and never complained. She put all of her money in the bank.

I wonder where that guy that wrote that article lives? Maybe he can offer up his place for some undocumented janitor to live in dirt cheap?

If he's So concerned and shit...



Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
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One of the few "passion" projects I've ever been involved with was "workforce housing" back in Hawaii. I left the solar industry to be involved in it, and only re-entered solar due to my non compete when I left my employer. I'm actively seeking to go back to this sector sooner than later once I find the right team/investors in the next year..

There is a NEED for this in practically every major city, as well as destination city among others. It's not just votes and shitty apartments..its not a hand out, and often times its HIGHLY restrictive.. (see this link for the Hawaii rules https://www.honolulu.gov/rep/site/dpp/pd/pd_docs/AHRulesMar2019.pdf). Scroll to the bottom of this page to a building we were in the original lottery for... ( https://www.theparkonkeeaumoku.com/affordable-housing-program/ ) Family of 4... $183,400 max income... for a two bedroom one parking. (FYI affordable unit for this is over $700k).

You also have income restricted rentals...like this one. https://ourkakaako.com/six-eighty/ Those are studio's and one beds for 2-3 person occupancy with a hundred grand income cap, minimum essentially 70k, and a rent cap of around $1500 (w/o parking).

While I was involved in different capacities on a number of "low income projects" in Hawaii (Lanai, Maui, Oahu, Big island) the one I always look back to is this one...
it made a difference...it gave people with nothing a chance to do better...and it was NOT a handout (rent was $725, if the tenant was unemployed they worked a laundry job for the state if I remember right until they found something else.. That project has impacted a lot of people...and done real "good" for the community.

Places like Havasu have priced out the local service people. Rents for a 2/2 were $850 5ish years ago...they are mid $2k now... the wages didn't change. Look at the average age of your bartender, your wait staff etc...they aren't young people most of the places anymore...they are ones who often just happen to have a place they can afford to stay at.. Workforce housing is a BIG issues and its going to become bigger. I am not a proponent of building freebie section 8 shit...only stuff that helps those who want to help themselves which also BENEFITS the community.
Not opposed to employer sponsored housing but I am opposed to the feds or local governments sponsoring low income projects especially in nicer areas where people work hard to live. All it does is degenerate the areas this occurs in and is the same reason the federal DHUD under Biden is mandating that all states, counties and cities in America submit a plan to show them how they’re going to increase apartments and low income housing projects in nice suburban areas or they will withhold federal dollars. It’s gerrymandering the legal way.

AFFH Rule 2015

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Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
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The factory’s in China have dorms for their workers. The folks that live and work there are from the back country and have been shitting in dirt holes for generations, they move into the first world when they take up factory employment/living.

State sponsored worker housing for the poors works well in red China, but that shit won’t fly here with all the human rights stuff we have going on 🤷‍♂️

Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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The factory’s in China have dorms for their workers. The folks that live and work there are from the back country and have been shitting in dirt holes for generations, they move into the first world when they take up factory employment/living.

State sponsored worker housing for the poors works well in red China, but that shit won’t fly here with all the human rights stuff we have going on 🤷‍♂️
I visited a factory in Poland that had high-rise housing across the street. It seemed like a dismal existence. We should be more grateful for how lucky we are in the USA.

One of the best builders (RIP) I ever worked with when I was a plumbing contractor only did low-income housing. He had it dialed in from soup to nuts. He was a spiritual man who genuinely believed in helping people realize the American Dream. Sadly, if you visit those communities we built 15 years later, they are pretty rough areas. The kids of the people drove the neighborhoods into the ground.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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I had a guy sleeping in his Honda at home home next door for a few nights. I get it and feel sorry for these guys, but for some reason stuff always starts disappearing after it starts happening.

The political environment is ruining this country! Get rid of the voting machines and make voters provide ID.