I Remember Desert Center When


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2018
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I was at echo and big bend this season but just pulled up in the boat to the beach. Haven't driven into them in who knows how long.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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First trip to Parker for me was '61 or '62 and I will always remember the mess the restrooms were in and all the water bugs in the urinal. We stayed at River Lodge and fished with water dogs. The sound them puppies made when put on a hook still haunts me today.
back when managment gave a fuck about the park.pisses me off


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2018
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back when managment gave a fuck about the park.pisses me off
When I was young Riverlodge was beautiful and castle rock was awesome. Thors Grandpa ran castle rock. I call castle rock a 1 star resort with 5 star people. I love that place just wish Thor and his mom could bring them back to life.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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When I was young Riverlodge was beautiful and castle rock was awesome. Thors Grandpa ran castle rock. I call castle rock a 1 star resort with 5 star people. I love that place just wish Thor and his mom could bring them back to life.

We used to rent mobile homes in Castle Rock back in the day.

It was nice to launch out of the current!
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2018
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We used to rent mobile homes in Castle Rock back in the day.

I was nice to launch out of the current!
We rented them as well. We were still renting them like 10 years ago. We called them the white trash trailers🤣 we actually used to have our trailer at river lodge Thors mom has a pretty cool yoga studio over looking the water and my wife loved it. Place is huge so we could ride our bikes around. It was not terrible we were right behind friends in their tiny home. Then we moved to sunshine which is really nice. Mike takes really good care of that place. Then back to castle rock for a while. Then havasu springs. I love castle rock. Made some good friends there. It's all just dirt like river lodge and my wife couldn't stand it anymore.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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We rented them as well. We were still renting them like 10 years ago. We called them the white trash trailers🤣 we actually used to have our trailer at river lodge Thors mom has a pretty cool yoga studio over looking the water and my wife loved it. Place is huge so we could ride our bikes around. It was not terrible we were right behind friends in their tiny home. Then we moved to sunshine which is really nice. Mike takes really good care of that place. Then back to castle rock for a while. Then havasu springs. I love castle rock. Made some good friends there. It's all just dirt like river lodge and my wife couldn't stand it anymore.

So funny...

We were floating past the yoga studio yesterday and wondered what was up with that place! 🤣

We almost got booted out of River Lodge one year...

I'm launching some Estes Rockets I built, out over the river, and they would float right back to me.

The manager comes down and says...

So what kind of rockets are those?

My friend decided to be a fucking smart ass, picks one up and says...

It looks like a blue one to me?

We got an ass chewing about setting the desert on fire! I calmed the guy down and explained they are model rockets with parachutes and all that, and he eventually told us just to be careful. He was ready to give us the boot! 🤣


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2018
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It's crazy how much the river has changed. I'm only 50 but I have been on that water since I was a baby. I tell my girls about floating past river lodge and seeing the waterfall flowing down the mountain behind it. But hell I remember when a 24 foot boat and a lance camper showed up to sunshine back in the 80's and my Dad saying I would like to have that set up. We tent camped and pulled the 17'10 Sanger with a chevy short bed and I rode in the back with a friend the whole way. Bought my first boat at 19. Kona jet. I have raised my girls going to the river and when I die they know to set me on fire and take me for one last ride on glass alley and let me go.


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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well what happened?
Not as sexy story. We’re partying Arizona side. Everybody wanted to head back to the California side for an extra hour because of the time change or some thing.

I said no I got to go to bed. I got a drivers meeting in the morning didn’t hear any stories. They just closed the place.

Turns out my buddy, (who later ran a Syndicate RB in top eliminator) was tired and needed to lay down for a minute. But didn’t want to lay in the dirt. Saw a nice warm piece of asphalt and laid down.
He was awakened by a horn and a pair of headlights zinging by him at about 60 miles an hour.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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One of the things I remember about rice rd was all of the signs being shot to shit.. so many bullet holes in them some of them you could barely make out..

the burger joint across from the texaco had awesome food for a short period..

I can’t remember why now but one time the whole family had to come back in my dads short bed Chevy.. me and my brothers sitting in the bed of that truck with a blanket whipping the shit out of us.. lol.

I remember a bunch of dudes hanging out at either desert center or Vidal drinking with big signs saying “cops ahead”. I guess they got in some kinda trouble and that was their response..

i have a million stories from rice rd.. some Good, most bad to worse..



Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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One of the things I remember about rice rd was all of the signs being shot to shit.. so many bullet holes in them some of them you could barely make out..

the burger joint across from the texaco had awesome food for a short period..

I can’t remember why now but one time the whole family had to come back in my dads short bed Chevy.. me and my brothers sitting in the bed of that truck with a blanket whipping the shit out of us.. lol.

I remember a bunch of dudes hanging out at either desert center or Vidal drinking with big signs saying “cops ahead”. I guess they got in some kinda trouble and that was their response..

i have a million stories from rice rd.. some Good, most bad to worse..


We would throw our empty beer bottles at the signs. One year, on the way home, and almost to the 10...

I tell my friend Brian (I'm driving), finish up that beer and hit the sign coming up, no more drinking once we hit the 10!

He pulls back, to throw the almost empty beer bottle at the sign, but we were both so stupid (drunk), neither of us realized his window was still rolled up...


We laughed out fucking asses off and drove home the rest of the way smelling like beer.

RIP Brian. You are missed. 😔


I'm just here to bitch about others negativity.😁
Dec 25, 2007
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back when managment gave a fuck about the park.pisses me off
60 plus years ago I would imagine it was fairly new. It still looks the same today as I remember it way back when. :)


Sep 20, 2007
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One of the things I remember about rice rd was all of the signs being shot to shit.. so many bullet holes in them some of them you could barely make out..

the burger joint across from the texaco had awesome food for a short period..

I can’t remember why now but one time the whole family had to come back in my dads short bed Chevy.. me and my brothers sitting in the bed of that truck with a blanket whipping the shit out of us.. lol.

I remember a bunch of dudes hanging out at either desert center or Vidal drinking with big signs saying “cops ahead”. I guess they got in some kinda trouble and that was their response..

i have a million stories from rice rd.. some Good, most bad to worse..

If we stopped for an icecream cone or burger we'd count how many unwary drivers would fly over the big hump in the intersection.😂😁😁
Back in those days I reserved my 130mph runs for certain parts of the road where I was less noticable & the dips were not at....yeah, I was young once😪😂


Retired Neighbor
Jan 3, 2008
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We would throw our empty beer bottles at the signs. One year, on the way home, and almost to the 10...

I tell my friend Brian (I'm driving), finish up that beer and hit the sign coming up, no more drinking once we hit the 10!

He pulls back, to throw the almost empty beer bottle at the sign, but we were both so stupid (drunk), neither of us realized his window was still rolled up...


We laughed out fucking asses off and drove home the rest of the way smelling like beer.

RIP Brian. You are missed. 😔
Been there done that. Riding up in a van with the side door open, throwing michelob bottles at the signs. Damn bottle would not break.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Believe at one time the current owner of Black Meadow Landing and his father owned a number of resorts up and down the river. Maybe 5 or so. I know they had a legal battle between themselves and the son, George, ended up with BML.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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When I was young Riverlodge was beautiful and castle rock was awesome. Thors Grandpa ran castle rock. I call castle rock a 1 star resort with 5 star people. I love that place just wish Thor and his mom could bring them back to life.
Our family has been staying at CRS for over 25 years and have seen little progress during our stay. You summed it up with the 1 star comment.... it's the truth! 🤣 That's how I like it though. I like the peeps we've come to call family and the rates are reasonable. There are SOOOOOO many things that have been "Mickey Moused" over the years it's hilarious. I don't think I've seen one finished "Project" in that place. My parents start making excuses for the management and I rudely interrupt them. They need somebody to take over and focus on the bare essentials as the first priority. Once the basics have been addressed and improvements completed, then start a "Pet project" that everyone in the park will enjoy. The fact that "He" has all these brilliant fucking ideas with zero sense of direction has created the current climate. I won't go any further off the rails than that. With that said, I like the place and we will continue to go until SHTF. 👍


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
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We would throw our empty beer bottles at the signs. One year, on the way home, and almost to the 10...

I tell my friend Brian (I'm driving), finish up that beer and hit the sign coming up, no more drinking once we hit the 10!

He pulls back, to throw the almost empty beer bottle at the sign, but we were both so stupid (drunk), neither of us realized his window was still rolled up...


We laughed out fucking asses off and drove home the rest of the way smelling like beer.

RIP Brian. You are missed. 😔
HAHA we did the same thing out of the back of my El Camino coming home from a Memorial Weekend though instead of going thru Desert Center we turned and went thru 29 Palms to try and avoid some traffic and keeping the party going as we weren't drinking on the 10 either.