Loo Dog
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That’s your SNWA at the top. Just the tip, just from the straw, just to see what it feels like. Lol
Take note of the source.
No. The feds are the ONLY authority to drop the lake out of the dam. PERIOD.kinda right,... the fed had "NO" authority till the lake dropped.... now they can shut off the water to the saudi's and make them go home and grow their grass...
A cyclical pattern. Hmm.The graph you just posted shows this drought has happened before. 1955 and 1965 +/-
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A cyclical pattern. Hmm.Like the ice ages? OMG we're all gonna die...
lol.... I had a meeting with people that are involved in all thats going on,.. I know now the whole story, and the whys,...so if you say bor, blm snwa, and nps,... you would be 100% right... or pic any of the above and still be right... and I know the whys of realeasing the water...but you wouldn't believe I say so we'll leave at you are right... see ya...Maybe there’s a better explanation of the “conversation” he had with someone back then. I ran across a little tidbit where I found the SNWA didn’t even exist or control the straw and pumping facilities until the early 90’s. Prior to that it was all still run by BOR. The person Steve talked to was more than likely a federale’ at the time, depending on the actual timing.
well at least your smart enough to go back to cal and work for dad....you just might learn something besides google...No. The feds are the ONLY authority to drop the lake out of the dam. PERIOD.
If the WA were dropping the lake, it was through their straws and against the law as established by the Colorado River Compact.
There Where's and why's are a gray area but the Who's are black and white as far as who controls what asset.
Plus, the Hoover dam straddles the state line so, it's neither owned, operated, nor wholly inside the state of Nevada, nor the basin behind it.
Zero logic nor basis for your assertion of SNWA operating the releases from Hoover Dam.
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well at least your smart enough to go back to cal and work for dad....you just might learn something besides google...
What the absolute fuck are you talking about?like there was no voter fraud??? not a speck??? wait,... or was there...they could have saved a whole bunch of time and money if they would have just call you...
That’s really the only point I was trying to make. SNWA couldn’t release a droplet of out the bottom of that dam if they begged and pleaded. Zero authority. Not to mention being THE smallest “owner” of water rights in the entire system. Littlest minnow in a really big pond.What the absolute fuck are you talking about?
I guess in your old age you have lost common sense to tell you that a regional water authority has ZERO.... absolutely ZERO authority over the largest FEDERAL dam in the nation
I do not doubt the overall reasoning you are presenting, the WHO.... SNWA has NOTHING to do with it.
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you are right and i was wrong,.. the part i was right about was that"THEY" dumped mead, saying snwa did it was wrong, but SNWA did play a part,... at least....I was told the reasons for dumping the lake, and not all were just to lower the level, and I also know why they moved the marinas,.. and how the 20 year drought messed with the plan...oh, and go to vegas wash... the people that have nothing to do with mead, have trucks everywhere..anyway,... i'll say it again,.. you were right,,, where i was really wrong was just repeting what I was told and didn't get all the facts that I now have...have a great eve...That’s really the only point I was trying to make. SNWA couldn’t release a droplet of out the bottom of that dam if they begged and pleaded. Zero authority. Not to mention being THE smallest “owner” of water rights in the entire system. Littlest minnow in a really big pond.
Being said, I’m not exactly convinced the current (emergency) cutback level wasn’t reached sooner rather than later on purpose. I wouldn’t put much past the Federal government and their unelected squad of bureaucratic goons. And I was in one of the gun clubs for 20+ years.
You want to try insulting someone.... come at them better. I never lived with my grandmother at all, my dad's partner has been recruiting me for years. I have been continuously employed since I was 16. So, wrong on all fronts there as well.In my old age???? I my young age I never had to live in grandmas garage, with my family,... and never had to go to dads to get work.. you just want to argue,.. no matter what about.. talk to BOR and ask if they have meetings with snwa to plan what goes on in mead... or better yet get a job, and get rid of your phone.. and that right there is from a 3 time great grand dad...
you are right and i was wrong,.. the part i was right about was that"THEY" dumped mead, saying snwa did it was wrong, but SNWA did play a part,... ... i'll say it again,.. you were right,,, where i was really wrong was just repeting what I was told and didn't get all the facts that I now have...have a great eve...
well at least it got rid of all the nasty carp....I am trying to catchup on this. So contaminated water was released (Felt very refreshing in Bullhead this summer) and AZ took its water and hid it underground in a resivoir to keep it from evaporating?
The 1922 Colorado River Compact and its subsequent revisions dictate the rights and responsibilities of the seven states in the river's watershed. The federal government has a treaty with Mexico which dictates how Colorado River water is allocated to that country.
