I don’t get some people’s business mindset.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."

This means you.

That's not very hard to understand.

Having the customer force you?
Nope, go away.

This is freedom.

This is what we should support, and what I support.


I'm a "live and let live" kinda dude. My wife and I have had arguments over the ridiculousness of these gayassfucks that pull this shit on a business owner and end up destroying, or attempt to do harm to any business/anybody that chooses something different than them. I have worked for gay peeps, could not care less what your sexual preferences, gender preference are etc. as long as we can respect each other choices/preferences and provide the agreed upon services and terms, conditions etc. to the mutual satisfaction of both parties, I'm good. My construction business runs and was built on word of mouth only and I've been in business continuously since 1986. I will work for and refuse to work for whomever I damn well please.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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It goes both ways. Businesses have the right to refuse service, and the public has the right to take their money elsewhere and impact the business.

I dont think the gov should have any say in who you do business with. Especially because someone is "offended." That word carries too much weight these days.
damn straight.........note..sexual orientation pun not intended butt kinna funny.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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I think the issue is more about the refusal to support the gay “lifestyle.”
I wonder if they would have sold them flowers or cake if it was for a birthday or graduation. I think the baker said something like that in an interview.
What would it mean to go against your beliefs just to make a sale?

To me it would mean greed over values and/or morals.....seems pretty simple.
If those gayasspeeps forced me to bake their cake I would've made it the shittiest, burnt, most disgusting thing ever wrapped in a beautiful cloak of icing. Here you go fuckers...eat this shit.....now go fuck yourselves silly. haha


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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I look at it from the other direction. If I asked a business to do something for me and they declined because of religious reasons, would I sue them?

Fuck no. I would respect their beliefs and find another vendor. That's what my Mom would want me to do, and it's the right thing.

The people that sue the vendor to jam their program down his throat are small brained assholes that don't deserve my acknowledgement. What really twists me off about it is that the same people that preached about tolerance and acceptance for years are now completely intolerant militant assholes that demand you conform to their worldview.

The world works two ways. Don't be a dick just because you can be.
well stated, gpau


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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I do business with Owners, CEO's, CFO's, etc, everyday. Atleast 30% of them, I wonder how they got to the position they're in, and how the Company they're running, is not Bankrupt.

Yes I quoted myself...

I should state, that I don't want to be or sound like a Hater. I'm not in any of those positions I listed, so I could very well be the one who's dumb Lol. :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2012
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I don't care what you do with your spare time as long as your money is green, Ill take it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Much of the American culture, especially "special interest groups", conflate morality with legality.

One of the beauties of our Constitution is that it upholds moral choice, as long as it doesn't violate legal standing. It is not illegal to refuse to do business with someone, period. There are many business owners on this site, myself included. The minute the court system tells us who or how we can run the business day to day, tyranny is right behind.

In the end, arguably the most powerful aspect of America is personal property rights. Nearly everything emanates from that principal. Either individuals can own their own property, business, opinion, speech (excluding hate, oppression, etc.) or we can't. The minute any of those things become subject to uncertainty, we are in trouble. You will see it first in the financial markets. USA is by far the most attractive country for global investment and financial security. It largely stems from personal property rights.

Men with deep conviction for their morals and integrity is exactly how America got started. Now we attack men who have some. It's unlikely the florist was out protesting the couple or their choices that are in opposition to his personal conviction.

This week's highlighting of Normandy reminds me of just how incredibly strong the conviction of men in this country was at both the leadership and "foot-soldier" level. Amazing fortitude. I realize the opposition had their conviction as well. Frankly, conviction can be wrong. One of the core realities of the Nazi philosophy was communism; to take away personal property rights and human value. Wrong conviction can be identified.

I fear the loss of that unique American generation is costing us heavily.
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Rattle Can Lou

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2007
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So I own and body shop and have for over 35 years. We don't do complete paint jobs on any vehicle...and I really don't care about the price..we don't do them..period. I get people in all the time that get pissed and storm out because I won't paint they're car..my business choice. On this baker deal I really think some are missing the point. The baker would do anything for the gay couple...except the wedding cake. The wedding cake was the kicker..anything else would have been fine...just like me..I will fix your car from an accident...but I damn well won't paint it complete...again..my choice.

mash on it

Beyond Hell Crew
Jan 26, 2011
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So I own and body shop and have for over 35 years. We don't do complete paint jobs on any vehicle...and I really don't care about the price..we don't do them..period. I get people in all the time that get pissed and storm out because I won't paint they're car..my business choice. On this baker deal I really think some are missing the point. The baker would do anything for the gay couple...except the wedding cake. The wedding cake was the kicker..anything else would have been fine...just like me..I will fix your car from an accident...but I damn well won't paint it complete...again..my choice.

And your freedom.



Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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They should have sold them what they wanted and donated the profits to a cause they believe in.

It’s their right to deny services but it’s a bad business move.

I have to work with cheap asses all the time!! Lmao!
Good business move. He earned my business if he was local