Gonna be gone for a little bit.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Best of luck to you in your journey. Looking forward to your return soon. Post up if you need anything. There are many that have gone down the same path. You are not alone!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
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I’m just a single dude with no family of my own, but had a life flash before my eyes moment at the hands of alcohol. It flipped a switch in my brain and i havent touched alcohol in over 4 years. My life isnt dramatically better sober, arguably much less exciting, but life with alcohol could be way way worse. As you age and stack responsibilities, the consequences of drinking increase exponentially. I hope you can flip the switch, for your sake and your families, you’ve got a lot of reasons to succeed!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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You know, I recently acquired a slightly used "Stimulator 1000" and being a brother Sparky and fellow RDPer, should a bit of motivational therapy be required, I'd wave my normal fee :oops: 😁

Stimulator 1000.jpg


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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My wife picked me up from jail 9 months pregnant. It didn’t happen that night but that’s the event that made me realize I had a real problem. I will honestly without a doubt say that if I were still drinking I would not be where I’m at. I can almost guarantee I’d be out in the field yelling and cussing my way through life. I’m a completely different person than I was 10 years ago. All the baseball and time with the kids wouldn’t be happening if I were still drinking.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Dr and my wife told me I better lay off due to health reasons. Shoot good thing the didn’t know me from my 18pack a day habit lol.

Been on 2-3 a day for a long long time. Now I’m down to 2-3 a week at most.

Hardest part is not having something in my hand, it’s like walking around naked lol.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2013
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Trying to get a handle on this drinking stuff so I’m gonna be outta the loop for another 25 days.

But everything is good.

You got this! One day at a time. My 1 year alcohol free was August 26th of this year and if I can do it, anybody can. Lots of people here to offer support. You WILL feel better physically when you dry out. Mentally, I still desire a drink but know I am better off without.


Jul 12, 2011
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Sounds like you have have a pretty good handle on it now. Just follow through and conquer your goals. Nobody is going anywhere soon. Happy to help or lend an ear if needed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
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Attaboy.... Sounds like you are on the right track, once you find out what you are trying to keep buried. Its much easier.


On Vacation
Nov 25, 2015
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Sounds like you're saying that we're bad influence?!

Good luck. I have close family member who has been deeeeeeepppp in it for about 14 years. Always nice to see someone take control of it 👍

Lunatic Fringe

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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Life without alcohol is...life. 👍👍
Live it well.
I hope you take long term control and do what is best for yourself and other's who care about you.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2017
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Not sure what the experts say it is a good idea or not but there are a ton of great non alcoholic ipa's out there that really curb the craving for a beer at social events. I like the athletic brewing ones.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I’ve been on a break since September 7th. Tired of feeling crappy in the morning. I have always done the dry January thing with @Boatmaster. Never really had a problem with that so this is the same deal. More productive on weekends too.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2020
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When I checked into rehab July 1 1989 , Day I was absolutley mind blown that I did'nt drink, smoke or snort anything for just that day. Luckily I have not had to since.

Lots of hard days followed but it get easier as time stacks up. Spent a significant amount of time in Bill W's world and it helped alot.

Good Luck in your journey and congrats on the first step !!


Super Moderator
Jan 11, 2008
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Good for you for taking control. Sending you a high five and wishes for continued strength. You can do this!

I have a close friend that had to quit and this song always reminds me of him.

"I'm a hundred million miles from where I thought I was
I'm starting to become the person that I knew I could
So here I am, here I stand I'm becoming a better man
The man upstairs has his plan, so understand it's all written

It is alright

I got to make it alright"

-Stick Figure "Easy Runaway"

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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You got this.
Hardest part is admitting you need help and it looks like you did that already.

My sister’s marriage was destroyed due to her now ex-husband not making that move.

Mad props to those who do!


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2018
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No personal experience here but it sounds like you’ve made the right 1st step. Best of luck to you and your continuing success. :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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While I don't have a problem, I come from a family with relatives that owe their lives to AA, so It's always been part of the family. I'm happy to say that all are sober. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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About 20-years ago I was familiar with a prelude on a Sinead O'Connor song - God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

Like a dumbass, I never knew it was "serenity prayer/poem" adopted by AA.

