Just got some shit news...


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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Sorry to hear this John,
I was supposed to take my buddy in Wednesday for our last day together, but ironically, my dad chickened out, scariest most intimidating guy I know decided for a little bit more time to get ready for it. Boris doesn't seem in pain, its just quality of life, so it didn't happen this week, but I am bracing again for it. Cancer sux. :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
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Aww man, I hate to hear stuff like this. I'd be wrecked if something happened to my pooch. Thoughts and positive waves headed to you and your dog.


Thanks for everything Dad
May 8, 2009
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Oh man I'm so sorry to read the latest prognoses, hang in there and take your pup and the whole family to the river this weekend CC would understand as he was an animal lover also. I know when its time for my girl to go I will be in Havasu and have a local vet come to the house, its the least I can do for her! I will do everything in my power to make sure the last thing she sees is not the inside of the veterinary office but someplace she is familiar with and comfortable as she finds her peace.


an ordinary American
Sep 19, 2007
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This is a tough thread to read. Hoping the chemo does some good John, 6 is way too young. We lost our cocker a few years ago at only 8 to a brain tumor. And another of mine had a sudden death, internal bleeding at 10. Lost 2 seniors in the past year. But it especially fucked up when the dog is only 6, not even half way through life. Fuck cancer. I truly hope he pulls though this.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
Just thought I'd post un update. I went home early the Friday before last because of his fall and the fact he had just laid in one spot all day. When I got home he came over to the door and said hi but went right back to his bed, he was very lethargic. I was really worried called the vet and asked her about it (I literally thought I was going to have to put him down that day) she said to cut the steroids down and give his a couple of days to adjust to the meds. On Sat he was much better he ate went for a little run and started returning to normal. Sunday he was a new dog and went for his normal run. We took him to Parker over the weekend and it was as if nothing was wrong he swam and ran all over the place with Daisy. Side note the vet did say that once in the spleen that it's a matter of time she said a few weeks to a couple of months and said 6 months would be a miracle (I'm going for the miracle)!

Cash will finish up his first round of chemo on Wed and will go in for a check up on Thursday. His tumor has responded great to the chemo and steroids. The tumor has probably shrunk by about 75% and the lymph by about a 1/3rd I'd guess. His personality is still good he has not lost weight and is eating and exercising normal. I am not sure if they will check his spleen on Thursday or not but I will update it when I get news from the vet.

The vet is very good and genuinely cares about Cash. She has filled me in on how dogs in his position progress so I can keep my eyes open and know what to look for and expect.

Again thank you for all the kind words and thoughts...here's a pic from Sat am...

Cash & Daisy.jpg

Tommy Gun Images

Media Lackey
Staff member
May 28, 2008
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Man, this is tough one to read. I've met your dogs and they are some of the sweetest boxes I've met. Praying for a miracle for Cash!


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2008
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My 11 year old Lab had been going through issues since Christmas Eve, he would have good spells and then bad. He got bad last Saturday and ended up dying in my arms late Monday night....It's been a very tough week. Best of luck with your dog, it's a very difficult time to go through :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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Just thought I'd post un update. I went home early the Friday before last because of his fall and the fact he had just laid in one spot all day. When I got home he came over to the door and said hi but went right back to his bed, he was very lethargic. I was really worried called the vet and asked her about it (I literally thought I was going to have to put him down that day) she said to cut the steroids down and give his a couple of days to adjust to the meds. On Sat he was much better he ate went for a little run and started returning to normal. Sunday he was a new dog and went for his normal run. We took him to Parker over the weekend and it was as if nothing was wrong he swam and ran all over the place with Daisy. Side note the vet did say that once in the spleen that it's a matter of time she said a few weeks to a couple of months and said 6 months would be a miracle (I'm going for the miracle)!

Cash will finish up his first round of chemo on Wed and will go in for a check up on Thursday. His tumor has responded great to the chemo and steroids. The tumor has probably shrunk by about 75% and the lymph by about a 1/3rd I'd guess. His personality is still good he has not lost weight and is eating and exercising normal. I am not sure if they will check his spleen on Thursday or not but I will update it when I get news from the vet.

