How was everyone’s weekend?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Was a good weekend for the most part. It did make me realize the change that has gong on in our family.….

As I was growing up we had what I thought was a close family. Turns out that it was my grandparents and their lust for a goor time with laughter and family close by. They traveled the US in their RVs the last 30 years of their lives. Making friends EVERYWHERE they went of all ages.

As a child we would have all the family together during holidays. We’d beg the parents to let us stay just a little longer to play 31 and try to wind the pot of nickels, letter to become quarters. LOL

Mother’s Day was a great event. We would go to the Tahitian Lanai in Waikiki.

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It was placed where the water slide is now. This was a special restaurant as most family that moved to or from Hawaii would be taken there like my parents and grandparents did when they moved to Hawaii. The family would get a little hut and most of the time it was grand parents, parents and aunts/uncles and cousins.

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The mothers were always the belle of the ball on that day and showered with gifts from my grandfather who adored and loved all of them no matter what.

Well…..fast forward 40+ years and……

The Tahitian Lanai is no longer there. Although when word went out that they were closing the manager who was a family friend at this point gave my grandparents a few table settings that are still at the family home.

My grandparents have passed but they left me such vivid memories to which I try to create with my wife and son.

My siblings and cousins have all moved away from Hawaiii.

Stepfather passed away 5 years ago

Father passed away 2 years ago

Mother moved to Bend Oregon to the home that she bought years ago next to my sister.

So after growning up with the ideal family. Or as my wife and a few other have said…..”I am the bubble boy OR grew up in a bubble”

Here I sit with……
My Step Mother who still is not able to do much as she still mourns the passing of my father for 2 years now.
My wife who has had unbelievable medical challenges at a time that we should enjoy life.
Our son who started a business last year and made over 6 figures in 9 months. But saddened for the loss of his grandfather.

I realized 3 years ago as my wife was going through her challenges that your family is what YOU make. I have started with good relationships with friends and make them great!!!! Started finding new friends who, like my grandfather, look past my faults and enjoy the time that we have together.

I look to getting into our boat this summer to bring me back tot he day of floating in Moanaluian Bay surfing and even when there were not any wave just dicking around in the ocean.

I thank the members of RDP for being my new family!!!!

I fully relate to the grew up in a bubble syndrome.. my mom and my dad made sure I had an awesome childhood. Unfortunately after my dad passed the house I grew up in has turned into something I barely recognize.. the “family” is all leeches sucking what money she has left.. it’s to the point I can’t even go there without becoming extremely angry inside.. I am extremely protective over my mom, but there’s nothing you can do when she makes the choices she makes, she wants to take care of them all, and they soak it up.

I normally put my entire life on here like an open book.. last week my mom was in the hospital, she couldn’t breathe. I didn’t post it, honestly I thought that was the end as things were really kinda touch and go.

After four days they discovered she has congestive heart failure, which is completely shocking to me because she isn’t overweight, doesn’t smoke etc..

To paint a picture here though.. not one person (even though they all live either with her or near her) visited her in the hospital.

I asked my brother to go get her a humidifier for her room.. still no humidifier.

The only upside out of all of this is I think my mom is finally realizing what these people are all about after years of me trying to explain it to her.

This morning one of my nephews that lives there left the house and let the dog out.. the dog is crazy and doesn’t come when you call it. So my mom was out there trying to get the dog back, he just looked at her and drove away. Lol. Pretty sure he’s getting the boot now.

The whole scene is so far from where I came from to where it is.. I hold a ton of resentment and anger. Literally went from leave it to beaver, to assholes r us.

I am glad Stacy now live in our own “little bubble” in AZ. My kids are totally shielded from all that BS, and when my mom passes, they will never be around those people again.



What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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I fully relate to the grew up in a bubble syndrome.. my mom and my dad made sure I had an awesome childhood. Unfortunately after my dad passed the house I grew up in has turned into something I barely recognize.. the “family” is all leeches sucking what money she has left.. it’s to the point I can’t even go there without becoming extremely angry inside.. I am extremely protective over my mom, but there’s nothing you can do when she makes the choices she makes, she wants to take care of them all, and they soak it up.

