I think I'm in hell


100% American
Dec 19, 2007
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I just cant get a brake
over all thins have been OK for the last year just getting by but staying alive

went for a short vacation to Yosemite
some of you may have seen the pic I posted
had a good time

well I get home to find my mom fell and hurt her hip
she is 88 so she is in the hospital
but now doing OK hope she can go home in a week

and on top of that every thing else is going wrong and I don't know why

family problems and just every thing is jacked up

I cant type well enough to go into detail
and I don't think I want to ether
rant a little

lucky for you all if I could type this would be a thousand word post


Super Moderator
Jan 11, 2008
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Sorry to hear that things are rough-- I hope that they start looking up for you soon! I'll keep your mom in my prayers for a speedy recovery!


Honorary RDP Inmate #160 Emeritus - R.I.P. Mark 😢
Sep 28, 2007
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your not alone,this economy is kickn my ass,but i do see a light ,so?hang in there,good luck:cool:.ya know my wife said the other night"god never hands ya more then you can handle", i told her he's testn me big time!;)


100% American
Dec 19, 2007
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your not alone,this economy is kickn my ass,but i do see a light ,so?hang in there,good luck:cool:.ya know my wife said the other night"god never hands ya more then you can handle", i told her he's testn me big time!;)

I thought I was maxed out on what I could handle before
the vacation
the vacation was to get some of it off my mind
and it worked tell I got home
now for some reason the family is falling apart

guess I should have staid home
I see no light at the end right now


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
My impression of you is you're far tougher than the tough times you're going through.


Honorary RDP Inmate #160 Emeritus - R.I.P. Mark 😢
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
I thought I was maxed out on what I could handle before
the vacation
the vacation was to get some of it off my mind
and it worked tell I got home
now for some reason the family is falling apart

guess I should have staid home
I see no light at the end right now

you'll be ok just hang in there;)


100% American
Dec 19, 2007
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My impression of you is you're far tougher than the tough times you're going through.

I hope so
I have dealt with every thing before and some at the same time before
but now its every thing all at one time
and the people I had in the past to talk with
are part of the issues now
some cus of time like my mom she is getting old so a little fall is a big deal
not her fault just the way of life
and the people that should be there for me and here are not
and that is leaving me alone to hold up every thing and every one
I feel that I will need to let go of some so I can do right by the rest
but any thing I do seems like the wrong thing right now


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2007
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Hang in there, just get thru one day at a time, things will get better.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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My impression of you is you're far tougher than the tough times you're going through.

Mike read his quote again,then take a deep breath,and move forward.


Banned Inmate #2584...Now Inmate #20161
Jan 7, 2009
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I feel for you. Life is always very tough and it takes strength to get through it with a smile. These times are especially tough and stressful for everyone and some don't have the strength that you have to make it through.

Take it a little slower, savor the smallest positives. When you're smiling, happy, laughing think about why and hang onto those moments Be strong for yourself and you'll find the strength to carry others through.

Be good to yourself and to those who love you. Life is too short to spend time or waste energy on negative people who take away your strength. Get those people out of your life and spend more time with fewer people who truly care about you.

Hang in there. It will get better.


100% American
Dec 19, 2007
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thanks every one it helps to talk a little about things


an ordinary American
Sep 19, 2007
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I hope so
I have dealt with every thing before and some at the same time before
but now its every thing all at one time
and the people I had in the past to talk with
are part of the issues now
some cus of time like my mom she is getting old so a little fall is a big deal
not her fault just the way of life
and the people that should be there for me and here are not
and that is leaving me alone to hold up every thing and every one
I feel that I will need to let go of some so I can do right by the rest
but any thing I do seems like the wrong thing right now

Mike I hear ya.

My advice after 56 years is set your priorities. You can't be all things to all people. Get the most important stuff done first then deal with the rest if you can. If not, you can only do so much. You can't be responsible for people who won't assume responsibility for themselves (not referring to your mom but others). Money is tough right now for a lot of folks including myself. Again you only can do what you can do. Don't let it kill you. Because it can!

If you need someone to talk to send me a pm with a phone number... :)


Mountain Mama
Sep 24, 2007
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Just remember, you're not alone. Many people are hurting right now. Financial problems put a strain on even the best relationships. Accept the fact that some things you have no control over. Make the right decision every time and go to bed each night knowing that you are a good man and you did everything in your power to do the right things today. Tell yourself that over and over again. It always helps us to remind each other that there are others far worse off than we are. There was a point we were saying this about 4 times a day.

Working out helps also. I think it's the only way Jeff survived losing his business a couple of years ago. Seriously.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
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Working out helps also. I think it's the only way Jeff survived losing his business a couple of years ago. Seriously. Good luck.[/QUOTE said:
Great advise right there! And this is no Joke, YOGA class also.

I have used this a lot lately, but it is from a great scene in Rocky Balboa:

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you!


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Just remember, you're not alone. Many people are hurting right now. Financial problems put a strain on even the best relationships. Accept the fact that some things you have no control over. Make the right decision every time and go to bed each night knowing that you are a good man and you did everything in your power to do the right things today. Tell yourself that over and over again. It always helps us to remind each other that there are others far worse off than we are. There was a point we were saying this about 4 times a day.