The vet is very good and genuinely cares about Cash. She has filled me in on how dogs in his position progress so I can keep my eyes open and know what to look for and expect.

Again thank you for all the kind words and thoughts...here's a pic from Sat am...

View attachment 472939

My 11 year old Lab had been going through issues since Christmas Eve, he would have good spells and then bad. He got bad last Saturday and ended up dying in my arms late Monday night....It's been a very tough week. Best of luck with your dog, it's a very difficult time to go through :(

Very sorry to hear, to both of you.:(

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
My 11 year old Lab had been going through issues since Christmas Eve, he would have good spells and then bad. He got bad last Saturday and ended up dying in my arms late Monday night....It's been a very tough week. Best of luck with your dog, it's a very difficult time to go through :(

Sorry to hear...I dread that day


Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Couple of pics from this morning. He is wearing the shirt so he won't lick the growth.

View attachment 471361 View attachment 471362

Punch to my gut.JustAwfulNews.You and wifey just the best peeps.Crying like a little girl.Wish i could take his place.I remember whn my dog split my cheekbone when runnin herke on my bi.You told me u ran ur dogs same.This just destroys me.



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2015
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We have a rescued Rottweiler, Diesel. He is the absolute best dog in the world. 120lbs of lover, and watches over my wife like a hawk. This weekend he fell a few times, like his back legs gave out. This morning I took him in, expecting hip issues, etc...........x rays shows he has 4 tumors in his chest. Absolutely devestating. My wife does not know yet, I told her we are waiting on blood work.

What is my next move? Biopsy? I would like to look into chemo since the vet is pretty certain it will be cancer.

I'm sorry to hear about your puppy...=( I dated a girl that all the family had was boxers. Great dog. Good luck.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
We have a rescued Rottweiler, Diesel. He is the absolute best dog in the world. 120lbs of lover, and watches over my wife like a hawk. This weekend he fell a few times, like his back legs gave out. This morning I took him in, expecting hip issues, etc...........x rays shows he has 4 tumors in his chest. Absolutely devestating. My wife does not know yet, I told her we are waiting on blood work.

What is my next move? Biopsy? I would like to look into chemo since the vet is pretty certain it will be cancer.

I'm sorry to hear about your puppy...=( I dated a girl that all the family had was boxers. Great dog. Good luck.

Really sorry to hear this.

PM sent.


"Team RDP"
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
So sorry to read this John. Neva had a tumor growing off her spleen when she passed. She was literally fine one moment and couldn't walk the next. She only lived about 12 more hours after that. That was such a sad time for us. I know how important Cash is to you. Get lots of lovin in while you can. I sure hope you get your miracle!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2016
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So sorry to read this John. Neva had a tumor growing off her spleen when she passed. She was literally fine one moment and couldn't walk the next. She only lived about 12 more hours after that. That was such a sad time for us. I know how important Cash is to you. Get lots of lovin in while you can. I sure hope you get your miracle!
sorry to hear of this john


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2008
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We have a rescued Rottweiler, Diesel. He is the absolute best dog in the world. 120lbs of lover, and watches over my wife like a hawk. This weekend he fell a few times, like his back legs gave out. This morning I took him in, expecting hip issues, etc...........x rays shows he has 4 tumors in his chest. Absolutely devestating. My wife does not know yet, I told her we are waiting on blood work.

What is my next move? Biopsy? I would like to look into chemo since the vet is pretty certain it will be cancer.

I'm sorry to hear about your puppy...=( I dated a girl that all the family had was boxers. Great dog. Good luck.

Very sorry to hear :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2007
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My 10 year old Boxer (Rocky my best friend) is still hanging in there with his pain management. Every morning I'm afraid that's the day but he's doing better than expected.
Man I'm praying for that mirical for yours. Best bread in the world!


Thanks for everything Dad
May 8, 2009
Reaction score
So very cool you were able to get him back to the river with everybody and have what sounds like a quality trip. Fingers crossed for you and Cash that he keeps progressing down the good road and gets better every day. Good things happen to good dogs, boxer lives matter!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2012
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These threads are the kind that you wish would just go away, but as I sit here waiting for the JD to kick in and not wishing to continue this shit, I just really need to vent somewhere and I hope you all don't mind.