I normally put my entire life on here like an open book.. last week my mom was in the hospital, she couldn’t breathe. I didn’t post it, honestly I thought that was the end as things were really kinda touch and go.

After four days they discovered she has congestive heart failure, which is completely shocking to me because she isn’t overweight, doesn’t smoke etc..

To paint a picture here though.. not one person (even though they all live either with her or near her) visited her in the hospital.

I asked my brother to go get her a humidifier for her room.. still no humidifier.

The only upside out of all of this is I think my mom is finally realizing what these people are all about after years of me trying to explain it to her.

This morning one of my nephews that lives there left the house and let the dog out.. the dog is crazy and doesn’t come when you call it. So my mom was out there trying to get the dog back, he just looked at her and drove away. Lol. Pretty sure he’s getting the boot now.

The whole scene is so far from where I came from to where it is.. I hold a ton of resentment and anger. Literally went from leave it to beaver, to assholes r us.

I am glad Stacy now live in our own “little bubble” in AZ. My kids are totally shielded from all that BS, and when my mom passes, they will never be around those people again.


Thanks for sharing Dave. Sorry to hear about your mother. Hopefully she is on track to recovery and as you say sees the way of others. It is interesting that you say that you are so happy to be in Havasu. That is exactly how I feel as I was telling you about my story in your office that Monday. I look forward to many years in my new bubble with the family that I choose. We are blessed to be Luv’n Life In Havasu!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2018
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Sorry to hear about your mom and can fully relate to the siblings issues. I have a brother and sister that I haven’t spoken to since 1995 over similar circumstances. It sucks but it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Went to Laughlin to meet the “in-laws” who were down from Montana for a wedding. Weather was hot but the outside portion of the wedding was fast. Stopped by Rainbow Beach on the way out to show my fiancée and kids one of the places I grew up going to the river. This was my 4th river trip in 5 weeks, I think the whole family is looking forward to some time at home each weekend for the next month or so lol.

Didn’t take many pics


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2020
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7 big amberjack fishing on a panga out of sjd. Hell yeah the sushi they made from just one fillet was fucking incredible. Yeah I look fat as fuck in the photo


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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2020
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I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
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My brother got his wife a mothers day present. Package deal boat and truck..lol

I asked if I could by my old bubble deck back now he said no, but I could buy his lake boat🤬

We'll be taking it out for the first time this weekend.

Caydens Cat

all I got was a t-shirt
Feb 11, 2010
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Had a Covid scare so we were unsure of our plans. Got the negative result and it was on! Smoked 3 racks of ribs and tri-tip. Everyone loved it. My family, sisters family and both sets of our parent (mine and in-laws). We are fortunate to still have the opportunity to have the family together and enjoy celebrating Mothers Day. That was a gift for everyone.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2019
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Went to a bat mitzvah for one of my daughters friends. First time ever going to anything like that. Let me tell you, those Jewish fuggers know how to party!



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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We haven't done the tour but worked the desal plant during the build. Went there last year and the guy just let us go in and buy oysters. The process we talked about was fairly strict with regards to cleaning.
I believe it’s a 48 hour cleaning period. That and the fact they “farm” them on demand is pretty cool. The whole process was fun to see


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Fabulous weekend starting on Thursday.
Beautiful daughter graduating from University of Colorado Boulder. Pretty cool to have my Dad make the trip, he just turned 90.

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Nothing has changed in the last 4 years since we were there. Good to see that grandpa was able to make it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Took the wife to Hawaii for Mother’s Day and our Anniversary. I think I scored some points!
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Yeah but since you work for Disney I am sure you got a good rate. 👍 Never the less good on you. I hope that you got a little on the vacation. When do you go back? If you need dinner tomorrow night let me know. I will spring for it since our son never wants to go out for dinner. Cheese Cake in Kamakana Alii??

