Los Angeles Today - looks like a 3rd world country but it's even worse!


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
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People are leaving Cali when you can camp on beach as long as u want for free? What is the catch? Dress like you are indigent???


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Born and raised in SoCal I've been aware of Skid Row and the Union Recue Mission all of my life. This is the first time I've heard that the CEO/Director of the Recue Mission lost his leg due to the filth on Skid Row. Now Skid Row is occuring in numerous areas. Once it was just a small area in Downtown LA. But, not to worry . . . Newsom has it under control. Not.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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That's the same guy that did Seattle is Dying Documentary.

Dr. Drew NAILED it when he said this is not a "homeless" problem. It's a drug and mental health problem.

Same shit (literally), different lib run city.



Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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Great...Another homeless thread

Typical liberal response Bobby avoiding the issue which is illustrated in horrific detail in the video. You love it there - how you gonna fix it (besides paying all those tax $$$ to the state)?

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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Typical liberal response Bobby avoiding the issue which is illustrated in horrific detail in the video. You love it there - how you gonna fix it (besides paying all those tax $$$ to the state)?
Yes I have seen the video. It has been posted on RDP several times. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2008
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what are you talking about, I LOVE beach camping. Looks like these guys just simply do it all the time.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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So sad

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
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Pretty easy to look around the country at the major cities that have been under liberal socialist control for many years and see the similarities to Los angeles. This is all part of the liberal socialist agenda though to have the flock totally dependent on the government for everything. The middle class is being eliminated little by little. Those of you with young children should be very worried about their future and the struggles they will have if the liberal socialist get full control of the country for an extended period of time. Cloward and Priven who were Obama s mentors describe it perfectly and their playbook is in full effect.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Notice the trend with these threads? All the libbies always come along, always saying the same thing? Nothing to see here, California is just so great. Blah blah blah Lol.

They must never leave the confines of their homes to see how bad it really is out there.

Head in the sand to shield their eyes from what's caused this mess, their own commie politicians


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2019
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It’s been like that for years. :rolleyes:
It’s been run by liberals for years.
It’s true that there are many other places with homeless issues but not on the scale of LA and not with the horrific medical problems. Without actually searching for statistics, I’ll bet that the majority of cities with homeless problems are run by and have been run by dems.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2018
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Where is the whole video? Seemed to cut off early.

Edit: I guess it didn't. I just expected something like the Seattle Is Dying doc which was an hour or so.
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Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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No, it hasn't. The filth, crime, and drug use is exponentially worse. Your refusal to acknowledge it illustrates why it's there. Liberals like you won't criticize the elected officials you voted for.
My first week working DTLA my boss took me to a job on Skid Row in 1978. I was just out of high school and never had been around the homeless. He put a bag of pickles on the top of the work truck and told me it would be gone by the time we came back to the truck. Short time later we came back and he was right, it was gone. Worked DTLA on 8th St. for 3 more years and worked in the back alleys of skid row.

The company I have worked for the last 30+ years have worked in most of the DTLA high rises and surrounding cities. So I have seen the homeless issue in DTLA. Its not something that just happened. I agree it has gotten worse.

We are currently bidding new projects in the old garment district, the old produce district and just bid a new project where the old Ford plant was in DTLA. Investors are putting alot of $$$ in DTLA to clean it up.

I have a meeting with the Building Trades next week to discuss upcoming projects. I'm sure the issues with DTLA will come up. :)

Performance Grips

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
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Anyone that works or lives in downtown LA or most parts of LA and tries to downplay the severity of the homeless problem is either ignoring it. Ignorant to it or are making lots of MONEY off it. Its inhuman to the homeless and more importantly its becoming inhuman for the taxpayers paying for this. Most of the homeless make a choice to be homeless. FACT...


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
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Typical liberal response Bobby avoiding the issue which is illustrated in horrific detail in the video. You love it there - how you gonna fix it (besides paying all those tax $$$ to the state)?

So true and he is completely ignorant of the crisis but then again look at his idols. Look at Pelosi and Newsomes San Francisco garbage city, Cummings Baltimore, Obama's Chicago, Etc.... They are all over the Country and everyone has a common denominator = long term liberal socialist government.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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My first week working DTLA my boss took me to a job on Skid Row in 1978. I was just out of high school and never had been around the homeless. He put a bag of pickles on the top of the work truck and told me it would be gone by the time we came back to the truck. Short time later we came back and he was right, it was gone. Worked DTLA on 8th St. for 3 more years and worked in the back alleys of skid row.