My 8 yr old female lab was diagnosed with lung cancer today. At first the vet thought she just had some "air" in her intestines and stomach but after she did not respond to the medication and upon the return of her blood work more x rays and ultra sound were completed. She has refused food for more the 5 days and is probably down at least 10lbs from her normal "healthy" weight of 80 lbs. Her breathing is labored and although she still wants to play ball and wags her tail, she can only move at about a 1/4 of her normal speed. She is on an appetite stimulant but so far has failed to kick in. I can deal with the pain meds to keep her from suffering but WTF do I do about her not eating??? I have tried everything I can thing of to get her to eat. This dog never missed a treat or sample of what ever I ate. She now acts as if food (any kind!!!) is poison and will not eat. The vet says she can go a while without eating but I am not sure I get the point. She does not seem to be in pain but I know they can hide the pain very well.

My kids are older and for the most part gone from the house, so my "shadow" has somewhat taken the spot as our baby. She waits for me everyday to get home from work so we can have a serious game of "ball", followed by the most luscious meals you can imagine one would serve to a lab prepared by my wife (who says she doesn't like dogs!!). As I write this, I can hear her in the other room balling her eyes out with the thought of what the next step will bring.

I apologize for brining this up again but it is hard for non dog people to understand just how fucking attached we get to these animals, I know others here would understand, as I do, when you travel this road.


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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2013
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I personally understand the hurt and frustration you guys are going through. For the last year my Irish Setter has had cancer in her lower jaw. It started out with her lower teeth shifting at a rapid pace. I never really thought of anything as she is getting to be 12 years old now. Then one day, she got a terrible abscess tooth and then I had to take her in. They did a biopsy and took half of her tumor off but the other side is still there, and growing. She has always had an abundant amount of energy, and she still hasn't slowed down at all. It just makes me cringe seeing her lips swell more every week though. The vet said they could take off half her lower jaw but I just feel absolutely terrible about doing that. We just take it week by week for now, but it hurts knowing her time is limited from here on out...





Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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If the cancer is on his spleen, but has not spread to other organs, don't they recommend removing the spleen? I thought the vets say they can live fine without it? That's what I was going to do with Kobe, till we found out from the ultrasound it was a abdominal growth / tumor on a different organ and they didn't recommend messing with it. Hoping things are going well



Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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Still thinking about your dog Lynch, and everyone else that is dealing with this shit with theirs. I just put Boris down a couple of weeks ago. I don't have kids or a steady g/f or anything, so he kinda was my everything for a long long time. Very special animal with a very unique history. I am doing a lot better with it now, feel empty instead of bawling, but its really hard to see my parents still so torn up about it, I never thought it would affect others as well. Well, avoided writing my own thread as I don't want to be a downer, even though I could use the support at times, but here is a pic or two of the coolest dog ever (in my eyes) looking happy to make me smile.

boris6.jpg boris8.jpg boris13.jpg boris15.jpg borishead.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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Thank you for posting. I know what you mean. Before my wife I went through all sorts. My pooch has been the key constant. They are better than some family members!!! hahaha


Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
These threads are the kind that you wish would just go away, but as I sit here waiting for the JD to kick in and not wishing to continue this shit, I just really need to vent somewhere and I hope you all don't mind.

My 8 yr old female lab was diagnosed with lung cancer today. At first the vet thought she just had some "air" in her intestines and stomach but after she did not respond to the medication and upon the return of her blood work more x rays and ultra sound were completed. She has refused food for more the 5 days and is probably down at least 10lbs from her normal "healthy" weight of 80 lbs. Her breathing is labored and although she still wants to play ball and wags her tail, she can only move at about a 1/4 of her normal speed. She is on an appetite stimulant but so far has failed to kick in. I can deal with the pain meds to keep her from suffering but WTF do I do about her not eating??? I have tried everything I can thing of to get her to eat. This dog never missed a treat or sample of what ever I ate. She now acts as if food (any kind!!!) is poison and will not eat. The vet says she can go a while without eating but I am not sure I get the point. She does not seem to be in pain but I know they can hide the pain very well.