Music to my Ears

Conducting Beautiful Music
Nov 18, 2007
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Yeah but since you work for Disney I am sure you got a good rate. 👍 Never the less good on you. I hope that you got a little on the vacation. When do you go back? If you need dinner tomorrow night let me know. I will spring for it since our son never wants to go out for dinner. Cheese Cake in Kamakana Alii??
You’ve got that right. 😂 I was able to get about 60% off of a 2 bedroom villa this time. 👍 Where is Kamakana Alii? I appreciate the offer!


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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You’ve got that right. 😂 I was able to get about 60% off of a 2 bedroom villa this time. 👍 Where is Kamakana Alii? I appreciate the offer!

Going out to the area tomorrow am. What are you guys doing for the day. Let’s do a road trip around the island. I am up for anything. Looking for a good time!!!! LOL

But I will not WALK to you like I did for Don and Stephanie. LOL
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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I fully relate to the grew up in a bubble syndrome.. my mom and my dad made sure I had an awesome childhood. Unfortunately after my dad passed the house I grew up in has turned into something I barely recognize.. the “family” is all leeches sucking what money she has left.. it’s to the point I can’t even go there without becoming extremely angry inside.. I am extremely protective over my mom, but there’s nothing you can do when she makes the choices she makes, she wants to take care of them all, and they soak it up.

I normally put my entire life on here like an open book.. last week my mom was in the hospital, she couldn’t breathe. I didn’t post it, honestly I thought that was the end as things were really kinda touch and go.

After four days they discovered she has congestive heart failure, which is completely shocking to me because she isn’t overweight, doesn’t smoke etc..

To paint a picture here though.. not one person (even though they all live either with her or near her) visited her in the hospital.

I asked my brother to go get her a humidifier for her room.. still no humidifier.

The only upside out of all of this is I think my mom is finally realizing what these people are all about after years of me trying to explain it to her.

This morning one of my nephews that lives there left the house and let the dog out.. the dog is crazy and doesn’t come when you call it. So my mom was out there trying to get the dog back, he just looked at her and drove away. Lol. Pretty sure he’s getting the boot now.

The whole scene is so far from where I came from to where it is.. I hold a ton of resentment and anger. Literally went from leave it to beaver, to assholes r us.

I am glad Stacy now live in our own “little bubble” in AZ. My kids are totally shielded from all that BS, and when my mom passes, they will never be around those people again.

If you ever need something / help with your mom, you have my cell.
plenty of RD members within 15 minutes of your moms place


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Just finished up a 28 day straight stint at the station, then Tuesday night the havasu neighbor calls me to tell me a water line broke. Wife had to work all weekend so I packed up meatball and shot out to havasu Thursday night and came home yesterday evening.

My son had a blast and I was able to fix the line and even catch up with some old friends friday. Saturday evening took him down to the channel and let him play around. Met this cool local named Jeff with the deck boat putting out 28k watts, my son liked the stereo and just wanted to hang out in the back of the boat. We spent a little time at Windsor in the evening friday and sunday. My son loves to go to the ramp to watch the boats, and I'm a ramp rat so I didn't mind taking him down
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Don't wait til' life's easy to be happy
Jul 30, 2020
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We planted the garden on Saturday. Sunday we went to church then LINDO Mexico restaurant in Prescott. Then came home and just piddled around the garage and put these straps on my boat trailer while kids and momma napped.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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@Nanu/Nanu must have missed the thread about this straps not helping anything…(I think they are fine but who am I)
Good job! The trim tabs are dusty and that’s not allowed on rdp! Ceramic coat them is dust doesn’t stick!!

@SOCALCRICKETT good job dad! Seeing and ready how happy you have been with spending time with your son is all that matters!
That kicker boat is out of this world loud tho! Haha have seen him cruise the channel and pirates no boat is anywhere near that!
Would be scared if anything caught fire on that thing.


