Just got some shit news...

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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I got some bad news today. A little history first, my 6 year old Boxer Cash had a growth removed in Nov. I was told it was routine that it was not connected to any tissue and he should be good to go. Well about 4 weeks ago i was checking him out and the scar was a bit bumpy but didn't look odd and just figured it was scar tissue from the surgery. Well it has come back with a vengeance. In 3 weeks it literally blew up. 2 weeks ago had to board both of my boxers because both my wife and son had procedures and it was easier on everyone to board them, I wouldn't have to lock them up most of the day and they could run around a play. Well after 8 days he comes back and the growth had probably quadrupled in size and a lymph on his neck was the size of a tennis ball that was not there before I took him in. Well yesterday I got him into the vet and it was biopsied, chest x ray was taken and blood drawn. Chest x ray was clear, kidney and liver function was normal according to the blood test but the biopsy came back cancer. He has not lost any weight he is eating normal and his stool is normal...other than the 2 lumps he is 100% normal. I don't know what type...the Dr. is foreign and I couldn't understand her but she said it is the fastest growing cancer there is. he goes in Wed to have the 2 masses removed by his normal Dr. then to oncology to see what can be done. I have him back on the Benadryl and Tagamet hoping to slow it down.

It's the worst feeling I have had since I found out my son had his issue last year. I know Boxers have issues with Cancers but I was thinking it would be a few years down the line. I have always fed him the best food I could find. He is the 1st dog I have owned and this just sucks.

Just wanted to vent...

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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Here he is the day I picked him up...
Cash 1st Day.jpg

This is him on his 6th B day in Nov.

Cash 6th B day.jpg

The day I brought his sister home...they are inseparable.

Cash & Daisy.jpg

As you can see...

Cash & Daisy.jpg
Cash & Daisy.jpg
Cash & Daisy.jpg


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2015
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That sucks!

The first dog my wife and I had, got sarcoma at 3 years old. That was the smartest dog I have ever known.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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Thanks for the words and thoughts.

Just talked to the vet and it is a mast cell...one tumor that has moved to one lymph that is apparent. I will find out more after surgery and the tumor is sent to pathology.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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Sorry to hear John,
You are giving him his best shot at this and he might surprise you yet. I am putting my guy down in two weeks or so, and its killing me, I am way too attached, but I also remember 5 years ago when he "flipped his stomach" and no one gave him much of a shot. Surgery and expense were the only options, but that was 5 years ago, and now he is moving along only due to old age, so he kicked that things ass and gave me his full natural life. Hoping for the best for you and your dog, they are tough SOB's and hopefully another success story after these procedures.


Super Moderator
Jan 11, 2008
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So sorry to read this...

Every time I read one of these posts all of the feelings I had when our girl was diagnosed come rushing back. It's the worst feeling in the world. I'm sorry you're going through this. :( :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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Praying for you and your buddy. He looks like an awesome dog. Love all of my dogs like kids.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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Damn ....sorry to read this :( I just responded to your PM.
I hope for the best and thank you again for recommending me the Tagamet / Benadryl combo for my dog....it has actually helped him for sure. He has a lot more energy and out some weight back on, he is almost acting back to normal. He still had a very swollen abdomen and I'm sure it won't get rid of the tumors he has, but it really seems that it has helped him a lot the past couple weeks. Hang in there and stay positive

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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Damn ....sorry to read this :( I just responded to your PM.
I hope for the best and thank you again for recommending me the Tagamet / Benadryl combo for my dog....it has actually helped him for sure. He has a lot more energy and out some weight back on, he is almost acting back to normal. He still had a very swollen abdomen and I'm sure it won't get rid of the tumors he has, but it really seems that it has helped him a lot the past couple weeks. Hang in there and stay positive
That site shows this combo completely eliminating them. Really happy to hear it. I hope it continues!

Cray Paper

Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2012
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That is bad news, sorry man.

Make this the happiest time of his life and soak in the time you have with him. Loosing a companion is tough duty, but, it's worth having them be a part of your life and if given the choice you would do it all over again, no questions asked.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Sorry to hear this. Our dogs mean so much to us. We've had only 3 dogs. Each have lived to 12 years and plus. That's over 36 great years with our dogs. BUT, each developed cancer in later years. CANCER is the curse of many dogs/breeds. It comes earlier to some than others and it just SUX at any time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2015
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Fuck cancer!

We are going through something similar with our 8-year old Keeshond. Unfortunately for my little guy, the location of the tumor is near inoperable, and there is significant risk associated with surgery. Right now, he is as happy as a clam, but we swore we would not let him suffer when the time comes. In the mean time, he gets tons of love and affection, and is basically like a short little kid with a big nose, poor eating habits, and a hygiene problem.

Sorry to hear about your little one .

On a side note, it is my belief that pure-Breds are more at risk due to inbreeding.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2007
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Boy this is one the toughest things for most of us to handle. My best friend is a 10 yr old boxer and he has a fucked up spine and because of his age the vet is doing pain management (opioids) trying to avoid what I'm sure would be a painfull surgery. He's actually doing better than I had hoped but the warm weather has helped! Anyway the boxer breed is so awsome that Rocky is my 3rd boxer.
You and your dog is getting lots of positive thoughts from this family !


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Sorry to hear that John. At least it sounds like he is not in pain and hopefully it is still operable and able to remove everything since it sounds like the organs are still good. Wish you and your pups the best getting through this.


