Lake Mead Inactive Pool


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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My question is, if Lake Mead ever started to fill again, would the dam now be compromised? All that pressure for all them years and now the damn might be a little laxed.

I personally don't think Vegas is the problem as we reclaim the water and send it back to mead, it's the farming below the damn that's the real problem.

I mean sure we're in a drought, there is no denying that, but to blame global warming is asinine. How long have we really tracked weather patterns? Maybe a little over 100 years.

Way before humans roamed the earth there has been ice ages, and the glaciers have continued to melt well before humans roamed the earth. There is cycles, and we know very little about it in my opinion.
the real problem is there isn't one,.... other than WA try'n to force others to be more conservative,... that and try'n to figure out a way to run the florigener out of AZ.... nev WA is just looking way to the future .... having lake mead loose so much to evaporation is not a to day problem.... but it is a future problem.... polluting millions/ billions of gals a of water by having the lake so high is just crazy.... knowing what I know... what they are doing is a very good thing,.. mead water is crystal clear now... and the effect down stream benifits also... mean will drop below 1000', then they will do the infostructure to make mead more boater friendly... or just cut out boating altogether.. that part I don't have a clue.... but thats what sucks about or goverment... we never get to know what they are doing till they do it...


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2007
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From the article,

Researchers have determined that human-caused global warming has played a role in the continuation of this current drought,

What researchers? How could they possibly prove that? Originally posted in the New York Times. Who could have guessed!


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2008
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This is what I have read
No boat over 24 ft ??
True ?
Lake Mead Ramp Status
  • Hemenway Harbor - 2 lanes on pipe mat. No boats over 24 feet. Only shallow hull vessels.
  • Callville Bay - Closed due to low water levels.
  • Echo Bay - Closed due to low water levels.
  • Boulder Harbor - Closed due to low water levels.
  • Temple Bar - Closed due to low water levels.
  • South Cove - Closed due to low water levels. Launching is available off the dirt road south of the launch ramp. Four-wheel-drive is recommended.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2015
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The more I read on all this the more i'm convinced the BOR will not allow Hoover and Glen Canyon Dam to stop producing power. They have levers to move and legal authority to do whatever it takes to maintain the stability of the Colorado River System.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2007
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This is what I have read
No boat over 24 ft ??
True ?
Lake Mead Ramp Status
  • Hemenway Harbor - 2 lanes on pipe mat. No boats over 24 feet. Only shallow hull vessels.
  • Callville Bay - Closed due to low water levels.
  • Echo Bay - Closed due to low water levels.
  • Boulder Harbor - Closed due to low water levels.
  • Temple Bar - Closed due to low water levels.
  • South Cove - Closed due to low water levels. Launching is available off the dirt road south of the launch ramp. Four-wheel-drive is recommended.

They are launching at Temple Bar, but not on the NPS ramp. The Concessionaire has been grading a single lane dirt ramp to launch from. If you get stuck they will pull you out at no charge, but only during normal business hours.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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From the article,

Researchers have determined that human-caused global warming has played a role in the continuation of this current drought,

What researchers? How could they possibly prove that? Originally posted in the New York Times. Who could have guessed!
They use the Fact Checkers from Twitter and Facebook, more opinion checkers than anything else

Joe mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Stopped in Tahoe on way back from dropping daughter off in Boise and it looked nice and full.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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These guys do a good job covering Mead and it's diminishing water. It's a father, retired military career vet, and his sons visiting/fishing Powell, Mead, Mohave, Havasu and other NV and CA Lakes. Their episode on Willow Beach does a good job showing how to reach the hot springs near the dam. They live in Las Vegas, so it's called - Sin City Outdoors. Some good family adventures.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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What the park service in lake mead needs to do , is pour concrete like they did at Riviera and push it down into the water . Do it at all the marinas , our taxes pay for it . Mead is still like 50 miles long and isn’t coming back to full pool anytime soon . I hate to see all those rangers getting paid to do nothing all day !


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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My pool is full, my grass is green, the new development w/ 15,000 homes is right on schedule….

What’s the problem beside high gas & food prices….?


Just one more
Jan 8, 2008
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I spoke to the girl at Temple Bar yesterday phone call, the launch is open but dirt and primitive. TempleBar sucks....;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2008
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The lake has better beaches now than I can remember, even when it was full pool. Kinda nice not having as many people out there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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If ‘watering grass to play games’ is tied to golf courses you are inaccurate. Almost 100% of courses in Vegas, Palm Springs area and SoCal are all reclaimed (treated from plant) or second usage water.

100% agree, the Arabs who purchased land in AZ with guaranteed water allocations or leased CRIT land and water allocations to grow crops and ship them to the Middle East need to be kicked out. Growing alfalfa in Saudi is illegal and punishable by dealth.
Approximately when did these Arabs buy all this land?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Early 2000’s this started
heres my take,... who gives a fuc what happens to the water after yuma???? thats just the water that they dumpped out of powel and mead....as it is, mexico is getting, and has been getting way more water then they have in 50 yrs... now we have water dumping into the sea of cortez..... the problem is the arabs are sucking the ground water out of AZ,,,, that has nothing to do with powell or mead... like I said, people governing the lake level do what ever they want,... or think is best.... we only know about it after they do it... this country needs a major over haul.... we need to go back to where the people actually get to vote on what happens... clean the swamp,... get rid of the dems, rep, and all the so called representatives that all have there hands in the cookie jar... and one question.... what the fuc does nasty ole pussy... (nancy palosi ) do, and why do we need such a person sucking up tax money and throwing everyone under the bus???..... if you ever look at the different agency's sucking up tax money???? churches are filthy rich off 10%... fuc'n whipe them all out... cut it back to a senator for each state and one president for the feds.... put every thing up for vote, by the people, and make each state take care of their own....between gas tax, and sells tax.... each state would be rich... maybe take a close look at switzerland... fuc fighting every other countrys wars... and we need to just buy the rest of mexico,... could you amagine the property value of mexico if it was part of the US....


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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heres my take,... who gives a fuc what happens to the water after yuma???? thats just the water that they dumpped out of powel and mead....as it is, mexico is getting, and has been getting way more water then they have in 50 yrs... now we have water dumping into the sea of cortez..... the problem is the arabs are sucking the ground water out of AZ,,,, that has nothing to do with powell or mead... like I said, people governing the lake level do what ever they want,... or think is best.... we only know about it after they do it... this country needs a major over haul.... we need to go back to where the people actually get to vote on what happens... clean the swamp,... get rid of the dems, rep, and all the so called representatives that all have there hands in the cookie jar... and one question.... what the fuc does nasty ole pussy... (nancy palosi ) do, and why do we need such a person sucking up tax money and throwing everyone under the bus???..... if you ever look at the different agency's sucking up tax money???? churches are filthy rich off 10%... fuc'n whipe them all out... cut it back to a senator for each state and one president for the feds.... put every thing up for vote, by the people, and make each state take care of their own....between gas tax, and sells tax.... each state would be rich... maybe take a close look at switzerland... fuc fighting every other countrys wars... and we need to just buy the rest of mexico,... could you amagine the property value of mexico if it was part of the US....
I do agree we should just take over and annex Mexico into the US . Give ‘em SS numbers and make ‘em pay taxes . Open up a land sell off , bring in National Guard and clean up cartels .


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I do agree we should just take over and annex Mexico into the US . Give ‘em SS numbers and make ‘em pay taxes . Open up a land sell off , bring in National Guard and clean up cartels .
and they already have a border wall in the south...