Don't wait til' life's easy to be happy
Jul 30, 2020
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@Nanu/Nanu must have missed the thread about this straps not helping anything…(I think they are fine but who am I)
Good job! The trim tabs are dusty and that’s not allowed on rdp! Ceramic coat them is dust doesn’t stick!!

@SOCALCRICKETT good job dad! Seeing and ready how happy you have been with spending time with your son is all that matters!
That kicker boat is out of this world loud tho! Haha have seen him cruise the channel and pirates no boat is anywhere near that!
Would be scared if anything caught fire on that thing.
You've obviously never taken a boat and trailer across the great Navajo Rapids of the Navajo nation. 🤣

Maybe they don't but it brings peace to my mind. And I didn't even put another hole in my boat.

I know I think this weekend the girls getting a wash wax and polish on the billet. I'm pretty sure chino valley AZ holds the record for longest consecutive run of windy days. Drives my wife insane how dusty the house always is.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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@Nanu/Nanu must have missed the thread about this straps not helping anything…(I think they are fine but who am I)
Good job! The trim tabs are dusty and that’s not allowed on rdp! Ceramic coat them is dust doesn’t stick!!

@SOCALCRICKETT good job dad! Seeing and ready how happy you have been with spending time with your son is all that matters!
That kicker boat is out of this world loud tho! Haha have seen him cruise the channel and pirates no boat is anywhere near that!
Would be scared if anything caught fire on that thing.
Thanks man, my boy is a rad little sidekick. We are in the stage where he asks what everything is over and over and over, I don't think he stopped to even take a breath for the last 4 hours of the ride home. Lol, I wouldn't change it for the world.

Yeah Jeff showed me the generator he keeps on board just to run the amps.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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You've obviously never taken a boat and trailer across the great Navajo Rapids of the Navajo nation. 🤣
Idc where you are taken it. It needs to be shiney when it leaves and shiney when it hits the water no exceptions


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2020
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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Thanks man, my boy is a rad little sidekick. We are in the stage where he asks what everything is over and over and over, I don't think he stopped to even take a breath for the last 4 hours of the ride home. Lol, I wouldn't change it for the world.

Yeah Jeff showed me the generator he keeps on board just to run the amps.
My oldest was the same way. It’s how he would keep himself from going to sleep. The FOMO was strong. You’ve got the right attitude. Enjoy while you can.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Spent the weekend in Miami at the F1 hosted in Red Bull’s paddock…good times…from Red Bull Mojitos, intense pit action and Post Malone concerts at the hard rock hospitality next to us… it was like Coachella & Car race all one… town was on fire…



Water Romper

Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2007
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These boats are awesome- growing up in So Cal and being a Havi weekend warrior, never really saw one. Moved to Idaho and one day I'm fishing the Snake from shore and I hear this noise thinking it sounded like a jet boat, sure enough up comes a full on Mad Max looking metal boat (a Weild i think- sp?) and it looked great- perfect fishing boat. Local boys take them out in winter and fish when its snowing, they have heaters etc. This would be my 3rd boat if I could.



Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Raining again this weekend........................ Sold my Mercedes ML350 and came out $3800 ahead. It was a good flip. It was an 04 with 65k miles on the od. So was mint. The seller had it outside for a year uncovered. ABS module was toast so all the dash warning lights on. It was in limp mode. Seller thought it was fucked and sold it cheap. Replaced the module and all was good. Washed and waxed and it came out mint.

I should do this every weekend.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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The weekend is still going. It has changed a few times and we ended up boating Friday and Saturday and then drove this morning to Pasadena to attend the Crew World concert


Don't wait til' life's easy to be happy
Jul 30, 2020
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It was good. Wife and I detailed the boat Sat. Morning then sat afternoon we had a family get together. On my way there I met up with @Thomas K to give him a tool for his boat. Family function was a lot of fun and the kids were wore out! Sunday I went to work. , Then met the wife and kids at her parents house then we came home and just wrapped up loose ends to get ready for the week.