The company I have worked for the last 30+ years have worked in most of the DTLA high rises and surrounding cities. So I have seen the homeless issue in DTLA. Its not something that just happened. I agree it has gotten worse.

We are currently bidding new projects in the old garment district, the old produce district and just bid a new project where the old Ford plant was in DTLA. Investors are putting alot of $$$ in DTLA to clean it up.

I have a meeting with the Building Trades next week to discuss upcoming projects. I'm sure the issues with DTLA will come up. :)

No where did you mention 50 years of Democrat control and what it has produced. And those $$$ put forth by the DTLA investors will they directly aid the homeless? Or will those garment district, produce district and Old Ford plant districts simply create more condos for the LA elite? Sounds a bit like San Francisco, doesn't it?

Performance Grips

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
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Sounds like Bobby V is getting paid. So it's easy to look the other way or downplay the situation. He talked about be on skid row and putting pickles on his hood with his boss and saying the jar will be gone when they get back? Now a homeless guy will squat and take a shit in front of you or jerk off in the middle of the street or beat the shit out of regular citizens with a rental scooter. But getting paid will certainly make some look the other way for sure.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Bobby doesn't take the Vette out on the road anymore.....He has a big screen on the garage wall to simulate driving around town. The savings in gas goes into the 401k and he doesn't have to deal with reality.:eek::D


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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Why are you guys battling with bobby? Wtf did he do, singe handedly make people homeless?
Most of LA has been shit for 50 years. There are more factors than politics that have created or let homeless conditions continue.

Its gonna get worse, WAY WAY worse.
If you own property with a homeless camp within 10 miles you probably want to get out. The camps will and are spreading.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2007
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It's the politics that's making the homeless problem much worse ….. they're inviting them into our cities with their policies of doing nothing, and starts with the governor. Then the liberals come out to defend it saying its always been this way ….. no it hasn't

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Why are you guys battling with bobby? Wtf did he do, singe handedly make people homeless?
Most of LA has been shit for 50 years. There are more factors than politics that have created or let homeless conditions continue.

Its gonna get worse, WAY WAY worse.
If you own property with a homeless camp within 10 miles you probably want to get out. The camps will and are spreading.
'Cause that's what we do.....:D

He defends the format of nothing has changed all that much and that is how he's gotten into this particular situation.

It's been maybe 15 years ago that I made a statement about prescription drugs becoming a worse epidemic than street heroin. I member that was an administrator at a LA area hospital told me I was full of shit. Now I'd like to hear his opinion as we see the number of homeless that started out on 'scripts.

You're right, it will get worse and more than politics involved. But when will politicians start doing their jobs and find solutions?


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Why are you guys battling with bobby? Wtf did he do, singe handedly make people homeless?
Most of LA has been shit for 50 years. There are more factors than politics that have created or let homeless conditions continue.

Its gonna get worse, WAY WAY worse.
If you own property with a homeless camp within 10 miles you probably want to get out. The camps will and are spreading.

That is the entire city, try 100 yards.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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I believe this conversation needs to be split into two separate components.

What are the root causes of homelessness?

What is the proper way to deal with the symptoms?

Neither of this has a simple answer...

I will assume that the right and left would agree that substance abuse and mental health issues are the two largest factors. It’s no secret that big pharma has pushed opioids for decades. ( Damm those Liberals...) Mental health services have been systematically gutted since the early 80’s... ( Damm Liberals couldn’t even prevent RR from gutting services)

California got a head start on the country for a very obvious reason.


“Liberal” cities are always going to be collection points with the streets becoming de-facto treatment centers. The only real solution here is to build and fund actual treatment centers... Which of course should be funded by the Alcohol and Pharma industries, shouldn’t they???

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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Liberals always full of excuses and never wanting to take the blame. You guys want to save everyone and their illegals except the tax paying US citizens you caused this plain and simple just common sense!!!! Pussification of America has got us here everyone has feelings what a bunch of pussys!! Grow some balls work hard and take care of your own Shit first and stop blaming everyone else you guys created the shithole maybe kick people out that aren't citizens and sucking of the liberal I mean government tit the truth hurts deal with it!! Rant over have a nice day.:D


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Liberals always full of excuses and never wanting to take the blame. You guys want to save everyone and their illegals except the tax paying US citizens you caused this plain and simple just common sense!!!! Pussification of America has got us here everyone has feelings what a bunch of pussys!! Grow some balls work hard and take care of your own Shit first and stop blaming everyone else you guys created the shithole maybe kick people out that aren't citizens and sucking of the liberal I mean government tit the truth hurts deal with it!! Rant over have a nice day.:D

Explain how liberals cause drug companies to push prescription opioids?