Working out helps also. I think it's the only way Jeff survived losing his business a couple of years ago. Seriously.

Good luck.

Sometimes just living on love.


Mountain Mama
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I love the Rocky quote.

We just keep telling ourselves that we are thankful our kids are healthy and we haven't lost our house yet. Some folks aren't that lucky.

Miss Perfect

Junior Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Hang in there Mike, things WILL get better. They have too... that's what I always tell myself. You are stronger then all of this. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2007
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I've always said, the harder I get hit the bigger I bounce back.

You aren't alone Bro. And we are always around if ya need to vent.

Mrs Lovin Summer

Summer Summer Summer!!!
Dec 21, 2007
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Things are hard for alot of people right now. Hang in there and look for the sunshine. I am trying to :champagne:

September, 2009 has been the worst month of my life. Im 42 been married for 22 years and have a 19 year old son.

My sons BEST friend was killed in a car accident on September 1, 2009 he was like a son to us...he called me Mom. We taught him to wake board at the River ...he was with us every summer. It has been horrible. We are good friends with his parents and i dont know how they can survive. How can you loose a child? Everyone say time heals....it has only been worse for me. We buried him on the 5th of September. My son said the most awesome euguly at the service...i am so proud of him.

September 21, 2009 I lost my job. Thank god i am not going to loose my house or car....i cant find a job anywhere.

I have done Escrow for 20 years.....Title for 5 and banking for 3 years.

Sorry to jack your thread ...:(


100% American
Dec 19, 2007
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thanks for all the responses it really helped

thing have not gotten much better but I was able to get my head right to deal wath it a little better

Big Warlock

Dec 21, 2007
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I completely understand, as do many people on here. RD'd and PB have been little places of refuge for many of us for a few minutes here and there during the day.

I wish I had some words of wisdom that could help you and everyone else on here that is hurting. It is tough to loose things you have worked for. I am not getting any younger and it's difficult for me to watch everything I have put on the line for much of my adult life be put at risk. Simply put, there is no work out there for construction companies. And the little work that is there is being fought over by people none of us ever heard of at prices that are below cost.

I just learned I lost a $1.5 million job to a guy who bid $800K. Seriously, the materials are that and then you have to add people and equipment and consumables to it. I just sent the breakout to the low bid general contractor to allow him to ensure the low bid has everything in his bid.

This has been going on since the summer of 2007. Everyone has had their personal credit curbed. Same thing happened to business. Been a rough go for sure. No way to see if the light at the end of the tunnel is a train or the true end of the tunnel. :)

Thanks to all the positive people on here. Have alot of friends that have been way supportive and tried to support them as well. Some good has to come out of all this!!!

I really wish you the best and prayers to you and your family! I hope things turn around for you soon!!!



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Keep your head up man. What doesnt kill you only makes you stronger. Be thankful that your still vertical and that you get to enjoy the things in life you love to do with the people you love to do them with. Tomorrow is another day and is one step to things being better.:thumbsup


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Buddy, I feel your pain. Although Im not like most that I have a house and people to take care of, I do have plenty of other responsibilities. As many of you may know, I was trying to get into the CHP I had some connections and was fast tracked for the background process. Well, I was DQ'ed on my initial interview for REALLY small, petty things. Also, during that interview, I found out that I have an FTA that I really didnt know about and that my license is going to be (if not already) suspended. And again, I know to most of you and in the overall scheme of things its no HUGE deal. But its been freaking me out. Cause I can't take care of it til I get the money and every paycheck seems like its gone before I even get it. Then I was told I may be getting laid off here REALLY soon.

So, I have those along with other personal issues I have to deal with also. Not my proudest time. But I know I will make it through. One way or another.

Mike, you are a good man and have a good head on your shoulders. You will be fine once all is said and done. And You are probably right. You might have to let go of somethings to maintain the overall stability of you and your family. Its a tough call to make but Im sure you have the know-how to make the proper decisions.


Mountain Mama
Sep 24, 2007
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What's an FTA?

That sounds like quite a bit of stress. Hope you don't lose your license.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2007
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Well, I was DQ'ed on my initial interview for REALLY small, petty things. Also, during that interview, I found out that I have an FTA that I really didnt know about and that my license is going to be (if not already) suspended.

Wha the fawk? You are a perfect candidate! I can't believe that shiat.
Is there a chance you can go up again?
Dang that sucks...I was really hoping for that get out of jail free card.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
What's an FTA?

That sounds like quite a bit of stress. Hope you don't lose your license.

I might already have. Id rather not find out and fix it before I do find out

Wha the fawk? You are a perfect candidate! I can't believe that shiat.
Is there a chance you can go up again?
Dang that sucks...I was really hoping for that get out of jail free card.

I thought I was too. Shows that its easier to get hired if you are a good liar.

I'm thinking Failure To Appear.

Somebody didn't fix the fix-it-ticket...:thumbsdown

Both are right. Lovely California passed laws that made it WAAYYY too expensive for me to fix my truck for it to honestly pass the smog check. And the DMV told me I couldnt get the temp registration number (the red ones in the windows) so I got a fix-it ticket in the form of a parking ticket and didnt realize. Now its a $990 fix-it ticket and I still have to go in front of a judge once I can get it fixed.