Looking for info on Lost Lake


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May 15, 2009
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I'm looking to get some info on the area. I've been staying at Hidden Beaches which is south of the dam, but I've never been on the water north of the dam. Is it just as shallow with all the same surprises (sand bars, logs, or concrete) just a couple inches under water? How crowded does the river get?

Also, is there any offroading just out of the park during the off season? I'm looking at possibly picking up a place, but don't know the area or the park real well. I want something I can use all year. Any info would be appreciated.

Thank you!!!


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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I used to stay at that place 20 years ago, I really liked it there! We had jetskis and no kids back then, it was a blast to ski where ever you wanted and not have to worry about a thing!

The park is great. Family oriented, and lots of big ol shade trees. Ramp is so-so, can get so shallow, you have to push your boat outa the cove its in. Maybe they dreged it since then.

There are some Very shallow spots on the river down that way. I wouldnt take a v-drive down there, jets or toons are a must.

Not croweded at all. I dont even think the popo patrols down there!

Hope this helps.


Lower River Lover
Sep 25, 2008
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I have a place here and love itfor many reasons. The park is very friendly and easy to get around in. There are 2 launch ramps, one single lane that dumps into the river and one thats 2 wide into the lagoon. Yes the water has its shallow spots, I haven't seen anything floating and I only know of one concrete block and it sticks out of the water in the morning. I run my v-drive flat bottom down there w/ no issues and I have seen my buddy's 22' outdrive Eliminator out every weekend. You just have to learn the River and read the water. We usually don't head to the water till 11ish, it takes a wile for the water to come up. Compared to Parker its not crowded at all.

There are off road ridding trails that you can get to from with in the park no problem. Definably a place you can use all year long! There are a quite a few places for sale still and some are really good deals. Id be happy to answer any other questions, ask away :D


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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I have a place here and love itfor many reasons. The park is very friendly and easy to get around in. There are 2 launch ramps, one single lane that dumps into the river and one thats 2 wide into the lagoon. Yes the water has its shallow spots, I haven't seen anything floating and I only know of one concrete block and it sticks out of the water in the morning. I run my v-drive flat bottom down there w/ no issues and I have seen my buddy's 22' outdrive Eliminator out every weekend. You just have to learn the River and read the water. We usually don't head to the water till 11ish, it takes a wile for the water to come up. Compared to Parker its not crowded at all.

There are off road ridding trails that you can get to from with in the park no problem. Definably a place you can use all year long! There are a quite a few places for sale still and some are really good deals. Id be happy to answer any other questions, ask away :D

Do they still do the big 4th of july party? Bands and all?

Sunset races still go on Sat nights?

Man that place was a blast!


Lower River Lover
Sep 25, 2008
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Every weekend is a big party down there!! Sat night races happen but not as many boats as in the past. Memorial weekend should be a good weekend to watch some racing.


Active Member
May 15, 2009
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Thank you all for the help. I guess my main concern is finding a place that's a little deeper than the southern area (below the dam) of Blythe. I'm running a 21' jet, but I can't just relax and enjoy my boat with out being worried that I'm going to hit something. Do you really have to wait for the water to come up to launch? I've never had that problem at Hidden Beaches.

I'm going to head out there tonight or early tomorrow morning and come check out some places.


Lower River Lover
Sep 25, 2008
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I don't think you will have any problems w/ your boat out there. Stop by the store and talk to Bob or Debbie, they run the place and can give you the run down of park rules. Have a good time!


Lower River Lover
Sep 25, 2008
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No problemo! Let us know what you find


Active Member
May 15, 2009
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warpt71, I looked at a place that is right behind you in the cul-de-sac. The price is right, but I'm not crazy about the location. Is there a good spot to leave your boat in the water over night that's easy for the family to get in and out of? Is there a good place for kids to hang out on the shore in the lagoon that isn't at the other end of the park?


Jan 9, 2010
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Cul-da-sac? What part of the park are you looking at? My friends have been going there for years and we just started going there 1 1/2 ago. Most of my friends have year round spots in the 600 closer the the river.

