Ivermectin / Horse dewormer.. a true story


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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I’m thinking I should buy some ivermectin just to have on the shelf .
I just did yesterday. The equine stuff, bought on Amazon. My thought is to keep it just for an emergency,

I would just do a telehealth Dr. appointment and pay for whatever they prescribed, but the equine stuff would just be a backup/stopgap.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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I just did yesterday. The equine stuff, bought on Amazon. My thought is to keep it just for an emergency,

I would just do a telehealth Dr. appointment and pay for whatever they prescribed, but the equine stuff would just be a backup/stopgap.
We bought a supply at Tractor Supply before we could get to Mex for $10 a tube. Then in Hawaii again before we could make it to Mex for $40 a tube. Then went to Mex to get the pills. Not sure of the price for just that alone being that I was not there.

WE put in a plan of action if anything goes south with the health of anyone in th family. 👍


Distinguished Member
Dec 19, 2007
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The problem is that there is no money in HCQ or Ivermectin. Both are generic now and very cheap. Drug companies, Big Tech and the FDA are controlling this. Look up NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine). It is an amino acid that kicks in the natural production of a powerful anti-oxidant. It helps with liver function, kidney function and prevents the mucus build up in pneumonia. When doctors started using it successfully to treat COVID the FDA suddenly announced that they may make it prescription only. I've been taking it for years because it is also supposed to help prevent a specific type of colon cancer that is in my family. It has been a supplement for years and you can still get it but when the FDA made their announcement, Amazon took it off their site completely. You can still get it from health food stores and CVS but isn't it strange that Amazon would pull it.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Janet Wood[cock] temporary commissioner of the FDA, placed by Biden adm to run the show. Woodcock has the authority to override decisions of its advisory committees!🤭👎 Enough said. Knowing her history endorsing powerful opioids against the committees' 11-2 vote to keep the drug off the market because it was unsafe.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Makes you wonder why these hospitals are treating severe case covid patients like a death factory.... pretty much just lay here and die, while we continue doing nothing to help..... Just rack up those hospital bills.

Mike K

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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Got Covid on Sept 16th, 2021.…from a big house party at my Havasu Vacation house.
I went into the hospital on Sept 21st.
They gave monoclonal antibodies.
I got nothing else … zero anything.
My wife smuggled in Ivermectin into my hospital room.
Same medicine that Joe Rogan took.
I improved right away and was out of the hospital on the 25th.
I took the Ivermectin for an additional 2 weeks.
Was it the ivermectin ? No doubt.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Got Covid on Oct 16th … from a big house party at my Havasu Vacation house.
I went into the hospital on Oct 21st.
They gave monoclonal antibodies.
I got nothing else … zero anything.
My wife smuggled in Ivermectin into my hospital room.
Same medicine that Joe Rogan took.
I improved right away and was out of the hospital on the 25th.
I took the Ivermectin for an additional 2 weeks.
Was it the ivermectin ? No doubt.

Pills or Paste? No judging just want to know how many have used the paste over the pill

Joe mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Admitting it works would destroy the left's narrative on covid and prove without a doubt they blocked it for political gain. People like Pelosi, Fauci, Biden and the like all have a special level of hell reserved for them.
And the people should get together and give them a fastrac pass to that destination.


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
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It seems cheaper just to order on Amazon unless you don't like a horse on the box? A $10 tube shipped treats a 1200LB horse... seems like that is 5 ish doses for an adult. I need to find the exact dosage and write it on the box though.

The “syringe” the paste comes with has the dosage already on it by weight. It’s the same dosage for humans as it is for horses. Something like 90 micrograms per pound.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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The “syringe” the paste comes with has the dosage already on it by weight. It’s the same dosage for humans as it is for horses. Something like 90 micrograms per pound.

Cool, thanks. That is what I have read I just wasn't sure on the "concentration" of the pill vs the paste. I had read a adult male generally needs 1/4 syringe or less and saw the dosing syringe was "stepped".


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
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I’m only 185lb 6’2” and the amount I was dosing seemed insignificant lol

I recovered with minimal issues. My son is 100lbs and my daughter 70lbs. It was a really tiny amount for them.

We all survived 🤷‍♂️😉


Car-boat motors
Sep 25, 2007
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Do you know how much Pfizer and Moderna shareholders made last year?

Doesn’t anyone think of their poor shareholders?

What you all advocate talks food right out of their mouths. The horror


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
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Got Covid on Sept 16th, 2021.…from a big house party at my Havasu Vacation house.
I went into the hospital on Sept 21st.
They gave monoclonal antibodies.
I got nothing else … zero anything.
My wife smuggled in Ivermectin into my hospital room.
Same medicine that Joe Rogan took.
I improved right away and was out of the hospital on the 25th.
I took the Ivermectin for an additional 2 weeks.
Was it the ivermectin ? No doubt

Unfortunately, had I been able to get Ivermectin there would have been no way to get it to me. I was not allowed any visitors in ICU.
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We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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I’m only 185lb 6’2” and the amount I was dosing seemed insignificant lol

I recovered with minimal issues. My son is 100lbs and my daughter 70lbs. It was a really tiny amount for them.