Then one day as I drove along the 91 freeway, listening to Sinead, like the many thousands of times I had done before, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I kid you not, it was like somebody flipped a switch in my head.

Suddenly, I understood the meaning of the poem in its entirety. And I felt relief; a calm that my miserable fawking journey was over.

And yes, all this happened while driving down the freeway lol.

Anyways, the Cliff Notes are that some people can drink, and others can't. Always remember it's that simple.

Some of you may read this and it makes no sense. But to others, we understand exactly what it means.

Keep at it. :)


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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You got this.
Hardest part is admitting you need help and it looks like you did that already.

My sister’s marriage was destroyed due to her now ex-husband not making that move.

Mad props to those who do!
My wife never asked me to change or threatened me or anything like that. She very calmly sat down with me and said look, you know I love you. The good and the bad. I know who you are, and I’m not asking you to be someone you’re not, or to do anything you don’t want to. She said but I’m going to tell you this one time and one time only. I will not sit here and watch you ruin your life or this child’s life making bad decisions. I’m tearing up right now just remembering that talk and remembering where I was. That was one of the darkest points in my life. I’m lucky I have the support I do because I really wanted to take the easy way out and at one point I thought it would be better for everyone. I know how wrong I was but man this is giving me chills just thinking about it.i decided that I needed to make a choice to either keep my family or keep drinking. I didn’t want my son to one day ask why his mom and I weren’t together and I didn’t want to explain that I felt that drinking was more important to me than both of them. It didn’t get better right away. In fact I remember coming on here one night and saying I was lost. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. Jason Voodoo med man invited me to church that night. Sounds so weird from a boating website but without getting too deep into it my life has been significantly better since that night. Jason might not ever know it but he completely changed our lives and I owe that man way more than I could ever pay


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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I'm not going to lie, it isn't easy. A year and a half ago, I completely stopped drinking and hit the gym going Paleo. Lost 90lbs pretty quickly and felt really good. Looking good, feeling good, I bought a crappy pontoon to hit the local lakes with the fam...started having a couple thicker beers while out on the water. Started having a few more when we got home then started going to breweries. A year later, the weight came back on and I feel like crap again and sleep even worse.

I just started back at the gym and going back to protein the diet. Last night was the first night in at least a year that I slept 8 hours non-stop. I love me some good amber beers and conversation with the wife, but it's just not worth it.

Once you get past 3 weeks, you won't want to go back. Just make it 3 weeks no matter what and then it will just be not giving in the temptations of friends. If you do give it, drink so hard you won't want to do it again....take those shots, drink that crappy liquor, and it will hurt so bad the next day you'll not do it again.

Good luck~


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
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It is possible to do everything you love without alcohol, took me 40 years to learn this! been about year and a half for me, still crave once and a while but always wake up next day glad I didn't drink! Maybe it comes with age, just glad I took the step when I did!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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My wife never asked me to change or threatened me or anything like that. She very calmly sat down with me and said look, you know I love you. The good and the bad. I know who you are, and I’m not asking you to be someone you’re not, or to do anything you don’t want to. She said but I’m going to tell you this one time and one time only. I will not sit here and watch you ruin your life or this child’s life making bad decisions. I’m tearing up right now just remembering that talk and remembering where I was. That was one of the darkest points in my life. I’m lucky I have the support I do because I really wanted to take the easy way out and at one point I thought it would be better for everyone. I know how wrong I was but man this is giving me chills just thinking about it.i decided that I needed to make a choice to either keep my family or keep drinking. I didn’t want my son to one day ask why his mom and I weren’t together and I didn’t want to explain that I felt that drinking was more important to me than both of them. It didn’t get better right away. In fact I remember coming on here one night and saying I was lost. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. Jason Voodoo med man invited me to church that night. Sounds so weird from a boating website but without getting too deep into it my life has been significantly better since that night. Jason might not ever know it but he completely changed our lives and I owe that man way more than I could ever pay
My sister never asked the father of her kids to change. Then one day, he came home drunk, pulled the gun out and came within 6 inches of ending my sister’s life. My oldest nephew called me, and when I called my sister, I told her you have 24hrs to figure this shit out OR your boys are moving to CA with uncle!