My kids are older and for the most part gone from the house, so my "shadow" has somewhat taken the spot as our baby. She waits for me everyday to get home from work so we can have a serious game of "ball", followed by the most luscious meals you can imagine one would serve to a lab prepared by my wife (who says she doesn't like dogs!!). As I write this, I can hear her in the other room balling her eyes out with the thought of what the next step will bring.

I apologize for brining this up again but it is hard for non dog people to understand just how fucking attached we get to these animals, I know others here would understand, as I do, when you travel this road.

Awful,heartbreaking news.I was hangin in there til the wifey crying.Lost it.
She could be my girls twin.So very sorry.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
Still thinking about your dog Lynch, and everyone else that is dealing with this shit with theirs. I just put Boris down a couple of weeks ago. I don't have kids or a steady g/f or anything, so he kinda was my everything for a long long time. Very special animal with a very unique history. I am doing a lot better with it now, feel empty instead of bawling, but its really hard to see my parents still so torn up about it, I never thought it would affect others as well. Well, avoided writing my own thread as I don't want to be a downer, even though I could use the support at times, but here is a pic or two of the coolest dog ever (in my eyes) looking happy to make me smile.

View attachment 474788 View attachment 474789 View attachment 474790 View attachment 474791 View attachment 474792

Sorry to hear Tom. I would post up what you want...great support system here and it is therapeutic. I am not looking forward to this day and I know it is coming sooner rather than later.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
If the cancer is on his spleen, but has not spread to other organs, don't they recommend removing the spleen? I thought the vets say they can live fine without it? That's what I was going to do with Kobe, till we found out from the ultrasound it was a abdominal growth / tumor on a different organ and they didn't recommend messing with it. Hoping things are going well


From what I can se and have been told, if there are growths on the spleen it is different than if the spleen is diseased. A spleen with tumors can be removed and be fine. A diseased (cancer cells throughout) can be but at that point the cancer has metastasized and will spread and removing the spleen will not slow it down. It is a major surgery and takes quite some time to heal and in the end will not extend the dogs life. So it is a quality of life deal.


Mr. Potatohead
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
If your dog has been diagnosed with only a few weeks to live, feed em 9 lives and sushi rice. My dog was given 3 weeks to live and he ended up living an additional year on cat food and sushi rice. It was a pretty good year too. He had a few bad days but, most were really really good.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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If your dog has been diagnosed with only a few weeks to live, feed em 9 lives and sushi rice. My dog was given 3 weeks to live and he ended up living an additional year on cat food and sushi rice. It was a pretty good year too. He had a few bad days but, most were really really good.

What is in the food that helps?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Sorry, man this really cranks on the heart. I'm not sure if it helps but My vet had me manage my boxweiler's last months on a combo of Carprofin(Rimadyl) and Gabapetin. It worked great. If your in SD I still have some (chk w/ vet first)

edit**just read he's in chemo....I'm rooting for him.


Super Moderator
Jan 11, 2008
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Just a huge Thank You to River Lynchmob and RDP inmates for being solid peoples..... I have my lab for a few more days at least and just having someone(s) who understands what you are going through is awesome.
When our golden was diagnosed with Valley Fever when she was a year old, she wouldn't eat anything. I mean anything. At all. It was awful. Out of desperation, I tried this recipe and she ate it happily.

Maybe try it? http://m.instructables.com/id/Put-weight-on-your-dog-with-satin-balls/

(Not enough) Years later, In the end of her journey with cancer, she stopped eating and we knew she was telling us that it was time.

I'm so very sorry to read about your pup. Losing our golden to cancer was the hardest things I've been through. My heart hurts for you...


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2007
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As I lay in bed in my R V on a little vacation my best friend is at the foot of me bed where he has slept for 10 years. It is so sad as he has to be helped up the stairs (90 Lbs) and is now very unsteady on his feet and is really struggling. I came on here looking for support and I just can't believe how many are in basicly the same situation. Lynch I'm still praying for your Miricle and really sorry to read about all the rest on here with similar problems. Rocky is just barely hanging in there and I'm so greatfull he was able to make what possibly is his last trip.he goes back to the vet when we get home for lane work to make sure his kidneys are handling the pain meds and not destroying them! I'm writing this in the dark so please excuse me if it doesn't make sense. My best friend seems to know this may now this may be trip and totally is a difference pup. He won't leave our side and is a pain in the ass BUT I'm sill enjoying his company so much it brings tears to my eyes. I'm still saddled with the decision that I'm sure is right around the and I hope my timing is perfect! Can't afford to be off! Still can't believe it's so!
Again this tread is almost impossible to read and it does seem and act like a support thread. Good Luck to all of you that have their friends in this horrible situation!