Thanks for everything Dad
May 8, 2009
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Very sorry for you when I read this, as others have said try to stay as positive as you can. Our pets can sense when something is wrong with us so you gotta be upbeat for him in his time of need. They truly do provide us with unconditional love on a full time basis. I feel your pain as the vet dropped the bomb on me the day before thanksgiving this year that my golden retriever has cancerous tumors in her throat and all down her spine. As selfish as I want to be and have her here for years to come and I know it will be the hardest thing I've done but when she gives me that look to let me know its time I will do everything in my power to make her transition as comfortable as can be. Crap, I cant even type this without crying and she is still here laying right next to me. Thoughts and prayers for you and your pup, God doesn't just help people, he loves animals too!!!!!


Just Plain Crazy
Oct 3, 2007
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I got some bad news today. A little history first, my 6 year old Boxer Cash had a growth removed in Nov. I was told it was routine that it was not connected to any tissue and he should be good to go. Well about 4 weeks ago i was checking him out and the scar was a bit bumpy but didn't look odd and just figured it was scar tissue from the surgery. Well it has come back with a vengeance. In 3 weeks it literally blew up. 2 weeks ago had to board both of my boxers because both my wife and son had procedures and it was easier on everyone to board them, I wouldn't have to lock them up most of the day and they could run around a play. Well after 8 days he comes back and the growth had probably quadrupled in size and a lymph on his neck was the size of a tennis ball that was not there before I took him in. Well yesterday I got him into the vet and it was biopsied, chest x ray was taken and blood drawn. Chest x ray was clear, kidney and liver function was normal according to the blood test but the biopsy came back cancer. He has not lost any weight he is eating normal and his stool is normal...other than the 2 lumps he is 100% normal. I don't know what type...the Dr. is foreign and I couldn't understand her but she said it is the fastest growing cancer there is. he goes in Wed to have the 2 masses removed by his normal Dr. then to oncology to see what can be done. I have him back on the Benadryl and Tagamet hoping to slow it down.

It's the worst feeling I have had since I found out my son had his issue last year. I know Boxers have issues with Cancers but I was thinking it would be a few years down the line. I have always fed him the best food I could find. He is the 1st dog I have owned and this just sucks.

Just wanted to vent...

Hang in there John...Ive got 5 Dogs and no Children My oldest Jack Russell has Cancer...Every morning I check to make sure he makes it another Day..Its a tough thing to go through


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Lynch, sorry to hear the bad news, keep your head up and get what ever medical treatment he needs as I am 100% sure you are doing...I hope all turns out great....


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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So sorry, my dog is pretty much my life, don't know what I would do if this happened to us. Best to you and yours John.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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Well the prognosis isn't good. I took him to the oncologist and it turns out the cancer has shown up in his spleen. I started him on chemo last night but it may be too late. He took a spill down the stairs this morning on his way to eat which he did fine but he has developed a limp in his front leg. The last thing I want him to do is suffer at all. This is really going to gut me... as dog owners we all know this day is coming but I really wish it didn't come so soon...6 years just isn't long enough...I don't think any time really is but shit he's only 6...I'm going to really miss him...I was hoping for one more river trip for him next weekend...he loves it there.

Thank you everyone for the kind words and thoughts...it means a lot.


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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Damn that is sad news, keep a good attitude going, take him to the river anyhow! Love is a great healer. Hoping for the best for you and your buddy!

Scott E

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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I'm so sorry to hear this and that you have to go thru this. :( As has been said, our pets become our family members. I will be thinking of you and Cash. While it may not ease the pain, know that you made his life better by providing the same unconditional love he provided you.

We take our little one in tomorrow to get bladder stones removed and I'm not looking forward to it.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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I'm so sorry to hear this and that you have to go thru this. :( As has been said, our pets become our family members. I will be thinking of you and Cash. While it may not ease the pain, know that you made his life better by providing the same unconditional love he provided you.

We take our little one in tomorrow to get bladder stones removed and I'm not looking forward to it.

I have a few friends that have had this done and their guys bounced back pretty quick and were new dogs after the procedure...good luck! Thanks for the words.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2007
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I'm so very sorry .I've got Rocky (My 10 yo boxer) out in the RV as we speak and he now is so much work camping that it's unbelievable but he loves it. Just trying to enjoy his company while we can. I pray yours improves with the treatment! I feel your pain buddy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Well the prognosis isn't good. I took him to the oncologist and it turns out the cancer has shown up in his spleen. I started him on chemo last night but it may be too late. He took a spill down the stairs this morning on his way to eat which he did fine but he has developed a limp in his front leg. The last thing I want him to do is suffer at all. This is really going to gut me... as dog owners we all know this day is coming but I really wish it didn't come so soon...6 years just isn't long enough...I don't think any time really is but shit he's only 6...I'm going to really miss him...I was hoping for one more river trip for him next weekend...he loves it there.

Thank you everyone for the kind words and thoughts...it means a lot.

Toughest call is when to do it John, IMO when his dignity comes into question it's time. I've had to do this enough to know that it's the only correct thing to do. As for his brother, he'll struggle for a lil bit until a new brother is brought in, went through this first hand on the last dog, sad for a few days and we realized what we needed to do.

Good luck buddy, thinking of you guys.


B & D Marine
Oct 24, 2007
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I feel for you John. I lost 2 Boxers to cancer last year. I know how you feel. Wish you the best.