We all survived 🤷‍♂️😉

Yea, the entire tube is .21 oz!

It is like a squirt of toothpaste for a 200LB person.

Tom Slick

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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The patent holder of the award winning drug Ivermectin Merck & Co. says not to take Ivermectin for Covid-19, however they are working on a drug that will reduce Covid deaths by 50% or more. At that time, the Federal Government stepped in and demanded that doctors do not use Ivermectin on patients. Fast forward a year and Merck announces that their new Covid drug Molnupiravir is ready for approval. The kicker is that Ivermectin is a proven drug and costs pennies. The new miracle drug will cost upwards of $700. So please stop taking the cheap stuff and wait for the new wonder drug.

And as for hospital protocol, that is also a directive of the Federal Government. Take a Covid positive patient, sedate them, give them Remdesivir to destroy their kidneys which floods the lungs with fluid, vent them and wait for them to die. Collect $50K and keep on trucking. Meantime they can keep stacking bodies to run up the death rate and keep the scare tactics going full steam ahead.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Dave, this is the best thread to read today! I am so glad that we have a first hand story of the fact that this shit works and it works WELL! Why are they withholding from us?

We are know a Pfziermectin of Merckectin is coming soon. Its all about the money. So fucking sad!

Kick ass and I am glad I have my supply ready, both the pills and liquid form.


Car-boat motors
Sep 25, 2007
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I am surprised anyone thinks the big hospital system, big government and big pharma gives two shits whether you live or die.

All that matters is that yore insurance pays while you are there.

Your best interests are not their concern.

I thought everyone knew that…..


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Many of you have been to the rdp events / parties.. There are three components to those parties that always make them a success, the main component is the sound and lighting / effects.

That is all handled by a company called “Boom Bandits” which is owned by a very good friend of mine named Jason Kleefisch.

Jason recently contracted Covid 19 and had been in the Havasu Hospital for awhile. He was on oxygen and their usual regiment of drugs, which were antibiotic cocktails.

As with a lot of these cases he wasn’t getting any better, but rather the opposite.. He was getting worse as oxygen levels were dropping, he was laying in the prone position, doing breathing exercises etc and nothing was helping.

Some of the texts..

“Good morning! Jason called early. He’s had another rough night and they are threatening to send him to ICU. He’s decided he wants ivermectin. His window is closing and he’s static not improving. Oxygen is down. He needs 5 days of this medication and if it doesn’t start working fast he will lose his ability to take it and won’t be under his power. Ugh. He was supposed to be getting better but they are making him lay prone again. Please let me know how I might obtain it so I can get it over to him ASAP. I’m sorry to text you early on your vacation.”

The hospital made it clear that he was on his way to ICU, and if things kept going the way they were going the dreaded ventilator. That was three days ago.

At this point, Jason “obtained” what some would call horse dewormer / ivermectin. Blood pressure meds were also introduced by the hospital on this day. (Possible this helped as well?)

“Good morning! Jason had a good night. He got some sleep and is feeling much more calm today. They now have him on BP meds which is helping keep him regulated. Oxygen last night stayed between 89-91 - no dips! His next “Mexican meds” are due after lunch. Most say results are seen in 24-36 hours. 🤞🏼 Looking good so far and hoping for a better day! 💕

24 hrs later… The second night

Second Mexican dose in at lunch and at 28 hours we are starting to see results. Today
Jason's labs looked great. Alt is still high but crp is way low from 7.0 to 1.0 X-ray looked great too. Dr said maybe he’ll home Sunday. He’s from 10 liters to 8 liters oxygen. Needs to a 4 to come home.

It's working!!🤞🏼💕

This is him on the second night.

View attachment 1060189
The third night..

“Jason met his goal and is holding at 4 liters O2 - he gets released tomorrow!!! 🥳

Ivermectin is on the “no no” list at this hospital. Three days ago he was heading for ICU with a very uncertain outcome. Today he is coming home.

Anybody can believe anything they want.. This is a story about someone we all know who was heading down a rabbit hole.

He obtained and took the “Mexican meds” or “Horse dewormer” and now he’s coming home three days later after miraculously making a turn for the better. The only thing that changed in the protocol was ivermectin & blood pressure meds.

Jason is unvaccinated and was pretty well convinced that death was a realistic outcome three days ago. I am not going to post all the texts between the parties involved, but suffice to say the same desperation was in the air, that we all Experienced, while We watched helplessly when Roy was in the hospital.

In my heart I believe if Roy would have gotten the meds i would be talking to him later today. A small thing that wasn’t shared before… Roy actually had them. When his family all contracted covid he gave all the meds to them and wasn’t able to get more before things took a turn.

Believe what ya want.. but I figured I would share the story.

