Lay off letter...


An Adelanto 9...
Sep 20, 2007
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Lay Off Letter
Little wonder why this guy is boss. He is sharp!
You can't be any fairer than this leader...

Dear Employees:
As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama is our President and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%. But since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees instead. This has really been bothering me since I believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who would have to go.
So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots and found sixty 'Obama' bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change......I gave it to them.
I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic.


Super Moderator
Jan 11, 2008
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Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
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The current administration is bullshit. If McCain had been elected, you would have a 14.3 trillion dollar surplus by now. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2008
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nice one Barry, with your permission, I'll be posting that as my status on fb.:champagne:

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
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Nice work Brown. :D

I do what I can. :D

You know... there is a shopping list of things I don't like that Obama has sponsored and a much longer list of things I don't like that have been sponsored by various congressional democrats but I'm stupefied by what seems to be a general feeling among hard core Republicans that Obama is the root of all evil.

You maxed out your credit cards during the Bush era. You're going to have to pay for that now. It's going to take time. I doubt the financial recovery could go much faster than it is. I don't credit Obama for the financial recover but I don't blame him for the collapse, either.

Meanwhile, we've got some forum locals saying that printing money to induce inflation is going to hurt them because their buying power will tend to be eroded during an inflationary period as prices rise faster than wages. If we could just freeze everything as it is, the country would be in great shape. They don't make any mention of how they intend to pay off 14.3T of debt without using the erosive effects of inflation to mitigate the value of that debt. ... as though paying it off at face value would be easier than deflating it.

Everybody has a magic solution... that is... vote for my guy... he could fix this with a sound bite!

You've run up your credit cards like 15 year old girls. Suck it up, bitches. :thumbsup

I'm here to say... Democrat... Republican... you're pretty much fucked.

lol! :D

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
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OK, I'll just keep prattling on... :D

After a little research, I discovered this is not the peak national debt, if you consider it on a ratio of debt to GDP. That honor goes to the end of the 1930s. Rosevelt got to handle that hot potato.

It's not far off, though.

The point being, this is not the worst economic times the US has ever been in. For some reason, that thought cheers me up. :D

Canada had some out of control debt in the 1980s. As I recall, we handled it with some cuts. Those cuts were followed by more cuts. It was like a Ginsu commercial and everybody crabbed relentlessly until one day we realized things weren't so bad and we had come out the other side of it. As I recall, there were predictions of it taking 60+ years to straighten out but it ended up taking about 10.
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Sep 13, 2007
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I do what I can. :D

You know... there is a shopping list of things I don't like that Obama has sponsored and a much longer list of things I don't like that have been sponsored by various congressional democrats but I'm stupefied by what seems to be a general feeling among hard core Republicans that Obama is the root of all evil.

You maxed out your credit cards during the Bush era. You're going to have to pay for that now. It's going to take time. I doubt the financial recovery could go much faster than it is. I don't credit Obama for the financial recover but I don't blame him for the collapse, either.

Meanwhile, we've got some forum locals saying that printing money to induce inflation is going to hurt them because their buying power will tend to be eroded during an inflationary period as prices rise faster than wages. If we could just freeze everything as it is, the country would be in great shape. They don't make any mention of how they intend to pay off 14.3T of debt without using the erosive effects of inflation to mitigate the value of that debt. ... as though paying it off at face value would be easier than deflating it.

Everybody has a magic solution... that is... vote for my guy... he could fix this with a sound bite!

You've run up your credit cards like 15 year old girls. Suck it up, bitches. :thumbsup

I'm here to say... Democrat... Republican... you're pretty much fucked.

lol! :D

We're going to pay off the debt, with the money we steal from Girl Scouts....Canatard...


Car-boat motors
Sep 25, 2007
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I don't like to get into partisan bickering because I kinda agree with Brown that Washington in general, regardless of party, has sold us down the river.

All politicians gave us a giant turd sammich and we are all gonna have to take a bite out of it.

But since Brown is talking about debt, here is an interesting chart. I will let you all make your own conclusions.

National debt as a percentage of GDP

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No Title
Nov 11, 2017
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Tom Brown ladies and gentlemen, moving threads to the Political section one post at a time.