Most of the time the water is pretty low until around noon when it starts to come up. There is a sandy beach in a cove just south of the inlet after you make the first left going down river. You can see it from the park. There are also 3 other real popular beach hangouts 1 left and 2 rights just outside the inlet. If you go north there is a shallow cove beach area with volley ball nets that I have rarely seen being used. Then It's a good 20-25 minute cruise up to the lower end of big river with nothing in between.

We take our 20.5 Carrera Jet out there. Many times in the morning you wouldn't be able to get the boat off the trailer unless you used the river ramp.

When the water is up, the lagoon next to the inside launch ramp is a cool hangout for the kids to float around in.

If you want to leave your boat in the water you can. Just be advised that the water drops an easy 3-4 feet it seems and you will routinely see docks and boats sitting dry. It's just as easy for us to trailer the boat at night. Real laid back, we usually just walk the boat onto the trailer.
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Active Member
May 15, 2009
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When you come into the park, its your first string of trailers on the right. You make the first right and then a couple more rights after that. It's a little Cul-de-sac.


sometimes Mr. LLGril ;)
Dec 21, 2007
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We've been going there for 15 years and have had a place for 11. Just got home from a weekend out there! We love it there, but there are quirky things about it, pretty much all have been addressed. Most people don't leave their boats out, it will definatley be high and dry in the morning. We have a 21' Commander jet and don't have problems. When we first started going out we had a 18' flat. You just have to learn the river.


Jan 9, 2010
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When you come into the park, its your first string of trailers on the right. You make the first right and then a couple more rights after that. It's a little Cul-de-sac.

Yeah ok. Kinda of off in your own little world over there.


Active Member
May 15, 2009
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LLGirl, Thank you for the info.

t&y, it is off in its own little world. I really like the trailer, just not crazy about the location. I'm having a hard time pulling the trigger.


Jan 9, 2010
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Do you have a trailer? It sounds like your looking at buying into one of the permenant spots. If you do have a trailer I would suggest staying in the 600's a couple times before you commit to anything permanent over there. There are some pretty cool spots close to the water and close to the big grass areas where you can take your faimly and pets and mess around when you're not on the water.

That little corner you're describing is probably pretty cool once you know everyone. It just seems to me like your kinda isolated from everything else which can also be cool. Really depends on what your looking for.


Lower River Lover
Sep 25, 2008
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warpt71, I looked at a place that is right behind you in the cul-de-sac. The price is right, but I'm not crazy about the location. Is there a good spot to leave your boat in the water over night that's easy for the family to get in and out of? Is there a good place for kids to hang out on the shore in the lagoon that isn't at the other end of the park?

What space? I didnt know that one in there was availabe. I know that a space 2 doors down from me just went up for sale, furnished too! Like others have said, we take the boats out every evening and its not really an issue... If your wanting a place that you can walk to the water from, then its probably not what your looking for? You can walk down to the lagoon right there by the store and gas pumps, there is a little dock down there. Not what I would call a place to play though. Id just let them play to the inside of the launch ramp :D

That little corner you're describing is probably pretty cool once you know everyone. It just seems to me like your kinda isolated from everything else which can also be cool. Really depends on what your looking for.

The area has been quiet every time I have been there, in fact, I probably have made the most noise! Between the radio, the boat, the quad and my buddys potato gun!!! Its nice to have piece and quiet. At night when you want to party it up, just go for a gollf cart ride and find some one elses house to hang at. Im real close to the "golf course" which is cool for the dog cause she can run off the leash there. Its also really close to the store and there is an exit to off road trails right on the corner too. The only thing that is far away is the launch ramp. The location really didnt/doesnt bother me.


Active Member
May 15, 2009
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It's a pretty nicely done 5th wheel that has been re-skinned and has a add on with a bedroom and living room. I also checked out the place that is 2 doors down from you and I like how it faces out to the golf coarse.

I'm just having a hard time making a decision on committing to a place that's not exactly perfect, but affordable. The places I really like are out of my price range. It may be best to wait another year and save up. Or like t&y suggested, put a trailer on a temperary spot.

Thank you all for the help!!!


Lower River Lover
Sep 25, 2008
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I was originally just looking for a trailer to store and just have it spotted in the campground when I was there. My place isn't exactly what I was looking for but I'll be able to build off of it and make what I want. Places will always be for sale and eventually it all works out. Ill keep an eye out for ya if something becomes available too.