For the critics.. I did not give him the meds, I was in Hawaii when this all took place.
Finally a positive outcome. Excellente'


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
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What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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It seems cheaper just to order on Amazon unless you don't like a horse on the box? A $10 tube shipped treats a 1200LB horse... seems like that is 5 ish doses for an adult. I need to find the exact dosage and write it on the box though.
That is our plan for the weekend. It is easy to figure out using the chart on th box. THe same with pills.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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What mg per pill is good? Hcq and imv

There is a chart that I found and used on this for the pill form…Keep in mind I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV like Alec Baldwin.

Original link

Second file that I wanted to post the first time. This is just the document to follow. Not any digging of fluff that you have to sift through. 👍

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I am surprised anyone thinks the big hospital system, big government and big pharma gives two shits whether you live or die.

All that matters is that yore insurance pays while you are there.

Your best interests are not their concern.

I thought everyone knew that…..

definitely never though they were in it for us.... but you would think the doctors and nurses treating these patients on a daily would be more on the side of humanity vs. profits.... slip some of your patients a couple pills, help them live.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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I should have done this the moment I showed signs and tested positive.
That is my game plan.

Feel bad - get tested first day.
Second day - watch symptoms closely awaiting results. If symptoms get worse start the regiment noted above.
If positive or symptoms worsen then start the next level treatment

All before the need of going into the killing factory (Hospital)


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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definitely never though they were in it for us.... but you would think the doctors and nurses treating these patients on a daily would be more on the side of humanity vs. profits.... slip some of your patients a couple pills, help them live.

They have to follow the rules and regs put out there or loose their carriers. Those that speak out are cancelled. :cussing:


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
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I want to be clear, I didn’t post this as some “I told
Ya so” story.. nor am i saying this is some miracle drug that will automatically save someone’s life.

I posted it because it is a real world first hand experience that happened real time over the last couple of days and that was the outcome.

I think that people should be aware of it and they can make their own decisions if they would like to obtain the meds and keep them on hand.

I have them for my family, abd would plan on using them if I contracted COVID-19.
So if he got worse or even died would that tell you it does not work,So if he naturally got better the medicine works, If it didn't, It does not work. Is that the logic


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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I really don’t know why the hospitals don’t use this drug if a person is going south. Confusing for sure.

Let's start with the fact that they are getting paid big money by the federal govt to keep people in the hospital covid positive. This trickles down to nurses and doctors that actually want to help patients behind a veil of "corporate policy" on covid, no off label drugs allowed.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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So if he got worse or even died would that tell you it does not work,So if he naturally got better the medicine works, If it didn't, It does not work. Is that the logic

The logic is, it's a completely safe drug that is well known, so even if it does NOTHING, it's better than DOING NOTHING.

But the facts back up that it effective in many cases at helping people recover from covid.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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So the Havasu Hospital allowed him visitors? When my Girlfriend's Mother was in the hospital they didn't allow her any visitors for the 3 to 4 weeks she was in the hospital. I am glad someone was able to sneak him in a Ivermectin Burrito.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2013
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Hey, so heres a crazy question, whats the paste taste like? Being serious, just bought some to have on hand in case of emergency as I am not close to the border and if I had it and went there I feel like thats a dick move risking other people getting sick because I was unprepared. So yeah what does it taste like?


I'm Blessed
Oct 22, 2009
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https://www.pushhealth.com/drugs/ivermectin is where my family and I got it. We selected a local mom and pop pharmacy when that prompt came up, less chance of questioning than a CVS or something. $350 for consult and 2 boxes of 20 pills, no insurance

I did the same thing today through pushhealth.com and I chose the honeybeehealth.com home delivery and got 40 pills, 3mg each, for $197 after a 10% off coupon. The whole thing took 10 minutes.

They will be delivered next week at my house.


Tennessee Living
Dec 20, 2007
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I did the same thing today through pushhealth.com and I chose the honeybeehealth.com home delivery and got 40 pills, 3mg each, for $197 after a 10% off coupon. The whole thing took 10 minutes.

They will be delivered next week at my house.
What did you put down for illness?


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
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Let's start with the fact that they are getting paid big money by the federal govt to keep people in the hospital covid positive. This trickles down to nurses and doctors that actually want to help patients behind a veil of "corporate policy" on covid, no off label drugs allowed.
When I went in the hospital they told me that I would be there for 3 weeks. I went home on day 21.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
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Dave, this is the best thread to read today! I am so glad that we have a first hand story of the fact that this shit works and it works WELL! Why are they withholding from us?

We are know a Pfziermectin of Merckectin is coming soon. Its all about the money. So fucking sad!

Kick ass and I am glad I have my supply ready, both the pills and liquid form.
Repackage the existing ivermectin and put their name on it........:) Fukcers


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Hey, so heres a crazy question, whats the paste taste like? Being serious, just bought some to have on hand in case of emergency as I am not close to the border and if I had it and went there I feel like thats a dick move risking other people getting sick because I was unprepared. So yeah what does it taste like?
Mix it like a smoothie and you will never taste it. Although my horse cough…cough…prefers the apple flavor.