Note the Compact was promulgated thirteen years before Hoover Dam was completed. Without the successful negotiations of the Senators and Representatives of the seven states and President Harding's signature on the legislation, the Colorado River Compact would not have happened and Hoover Dam would not have been built. Once it was agreed upon, further Congressional actions during the administrations of Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover provided the legislation and funding which allowed construction to begin.
Any changes in the amounts of water allocated or the manner in which storage in lakes Powell and Mead are accomplished must be negotiated through the mechanisms of the Compact or the treaty. The Compact and relevant federal laws are well understood, and all seven states are bound by the Compact's dictates.
Overweight men in Southern Nevada Water Authority pickups don't have any influence on how the Compact is implemented or how much water is apportioned to the states. Whatever one of them might say to a stranger wearing pajama pants and flip flops at a boat ramp doesn't mean a damn thing.
MSN...now that's a reliable and unbiased news source.
math doesn't lie,... so it's hard for me to not look at the math...Right?
It's somewhat acurate. But the truth is, Everything in that article has been discussed repeatedly in this thread. And from Reliable sources.
I'm not sure why Steve is still beating this horse? It's confusing to me what he's trying to accomplish at this point.
math doesn't lie,... so it's hard for me to not look at the math...
The easiest way to make sense of it is to look at total annual inflows. The annual outflows are fairly constant. Looking at a single day where three times more was let out than came in tells you nothing.
I might need a little help here...
Lake Mead Water Database (water-data.com)
if you look at this graph... it shows in take.. water from powell and out flow, water amount released from mead... if you look at 04/06/2000 the inflow was 8760cfs, the outflow was 15,728, which is 10,837 cfs more water than came in... so they let out more than twice the amount that came in... that is right when the guy said they were going to drop the lake 150',.. now,.. I was wrong to say SNWA did this,... when the fact is, there's a group that was involved... SNWA,BOR,BLM NPS, and the marina's
so please,.. I'm only asking for help from some one InControl of there wits to tell me, or explain to me... how dumping twice and some time 3 time the water coming in out, wasn't draining both lakes??????? and why did they continue till the lake dropped to the level to where they could take away water rights down river..... should be easy for most to see what happened... but if i was wrong, and they never released more than was supposed to be released why does it say that they did infact dump the lake.... I know there are gonna be thousands of replies... but other than a select few,. I will read them all..
Liars figure, and figures lie.math doesn't lie,... so it's hard for me to not look at the math...
still confused.... what part of the horse are you kicking??? where you are wrong,.. I listen to racey, I know racey,... very intelligent , he lives there and knows what is going on...Actually, it does...
My wife took a Statistics class in college. She would show me all kinds of different ways to use the Exact same numbers and display them in such a way, that the end user would see what the creator of that particular statistic wanted you to see. Crazy there is a college class to decipher this sorta thing eh? Just goes to show you how confusing hard numbers can be.
I've never looked at numbers the same way since then. You have to look much deeper than just what's on the surface.
You're hyper focused on what YOU see, and are unable to see the bigger picture.
This right here is a straight forward answer.
Racey has been telling you the same thing since the start of this thread, but you don't want to listen to him.
I've posted too many articles to count for you to read, but you shrug them off as opinion, and not fact.
So this will most likely be my post trying to direct you to see the big picture.
I truly feel like you have zero interest in understanding how the storage system actually works. You just want to prove you're not wrong.
is the new ramp going where the dirt roads are right above the old ramp????Flew over last Saturday. Not sure which ramp it is but most ramps were basically all out of the of water. Ton of debris floating around in the lake to. Very muddy brown water.
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So what yure saying is that all the people on here that have stated: I have never seen the river flowing this high, in the 15-50 years I've lived here, every day from early spring up until the day they declared a water emergency are just stupid liars and the government numbers are gospel.
Nothing to see here, the people who live 1000's of miles away know what's going on.
there are lies, dam lies and statisticsmath doesn't lie,... so it's hard for me to not look at the math...
Right here
All I have to do is access the Bureau of Reclamation release figures to date for Water Year 2021 to show that no matter how long someone has watched the river flow by, they can't accurately discern the amount going downstream. By the terms of the Colorado River Compact and the United States treaty with Mexico, a minimum of 9,000,000 acre feet must be released from Lake Mead between October 1 and September 30 of each Water Year.
Below are the release figures to date. As noted, the amount is near the minimum, which occurs every year. So yeah, over here 1,000 miles from the dam, I know more about how much water has gone downstream than "all the people on here."
