Kentucky Sheriff shoots and kills a judge in his chambers after argument

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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If you’ve read my opinions over the years you know that I have always said child molesters go straight out the back door of the courthouse and get a bullet. Period. WHEN CAUGHT RED HANDED and convicted.

That is not the case here.
All you’ve got, so far at least, is a deputy who shot a judge in the judges courthouse chambers.
A space, btw. that you or I or any other civilian would never be allowed into…and frankly would never be able to even enter the building with a firearm.

For the record, I am the guy who actually participates in trying to support groups championing the protection of minors from predators.
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Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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Without a doubt that would be the first thought that came to mind for retribution but...
On further thought, I'd much rather the offender be publicly dragged through the court system resulting in a life prison sentence where he can live out his days dodging inmates wanting a piece of him.
For either obvious reason.😶

In today's world, to much chance of him getting freed on some bullshit technicality or just because he's a judge

I live in ky. Different part though.

The way I would deal with the judge if he did diddle the girl is to take hi out to the forest. Nail his dick and balls to a tree stump that had been soaking in diesel fuel for several days. Set the stump on fire and then give him a rusty butter knife.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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I was watching YouTube and it sounds like the judge was doing inappropriate things to the sheriff's daughter


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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It's all up in the air still. The trooper, FBW's future bromance, was quoted in the local news that with no info available, small towns can quickly spread salacious rumors, none of which are true. Don't know, but still weird. Apparently the Sheriff was the bailiff in that judges courtroom up until he became sheriff. Wait, there's more...

The bailiff that replaced him, was canned for inappropriate conduct with an inmate, sex for special treatment, in chambers. Also, the local paper there published an interview with a local diner owner. The judge and the Sheriff ate lunch together frequently, and appeared to be friends. Now, that makes you wonder what kind of stuff maybe they were both into, wives, daughters, maybe inmates?

It went from movies to telenovela maybe :oops:


Jan 9, 2010
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Uhhh yeah. Video of course does not give us full context, but how in the fuck are we still saying bullshit like "allegedly" in this case. He committed Homicide, very obviously, on video. Not just shooting once, but repositioning and taking multiple shots after reassessing. Going to be pretty hard to legally clear this guy. And yeah... I know the allegations. Far better ways to have handled this is all I'll say.


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
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Uhhh yeah. Video of course does not give us full context, but how in the fuck are we still saying bullshit like "allegedly" in this case. He committed Homicide, very obviously, on video. Not just shooting once, but repositioning and taking multiple shots after reassessing. Going to be pretty hard to legally clear this guy. And yeah... I know the allegations. Far better ways to have handled this is all I'll say.

100 percent. This wasn’t an argument or fight where they were struggling and the gun went off. He shot him while’s he’s begging for his life, and then moved around the desk and finished him off. It’s at minimum murder 2.


Unknown Member
Jun 2, 2015
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I've got a SIL in Bowling Green, her husband is an FBI agent. We were texting about this case. She said it's all anybody talks about in Kentucky and that the Sheriff is being praised as an all out HERO. Due to the "alleged" messing around of the judge with Sheriff's daughter.

I will say, in all the videos I've seen, that Sheriff is behaving like an innocent man, or at least one that feels TOTALLY at peace with what he did. He is calm cool and collected in the video at scene and all court videos.

Crazy story. Definitely following this one. I've got daughters, I too would have done something but I don't think it would have been murder. Really makes you think.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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I grew up in FLA & VA in late 70s and 80s and can tell ya I miss these type troopers. We never fucked with those guys ... in VA they looked just like him and were so cool with us idiots. Later in FLA bouncing in a redneck bar in college they worked bartending when off duty and they were the best dudes when fights broke out backing me up. Wonder where they all went....


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I grew up in FLA & VA in late 70s and 80s and can tell ya I miss these type troopers. We never fucked with those guys ... in VA they looked just like him and were so cool with us idiots. Later in FLA bouncing in a redneck bar in college they worked bartending when off duty and they were the best dudes when fights broke out backing me up. Wonder where they all went....
Unfortunately, a lot of those types got older, and retired. Hell, I'm 47, and one of my family friends retired out last year! Politics as they come up the ranks beats up a lot of them too. Then, a lot of them didn't have kids of their own, or their kids didn't want to be "The Man".