Jun 1, 2012
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My first week working DTLA my boss took me to a job on Skid Row in 1978. I was just out of high school and never had been around the homeless. He put a bag of pickles on the top of the work truck and told me it would be gone by the time we came back to the truck. Short time later we came back and he was right, it was gone. Worked DTLA on 8th St. for 3 more years and worked in the back alleys of skid row.

The company I have worked for the last 30+ years have worked in most of the DTLA high rises and surrounding cities. So I have seen the homeless issue in DTLA. Its not something that just happened. I agree it has gotten worse.

We are currently bidding new projects in the old garment district, the old produce district and just bid a new project where the old Ford plant was in DTLA. Investors are putting alot of $$$ in DTLA to clean it up.

I have a meeting with the Building Trades next week to discuss upcoming projects. I'm sure the issues with DTLA will come up. :)

It used to ONLY be skid row that was like that.

Now you find those same conditions all over California...that’s the point.


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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At his rally in Ohio this week, PRESIDENT Trump said, "California is a disgrace to our country. It's a shame. The world is looking at it. Look at Los Angeles with the tents and the horrible, horrible disgusting conditions."

During the rally, the president also blamed Democrats for crime in the nation's largest cities. "No one has paid a higher price for the far-left destructive agenda than Americans living in our nation's inner cities," he said.

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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Simple the money your state spends on illegals and offering free healthcare instead spend it on reopening clinics (that your policies closed)to help with the mental health and addiction problems that's a start but hey that would make to tooooo much sense!


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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Why are you guys battling with bobby?

"Battling with Bobby" - HA HA that's hilarious! That you're not asking Bobby why he's ignoring the surge in homelessness, drug abuse and mental illness on the streets and what it's doing to cities across the state and country demonstrates your position on the issues.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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That's the same guy that did Seattle is Dying Documentary.

Dr. Drew NAILED it when he said this is not a "homeless" problem. It's a drug and mental health problem.

Same shit (literally), different lib run city.

To be fair, it doesn’t take a PHD to realize that it is a straight up drug epidemic...even moreso than “mental health”...although it can be argued they are mutually inclusive.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Here's another way to look at it and I think this is quite accurate, although far from exact and complete. In the past, most every city pushed there homeless, crime areas, drug havens, and such into specific areas. When the issues tried to move into better and nicer neighborhoods and areas, they were halted on the spot and put back in the area, more or less to do as they pleased.

Many neighborhoods cleaned up their own messes and kept the vices and vagrancy away. LE was respected in these neighborhoods and known by name. Cooperation kept things safe and clean.

Then came feel good liberals and equal rights for all. Folks had rights to disresoect the property of pothers and even stealing was justified by many. Laws were ignored and vagrancy, addicts, and criminals spread out beyond their area into areas that now were not allowed to send them packing. Over the years LE became the enemy in many neighborhoods rather than welcomed. Many folks became trapped and many more just moved to the suburbs to set up new barriers that hopefully will hold.

When laws became secondary to the freedoms of bums to shit in the street, we get what we see in LA, SF, Baltimore, and Chitopwn among other cities.

So yeah, Liberalism caused this shit.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
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Simple the money your state spends on illegals and offering free healthcare instead spend it on reopening clinics (that your policies closed)to help with the mental health and addiction problems that's a start but hey that would make to tooooo much sense!

This is a whole other systemic problem with California being a sanctuary state and Los angeles a haven for illegals. I had to laugh at the mayor asking for 500 million in new taxes with his ballot measure for the over crowded failing school system. Millions of illegals here with millions of non English speaking children flooding the school system and they wonder why schools are crowded and failing students. All the liberal socialist really want is more voting sheep in the flock who are totally dependent on the government cheese for everything.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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To be fair, it doesn’t take a PHD to realize that it is a straight up drug epidemic...even moreso than “mental health”...although it can be argued they are mutually inclusive.

I agree. But I’ve been dealing with it up close and first hand for 24 years. The drug epidemic is a plague on society that just fuels crime like dumping gasoline on a fire. And you’re right it also fuels mental health problems. But you can’t ignore true mental health issues and those that can’t care for themselves due to their limited mental health status. Whether it’s so due to over drug use or just naturally occurring, people in that capacity need to be institutionalized.

People can ignore it and say it’s no worse than it was 20 years ago and think it’ll get better but it’s getting worse every year (statistics actually prove that) and it won’t get better until the laws are changed (repeal ab109, and amend prop 47 and prop 57 and prop 36), criminals are held accountable, and the mentally ill are forcibly housed. Then you’ll see a change for the better. That will never happen under democratic leadership.