LAM! First Family Motorhome


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2023
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Such a sweet ride! Been looking at this route with the enclosed over the trailer, decisions , decisions

LakeMead Boater

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
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Such a sweet ride! Been looking at this route with the enclosed over the trailer, decisions , decisions
Thank you! I went this way because it’s easier to travel with 3 young kids + my truck was set up to tow. If we went the trailer route, I was going to need a new truck.

We just ordered a new trailer that will hopefully be done this week. Ultimately I went with a flat bed due to storage and size behind my truck. But going to be on the look out for an enclosed soon for the extra storage.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2023
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Thank you! I went this way because it’s easier to travel with 3 young kids + my truck was set up to tow. If we went the trailer route, I was going to need a new truck.

We just ordered a new trailer that will hopefully be done this week. Ultimately I went with a flat bed due to storage and size behind my truck. But going to be on the look out for an enclosed soon for the extra storage.

One thing I worry about is towing weight with an RV, seem around 10k or so is the limit. Not sure if that is because of the hitch or drivetrain combo.

LakeMead Boater

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
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One thing I worry about is towing weight with an RV, seem around 10k or so is the limit. Not sure if that is because of the hitch or drivetrain combo.
It’s normally the hitch and GCWR. My hitch is “rated” at 5000lbs, which is light for a diesel. I need to get my coach weighed to see where I actually am and what I can truly tow. Plus I can upgrade the hitch to match the tow capacity.

My truck weighs about 5500-6000lbs and there’s enough power. I have hydraulic brakes on mine which aren’t as good as air imo, but I have an exhaust brake that really helps slow the coach down.

I don’t ever plan on towing a stacker with this, but I can see getting up to 7500ish pounds with toys and etc and I think I’d be fine (if the weights allow it). I’ve over thought the entire thing but I am really happy with this thing all in all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2023
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It’s normally the hitch and GCWR. My hitch is “rated” at 5000lbs, which is light for a diesel. I need to get my coach weighed to see where I actually am and what I can truly tow. Plus I can upgrade the hitch to match the tow capacity.

My truck weighs about 5500-6000lbs and there’s enough power. I have hydraulic brakes on mine which aren’t as good as air imo, but I have an exhaust brake that really helps slow the coach down.

I don’t ever plan on towing a stacker with this, but I can see getting up to 7500ish pounds with toys and etc and I think I’d be fine (if the weights allow it). I’ve over thought the entire thing but I am really happy with this thing all in all.

I figured as much about the hitch.

Good to know on the braking situation I know what it to have an exhaust brake and preferably one with low and high settings.

I was figuring tow a 26-28' enclosed for the toys with a fuel container and extra water tank for camping. I camp anywhere from 2-7 days. Toy haulers seem to hold round 150 gals for fresh water and RV seem to be half that or so?


Well-Known Inmate #20225
Aug 8, 2017
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A couple of updates. When I bought this, the previous owner did not disclose the back driver corner was pretty messed up. The colors were off and it bugged the hell out of me.
View attachment 1350609

I had it repainted by a local shop and they did a decent job. Ultimately I would recommend them again and I have to remember this is a 24 year old coach. Also, I have young kids and they’ve already ridden quads and/or bikes into the side of it. So the more perfect I would try to make this would just add additional stress. But I am really happy with the finished product. And also had the front windows tinted. View attachment 1350610 View attachment 1350611
You needed the previous owner to disclose the rear corner damage? Take me with you next time you try and buy something, LOL!

Rig looks great man, truck ain't half bad either. Now go use it and post up pics enjoying it.

LakeMead Boater

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
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I figured as much about the hitch.

Good to know on the braking situation I know what it to have an exhaust brake and preferably one with low and high settings.

I was figuring tow a 26-28' enclosed for the toys with a fuel container and extra water tank for camping. I camp anywhere from 2-7 days. Toy haulers seem to hold round 150 gals for fresh water and RV seem to be half that or so?
I hold 100 gallons of water. Growing up, we had a diesel pusher that towed a 28’ trailer full of water and fuel for 7+ days in the dunes. It towed great and we never had a care in the world about the length or weight lol.

Just go the diesel route, you won’t regret it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2013
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Does that coach have the torsalactic springs or air bags ?


New Member
May 26, 2023
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That rig is a real beauty! I hope that you get countless "Miles & Smiles" from it!

My Sprinter van is my favorite vehicle for travel. It isn't designed for heavy towing, but I've never pulled anything heavier than a motorcycle trailer. Maintenance and parts can be expensive, but I have a long history of getting the maximum from my machines.
In fact, I haven't had any repairs that weren't early on and covered by the warranty, other than mouse damage. I am also lucky to be 20 minutes from one of the best and most reasonable Sprinter specialists around. The only thing I want to upgrade is sprinter murphy bed https://van2b.com/product/sprinter-van-murphy-bed/ and maybe the cabinets.
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