Total releases for water year 2021: 8,940,061 acre feet
This is 99.33% of minimum required release of 9,000,000 acre feet
The thing is "the government lies" or "vast conspiracy" have been litigated ad naseum, Arizona has sued CA multiple times in the Supreme Court to get absolute clarity on both the water allotments, and transparent accounting of the water deliveries as they essentially alleged CA and USBR was being deceptive. The USBR per one of the rulings is required to provide detailed water delivery reports every year as part of AZ vs CA supreme court case from the 60s i believe (Some of the cases go as far back as the 30s). The water accounting reports even state on the first page "In accordance with Arizona v. California"
Arizona v. California - Wikipedia
So if there was any major tom foolery you can bet your ass Arizona is gonna take it straight back to the court because they are the first state to lose major amounts of water from any "fabricated" drought" and they would have an absolute winning case against both the USBR and the state of CA for any cheating and deception taking place in the lower basin district.
2FORCEFULL said:people are happy when they read stuff the media and gov post.... easier for them to attack anyone who try's to tell them they are being lied to... anyway... it's all water under the bridge so to speak....
I have no doubt in my mind that if anybody knows whats going on at mead it's you... thanks for sharing and postingThe thing is "the government lies" or "vast conspiracy" have been litigated ad naseum, Arizona has sued CA multiple times in the Supreme Court to get absolute clarity on both the water allotments, and transparent accounting of the water deliveries as they essentially alleged CA and USBR was being deceptive. The USBR per one of the rulings is required to provide detailed water delivery reports every year as part of AZ vs CA supreme court case from the 60s i believe (Some of the cases go as far back as the 30s). The water accounting reports even state on the first page "In accordance with Arizona v. California"
Arizona v. California - Wikipedia
So if there was any major tom foolery you can bet your ass Arizona is gonna take it straight back to the court because they are the first state to lose major amounts of water from any "fabricated" drought" and they would have an absolute winning case against both the USBR and the state of CA for any cheating and deception taking place in the lower basin district.
Come on, enough is enough. We all get it, for the most part.Yep.
I was going to post the same comments. Arizona and California closely monitor the releases. Federal law requires the Bureau of Reclamation to report water releases from the dam, as well as submitting inflow and outflow figures on every other dam and lake in the Colorado River watershed.
The story repeated by 2FF for years about his encounter on a boat ramp and the passage of "secret" information was comical to begin with, and now that he has figured out the SNWA has no control whatsoever over any aspect of water releases, he still can't admit the episode was meaningless and that he has no idea how it all works.
He thought SNWA operated Hoover Dam. He had no idea the Colorado River Compact existed, and didn't know the seven states had water rights. He's completely ignorant of how the overall legal structure of the Colorado River basin works. He doesn't even know which lakes and rivers drain into the Colorado River watershed.
Until yesterday, 2FF didn't know that water-data.com existed, and that it provides a huge amount of US government statistical information about the Colorado River basin, both current and historical. His response to that revelation:
According to him, we don't know the US government is lying about the operating statistics of one of the largest river watersheds in the US. In spite of the fact the river provides water to millions of Americans for drinking water and agriculture, that Mexico receives water under a treaty ratified by the US Senate, and that the operation of the river basin is under close scrutiny because of a 20 year drought, 2FF is the only person in the US that knows what's really going on.
Water-data.com isn't the only source for information about the Colorado River basin. The United States Geological Survey's Utah Water Science Center operates the Colorado River Basin Studies project, which provides information about every aspect of the 246,000 square mile Colorado River watershed. The project has specific data for the Water Year statistics of the upper and lower Colorado River basin. Inflows and outflows for every river and lake in the basin are provided in annual reports. This is the 2020 water year report for the UCRB:
If one was so inclined, study of the document would reveal the exact amounts of water that flowed into Lake Mead and out of Hoover Dam in 2020. All lies, according to 2FF.
The USGS Utah Water Science Center website is the best source of information about the subject.
I just saw this. I appreciate it Steve and I have no issue with you at all and enjoy what you post.first thing I need to do today is apologize to flying_lavey .....here's why... I formed an opinion ,"HE THINKS HE KNOWS IT ALL" that thought of mine was just that, what I think, had nothing to do with him... I don't even know anything about the guy, I can't make the statement of what he thinks... so with little to no actual knowledge, I formed my own opinion...that he doesn't know anything... what an ASS,...who the fuc do I think I am that makes me think. I know what someone else thinks??? One would think that they would at least know the person that they are talking about...right.... so again I apologize,... now ,, FLYING LAVEY could respond with," I don't like that old fuc... he's an ass... and it would be true.... Sorry buddy,... enjoy...