I was hauling ass across Oklahoma, I44 out of Tulsa. 28ft trailer and a crew cab, headed to Springfield, MO. One of those big hat guys lit me up. Let me off with a warning. I gave him a hat and a T-shirt. This was 20+ years ago though. Now, I could see them calling in the dogs to check the truck and trailer driving like an idiot cross country. Times have changed.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Does the video show the sheriff actually pulling the trigger? Baldwin admitted to aiming, but the gun just "went off"... :rolleyes:

Yep. And when the guy falls behind the desk, the sheriff walks around the desk and pumps a few more rounds into him.

Looked like he wrapped it up with a head shot.

There ain't no "allegedly" here.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Unfortunately, a lot of those types got older, and retired. Hell, I'm 47, and one of my family friends retired out last year! Politics as they come up the ranks beats up a lot of them too. Then, a lot of them didn't have kids of their own, or their kids didn't want to be "The Man".

I was hauling ass across Oklahoma, I44 out of Tulsa. 28ft trailer and a crew cab, headed to Springfield, MO. One of those big hat guys lit me up. Let me off with a warning. I gave him a hat and a T-shirt. This was 20+ years ago though. Now, I could see them calling in the dogs to check the truck and trailer driving like an idiot cross country. Times have changed.
Yep, that was what I was trying to say.... those styled law guys I guess just don't get into our system nowadays. I got let off several times out on VA country roads from 1975-80. Great guys.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
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There's a local news article that mentioned the daughter was an intern for the judge at some point. If that's accurate, it would make sense for the Judge to have the daughters number.

What's odd to me is that the Sheriff used his phone to call the daughter and apparently can't reach her then asks to use the Judges' phone to call the daughter. I mean, it almost sounds like the Sheriff knew her number was going to be on that phone. Or maybe, the Sheriff typed in the digits manually and her number shows up as a saved contact on the Judges' phone. We don't know if the Sheriff actually spoke with his daughter on the Judges' phone. Perhaps there was an inappropriate image attached to her number on the Judges' phone? The shooting happened pretty fast after the second phone call, almost like the Sheriff knew exactly what he was going to do once he got whatever confirmation he was seeking. That's reasonably premeditated.

The fact that the Judge asked the Sheriff over lunch if they needed to meet in his chamber, not sure if that's meaningful or not. The chamber meeting could have been to discuss any number of topics but it does seem that the Judge was aware that the Sheriff might want to talk about something. As there were other parties at the lunch, I doubt that the daughter came up during lunch, if so, that would have made headlines. I think the chamber meeting was over something previously discussed.

Not sure what to make of the Sheriffs' statement that they were trying to kidnap his family (words to that effect). I doubt he came up with that in the chamber, that was likely brewing for some time.

The Sheriff will probably walk. I was an alternate juror on a retrial of a murder case in rural Kentucky, man was acquitted twice for "self defense". The shooter was being bullied and harassed by the victim but no physical confrontation. The victim drove by the shooters home on an ATV, shooter grabs his gun out of his house, sneaks through his yard and hides behind a tree, fires a fatal shot when victim drives by a second time. Jury says because victim was driving by his house, that justified murder. Shooter even stated that when victim drove by, there was no confrontation, no words, no body language. Shooter just snapped. Hiding behind a tree and ambushing a guy in that scenario is hardly self defense.

It pays to be a respected member of a small town despite killing a person.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2023
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There's a local news article that mentioned the daughter was an intern for the judge at some point. If that's accurate, it would make sense for the Judge to have the daughters number.

What's odd to me is that the Sheriff used his phone to call the daughter and apparently can't reach her then asks to use the Judges' phone to call the daughter. I mean, it almost sounds like the Sheriff knew her number was going to be on that phone. Or maybe, the Sheriff typed in the digits manually and her number shows up as a saved contact on the Judges' phone. We don't know if the Sheriff actually spoke with his daughter on the Judges' phone. Perhaps there was an inappropriate image attached to her number on the Judges' phone? The shooting happened pretty fast after the second phone call, almost like the Sheriff knew exactly what he was going to do once he got whatever confirmation he was seeking. That's reasonably premeditated.