While he was away in jail, the divorce was done and a multi-year restraining order was issued. At last check, my sisters ex was back in jail for breaking probation (alcohol test came back positive).


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2013
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For those not going through the struggle of alcohol addiction, please remember when your around someone who is, you need to support and help them stay on the right path. Not for a week or month but for years. Recovery is a lifetime battle and achievement.

When you have them over, or have a party, don’t drink alcohol. Do it for them. Don’t be selfish and put the temptation in front of them because you don’t have a problem with alcohol.

If you can’t have a good time without it, then maybe you too have a problem and don’t realize it. I have a friend who’s a recovering alcoholic, and it’s been 12-15 years, and he actually is able to control it and be around others who are socially having a drink. But to be respectful to him and support his sobriety, I don’t drink alcohol around him and he knows I’m doing it for him.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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For those not going through the struggle of alcohol addiction, please remember when your around someone who is, you need to support and help them stay on the right path. Not for a week or month but for years. Recovery is a lifetime battle and achievement.

When you have them over, or have a party, don’t drink alcohol. Do it for them. Don’t be selfish and put the temptation in front of them because you don’t have a problem with alcohol.

If you can’t have a good time without it, then maybe you too have a problem and don’t realize it. I have a friend who’s a recovering alcoholic, and it’s been 12-15 years, and he actually is able to control it and be around others who are socially having a drink. But to be respectful to him and support his sobriety, I don’t drink alcohol around him and he knows I’m doing it for him.
My buddy Steve is my biggest supporter when it comes to this. I always get offered drinks. I usually casually reply no thanks I don’t drink. Some guys will push it and say oh come on just one. Steve always jumps in and says the fucking guy just said he doesn’t drink 😂😂 it honestly doesn’t even bother me anymore, I’m good with my choices, but I love watching Steve defend me it’s awesome and cracks me up.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2008
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I have this talk with my kids often.
It amazes me to see how centric alcohol is to our daily life--without even realizing it.

How many times do you or you hear people say "Ive had a hard day--gonna have a beer" (or whatever the drink of choice). Or lets celebrate and have a drink. Maybe its to commemorate the long week you just went through or to kickoff the holiday week your leaving for?
My point is this--many lives revolve around alcohol without even knowing it. They do these things without any thought or regard to why. Why am I drinking? Then it becomes habitual almost to the point of addiction but not to the point of dependency.
So next time you have a drink--ask yourself why and is it worth it.

I did not have a problem with alcohol. But somewhere, somehow I found myself asking these questions. Maybe it was more I was asked these questions by friends when I turned down a drink. See--I never drink on the water. Everyone I boat with knows I drink DrPepper, Rockstar or Gatorade on the boat. I dont drink when I go out to eat. I dont drink anytime I am responsible for getting me or my family home. So that leaves far less opportunity to drink already.
So I just found myself drinking less and less. Do I still drink--yes. Just had 2 beers this week. I was just in Nashville Tuesday and meet a few friends to catch up. We went out to dinner--I had water. Then we walked over to The Stage on Broadway and had a few beers while we listened to music and talked. We took Lyft to and from--so I was not the responsible party. I drank to enjoy the drink, not for any other reason.

So I challenge you to only try and drink when you are not the responsible party and when it is not for any reason other than to enjoy a drink. You may find yourself drinking much less too.

just my .02


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2020
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For those not going through the struggle of alcohol addiction, please remember when your around someone who is, you need to support and help them stay on the right path. Not for a week or month but for years. Recovery is a lifetime battle and achievement.

When you have them over, or have a party, don’t drink alcohol. Do it for them. Don’t be selfish and put the temptation in front of them because you don’t have a problem with alcohol.

If you can’t have a good time without it, then maybe you too have a problem and don’t realize it. I have a friend who’s a recovering alcoholic, and it’s been 12-15 years, and he actually is able to control it and be around others who are socially having a drink. But to be respectful to him and support his sobriety, I don’t drink alcohol around him and he knows I’m doing it for him.
In my opinion and experience this is just not realistic nor would I expect everyone to change there ways because I abused my priviledge to drink. PEOPLE , especially heavy drinkers are just not that considerate.

The advise given to me early on and it stuck .... If you don't want a haircut don't hang out in a barbershop !