Performance Boat Candy

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2010
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I do what I can. :D

You know... there is a shopping list of things I don't like that Obama has sponsored and a much longer list of things I don't like that have been sponsored by various congressional democrats but I'm stupefied by what seems to be a general feeling among hard core Republicans that Obama is the root of all evil.

You maxed out your credit cards during the Bush era. You're going to have to pay for that now. It's going to take time. I doubt the financial recovery could go much faster than it is. I don't credit Obama for the financial recover but I don't blame him for the collapse, either.

Meanwhile, we've got some forum locals saying that printing money to induce inflation is going to hurt them because their buying power will tend to be eroded during an inflationary period as prices rise faster than wages. If we could just freeze everything as it is, the country would be in great shape. They don't make any mention of how they intend to pay off 14.3T of debt without using the erosive effects of inflation to mitigate the value of that debt. ... as though paying it off at face value would be easier than deflating it.

Everybody has a magic solution... that is... vote for my guy... he could fix this with a sound bite!

You've run up your credit cards like 15 year old girls. Suck it up, bitches. :thumbsup

I'm here to say... Democrat... Republican... you're pretty much fucked.

lol! :D

Well stated.

I too agree that neither all the credit nor all the blame can be placed on the President regardless of the party they represent, when it comes to the economy. Bottom line is that when the Government overregulates industry, someone is complaining and likewise when it's underregulated, someone is also complaining. The reason the economy is in the state it's in is due in part because of underregulation and greed. Consumer common sense was lost on the fact that artificial prices in housing and easy lending practices allowed people to over-mortgage, which boosted the economy in the short term, but also led to a massive collapse when consumers couldn't fulfull their debt obligations. There's no doubt that more regulation was necessary, in hindsight.

The issue with stimulating the economy now is that we don't have many options like we did in the past. (There are two popular ways the Government can stimulate the economy, Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy. Fiscal Policy is credited to helping get the US out of past economic turmoil through Government subsidized jobs, such as the Federal Highway Act in the 50's as well as major wars, which also created US-based jobs. Monetary Policy was used to stimulate the economy by effectively increasing and lowering interest rates through bank lending policies. In the Reagan era, the US was suffering from Stagflation, which was a combination of a stagnant economy and high interest rates...both of which were mostly cured through Fiscal and Monetary policy.) Unfortunately, the US doesn't have those options available since we are in trouble with outside creditors on top of having record debts, which prohibits Government spending (i.e. Fiscal Policy), in addition to extremely low interest rates prohibiting positive Monetary Policy stimulus--lowering the interest rates now only increases inflation and one of the ways to decrease it is to tighten the money supply trough Monetary Policy, which also tends to slow the economy further.

...so like Brown says, "we're f*cked". LOL.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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I don't like to get into partisan bickering because I kinda agree with Brown that Washington in general, regardless of party, has sold us down the river.

All politicians gave us a giant turd sammich and we are all gonna have to take a bite out of it.

But since Brown is talking about debt, here is an interesting chart. I will let you all make your own conclusions.

National debt as a percentage of GDP


My conclusion, it doesn't matter which party the President belongs to. What matters is which party controls Congress.

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I too agree that neither all the credit nor all the blame can be placed on the President ...

That includes Bush too. When I say "Bush era", I'm well aware Bush didn't call all the shots during that era. Congress was probably a touch more responsible than Bush was for the spending spree. That doesn't let Bush off the hook but he isn't the sole villain.

... and then there's the electorate. They aren't blameless in this deal. Give us more! Reduce our taxes! Balance the budget! My dick isn't going to rub itself!

Sold Honda bought Hondo

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2010
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My conclusion, it doesn't matter which party the President belongs to. What matters is which party controls Congress.

I think what really matters is when 'we the people' realize there is a serious problem with debt, pretty much demand that the problem needs to be addressed....now.....what we end up with is both parties wanting to play games and a president who thinks that just because he still has checks, there is still money in the bank....

And then there are those who think they can control the economy....and they can....every move they throw at it just slows it down..Leave the damn thing alone....remove everything that affects it....Stimulus, regulations, epa, moratoriums, bailouts....it will fix it's self....

And take away BO's checkbook....I can't afford him anymore....I'm about broke and i'm not the only one.