The fact that the Judge asked the Sheriff over lunch if they needed to meet in his chamber, not sure if that's meaningful or not. The chamber meeting could have been to discuss any number of topics but it does seem that the Judge was aware that the Sheriff might want to talk about something. As there were other parties at the lunch, I doubt that the daughter came up during lunch, if so, that would have made headlines. I think the chamber meeting was over something previously discussed.

Not sure what to make of the Sheriffs' statement that they were trying to kidnap his family (words to that effect). I doubt he came up with that in the chamber, that was likely brewing for some time.

The Sheriff will probably walk. I was an alternate juror on a retrial of a murder case in rural Kentucky, man was acquitted twice for "self defense". The shooter was being bullied and harassed by the victim but no physical confrontation. The victim drove by the shooters home on an ATV, shooter grabs his gun out of his house, sneaks through his yard and hides behind a tree, fires a fatal shot when victim drives by a second time. Jury says because victim was driving by his house, that justified murder. Shooter even stated that when victim drove by, there was no confrontation, no words, no body language. Shooter just snapped. Hiding behind a tree and ambushing a guy in that scenario is hardly self defense.

It pays to be a respected member of a small town despite killing a person.

My family had a few friends that lived there.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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I don't know all the facts, but someone stated above that this Sheriff is being hacked as a "Hero" in that neck of the woods. If that's truly the case, and this goes to trial, that very well may save his hide. If everyone in the area thinks of him in that light, and the trial isn't transferred to another jurisdiction, he could get off with a hung jury.

Aces & Eights

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
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Not sure if it was mentioned earlier….how old was the daughter? If she was a minor then fuck that judge. If she was 18 or older then what’s between 2 consenting adults is their business. That would be in extremely poor taste and unbelievably reckless but not worthy of an execution.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Not sure if it was mentioned earlier….how old was the daughter? If she was a minor then fuck that judge. If she was 18 or older then what’s between 2 consenting adults is their business. That would be in extremely poor taste and unbelievably reckless but not worthy of an execution.
I thought I read she was 16 or 17


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2020
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As posted above I read she was 17. This is just an example of a man probably keeping his word. There may have been conversation before between the 2. He may have told him you do it, or try it again I’ll kill you. He stuck to his word. It was an exact fuck around and find out. Some men are just built different. I’d imagine most of you have thought “if such and such does this or that, I’m gonna kill em” which 99% ain’t gonna do shit. Well this man did. 🤷🏼 if it was a mistake then he’s an asshole. Lol


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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My family had a few friends that lived there.
Wow! That's a wild story. The dead guy married a girl he met when he was 35, and she was 12. Had a bunch of kids with a bunch of women. Died from two different caliber slugs, yet the lots of shots and lots of witnesses...
Like the end of "Road House" or something.


Jun 1, 2012
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-media-max-width="560"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NEW: The Kentucky judge who was executed in his own office is accused of running a &quot;brothel&quot; out of the courtroom, allegedly forcing women to have s*x for favors.<br><br>District Judge Kevin Mullins was k*lled by his close friend, Sheriff Shawn &#39;Mickey&#39; Stine.<br><br>According to a woman who… <a href="https://t.co/ApUEuaChjF">pic.twitter.com/ApUEuaChjF</a></p>&mdash; Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) <a href=" ">December 7, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-media-max-width="560"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NEW: The Kentucky judge who was executed in his own office is accused of running a &quot;brothel&quot; out of the courtroom, allegedly forcing women to have s*x for favors.<br><br>District Judge Kevin Mullins was k*lled by his close friend, Sheriff Shawn &#39;Mickey&#39; Stine.<br><br>According to a woman who… <a href="https://t.co/ApUEuaChjF">pic.twitter.com/ApUEuaChjF</a></p>&mdash; Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) <a href=" ">December 7, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

A lot of scumbag black robs out there these days that need justice, especially in DC.