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2007
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As I lay in bed in my R V on a little vacation my best friend is at the foot of me bed where he has slept for 10 years. It is so sad as he has to be helped up the stairs (90 Lbs) and is now very unsteady on his feet and is really struggling. I came on here looking for support and I just can't believe how many are in basicly the same situation. Lynch I'm still praying for your Miricle and really sorry to read about all the rest on here with similar problems. Rocky is just barely hanging in there and I'm so greatfull he was able to make what possibly is his last trip.he goes back to the vet when we get home for lane work to make sure his kidneys are handling the pain meds and not destroying them! I'm writing this in the dark so please excuse me if it doesn't make sense. My best friend seems to know this may now this may be trip and totally is a difference pup. He won't leave our side and is a pain in the ass BUT I'm sill enjoying his company so much it brings tears to my eyes. I'm still saddled with the decision that I'm sure is right around the and I hope my timing is perfect! Can't afford to be off! Still can't believe it's so!
Again this tread is almost impossible to read and it does seem and act like a support thread. Good Luck to all of you that have their friends in this horrible situation!


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2008
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Just a huge Thank You to River Lynchmob and RDP inmates for being solid peoples..... I have my lab for a few more days at least and just having someone(s) who understands what you are going through is awesome.

My Lab had an episode on Christmas Eve and with a lot of help and $ I got him back for a couple of months. Unfortunately he got weak again and died in my arms 3 weeks ago. I sooo feel your pain. I can't tell you how hard this loss is to me. Well, yes, you do understand. Just know that all of us with fur kids are with you and you can reach out to us at any time.



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2008
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I'm so sorry outboard..... It doesn't get any tougher than that! He's in a better place now!

Thank you. I cried when I read your post, I lived through all of that :(
And I'm sorry that I didn't reply to you too.


Super Moderator
Jan 11, 2008
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As I lay in bed in my R V on a little vacation my best friend is at the foot of me bed where he has slept for 10 years. It is so sad as he has to be helped up the stairs (90 Lbs) and is now very unsteady on his feet and is really struggling. I came on here looking for support and I just can't believe how many are in basicly the same situation. Lynch I'm still praying for your Miricle and really sorry to read about all the rest on here with similar problems. Rocky is just barely hanging in there and I'm so greatfull he was able to make what possibly is his last trip.he goes back to the vet when we get home for lane work to make sure his kidneys are handling the pain meds and not destroying them! I'm writing this in the dark so please excuse me if it doesn't make sense. My best friend seems to know this may now this may be trip and totally is a difference pup. He won't leave our side and is a pain in the ass BUT I'm sill enjoying his company so much it brings tears to my eyes. I'm still saddled with the decision that I'm sure is right around the and I hope my timing is perfect! Can't afford to be off! Still can't believe it's so!
Again this tread is almost impossible to read and it does seem and act like a support thread. Good Luck to all of you that have their friends in this horrible situation!

It really does help to have a place to vent. I know how hard it is... making that decision was the hardest thing I've had to do. Ever. Some people don't get it, but many of us do.

Wishing you strength in the days ahead.

Here is my story here:

Operation Epic Life...


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2007
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Yea DB this thread is actually therapy for a lot of us including myself and Rivermonster. I'm so sorry that you guys are having to go through this. As you touched on about people here understanding is so comortiing and actually is a form of therapy. D B I can't begin to tell you ho truly sorry I am.
As far as Rocky today he is camping and with all the people he enjoyed through his whole life.
I sure hope you're pup is doing better R M!


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2007
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Just a huge Thank You to River Lynchmob and RDP inmates for being solid peoples..... I have my lab for a few more days at least and just having someone(s) who understands what you are going through is awesome.

Hey Ricky we all know how badly your hurting and your definitely not alone in this!